2009非谓语动词高考题 - 风之恋的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:34:30


高考试题 2009-08-10 14:25:54 阅读1890 评论5 字号:大中


1(09全国1)The children all turned ______the famous actress as she entered the classroom.

A.looked at        B.to look at        C.to looking at        D.look at

2(09全国1)Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions_____?

A. taking          B. take          C. taken              D.to take

3(09全国2)It is often ____that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.

A.said           B.to say           C. saying          D.being said

4(09全国2)They use computers to keep the traffic_____ smoothly.

A. being run        B. run          C.to run          D. running

5(09北京)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _____on his own farm.

A.grown             B.being grown      C.to be grown    D.to grow

6. (09北京)All of them try to use the power of the workstation ______information in a more

effective way.

A. presenting      B.presented          C. being presented      D. to present

7(09北京)_____ twice , the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.

A.Being bitten        B.Bitten        C.Having bitten         D.To be bitten

8(09湖南)Every evening after dinner , if not ____from work, I will spend some time walking

my dog.

A.being tired     B.tiring         C.tired           D.to be tired

9(09湖南)At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, ______in a small apartment near Boston and

_____ what to do about his future.

A.living; wondering      B.lived; wondering    C.lived; wondered      D.living; wondered

10(09湖南)Nowadays people smetimes separate their waste to make it easier for it ____.

A. reusing           B.reused         C.reuses          D.to be  reused

11(09湖南)Please do me a favor -----­­­______my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.

A.to invite            B.inviting        C.invite          D.invited

12(09湖南)I still remember ____to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

A.to take             B.to be taken     C. taking           D.being taken

13(09重庆)Michael’s new huse is like a huge palace , _____with his old one.

A.comparing           B.compares     C. to compare     D.compared

14(09重庆)With the world changing fast, we have something new ____with all by ourselves

every day.

A.deal         B.dealt               C.to deal          D.dealing

15(09山东)We are invited to a party ____in our club next Friday .

A.to be held        B.held         C.being held          D.holding

16(09福建)____not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.

A.Reminding     B.Reminded            C.To remind        D.Having reminded

17(09福建)In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,____the 60th

anniversary of the founding of PLA  Navy.

A.marking     B.marked         C.having marked     D.being marked

18(09安徽)The play ___next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A. produced                     B.being produced      

 C.to be produced                 D.having been produced

19(09天津)______the prject in time, the staff were working at weekends.

A.Completing         B.Having completed       C.To have completed  D.To complete

20(09天津)_____by the advances in technology ,many farmers have set up wind farms

on their land.

A.Being encouraged              B.Encouraging       

C.Encouraged                   D.Having encouraged

21(09辽宁)When we visited my old family home, memory came _____back.

A.flooding      B.to flood       C.flood         D.flooded

22(09辽宁)______, you need to give all you have and try your best.

A.Being a winner     B.To be a winner     C.Be a winner    D.Having been a winner

23(09江苏)Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000college graduates this year

as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, ___reduce

unemployment pressures.

A.help   B.to have helped        C.to help       D.having helped

24(09浙江)____and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of

Mount Tai.

A.To be tired      B.Tired        C.Tiring     D.Being tired

25(09浙江)There is a great deal of evidence _____that music activities engage different

parts of the brain.

A.indicate      B.indicating       C.to indicate      D.to be indicating

26(09浙江)_____, the pay isn’t attractive enough , though the job itself is quite interesting.

A.Generally speaking       B.On the contrary    C.In particular        D.To be honest

27(09四川)He told us whether____a picnic was still under discussion.

A. to have        B.having       C.have       D.had

28 (09四川)_____many times, he finally understood it.

A.Told        B.Telling       C.Having told      D.Having been told

29 (09四川)Ladies and gentlemen , please remain ____until the plane has come to a

complete stop.

A.seated       B.seating          C.to seat      D.seat

30(09江西)____the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day

grow into international stars.

A.Giving     B.Having given     C.To give      D.Given

31(09江西)The government plans to bring in new laws _____parents to take more reponsibility

 for the education jof their children.

A.forced     B.forcing      C.to be forced   D.having forced


1-5BCADA    6-10DBCAD     11-15BACDC    16-20BACDC   21-25AACBB  26-31DADADB


 1.(91) _________, I went to the railway station to see my friend off.

A. After eating quickly my dinner              B. After my quickly eating dinner

C.After eating my dinner quickly               D. After eating my quickly dinner

2.(91) Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ______ after drinking.

A. never to drive          B. to never drive          C. never driving     D. never drive

3.(91) The murderer was brought in , with his hands ____ behind his back.

A.being tied        B. having tied       C. to be tied          D. tied

4.(91) The secretary worked late into the night, _____ a long speech for the president.

A. to prepare         B. preparing          C. prepared          D. was preparing

5.(91) I can hardly imagine Peter _____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A. sail             B. to sail          C. sailing             D. to have sailed

6.(91) ---The light in the office is still on. 

         --- Oh, I forgot _____.

A. truning it off         B. turn it offf         C. to turn it off          D. having turned it off

7. ( 91) John was made ____ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wah         B. wahing          C. wash           D. to be washing

8.(91) On Saturday afternoon , Mrs. Green went to the market, ______ some bananas and visited her cousin.

A. bought             B. buying           C. to buy              D. buy

9.(91) She's upstairs ____ letters.

A. writes        B. is writing          C. write                    D. writing

10(91) The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself_____.

A. hear         B. to hear     C. hearing             D. heard

11(92) The salesman scolded the girl caught_____ and let her off.

A. to have stolen        B. to be stealing     C. to steal         D. stealing

12.(92)Little Jim should love ______ to the theatre this evening .

A. to be taken         B. to take         C. being taken         D. taking

13.(92)---- I usually go there by train .

          ----- Why not _____ by boat for a change?

A. to try going          B. trying to go           C. to try and go          D. try going

14.(92) I would appreciate______ back this afternoon.

A. you to call                B. you call       C. your calling        D. you're calling

15.(92) _____ a reply, he decided to write again .

A. Not receiving         B. Receiving not         C. Not having received        D. Having not received

16.(92) --- Shall we go skating or stay at home ?

          ---- Which ______ do you yourself ?

A. do you rather        B. would you rather         C. will you rather     D. should you rather

17.(92)_____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old .

A. The walk        B. Walking         C. To walking             D. Walk

18.(93) How about the two of us _____ a walk down the garden?

A. to take         B. take         C. taking          D. to be taking

19.(93) The computer centre, ______ last year , is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open          B. opening         C. having opened         D. opened

20.(93) _____ down the radio---- the baby's asleep in the next room.

A. Turning       B. To turn     C. Turned         D. Turn

21.(93) Charles Babbage is generally considered _____ the first computers.

A. to invent        B. inventing        C. to have invented       D. having invented

22.(94) She set out soon after dark _____ home an hour later.

A. arriving        B. to arrive    C. having arrived        D. and arrived

23.(94) ---- I must apologize for ______ ahead of time .

           ----- That's all right .

A. hetting you not know     B. not letting you know     C. letting you know not     D. letting not you know

24.(94) Rather than _____ on a crowded bus , he always prefers ______ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride        B. riding ; ride        C. ride; to ride         D. to ride ; riding

25.(94) The missing boys were last seen ______ near the river.

A. playing       B. to be playing          C. play         D. to play

26.(94) The first textbooks _____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written        B. to be written       C. being written     D. written

27.(95) We agreed _____ here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.

A. having met     B. meeting          C.to meet       D. to have met

28.(95) ---- You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .

          ----- Well, now I regret ______ that .

A. to do          B. to be doing        C. to have done     D. having done 

29.(95)The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ____.

A. not to           B. not to do          C. not do it         D. do not to

30.(96) _____ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing           B. Having lost         C. Lost         D. To lose

31.(97) I would love _____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go          B. to have gone         C. going         D. having gone

32.(97) The Olympic Games ,______ in 776 B. C., did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing     B. to be first played       C. first played     D. to be first playing

33.(98) Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ by the hour.

A. pay           B. paying       C. paid       D. to pay

34.(98) European football is played in 80 countries , ______ it the most popular sport in the world.

A. making        B. makes         C. made         D. to make

35.(99) The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult .

A. not make       B. not to make     C. not making         D. do not make

36.(99) When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door____ "Sorry to miss youwill call later".

A. read           B. reads           C. to read          D. reading

37.(00) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ the next year.

A. carry out        B. carrying out        C. carried out          D. to carry out

38.(00) I've worked with children before, so I know what ____ in my new job.

A. expected        B. to expect         C. to be expected        D. expects

39.(01) As we joined the big crowd I got _____ from my friends.

A. separated        B. spared       C. lost        D. missed

40.(02) The reaearch is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it .

A. begins         B. having begun     C. beginning          D. begun

41.(02) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple , but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it .

A. to see        B. to be seen       C. seeing         D. seen

42. (03) A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen .

A. smoke          B. smoking        C. to smoke         D. smoked

43.(04) Sarah, hurry up . I'm afraid you won't have time to _____ before the party.

A. get changed         B. get change     C. get changing        D. get to change

44.(05Ⅰ) The storm left ,________ a lot of damage to this area.

A. caused        B. to have caused         C. to cause       D. having  caused

45.(05Ⅱ) ______, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality .

A. Generally speaking         B. Speaking general       C. Generally speaking     D. Speaking generally

46.(05Ⅱ) While watching television ,______.

A. the doorbell rang                                          B. the doorbell rings      

C. we heard the doorbell ring                           D. we heard the doorbell rings

47.(05Ⅱ) " You can't catch me !" Janet shouted, _____ away.

A. run          B. running       C. to run           D. run

48.(06Ⅰ) _____ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

A. Surprising     B. Surprised          C. Being surprised           D. To be surprised

49.(06Ⅱ) We often provide our children with toys , footballs or basketballs , _____ that all children like these things.

A. thinking             B. think       C. to think         D. thought

50.(07Ⅰ) ---- The last one _____ pays the meal.        ----- Agreed!

A. arrived       B. arrives         C. to arrive             D. arriving 

51. (07Ⅱ) At the beginning of class , the noise of desk _____ could be heard outside the classroom.

A. opened of and closed  B. to be opened and closed  C. being opened and colsed    D. to open and colse

52.(08Ⅰ) I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ______.

A. to be breathed         B. to breathe       C. breathing           D. being breathed


1-5CADBC  6-10CAADD   11-15DADCC   16-20BBCDD    21-25 CDBCA   26-30DCDAC  31-35ACCAB       36-40DCBAD   41-45BBADA    46-52CBBACCB