
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 23:41:09
If you’ve been following my blog for a while you probably know that I am passionate about healthy living and exercise. I am even more passionate about telling people around me how beneficial healthy lifestyle is and how easy it is to follow it.
One of the ways to bring balance into my lifestyle is Yoga. I’ve been practicing it for a few years now (though I am not a real Yogini) together with Pilates and running. This combination of activities has proved to be the most beneficial for my body because it connects mind and body and lets me find inner serenity while giving me the body that I love. I am a certified fitness and Pilates instructor but Yoga has always been just my hobby.        瑜珈是让我和谐生活的一种方式。我将瑜珈与Pilates 和跑步一起锻炼好多年了(虽然我不是一位真正意义上的瑜珈女修行者)。这种结合锻炼已经证明对我的身体大有裨益,因为当我做我喜欢的锻炼时,我身心结合、内心安逸。我是个持证的合格的Pilates老师,但是,瑜珈只是我的嗜好。
Recently I have found a new way of doing Yoga. I have started using Prasara Yoga Primer – an online course with 5 Yoga flows (each flow has 3 levels of difficulty and plenty of videos demonstrating transitions and movements.) At first I didn’t know what to expect from these flows, but now I absolutely love them!        近来,我发现了一种做瑜伽的新方法。我和其他5位瑜珈爱好者开始使用在线网络教程---Prasar瑜珈入门(每个级别有3个困难的阶段和大量有关转型和运动的示范视频。)。起初,对于这些流程我不报任何幻想,但是现在我完全喜欢上它们了。
Here are 5 things that I love about Prasara Yoga Primer:      下面是我喜欢Prasar瑜珈入门的5个原因:
1.It is not static. I love movement and Prasara Yoga gives me just that. Each asana flows gracefully into the next one creating a continuous flow that stretches and strengthens your body.       1.非静止类。我喜欢运动,Prasar瑜珈刚好是这样的。一个接一个优美的瑜珈姿态连续不断地拉伸、加固着你的身态。
2.It is suitable for any level. The Advanced level is still beyond the horizon for me but I am comfortable with my Beginner level flows right now. If you decide to try Prasara Yoga I would recommend that you look through the manual and learn all the asanas (poses) before trying transitions. The first time I tried transitions I felt like a cow on the skating rink because flows require good coordination (that you will develop if you keep practicing Prasara Yoga).       2.适合于各个阶段。高级阶段,我可望而不可及,但是,我现在悠闲地进行着我的初期阶段。
3.It’s good for cross-training. If you already have your favorite workout (running, cycling, weight-lifting, swimming etc.) then these Yoga flows will maximize your results. It is great to work your body from different angles and challenge it with something you are not familiar with.      3.可适宜于交叉锻炼。假如你刚完成了你喜欢的训练(比如:跑步、骑车、举重,游泳等)进行瑜珈锻炼可使你的肌肉增至最大限度。从各个角度让你的肌肉经受你并不熟悉的挑战,棒极了。
4.You get help and support. When you buy Prasara Yoga primer you also get access to the forum where you can ask questions about the practice or share your progress with other members.      4.互相帮助互相支持。当你购买了Prasar瑜珈入门,你就同时获得了论坛权限,在那里就可以和其他的成员一起交流和分享进步的快乐。
5.You can do it anywhere. I am not a big fan of gyms and I love workouts that do not require any equipment and can be done anywhere. All you need to do Prasara Yoga is your computer (or iPod) and a mat.     5.随时训练。我不大喜欢体操,但我喜欢没有任何器材设施的随时随地锻炼。做Prasara 瑜珈,你只要有台电脑(或者iPod)和一个垫子就可以了。
I have decided to do a short interview with the creators of Prasara Yoga primer Andy Fossett, Jarlo Ilano and Ryan Hurst. Feel free to ask them any questions in the comments below.      我决定对Prasar瑜珈的创始人,Andy Fossett,Jarlo Ilano 和Ryan Hurst做个简短的采访。下面是我随意问他们的问题。
1. What is Prasara Yoga? What are the benefits of doing it?     1.什么是Prasar瑜珈?做它的好处是什么?
Jarlo: Actually, the development of Prasara yoga is very interesting. Our teacher, Scott Sonnon, has a varied background in Russian health and movement training, as well as martial arts, yoga, and other fitness disciplines. During his explorations, he learned and adapted a variety of “biomechanical exercises” which emphasized dynamic joint and whole body mobility. The focus was less on static positional holds, and more on flowing movement to improve freedom in all degrees of motion. As he studied more yoga, he incorporated the dynamic mobility exercise with the traditional hatha postures, and developed a system that connects the asana in a free flowing, graceful manner. When you view the various flows, you can see that they are both similar and distinctly different from other vinyasa style yoga.Jarlo:  实际上,Prasar瑜珈的形成是特别有趣的。我们的老师Scott Sonnon,在俄国健康运动训练、武术、瑜珈和其他健身训练方面有着不同的背景。在他研究的过程中,他学习并且适应了各种各样“生物力学练习”,注重动态关节和全身运动,减少静态姿势保持,增大运动量,从运动的各个方面来提高自由度。当他更多的研究瑜珈的时候,他将动态运动练习和传统的瑜珈姿态结合起来,形成了这门姿态优雅,行云流水的瑜珈体系。观看不同的动作,你会发现,同其他流派的瑜珈风格既相似又迥乎不同。
Each flow that is created by the various 。teachers has a specific focus as well as full body mobility. For example the Cricket Flow, is very good for hip opening and strength, while the Vine Flow emphasizes standing posture and balance with leg mobility. The focus on flowing movement and a specific focus on particular areas (while still maintaining whole body awareness) are two of the great benefits in Prasara.       每个动作具有创造性。老师既注重特殊区域又兼顾全身运动。比如:蟋蟀这个动作,它对你的臀部肌肉收缩是极其有帮助的,而站如一棵松这个动作,着重你的站姿和腿部运动平衡。注重运动流畅,强调区部训练(同时有不忘全身),是Prasara瑜珈的两大亮点。
The dynamic movement appeals to many who don’t enjoy holding the static positions of asana that much, and the specific focus of the flows allow people to choose particular flows for their current goals. With this, we believe that Prasara can help many people to enjoy the benefits of regular yoga practice.        动态运动极大的吸引了那些不想做静态瑜珈姿势的人,而特定动作的选择允许人们按照目前目标进行训练。说完这个,我们相信,Prasar瑜珈能使人们在规范的瑜珈练习中获益。
2. What is life balance for you? Does Yoga help you find life balance?         对你来说,什么是生活和谐?瑜珈对你的生活和谐有帮助吗?
Ryan: Life balance for me means being able to do what I want, when I want, and how I want. And that unfortunately means that I can’t say yes to everyone in my life. When you spread yourself too thin by putting too much on your plate, nothing gets done and you start hating what you are doing. Taking little bites and focusing on that, and solely on that, is much more rewarding than trying to cram it all in. Yoga can help with life balance. But just like anything, when you try to cram too much into your yoga practice you lose that balance. That is why breaking your practice down into smaller chunks and focusing on the meat of your practice will teach balance. And when you can learn to focus on the balance within your yoga practice, it carries over into life balance. Ryan:    对我来说,和谐生活就意味我能干什么、什么时候干,怎么干 ,遗憾的是,在我的生活当中,我不可能对每个人都说。  当你花太多的精力进行瘦身训练时,其实你什么没有得到,你开始憎恶你所做的。浅尝辄止,注意力稍微集中胜过你全神贯注的投入。瑜珈能使人生活和谐,和任何事物一样,过分的进行训练反而会使生活失调。为什么要将训练分解为几个阶段,每个阶段侧重各有不同?是为了教会你和谐啊。当你在瑜珈训练的过程中学会了注意和谐时,生活就自然和谐了。
Andy: Life balance is one of those things that didn’t have a name until recently but has become a pretty hot topic. I think the biggest thing to consider is that you have to choose your level of granularity when you talk about balance. I mean, are you trying to balance everything over the course of a single day? Because that would drastically compromise the depth at which you pursued any of your responsibilities or interests. With only 24 hours in a day, the only way to really “get it all in” is to do much of it badly.Andy:生活和谐是近来才有这个名字的,但是现在已变成了热点话题。当你在谈论和谐时,你最关注的是你所选择的尺度。我的意思是,在一天中你企图使所做一切都和谐吗?因为你将会在你的职责,你所感兴趣的东西中做最彻底的折中处理。一天只有24小时,“真正全身性投入”的唯一方法是做你急需要做的事。
And that’s where granularity comes in. You can choose to set aside a certain amount of time for each thing, but what happens when you have to re-prioritize? I believe that real “life balance” occurs over the course of your lifetime. You have to make choices that may seem unbalanced at times. When I have friends visit from other countries, I don’t meditate every day, and I drink more than I should. But then things level off, and I return to my disciplines.        现在来说说尺度的问题,你可以采取做任何事情要留有余地这一方式,但是当你不得不要进行优先考虑时,会发生什么?我认为“生活和谐”会贯穿于人的一生。有时我们不得不选择似乎不和谐的事。当我的外国朋友来时,我不会每天深思冥想,而是和他们一道酩酊大醉,但是当生活正常后,我会重返常态--严格要求自己。
Making space for the things you love doing may mean that truly balancing your activities and time each day is impossible. But you can also balance over the course of a week, or a month, or a year. As long as you are consciously deciding how you spend your time (instead of simply reacting to external forces), you’ll be more balanced that most people. The internal focus you build with Prasara practice helps.        对于自己喜欢的事情要有尺度,那就意味着你不可能每天在活动和时间上保持平衡,但是你可以在一周内,一个月内或者一年内保持平衡。只有你有意识的安排自己的时间(而不只是应对外部压力),你就会比大多数人和谐。练习Prasar瑜伽有助于修身养性。
3. Can you remember a story of the most inspiring Yoga student that you have ever had?       在你的瑜珈学生当中,谁的故事最让人鼓舞?
Ryan: That’s a tough one because every single person I work with inspires me on a different level. But if I had to give an example it would be the student who comes day after day and never gives up on their daily practice. I’ve seen a lot of very talented people. Those who could just ‘get’ it right away. But it is always those that must work especially hard and with extra diligence on the mat that constantly reminds me of why I am doing yoga. And that inspires me. Achieving a certain pose or movement in Prasara Yoga is impressive. But it is not the pose nor the movement that is truly inspiring. It is the journey, the hard work of daily personal practice that is what inspires. That is where we truly grow and can in turn inspire others I believe.    Ryan: 这个问题很难回答,因为和我一起工作的每个人都不同程度的激励过我。但是,如果确实让我举个例子的话,那就是在日常训练中,日复一日,从不间断的学员。我见到许多很有才华的人,我马上就可以说来。但是,那些在垫子上非常刻苦努力的人,是他们时常提醒我,激励我----为什么要做瑜珈。完成瑜珈中的某个姿势、动作给人以深刻的印象,但并非是姿势和动作鼓舞了我,而是过程。每天艰苦的个人训练鼓舞了我,它使我们确实成长起来反过来又激励了其他人。
4. Who is Prasara Yoga for? Is it a workout for regular beginners or is it an enhancement for athletes? Some of the stretches and transitions are quite difficult for a regular beginner. What are your tips to ease into the routine and to stay successful as a student?        谁更适合于练习Prasara瑜伽?Prasara瑜伽是为初学者,还是为提高阶段运动员设计的?对于初学者来说,有些拉伸和转换动作太难了。在步入正常训练和成为成功的学员方面,你有何建议?
Ryan: This might sound cliche, but Prasara Yoga really is for anyone. It is divided up into levels and within those levels broken into parts so that a person of any level can benefit. It can be a workout, a cool down, and even a restorative practice.        说起来似乎有点陈词滥调,但是,每个人都可以训练Prasara 瑜伽。他分为几个级别,不同的级别又分为几个阶段,所以任何级别的人都会获益。你可以把它当做赛前集训、赛后冷静反思,甚至恢训练。
Like anything, you shouldn’t just jump into Prasara and expect to be able to do it all. Choose a flow and start with the beginner level. Work on the components of each breakdown and focus on your structure, breathing, and movement. Don’t look at this as a quick fix for something. Take your time getting into your practice and stick with it! Slow and steady.       和任何事物一样,你不应该有刚练习就有回报的想法。选择一个动作从初级级别开始,坚持做每个分解动作,注意力集中在你的身体结构、呼吸和姿势上。不要指望着它能修补你什么,慢慢的就有了习惯,缓慢而又平稳地坚持下来。
Andy: Prasara瑜伽是运动哲学,所以,我不能确保对于特殊人适合,他们要么进行动作训练,要么不是。毫无疑问,Prasara瑜珈适合运动员训练,因为他们注重运动。刚开始练习瑜珈的人,只要他们不把自己的进步和其他人取得的成就相比,就有很多
Of course, these routines are going to be difficult for beginners. That’s what makes them effective. When you come across something you can’t do, simply look at it as a chance to learn. Approximate the movement to the degree you can without pain. Exhale. Try again. Repeat for a week and note your progress. Rivers don’t make mistakes. Just keep flowing, and eventually you’ll reach the sea.        当然,对于初学者来说,要按惯例坚持训练是很困难的。这要看他们的效果。当你遇到不能克服的困难时,只要把它当做学习的机会就是了。估量一下自己力所能及的程度,大喝一声,再来一次。如此重复一周,你注意到自己进步了。像河流一样永不回头,坚持不懈,终会注入大海。
5. What is your biggest motivation in life? What is your biggest motivation to practice Prasara Yoga?        你收获的最大动机是什么?你训练Prasara 瑜珈的最大动机是什么?
Ryan: My biggest motivation in life is to keep moving so that I can play with my children and then their children some day! LOL!Ryan:我生活中最大的动机就是继续前进,以便某一天和我的孩子和我孩子的孩子一起玩! ( 大笑)
I believe that a great teacher must be a living example. To me this means daily personal practice and working just as hard or even harder than those that I instruct. I want to share Prasara with as many people as I can and I feel the best way to do that is by training in a way that allows a person to train their whole life. Prasara is what allows me to do that.       我认为,好老师是活生生的实例。对我来说,这意味着,我每天要坚持个人锻炼,要比我的学员更努力。我想把Prasar瑜珈与尽可能多的人分享,我感到最好的方法莫过于形成一种终生能够训练的方式。瑜珈就是让我这么做的。
Thank you guys for answering these questions and for creating a wonderful product!       特别感谢你回答这些问题和创立了这么棒的教程。
Don’t forget to check out all the features of Prasara Yoga Primer (click here). You can even get a free sample workout to see if Prasara Yoga is for you or now. I hope that this Yoga flow will bring more balance in to your life.      别忘了检查Prasar瑜珈入门的教程(点击这里)。你甚至可以免费咨询,看看Prasar瑜珈是不是适合你。我希望Prasar瑜珈使你的生活真正保持平衡。
Keep it balanced!      继续保持!