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SPP模式,即short pair passage, 双篇短阅读模式。我们首先要明确的是,这两篇文章一定是有或多或少的联系的,否则把他们放在一起就没有任何意义。而将两篇文章罗列在一起进行出题也是SAT考试的一大特色。
二.    做题策略:
⑴ 简单阅读两篇文章并作简要笔记
在拿到试题后,考生可以直接对两篇短文章进行阅读。当然我们要有针对性,这样才能节省时间并提高准度。在阅读过程中,有三类句子我们需要特别关注:a. 文章开头第一句;b. 文章最后一句;c. 文章中的转折部分。
⑵ 迅速扫读题干
⑶ 审查选项
⑷ 做出选择
三.    边练边说
下面我们为大家选出一篇SAT 真题(2009年5月),以讲解刚才提到的做题策略
The passage below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passage may also be based on the relationship between the paired passage ,Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage and in any introductory material that may be  provided
Questions 9-12 are based on the following passage
Passage 1
In a recent survey concerning plagiarism among scholars, two University of Alabama economists asked 1,200 of their colleagues if they believed their work had ever been stolen. A startling 40 percent answered yes. While not a random sample, the responses still represent hundreds of cases of alleged plagiarism. Very few of them will ever be dragged into the sunlight. That’s because academia often discourages victims form seeking justice, and when they do, tends to ignore their complaints. “It’s like cockroaches,” says the author of a recent book about academic fraud. “For every one you see on the floor, there are a hundred behind the stove”
Passage 2
Words belong to the person who wrote them. There are few simpler ethical notions than this, particularly as society directs more and more energy toward the creation of intellectual property. In the past 30 years, copyright laws have been strengthened, fighting piracy has become an obsession with Hollywood, and, in the worlds of academia and publishing, plagiarism has gone from being bad literary manners to something close to a felony. When a noted historian was recently found to have lifted passages from other historians, she was asked to resign form the board of the Pulitzer Prize committee. And why not? If she had robbed a bank, she would have been fired the next day.
9. Both passages discuss which of the following?
(A) Reactions to plagiarism committed by scholars
(B) An increase in plagiarism by college professors
(C) The impact that academic fraud can have on the communication of scholarly ideas
(D) A major change in copyright laws that occurred within the past three decades
(E) Recent and highly publicized cases of plagiarism
10. The “author” (line 10, Passage 1) would likely argue that the historian’s having “lifted passages from other historians” (line 21-22, Passage2) is
(A) a relatively harmless error
(B) an example of academic collaboration
(C) deserving of harsh punishment
(D) far from an isolated incident
(E) a comparatively recent problem
11. The author of Passage 2 would likely respond to the actions attributed to “academia” in lines8-9 in Passage 1 (academia …complaints) by asserting that
(A)   these actions are consistent with the approach common in publishing
(B)   academic plagiarism has usually been misrepresented in surveys
(C)   researchers should not be held accountable for inadvertent mistakes
(D)  universities increasingly amnesty to researchers serious offense
(E)   colleges should provide amnesty to researchers accused of plagiarism
12. Which best describes the relationship between the two passages?
(A) Passage 1 advocates a strategy that Passage 2 considers outmoded
(B) Passage 1 envisions an idealistic condition that Passage 2 finds impossible
(C) Passage 1 provides a detached analysis to which Passage 2 responds with alarm
(D) Passage 1 describes a state of affairs that Passage 2 views as inexcusable.
(E) Passage 1 emphasizes the causes of a problem and Passage 2 emphasizes its effects.
首先,我们一上来可以简单阅读两篇文章,把握文章大意,并作简要笔记。刚才我们提到过,在阅读过程中,有三类句子我们需要特别关注:a. 文章开头第一句;b. 文章最后一句;c. 文章中的转折部分。
现在我们从Passage 1开始。我们看到的第一句是,In a recent survey concerning plagiarism among scholars, two University of Alabama economists asked 1,200 of their colleagues if they believed their work had ever been stolen, a startling 40 percent answered yes, while not a random sample, the responses still represent hundreds of cases of alleged into the sunlight . 这句看起来很长,不好分析,而仔细一看我们可以发现主题信息在句子的前半句,In a recent survey concerning plagiarism among scholars, two University of Alabama economists asked 1,200 of their colleagues if they believed their work had ever been stolen, a startling 40 percent answered yes...我们首先可以知道,我们即将看到的是一项关于学者抄袭现象的调查。在这项调查中,1200名学者被问到是否相信自己的work被人剽窃过,而其中40%给出的是肯定答案。于是我们可以留下一个印象,即这是一篇关于学术抄袭的文章。后面while引出的句子也很关键,其目的是为了引出下文。它讲的是这些涉及到的抄袭案例只有很少一部分能被公布于众。为什么呢?That’s because academia often discourages victims form seeking justice, and when they do, tends to ignore their complaints. 好吧,原来是学术界不鼓励人们为自己讨回公道,对于他们的抱怨置之不理。这种漠视的态度带来的是人们对自己被侵犯后的无可奈何,哪怕你抄袭了我的成果,那又能怎样呢?干脆不管了。然后我们到了文章的最后一个部分,这里需要我们的focus,让我们打起精神: “It’s like cockroaches,” says the author of a recent book about academic fraud. “For every one you see on the floor, there are a hundred behind the stove”这是一个很有趣的比方,因为紧呈上句,所以当然还是针对抄袭泛滥这一现象说的,某某书的作者把抄袭比作地板上的小强。我们相信同学们现在家里条件比较舒适,小强这种东西还是很少见到的。但饱受小强困扰的同学们一定知道,你要是看到地上有一只小强正在练习跑步,那就完蛋了,因为你的床底下,你的衣橱里,你可爱的小屋已经被n多小强占领了­——“For every one you see on the floor, there are a hundred behind the stove”,你没看到并不代表它们不存在——而这正是抄袭现象最好的影射,一例被发现的抄袭案例的背后仍隐藏着许多未被人们发觉的案例。
让我们进入第二篇阅读,不用说,肯定也涉及到抄袭现象这个问题了。文章第一句告送我们:Words belong to the person who wrote them. 这句话是什么意思大家都清楚,刚读完第一篇文章就看到这句话,我们有一个很深刻的印象,那就是第二篇文章肯定是坚决反对抄袭现象的了。而文章后面的内容都是支持第一句话的:There are few simpler ethical notions than this, particularly as society directs more and more energy toward the creation of intellectual property. In the past 30 years, copyright laws have been strengthened, fighting piracy has become an obsession with Hollywood, and in the worlds of academia and publishing, plagiarism has gone from being bad literary manners to something close to a felony. 同样是讲反对抄袭现象,但是我们可以发现与第一篇阅读更多体现出的无奈不同,第二篇阅读态度更加坚决,尤其是后面提到了copyright laws把这一问题从道德级别上升到了法律级别,强调抄袭几乎等同于犯罪。文章最后同样选择了打比方,When a noted historian was recently fond to have lifted passages from other historians she was asked to resign form the board of the Pulitzer Prize committee. And why not? If she had robbed a bank, she would have been fired the next day. 一个历史学家因为抄袭受到了重罚。为什么不重罚她呢?抢别人的成果这种不劳而获的“危险行为”无异于抢银行,你抢了银行,当然要开除你。
然后我们要做的是扫读题干,审查题目,并选择选项。第一题是典型的双篇阅读问题,即讨论两篇文章的内容:Both passages discuss which of the following? 我们需要注意问题中的关键词both, 这个词要求我们看见树林而不只是树木。通过前面的分析我们可以很容易得出答案(A) Reactions to plagiarism committed by scholars,第一篇文章中从头到尾都在说plagiarism among scholars,而第二篇文章提到的in the worlds of academia 和a noted historian等内容也很明显的支持我们选出(A)这个选项。我们来看第二题,The “author” (line 10.passage 1) would likely argue that the historian’ s having “lifted passages from other historians” (line 21-22 passage2) is…这同样是双篇阅读的典型试题,它要求我们分析第二个作者的东东在第一个作者那会得到怎样的回馈,有点换位思考的意思在里面,而考生需要对两个作者的观点都有所了解才可以游刃有余。我们通过定位词可以很容易找到原文中的“the author”出现的位置,原来就是他拿小强打的比方,还记得他怎么说的么?你看到地板上有一只小强,就说明你们家已经有很多小强了,那么如果这个历史学家“拿”了别人的成果这个行为可以被比作一只小强的话,那么在学术界一定还有更多的我们没看到的小强。想到这里答案已经显而易见了——(D) far from an isolated incident.我们来看下一个题,11. The author of passage 2 would likely respond to the actions attributed to “academia” in lines8-9 in Passage 1 (academia …complaints) by asserting that…很明显,这个题出的跟上一个题大同小异,只是倒了个。在阅读过程中我们已经分析过,第一篇文章的作者表现出的更多的是无奈,而第二篇文章的作者的言辞相对就比较激烈,对于前者相对保守的态度,后者一定会有较强的异议。结合选项,答案(D) universities increasingly amnesty to researchers serious offense就进入了我们的视野。我们来看最后一题——Which best describes the relationship between the two passages?简单读过两篇文章后我们知道第一篇文章讲的更多的是抄袭泛滥这一现象,而第二篇更多的是对抄袭这种行为的声讨。结合选项,我们很容易找出正确选项:(D) Passage 1 describes a state of affairs that passage 2 views as inexcusable
四.    实战演练
The passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Questions 9-12 are based on the following passages.               10. The primary purpose of passage 2 is to
Passage 1                                                (A) describe a typical day’s work on a scientific
Because chimpanzees exhibit behavior so remarkably                project
similar to some human behavior, scientists observing              (B) report details about an attempt to train wild
them in the wild often develop a degree of empathy                    chimpanzees
Line with the individuals being studied. In itself this is                 (C) propose an alternative method of studying
5 not a bad thing. Subtle communication cues among                      animal behavior
chimpanzees are more readily detected and recorded               (D) convey an unexpected and memorable
once an observer has established this empathy.                         insight
However, scientists must guard against the constant              (E) relive an unusual and fleeting experience
danger of automatically interpreting what they see as if          11. The experience described in passage 2 most directly
10 chimps act from human motivations. Their observations             suggests that the statement about the “danger” (line
must be as objective as possible. Intuitive interpretations           9, Passage 1)
may initially be based on an understanding stemming               (A) accurately assesses the strength of a common
directly from empathy, but they must be tested after-                     human impulse
ward against the facts set out in the data.                         (B) needlessly exaggerates the risks a person
Passage2                                                       faces among wild chimpanzees
15  My first day observing a community of forest chim-                (C) appropriately warns professionals about the
panzees showed me a richer and more satisfying world                   necessity of keeping their research current
than I had imagined. I suddenly recognized why I, a non-            (D) discourages overly optimistic observers from
scientist, or anyone should care about what happens to                   expecting to make new discoveries
them: not, ultimately, because they use tools and solve              (E) fails to consider the consequences of a flawed
20 problems and are intellectual beings, but because they                    research methodology
are emotional beings, as we are, and because their             12. The author of  Passage 1 would most likely respond to
emotions are so obviously similar to ours.                      lines 26-27 in Passage 2 (“They…discovery”) by
I was moved by the play,the adult male chasing                (A) applauding the author for maintaining scientific
a toddler round and round a tree, the mother nibbling                    objectivity
25 her baby’s toes and looking blissful, the three females                (B) chiding the author for not submitting findings
playing with and adoring a single infant. They feel!                    for scientific review
That was my discovery.                                       (C) criticizing the author for having poorly defined
9. Both passages support which generalization about                    research goals
wild chimpanzees?                                        (D) urging the author to rely less on observations
(A)    Their family structures are somewhat similar                (E) cautioning the author against failing to verify
to those of humans.                                         a conclusion
(B)    Their behavior often resembles that of humans.
(C)    Their actions are prompted by strong psycho-
logical urges.
(D)    Their facial expressions can be interpreted
accurately by nonspecialists.
(E)     Their reactions differ from those of other apes.
(9)题答案: B
简析:在做这道题时,我们还是要注意both这个关键词,一定要把握在两篇文章里面都出现才可以被选作答案这个原则。看看哪些东西是两篇都有的,而不是前有后没有,后有前没有,甚至两篇都没有。It is not hard.
(10) 题答案:D
简析:我们在读第二篇阅读时要把握作者的身份,作者不是科学家,而是作为一个普普通通的人来观察猩猩的,这里面不带有任何科学意为,而纯粹是被眼前的景象所吸引,所以用convey比较合适,unexpected and memorable也能体现出作者的心情。最后一项relive这个词用得不对,我们知道re=again,显然relive放在这是不合适的。
(11) 题答案:A
简析:我们首先要回到原文找到所谓的danger指的是什么,在原文中我们可以看到,danger说的是: “automatically interpreting what they see as if chimps act from human motivations.” 我们面临的一个误区就是不自觉地把把猩猩的行为跟人类的行为作比,把猩猩的行为看作人类的行为是不可取的。而Passage 2 的作者正是这么做的,所以说the statement suggests that the statement about the “danger”, “accurately assesses the strength of a common human impulse”。
(12) 题答案:E
简析:当我们看到“Intuitive interpretations may initially be based on an understanding stemming directly from empathy, but they must be tested after- ward against the facts set out in the data.”这道题就迎刃而解了。感觉不如数据可靠,要verify一个conclusion还是要用data说话。