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[2007.08.16] Statistics and climatology - Gambling on tomorrow

Statistics and climatology



Gambling on tomorrow



Aug 16th 2007

From The Economist print edition



Modelling the Earth's climate mathematically is hard already. Now a new difficulty is emerging



Illustration by Dettmer Otto


SCIENCE” is a recently coined word. When the Royal Society, the world's oldest academy of the discipline, was founded in London in 1660, the subject was referred to as natural philosophy. In the 19th century, though, nature and philosophy went their separate ways as the natural philosophers grew in number, power and influence.

science”(科学)是最近新创的一个词。1660年成立于伦敦的英国皇家学会(the Royal Society)是世界上历史最悠久的科学学会,在当时,science这一学科指的是自然哲学,不过到了19世纪,自然和哲学开始分道扬镳,因为自然哲学家的人数不断增长,其权威性和影响力也日愈显著。


Nevertheless, the link between the fields lingers on in the name of one of the Royal Society's journals, Philosophical Transactions. And appropriately, the latest edition of that publication, which is devoted to the science of climate modelling, is in part a discussion of the understanding and misunderstanding of the ideas of one particular 18th-century English philosopher, Thomas Bayes.

尽管如此,从英国皇家学会的一本期刊的名字“Philosophical Transactions”(哲学会报,现在均译为自然科学会报)可以看出,自然和哲学之间仍有着藕断丝连的联系。并且发表在最新一期杂志里关于气候建模科学的专题,也恰如其分地参与了一场对托马斯·贝叶斯(Thomas Bayes)(18世纪一位很特别的英国哲学家)理论在理解上正确与否的讨论。


Bayes was one of two main influences on the early development of probability theory and statistics. The other was Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman. But, whereas Pascal's ideas are simple and widely understood, Bayes's have always been harder to grasp.

对早期概率论和统计学发展具有重大影响的有两位科学家,贝叶斯是其中一位,另一位是法国的布雷泽·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)。不过帕斯卡的理论相对简单,也得到了普遍理解,而贝叶斯的理论人们一直很难领会。


Pascal's way of looking at the world was that of the gambler: each throw of the dice is independent of the previous one. Bayes's allows for the accumulation of experience, and its incorporation into a statistical model in the form of prior assumptions that can vary with circumstances. A good prior assumption about tomorrow's weather, for example, is that it will be similar to today's. Assumptions about the weather the day after tomorrow, though, will be modified by what actually happens tomorrow.


Psychologically, people tend to be Bayesian—to the extent of often making false connections. And that risk of false connection is why scientists like Pascal's version of the world. It appears to be objective. But when models are built, it is almost impossible to avoid including Bayesian-style prior assumptions in them. By failing to acknowledge that, model builders risk making serious mistakes.



Assume nothing



In one sense it is obvious that assumptions will affect outcomes—another reason Bayes is not properly acknowledged. That obviousness, though, buries deeper subtleties. In one of the papers in Philosophical Transactions David Stainforth of Oxford University points out a pertinent example.

从某种意义上来说,假定显然会影响结果,这也是贝叶斯理论未得到完全认可的另一个原因。不过,这种显然的影响把更深的微妙之处掩藏了起来,在《自然科学会报》的一篇论文中,牛津大学的David Stainforth举出了一个恰当中肯的例子。


Climate models have lots of parameters that are represented by numbers—for example, how quickly snow crystals fall from clouds, or for how long they reside within those clouds. Actually, these are two different ways of measuring the same thing, so whether a model uses one or the other should make no difference to its predictions. And, on a single run, it does not. But models are not given single runs. Since the future is uncertain, they are run thousands of times, with different values for the parameters, to produce a range of possible outcomes. The outcomes are assumed to cluster around the most probable version of the future.



The particular range of values chosen for a parameter is an example of a Bayesian prior assumption, since it is derived from actual experience of how the climate behaves—and may thus be modified in the light of experience. But the way you pick the individual values to plug into the model can cause trouble.



They might, for example, be assumed to be evenly spaced, say 1,2,3,4. But in the example of snow retention, evenly spacing both rate-of-fall and rate-of-residence-in-the-clouds values will give different distributions of result. That is because the second parameter is actually the reciprocal of the first. To make the two match, value for value, you would need, in the second case, to count 1, ½, ?, ¼—which is not evenly spaced. If you use evenly spaced values instead, the two models' outcomes will cluster differently.



Climate models have hundreds of parameters that might somehow be related in this sort of way. To be sure you are seeing valid results rather than artefacts of the models, you need to take account of all the ways that can happen.



That logistical nightmare is only now being addressed, and its practical consequences have yet to be worked out. But because of their philosophical training in the rigours of Pascal's method, the Bayesian bolt-on does not come easily to scientists. As the old saw has it, garbage in, garbage out. The difficulty comes when you do not know what garbage looks like.


发表于10:39 | 阅读全文 | 评论 1 | 编辑 | 分享 0
  • Joost:让ISP忧心忡忡


    [2007.06.07]Overdoing it?

    Overdoing it?

    Jun 7th 2007
    From The Economist print edition

    Networking: Internet-service providers are worried that new online-video services, such as Joost, will overload their networks

    WHEN Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis announce a new venture, the world takes notice. As the duo behind KaZaA, a file-sharing network that was widely used to trade music, and Skype, a free internet-phone service, they have already shaken up the music and telecoms industries. So when they took the wraps off their latest project, a television-over-internet service called Joost, it looked as though the television industry might be the next to suffer. Yet rather than adopting the defensive stance that has often characterised traditional media's response to new technology, the likes of Sony, Viacom and Turner Broadcasting have signed deals with Joost to provide the service with content.
    当Niklas Zennström和Janus Friis宣布一项新的风险投资计划后,全世界都关注起来。KaZaA是一个广泛用于音乐共享的文件共享网络,Skype则是一种免费网络电话服务,两个都出自这两个人之手。通过KaZaA和Skype的二重唱,他们已经震动了音乐和电信产业。他们的最新项目是名为Joost的网络电视服务,因此,当他俩揭开最新项目的面纱时,看上去电视行业可能会成为下一个受到冲击的行业。但是,不像传统媒体通常那样采用防卫的姿态应对新技术,像索尼、Viacom和 Turner广播这样的大公司的应对手段则是已经向Joost发出可以为其提供素材服务的友好信号。

    As a result it is the rather less glamorous internet-service providers (ISPs) that are having sleepless nights. Frederick de Wahl, Joost's boss, says software companies have been waiting for the internet's infrastructure to reach sufficient “maturity” before trying to pipe full-screen television over the patchwork of technologies that are used to deliver broadband to homes. Joost uses a proprietary peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol that pipes data to viewers at a rate of 350 megabytes per hour. But networks are now up to the job, and Joost is expecting to amass millions of users, if not tens of millions, within the year. “It is a bandwidth-intensive product, that much is obvious,” says Mr de Wahl. ISPs, he says, should be “aware and prepared”.
    结果,轮到一向缺乏魅力的网络服务提供商(ISPs)睡不安稳了。Joost的老板Frederick de Wahl声称在通过将曾经用在传输宽带到户上的技术拼凑起来,用以尝试传送全屏电视信号之前,软件公司已经在等待因特网的基础设施足够“成熟”。 Joost采用一种拥有专利的P2P(点对点)协议,可以以每小时350兆字节的速度向观众传送数据。但现在的网络已经可以胜任这项任务,因此Joost 期望在一年内,就算不能聚集数千万的用户,至少也要聚集数百万。“很明显,这是一项非常占用带宽的服务”de Wahl先生这样说道。他认为,ISPs应该“意思到需求并且准备好”。
    Some of the companies that run the telecoms networks over which Joost and other bandwidth-hungry services hope to run are less confident that the internet's foundations are ready to bear the strain. Concern over the internet's ability to handle large amounts of video has opened a niche for companies that offer guaranteed network links that run alongside, but separately from, the internet. PacketExchange, for example, trumpets its service as a “faster, safer and more reliable alternative to the public internet”. Worries about overtaxed networks are also prompting outright bans on internet video. America's armed forces recently began blocking access to video services such as YouTube and MySpace from their internal networks, because of bandwidth limitations at their internet gateway.

    ISPs are particularly worried. P2P applications such as Joost are used by less than 5% of a typical ISP's subscriber base, but they account for over half the total traffic. Comcast, an American cable operator, has been criticised for cutting off intensive P2P-using “bandwidth hogs”, even though it refuses to specify exactly what it regards as acceptable usage limits.

    Many ISPs have taken the less drastic measure of “throttling” the download speeds available to their heaviest users at peak times, which are between 4pm and midnight—in other words, prime-time for television. Virgin Media, a British ISP that recently introduced throttling, offers a maximum download speed of 20 megabits per second, but this is reduced once a three-gigabyte limit has been exceeded. If the connection is running at full capacity, that will take 20 minutes.
    在流量最高峰的时段,许多ISP对流量最大的一部分用户的可用下在速度进行程度上不那么剧烈的“抑制”。这段时间为下午四点到午夜,换句话说,就是电视上的黄金时段。英国的ISP商,Virgin Media,最近开始限制行动,仅提供每秒20兆比特的最大下载速度,但一旦阻塞的流量超过3GB,这个限速就会取消。如果连接一直在最大容量下传输, 20分钟就会达到3GB的额度。

    If Joost and other P2P video services become popular, they may prompt ISPs to change their business models. They might, for example, require users who wish to use such services to sign up for special service plans, presumably at a higher price, that allow such use and, perhaps, give priority to P2P traffic to ensure stutter-free video streaming. “There's got to be more realism—we may be coming to the end of one model of working,” says Kevin Baughan, Virgin Media's technical-strategy director. Since many ISPs also offer video services of their own they are unlikely to look kindly upon free services carried over their pipes.
    如果Joost和其他P2P视频服务流行起来,它们可能会促使ISP改变它们的商业模式。例如,ISP可能会要求想要使用这类服务的用户签署特殊的服务协议,协议会允许这类服务的使用,但应该会需要更高的价格,可能也会为用户提供P2P通信的优先权以保证视频不会缓冲。“事实变得更加显示,我们应该到了结束一种工作模式的时候了”,Virgin Media的技术战略主管Kevin Baughan这样说道。由于许多ISP自己同样也提供视频服务,它们自然不愿将在自己的链路上传送的免费服务看作好事。

    The question is whether blocking P2P traffic altogether would be legal. Some telecoms companies have blocked customers from making voice-over-internet calls over their broadband connections, because they are worried about how internet telephony will affect the money they make from traditional phone calls. In some countries internet telephony is outlawed for this very reason. But American regulators ruled that this practice was unacceptable when Madison River, a rural operator, tried it in 2005. And in 2006 after a Chilean operator, Telefónica Chile, tried to block Skype, a court ruled that its action was anti-competitive. It is not hard to imagine the same sorts of arguments being applied to video services.
    问题是完全的阻塞P2P流量是否合法。由于担心网络电话会影响它们来自传统电话的盈利,一些电信公司已经阻塞了客户通过它们的宽带链接拨打网络语音电话。在一些国家,网络电话由于这样的非常原因被视作触犯法律。但当一位乡村网管,Madison River试图在2005年拨打网络电话时,美国立法者只是规定这种行为是不受欢迎的。在2006年,一位智利网管Telefónica Chile,试图阻塞Skype之后,法院规定这种行为为反竞争的。不难想象,同样的争议肯定会出现在视频服务上。

    Mr de Wahl says his company is happy to work with ISPs to overcome problems, and he is confident Joost is not about to break the internet. But he is prepared for conflict. “I'm sure some people are going to try and block us,” he says. But he notes that similar worries arose with previous internet technologies, such as newsgroups, the web and file-sharing, all of which involved big increases in the amount of network traffic. “I'm not saying this isn't going to take some new infrastructure,” he says. “But it's happened before, and the internet is still here.”
    de Wahl先生声称他的公司很乐意与ISP合作解决这些问题,同时他也很自信Joost不会破坏因特网。但他也对可能的冲突有所准备。他说道,“我很肯定将会有一些人试图阻碍我们。”但他也注意到,之前的网络技术在当时同样也引起了类似的担忧,例如新闻组,web技术和文件共享,这些每一个受带来了网络流量的大幅增加。“我不是说这不需要增加新的基础设施,”de Wahl先生说道。“但同样的事情以前发生过,而且因特网通过了考验,仍然完好无缺。”
    发表于10:38 | 阅读全文 | 评论 0 | 编辑 | 分享 0
  • 巴西的能源政策:盈中有缺


    [2007.08.16] Scarcity in the midst of surplus

    Brazil's energy policy


    Scarcity in the midst of surplus


    Aug 16th 2007 | PORTO VELHO (波多韦柳,朗多尼亚Rondônia州首府)

    From The Economist print edition


    Thanks partly to ethanol from sugar cane, Brazil aims to be an energy superpower. But can it keep its own lights on?



    THE president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has just returned from a five-country tour taking in Mexico and Central America, where he touted Brazil's claims to be an energy superpower. Blessed with sunshine, watered by huge rivers and close to self-sufficiency in oil, Brazil's energy potential is indeed enormous. But for various reasons, ranging from government lethargy to environmental lobbies, it runs a serious risk of energy shortages at home.

    巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)刚刚结束了对拉美五国的访问回国,在此期间他大力宣扬了巴西要成为超级能源大国的主张。上天赋予的灿烂阳光、壮观大河提供的充足水源,以及几近自给自足的石油,这些确实都令巴西的能源潜力巨大。但是,从政府的昏昏噩噩到环境保护者的游说,多种原因使巴西国内面临能源短缺的严重危险。

    Acende Brasil, an electricity-industry body, predicts a 28-32% chance of blackouts by 2012 if the economy grows at 4.8% a year (the government's forecast is 5%). Officials dismiss this as alarmist. But Lula is worried enough to have attended a recent meeting of his for the first time.

    电力行业机构Acende Brasil预测,如果经济以每年4.8%(政府的估计是5%)的速度增长,那么到2012年巴西发生大停电的机会将高达28-32%。官员们都认为这是杞人忧天拒不接受,但是卢拉对此十分担心,并且破例第一次参加了巴西国家能源政策委员会(National Energy Policy Council)的最近一期会议。

    Even if economic growth disappoints, power could still run short. At present, four-fifths of Brazil's electricity comes from hydroelectric dams. But at times of high demand or low rainfall, hydropower needs topping up with thermal supplies, mostly natural gas. About half of the natural gas consumed in Brazil comes from Bolivia. Relations between the two countries have been tense since Bolivia declared the nationalisation of the Bolivian operations of Petrobras, Brazil's state-owned oil and gas company, last year.



    Petrobras has also had problems in ensuring consistent production from its gasfields at home. This month the company admitted that there would be a shortfall in promised deliveries, earning a fine of $90m from the electricity regulator. Uncertainty over future gas supplies meant that at a government auction for new electricity-generation plants held last month only oil-fired projects were proposed.


    The government's hopes are pinned on two big projects, both of which have their critics. It recently gave the go-ahead for a third nuclear reactor at Angra dos Reis. Even more controversially, Ibama, the environmental agency, has given approval for two new dams on the Madeira river in the state of Rondônia.

    巴西政府把希望错误地放在两个大项目上,这两个项目均已遭到了批评。不久前,该国恢复了在安格拉(Angra dos Reis)建造第三个核反应堆的计划。而更具争议的是,巴西环境保护机构Ibama(巴西环境与可再生资源委员会)竟然批准了在朗多尼亚州(Rondônia)的马代拉河(Madeira)上建造两个新水坝。

    Supporters point out that the two dams will flood an area only one-sixth as large as that inundated by the giant Itaipu dam. But because of their modern turbines, and the strength of the Madeira's flow, they will generate electricity equal to 8% of Brazil's current output.


    Opponents predict that the turbines will silt up and that the dams will produce only half the energy advertised. Wesley Ferreira Lopes, of the Movement for Dam Victims, claims that 5,000 families, rather than the official estimate of 900, will be displaced by the dam. His group promises an “uprising” to block the scheme.

    而反对者们则预言,两个水坝的涡轮机将会被淤泥充塞,而其发电量仅为其宣传的一半。Movement for Dam Victims(水坝受害者运动)团体的Wesley Ferreira Lopes宣称,建造水坝将令5千家庭背井离乡,而非官方估计的9百,该团体誓言要发起一场“起义”以阻止这项计划。

    If all goes to plan, the Madeira dams should be completed by 2012. But Roberto Smeraldi, of Friends of the Earth, says that every dam project in Amazonia has run between 60% and 120% over its planned construction time. The backup plan is to add thermal energy until the dams can be finished. But from where?

    如果一切都能按部就班,马代拉水坝应于2012年竣工,不过地球之友(Friends of the Earth,著名的非政府环境组织)的Roberto Smeraldi指出,亚马逊河上每一次的水坝建设项目都未能在其计划时间内完成,均超出了60%120%,而后续的计划就是增加热能直至水坝建成,但是热能从何而来?

    Bolivian gas might have been an option. But, because of the nationalisation, Bolivia may struggle to expand output, despite a deal this month under which Venezuela will invest $600m. Bolivia is committed to expanding exports to Argentina, rather than Brazil. And Bolivian officials are furious about the Madeira dams. They claim these will raise water levels in their country, perhaps encouraging malaria and displacing families and wildlife. After a meeting on August 3rd in São Paulo, Bolivia's deputy environment minister threatened “all necessary measures, legal and international” if the dams go ahead. That could include reducing gas exports.


    Brazil insists it has a sovereign right to go ahead with the dams. Evo Morales, Bolivia's president, should stop “sticking his beak” into Brazil's affairs, says Ivo Cassol, the governor of Rondônia.

    巴西则坚持认为,对水坝计划它拥有完全独立的权利,朗多尼亚州长Ivo Cassol表示,玻总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)不应该再“把他的鼻子”伸入巴西的事务中。

    Another possibility is to generate electricity from sugar cane, in conjunction with ethanol production, though the technology for this is still fairly new. Using sugar cane, Brazil produces far more ethanol per hectare, with fewer emissions, than the United States does with its corn-based equivalent. McKinsey, a consultancy, reckons that if the area under sugar cane were doubled, fertiliser applied and farming mechanised, Brazil's ethanol output would increase from 17 billion litres (4.5 billion American gallons) a year today to 160 billion litres by 2020.


    But ramping up ethanol production has drawbacks. Although very little of Brazil's sugar cane is grown in the Amazon region, expanding the crop could put pressure on the rainforest nonetheless, by pushing ranching and soyabean farming farther into the interior.


    Environmentalists argue that Brazil could do much more to conserve energy. But that is a long-term effort. The country faces difficult trade-offs between development and the environment. As Jerson Kelman, the electricity regulator, notes, it would be ironic if green opposition to dams means that Brazil ends up using more oil to keep the lights on.

    环境保护者认为,巴西可以采取更多的措施来节约能源,不过这需要长期的努力。现在这个国家面临着发展与环境之间权衡利弊的难题,正如其电监局总裁Jerson Kelman所说,如果水坝无法做到环保,而巴西最终将需要更多的石油才能让灯不会熄灭,这就太具讽刺意味了。发表于10:33 | 阅读全文 | 评论 0 | 编辑 | 分享 0
  • 服装:孟加拉追赶中国


    [2007.08.18] Garments in Bangladesh

    Garments in Bangladesh

    Knitting pretty

    Aug 16th 2007 | DHAKA
    From The Economist print edition

    The clothing business is flourishing despite Chinese competition

    THE garment trade in Bangladesh, as in many poor countries, sprang up solely because of preferential access to important markets such as the European Union (EU) and America. So when the rules governing exports to rich countries were changed at the beginning of 2005, Bangladeshis feared huge job losses. Once the quotas that had guaranteed a share of the market to all exporting countries were abolished, they assumed, China would hoover up all the jobs in the industry.

    Yet Bangladesh's garment exports are booming. Last year, it sent clothes worth $8.9 billion to rich countries. Revenues from the garment trade account for about 80% of all exports and are double the remittances sent home by Bangladeshis working overseas—the economy's other pillar. The country has made use of its labour, its only abundant resource. Wages are lower than in China, India, Cambodia or Vietnam, its main competitors. About 2m people—90% of them women—work in the rag trade, and another 15m jobs depend indirectly on making clothes, through firms that produce thread, buttons and textiles. On today's trends, Bangladesh's garment exports will soon overtake those of its giant neighbour, India.

    Cheap labour, along with a reluctance among buyers to rely on China for all their purchases, appears to have won the Bangladeshi industry a reprieve. But the recent growth in exports to its two biggest markets, the EU and America, has occurred since the pair imposed transitionary restrictions on Chinese exports, which end next year. Meanwhile, in Canada, the only big market that places no restrictions on China, Bangladesh has lost market share.

    To reduce the risk of a similar setback in America, Bangladesh has enlisted Muhammad Yunus, its Nobel prize-winning micro-credit pioneer, to lobby for duty-free access, “to put Bangladesh on par with other least developed countries”. But bosses fear that the stricter labour standards that would accompany such a concession might outweigh the benefits. Most garment workers are not unionised, although big protests did force the government to announce a near doubling of the minimum wage to Tk1662 ($25) a month last year—the first increase since 1994.

    Bangladesh is most competitive in knitwear, which has grown from 15% of its garment exports in the early 1990s to over half this year. The secret is the inputs, some three-quarters of which are made locally. That saves firms the transport and storage costs, import duties and long lead-times that come with the imported “woven” fabric used to make shirts and trousers. It also entitles them to duty-free access to the European Union. “In the long-run, the woven garment sector will probably leave Bangladesh”, says Mohammed Quasem, a knitwear tycoon whose latest factory is about to start up in the town of Gazipur with 10,000 workers.

    In the short run, garment-makers of all stripes are simply trying to survive an indiscriminate anti-corruption drive launched by Bangladesh's recently installed military regime—a disadvantage for which neither low wages nor trade preferences can compensate.
    从短期看,各类服装业者仅仅是争取在由孟加拉最近建立的军政权领导的那无区别的反腐运动中生存下来。而这军政权的伤害却是低工资或贸易优惠永远不能弥补的。 发表于10:28 | 阅读全文 | 评论 0 | 编辑 | 分享 0
  • 宝马:氢能7系轿车


    [2007.08.16]First Americans Set to Drive the BMW Hydrogen 7 on U.S. Roadways

    First Americans Set to Drive the BMW Hydrogen 7 on U.S. Roadways

       WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- BMW today announced the launch of the Hydrogen 7 Pioneer Program as it handed over the keys of a BMW Hydrogen 7 -- the first hydrogen-powered luxury sedan -- to Hollywood actor Will Ferrell. Through the Hydrogen 7 Pioneer Program, BMW will give industry leaders and prominent figures in entertainment, politics, business and more a BMW Hydrogen 7 for their daily use.

        In launching the program, BMW underscores the fact that the BMW Hydrogen 7 is not a concept car, but a production model vehicle that has successfully completed the entire Product Development Process, meeting all the standards necessary for driving on U.S. roadways. Running in hydrogen mode, the BMW Hydrogen 7 essentially emits nothing but water vapor, representing a major step in reducing harmful CO2 emissions. During the program, 25 of the 100 cars that are produced will be used in evaluation programs in the US. The BMW Hydrogen 7 is not for sale, but is considered to be a milestone in bringing forward hydrogen as the sustainable fuel for individual transportation.

        BMW believes hydrogen will replace petroleum as the long-term alternative to fossil fuel, and hopes the Hydrogen 7 will play a pioneering role in driving forward the hydrogen technologies that will ensure our mobility in the future.

        Thus, the hydrogen pioneers will be instrumental in helping people understand that hydrogen technology is here, it is now and it is what BMW Group believe holds the key to our future mobility. By harnessing the power and influence of individuals who, like Will Ferrell, are at the forefront of their respective disciplines, BMW hopes to continue to generate support of hydrogen-drive vehicles in the short term and stimulate demand for a viable hydrogen infrastructure in the long-term.

        Ferrell is the first in a series of Americans who BMW plans to announce in the coming months that will help the company in its mission to build widespread support of hydrogen as a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

        While Ferrell and BMW's future hydrogen pioneers will become the first group to be given access to the BMW Hydrogen 7 in the US for a longer period of use, a number of entertainers, politicians, business leaders and more have opted for a BMW Hydrogen 7 as their energy-efficient ride of choice. Those who have recently chosen the vehicle include Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the "Ocean's 13" premiere in Hollywood; Fox Entertainment Chairman Peter Liguori at the FOX All-Star Party in Santa Monica; Richard Gere and Sharon Stone at the Cinema for Peace Gala in Berlin; and "An Inconvenient Truth" producer Davis Guggenheim (Oscar(R) for the best Documentary Feature) and Best Foreign Language Film Oscar(R) winner, director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck at the 2007 Academy Awards; among others. The vehicle has also made an impact oversees, with luminaries such as Michael Glos, German Federal Minister for Economy and Technology, and Gunter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission, world renowned soprano Anna Netrebko and many others covering more than 1.3 million miles worldwide till now.
        其他许多知名艺人,政界人士,商界领袖,也将成为首批在美国试驾氢能7系的人。那些新近挑选车辆的人包括在"十三罗汉"首映好莱坞时到场的布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉夫妇;在福克斯的全明星党在圣莫尼卡举行的舞会上出现的福克斯娱乐集团主席彼得·利高瑞、在柏林和平晚会出现的理查德基尔与莎朗史东; 荣获奥斯卡最佳纪录片提名的"难以忽视的真相"导演戴维斯古根海姆和出席了2007年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的奥斯卡最佳外语片得主弗洛兰·汉克尔·唐纳斯马克等等。这种汽车与名人之间也产生了互相影响监督的作用(汗。。不知道什么意思)。如德国联邦经济和技术部长米夏埃尔格洛斯,欧洲委员会副会特费尔霍伊长,世界著名女高音安娜布科和其他许多人,到目前为止有意向试用氢动力车的买主遍布世界各地,面积超过130万公里.

    BMW Group In America
        BMW of North America, LLC has been present in the United States since 1975. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars NA, LLC began distributing vehicles in 2003. The BMW Group in the United States has grown to include marketing, sales, and financial service organizations for the BMW brand of motor vehicles, including motorcycles, the MINI brand, and the Rolls-Royce brand of Motor Cars; DesignworksUSA, an industrial design firm in California; a technology office in Silicon Valley and various other operations throughout the country. BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC in South Carolina is part of BMW Group's global manufacturing network and is the exclusive manufacturing plant for all Z4 models and X5 Sports Activity Vehicles. The BMW Group sales organization is represented in the U.S. through networks of 338 BMW passenger car centers, 335 BMW Sports Activity Vehicle centers, 142 BMW motorcycle retailers, 81 MINI passenger car dealers, and 30 Rolls-Royce Motor Car dealers. BMW (US) Holding Corp., the BMW Group's sales headquarters for North, Central and South America, is located in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey.
        宝马汽车北美公司、LLC自1975年一直驻扎在美国.当劳斯莱斯公司2003年开始派发车辆时.宝马集团在美国已发展到集合营销、销售和金融服务为一体的机动车品牌服务行业,销售的产品包括摩托车,迷你品牌,劳斯莱斯品牌的汽车;美国设计公司就在加州;科技厅在硅谷和其他各项业务则分布在美国各地.在南卡罗莱纳州的宝马汽车制造公司是宝马集团的全球生产网络之一,并独家生产厂的所有型号的z4和x5系列的车辆.宝马小组销售组织代表在美国有338 个客车中心、335 个体育活动车中心、142 个摩托车销售中新、81 位微型客车经销商, 和30 位劳斯莱斯汽车经销商网络。宝马集团的销售总部设在美国北部, 中部和南部交界的地方, 位于新泽西州的伍德克利夫湖附近。
