译言网 | 何谓成熟?“真正的成年人”的20个特征

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 20:33:19
如何获得并感受宽恕“Forgive and forget” is how the old saying goes. But is it that simple?
A boy who was dumped by his girlfriend says, "She really hurt my feelings. How can I ever forgive her for what she did to me?"男孩在被女朋友抛弃之后说:“她真的伤害了我。她这样对我,我怎么能够原谅她呢?”
A girl whose father sexually abused her for years asks, "Why should I forgive him for that?"被父亲性虐待长达几年之久的女孩问:“他那样做,为什么我还要原谅他?”
The drug dealer who wants to turn his life around wonders, "Will God really forgive me for all I have done?" How do we forgive others who have wronged us? How do we accept God's forgiveness?想要金盆洗手的毒品贩子想知道:“上帝真的会原谅我所犯的罪行吗?”我们要怎样原谅那些伤害我们的人?我们又该如何接受上帝的宽仁之心?
The Real Need for Forgiveness宽恕的真实需要
God hates sin; He cannot stand to look at its ugliness. Therefore, unconfessed sin in our lives comes between us and damages our relationship with the Lord.上帝讨厌罪恶;他无法忍受去面对罪恶的丑陋。因此,生命中未供认的罪行会会伤害我们与上帝的关系。
"Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, or his ear too dull to hear, but your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that He will not hear." (Isaiah 59:1-2)“当然,并非上帝的援手鞭长莫及,无法拯救你,亦非他双耳双耳沉重,无法听到你,皆因你的罪孽将你与上帝分离;你的罪恶使他隐藏了面孔,不听呼唤。”(以赛亚书 59:1-2)
Not only does unforgiveness come between us and God, it also breaks our relationships with others.不宽容不仅会伤害我们与上帝的关系,还会伤害我们与他人的关系。
"He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends." (Proverbs 17:9)“掩盖过错者可能会获得爱,但是屡次如是者必将被好友疏远。”(谚语 17:9)
The Requirements for Forgiveness
Because God hates sin, the price for forgiveness is high. Scripture gives the following requirements for forgiveness:
Sacrifice. Hebrews 9:22 says that "without the shedding of Blood, there is no forgiveness." In the Old Testament, a sacrifice of an unblemished lamb was required to satisfy God's wrath. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, died on the cross and became the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Jesus bought our forgiveness when he died on the cross. 牺牲.希伯来书9:22写到:“没有流血,就没有宽恕。”在旧约中,需要用无瑕的羔羊来平息上帝的盛怒。耶稣,上帝的无罪之子,在十字架上牺牲并成为原罪的终极祭品。耶稣在十字架上死亡之时买下了我们的宽恕。
"For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God." (1 Peter 3:18a)“因为基督只此一次替罪孽而死,用正直回报邪恶,为的是将你们引领到上帝面前。”(1 彼得 3:18 a)
"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." (Ephesians 1:7)“按照上帝最广阔的慈悲,我们通过他的血液来赎罪。”(以弗所 1:7)
Forgiveness of others. Another requirement for forgiveness of sins in that we forgive others. 1 Corinthians 13:5 says that "real love keeps no record of wrongs." Remember that Proverbs 17:9 tells us that a real friend will forgive. God has also made forgiving others a requirement for receiving His forgiveness. 对他人的宽恕。另一个需要宽恕罪行的地方是我们原谅他人。1 科林斯 13:5写道:“真爱不计较人的恶。”要记住谚语17:9告诉我们真正的朋友会宽恕。想要获得上帝的宽恕,首先要宽恕他人。
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:14,15)“因为如果你原谅了那些得罪你的人,天父也将原谅你。但是如果你不原谅他人的罪恶,天父永远也不会宽恕你的罪行。”(马太福音 6:14,15)
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)“彼此之间要宽容慈悲,彼此原谅,正如神在基督中宽恕了你们。”(以弗所 4:32)
Confession of sin. We must admit our sins to God if our relationship with Him is to be restored completely. Looking back at the real need for forgiveness, we see that unconfessed sin can separate us in our relationship with God. Confession is the way to restore that relationship with the Lord, remembering that it is for our own benefit that we confess to return to the Lord because He is faithful even when we are not (2 Timothy 2:13). 承认罪恶。如果我们想完全修复与上帝的关系,我们就必须在上帝面前承认我们的罪恶。回顾对宽恕的真实需要,我们看到不承认罪行会使我们与上帝疏远。坦白可以修复与上帝的关系,要记住,我们坦白以回归上帝是为了自己好,因为即使在我们不忠实的时候,上帝依然是守信的。(2提摩西 2:13)
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)
Repentance. We must decide to change, to turn from our sins. “如果我们坦白了自己的罪行,他必将信守诺言,原谅我们的罪行并洗刷我们的一切邪恶。”(1 约翰 1:9)
"Therefore this is what the Lord says, 'If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me.'" (Jeremiah 15:19a)“因此上帝这样说:'若你后悔,我会将你复原,你仍有机会服侍我。”(耶利米 15:19 a)
The Results of Forgiveness宽恕的结果
The Bible promises the following benefits of God's forgiveness:圣经承诺上帝的宽恕将会带来如下益处:
Happiness. When we know God's forgiveness, we are blessed (happy). 幸福。当我们了解上帝的宽仁,我们就得到了福佑(幸福)。
"Blessed (happy) is he whose transgressions are forgiven, who sins are covered. Blessed (happy) is the man whose sin the Lord doesn't count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit." (Psalm 32:1,2)“当违背得到赦免,原罪获得遮盖,我们就得到了福佑(幸福)。上帝眼中,罪行不算冒犯、精神没有欺骗的人,会得到福佑(幸福)。”(赞美诗 32:1,2)
God chooses not to hold our sins against us. Another result of forgiveness is that God doesn't keep a record of our sins, He does not hold them against us. Because the blood of Christ covered our sins, God chooses to put them out of His mind. 上帝选择不因我们的罪而责怪我们。原谅的另一个结果就是,上帝不把我们的罪行记录在案,他不因我们的罪行而责怪我们。因为基督的血掩盖了我们的罪行,上帝选择忘却这些。
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." (Isaiah 43:25)“我,即便是我,为了自己的缘故而清楚你们的犯罪,忘却你们的罪行。”(以赛亚书 43:25)
God removes our sin from us. "It is possible for the Lord to look at us without seeing our sins because when he forgave us, he removed our sins as far as the east is from the west" (Psalm 103:12)上帝从我们身上移除罪恶。“当上帝原谅我们之时,他看着我们,而看不见我们的罪行,他把罪行从我们身上移去,隔开像东与西那样远的距离。”(赞美诗 103:12)
We can forgive ourselves. When we are forgiven, we can forgive ourselves and go on with our lives.我们可以原谅自己。当我们被别人宽恕,我们可以自我原谅,并继续生活。
"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13,14)“弟兄们,我不认为自己已经掌握了。但是我知道我应该忘记背后,努力面前,向着标杆直跑,为获得上帝在天堂中以耶稣的名义召唤我而设的奖赏。”(腓力比 3:13,14)