
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 19:52:03
易经 I Ching, Yi Jing
易学 Yi-ology
太易 Tai Yi (primordium of Universe)
太始 Tai Shi (primordial state of forms)
无极 Wu Chi
两仪 2 Primary Forces
八卦 8 Trigrams(or Trigrams)
卦气 Gua-qi
经卦 Trigrams
卦象 Image
断辞、辞 Judgment
卦辞 Hexagram Judgment
阴爻 Broken Line (Yin Line)
河图 Hetu (Yellow River Map)
蓍 Yarrow Stalks
先天 Earlier Heaven, primordial
无思 No Consciousness
圣人 Holy Sage
几 Seeds
综 Upside-Down
伏牺 Fu Hsi
连山 Lien Shan (Continuous Hills)
彖传 Tuan (Commentary on the Decision)
说卦 Shuo Kua (Discussion of the Trigrams)
系辞 Hsi Tsu (Commentary on the Appended Judgments)
尚刚 upholding hardness
孔子 Confucius
诗经 The Book of Songs
左传 Zuo Zhuan (or Zuo's Book of Illustartion on the Spring & Autumn Annals or The Biography by Zuo)
国语 Guoyu (or Remarks of Monarchs)
易纬 Yi Wei (Apocrypha of the Yi)
干凿度 Qian Zao Du (Chiseling Open the Regulatory of Qian[Heaven])
循环性 Cyclicity
对立性 Contrariety
阴阳 Yin Yang
时 Timing
势 Trend
周 Zhou
天人之学 The Learning of Heaven-Man
刚柔 Firm-Yielding
极深研几 Reach depths & grasp seeds of all things
吉 Good Fortune
悔 Remorse
四营 4 Operations
趋吉避凶 Tending towards good fortune & evading from evil
孚 Sincerity
汉易 Han Yi
易林 Yi Lin
费直 Fei Zhi
王莽 Wang Mang
汉光武 Han Guang Wu
周易 Zhou Yi
形上学 metaphysics
太初 Tai Chu (primordial state of Qi)
太素 Tai Shu (primordial state of matters)
太极 Tai Chi (The Great Primal Beginning)
四象 4 Images
六十四卦 64 Hexagrams
一阳来复 one Yang returning
别卦 Hexagrams
爻 Line
爻辞 Line Judgment
阳爻 Unbroken Line (Yang Line)
十翼 10 Wings
洛书 Luoshu (Writing from the River Luo)
筮 Divination
后天 Later Heaven
无为 No Action
机微 Augury
文王 King Wen
错、现伏 Visible & Invisible
帝乙 Di Yi
归藏 Kuei Cang (Return for Reserve)
象传 Hsiang (Commentary on the Images)
序卦 Hsu Kua (Sequence of the Hexagrams)
杂卦 Tsa Kua (Miscellaneous Notes on the Hexagrams)
贵柔 venerating softness
孟子 Manfucius
大明 Great Brightness
史苏 Shi Su
易传  Yi Zhuan
楚简 bamboo slips of Chu
通卦验 Tong Gua Yan (The Comprehensive Examination of the Hexagrams)
相对性 Relativity
文言 Wen Yen (Commentary on Qian & Kun)
五行 The 5 Elements
位 Positioning
商 Shang
与时偕行 Get along with Time
观象制器 Creating Things by Viewing the Images
虚实 Firm-empty
旡咎 No Blame; or give no cause for much adverse criticism
凶 Misfortune
吝 Humiliation
元吉 Supreme Good Fortune
贞 Perseverance, Loyalty, Preservation
现伏 Visible & Invisible
宋易 Sung Yi
焦延寿 Jiao Yan Shou
汉昭帝 Han Zhao Di
汉武帝 Han Wu Di
纳甲  Na-jia