Quotation of Law (法律名言录)18

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 22:26:49
A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.
Chinese Proverb
As fast as laws are devised, their evasion is contrived.
German Proverb
Better no law than laws not enforced.
Italian Proverb
Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
Customs are more powerful than laws.
The Talmud
Do not ask God the way to heaven; he will show you the hardest one.
Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966)
He that loves the law will get his fill of it.
Scottish Proverb
Government can easily exist without laws, but law cannot exist without government.
Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
If you don‘t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don‘t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can‘t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.
Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior