图示东西方文化的差异 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 情商加油站 - 人际交往 - 畅享论坛

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 23:38:38
East Vs West Culture
Blue --> Westerner
Red --> Asian

B: Talk to the point
R: Talk around the circle, especially if different opinions
Way of Life

B: individualism, think of himself or herself.
R: enjoy gathering with family and friends, solving their problems, and know each other's business (keh poh).

B: on time.
R: in time.

B: Contact to related person only
R: Contact everyone everywhere, business very successful.

B: Show that I am angry.
R: I am angry, but still smiling... (beware!)
Queue when Waiting

B: Queuing in an orderly manner
R: Queuing?! What's that?
Sundays on the Road

B: Enjoy weekend relaxing peacefully.
R: Enjoy weekend in crowded places, like going to the mall.

B: Only gather with their own group.
R: All focus on the one activity that is hosted by the CEO .
In the restaurant

B: Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.
R: Talk and laugh loudly like their own the restaurant .

B: Love sightseeing and enjoy the scenery.
R: Taking picture is the most important, scenery is just for the background.
Handling of Problems

B: Take any steps to solve the problems.
R: Try to avoid conflicts, and if can, don't leave any trail.
Three meals a day

B: Good meal for once a day is sufficed.
R: At least 3 good meals a day.

B: Before drove cars, now cycling for environmental protection.
R: Before no money and rode a bike, now got money and drive a car .
Elderly in day to day life

B: When old, there is snoopy for companionship.
R: When old, guarantee will not be lonely, as long as willing to baby-sit the grandkids.
Moods and Weather

B: The logic is, rain is pain.
R: The more the rain, more prosperity .
The Boss

B: The boss is part of the team.
R: The boss is a Fierce god.
What's Trendy

B: Healthy Asian cuisine
R: Expensive Western cuisine.
The Child

B: The kid is going to be independent and make his/her own living.
R: Work, live and all for the kids, the centre of life.
图示东西方文化的差异 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 情商加油站 - 人际交往 - 畅享论坛 [分享]打破你的“跟随者”习性 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 情商加油站 - - 畅享论... 巧妙向客户说不 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 快速消费品 - - 畅享论坛 巧妙向客户说不 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 快速消费品 - - 畅享论坛 [原创]你是否真的准备离职了 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 招聘与求职 - 离职 就业 招聘 求职 职业发展 职业规划 - 畅享论坛 [原创]你是否真的准备离职了 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 招聘与求职 - 离职 就业 招聘 求职 职业发展 职业规划 - 畅享论坛 [原创]市场部的实战角度看沟通之一 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 人力资源管理 - 职业发展 沟通 - 畅享论坛 [原创]职业化团队操练手册(有效沟通管理篇) (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中高层管理者 - 职业化,沟通 - 畅享论坛! [推荐]女总裁告诉女员工的六句金玉良言 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中高层管理者 - ... [推荐]女总裁告诉女员工的六句金玉良言 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中高层管理者 xx- ... [推荐]为什么你的团队是一潭死水 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中高层管理者 - 领导力... [推荐]民企变革:狮子、绵羊和土狼的故事 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中高层管理者 -... [原创]个人成长需要善于学习 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 古老虾的管理、信息化博客 -... [原创]管理软件的商业模型 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 咨询天地 - 选型与规划 售前... [原创]从一个面试官的角度,给应届毕业生找工作上一点忠告 (入选推荐日志,加10币) [原创]十种能毁掉你一生职场生涯的心态 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 人力资源|HRM ... [原创]走出思维方式的误区 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 咨询天地 - 王吉鹏 管理咨询... [分享]数据扮演的三种角色(重要备案) (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 战略管理|BI|C... [原创]流程图符号知多少? (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中小企业信息化 - 流程基础 ... [原创]流程图符号知多少? (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 中小企业信息化 - 流程基础 ... [推荐]内心强大的人,才是真正有思想的人(好文) (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 品味生活... [推荐]与上司相处的艺术---人际交往---畅享论坛 - [推荐]五分钟和准客户成为朋友 (入选推荐日志,加10币) - 品牌与营销|CRM - 营... 转]浅谈东西方文化的差异与交流