译言网 | 不屈不挠的克林顿夫妇

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于2010-07-15 15:24:00翻译 | 已有325人浏览
有人,在困难面前从不惧怕;有人,在丑闻面前,从不羞怯;有人,在制裁面前,也能化险为夷......不管怎样,也要将自己的政治之旅走到底,遇到南墙也不回头,这样韧劲十足的人还能有谁? - 克林顿夫妇,美国政坛璀璨耀眼的星。
Tags:社会 |克林顿 |希拉里

Pretty much wherever you look this summer, Hillary, Bill, and even Chelsea Clinton are in the news. The former first lady, senator from New York, presidential candidate, and now Secretary of State grows in stature, acknowledged across the political spectrum for her professional skills and toughness when it counts. Virtually alone among Obama insiders, she was spared opprobrium from General Stanley McChrystal and his aides in their self-destructive Rolling Stone rant. The former president looks trim and elegant on the cover of this month's Esquire. The piece is about Haiti. Pundits are hailing Clinton's revived political mojo in places such as Arkansas, where he stepped up on behalf of embattled Senator Blanche Lincoln, and Colorado, where he has endorsed an opposition Democrat for senator. Writing in The Daily Beast, Mark McKinnon asserted "the former president's favorables are now at 51 percent, higher than Obama's."这个夏季很多有关希拉里,比尔,甚至切尔西克林顿的新闻无处不在。曾经的美国第一夫人,纽约参议员,总统候选人,现在的美国国务卿,她以她的专业技能和韧性在政坛上获得普遍认可。事实上,在奥巴马政府内部,她受到麦克克里斯托将军的谩骂和()。在本月的《时尚先生》的封面,前总统看上去整洁且绅士。该篇文章关于海地。在某些地方,权威人士们为克林顿的政治复辟而欢呼,比如在:阿肯色州,在那里,他代表备受攻击的参议员布兰奇林肯,同时,在科罗拉多州他已经成为反民主党的参议员。据《每日野兽报》,马克麦金龙宣称:“目前,前总统的支持率高于奥巴马,达到51%”。
As for Chelsea Clinton, her wedding is imminent. Speculation focuses on an estate in Rhinebeck, New York. Considering how much of her life took place in the limelight, she seems remarkably cool and poised. For all any outsider is entitled to judge, Chelsea is among her parents' greatest successes.而切尔西克林顿,她即将步入婚姻,各种猜测都聚焦于她在纽约Rhinebeck的财产,在聚光灯下她过着怎么样的生活,而切尔西似乎非常冷静沉着。所有有权评判的人认为,切尔西是她的父母最大的骄傲。
With so much going for the Clintons, it seemed perverse somehow to find myself drawn this June to a nearly 800-page book, The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr (Crown) by Ken Gormley, a professor at Duquesne University Law School. He has exhaustively recreated the entire saga, beginning with the Whitewater land deals and ending years later with the impeachment trial of the president for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. But the book's early reviews were intriguing. My favorite line was from Janet Maslin, writing in The New York Times that reading the book "seems akin to climbing Mount Everest in house slippers; impressive but not entirely necessary." What finally hooked me was Gormley's fascinating interview with Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air.克林顿夫妇的支持者很多,发现自己出现在6月的一本长达800页的书中似乎不合常理,该书《死亡的美国人的美德:克林顿和斯塔尔》作者是葛姆雷,迪凯纳大学法学院的教授。他竭尽全力的重塑他的整个传奇,从白水门事件开始,结束于莱温斯基性丑闻弹劾事件。本书早期的评论引人入胜。我最喜欢的是《纽约时报》珍妮特写道:“读本书就像穿着拖鞋攀登埃佛勒斯峰,永生难忘但却没什么必要。” 而最终吸引我的是美国国家公共电台新鲜空气栏目中格姆雷对泰瑞有趣的采访。
The accumulation of extensive interviews and impeccably researched detail, much of it largely forgotten or never before disclosed, amounts to a portrait of what was surely one of the strangest periods in American history—nearly a full decade in which the nation's politics gradually became ensnared in low-level real estate and tax shenanigans that morphed into the tawdriest array of sexual peccadilloes ever to require the attention of the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, abetted by a breathless media in the midst of a transformation to Internet omnipresence and twenty-four-hour cable news. The stain of cheesiness that remains is indelible. I started reading The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr on a Kindle, but switched to the printed book because I found myself making so many exclamatory marginal notes. Here are just a few of the book's more astonishing facts:该书累计了广泛的采访素材以及做了毫无瑕疵的细节研究,很大一部分已经被遗忘或从来没有披露过,美国历史最奇怪的一段时期被刻画成一副肖像 - 几乎整整10年这个国家的政治逐渐被低迷的房地产和税务欺骗所困扰,这些又转向最恶俗的性丑闻,在为无处不在的因特网为载体令人窒息的媒体和24小时的有线新闻的煽动下,这些都要求白宫,国会和最高法院的关注。奶酪上存在的污点是擦不掉的。开始,我使用电子阅览器读《死亡的美国人的美德:克林顿和斯塔尔》,但之后我转换读打印版,因为我发现自己需要做很多感叹的旁注。这儿有一些该书中描述的更多令人惊叹的事实:
The "Indictment" of Hillary: In April, 1998, Kenneth Starr's Office of Independent Council (OIC) drafted a formal indictment of Hilary Clinton that charged she had perjured herself in describing work for Madison Guaranty, the bank at the heart of the Whitewater case. OIC prosecutor Hickman Ewing was "unshakable in his belief that Hillary Clinton had perjured herself" Gormley writes. "Never before had a First Lady of the United States been indicted. That was no reason in Ewing's mind to resist taking this historic plunge." But other prosecutors, including Starr, prevailed, with the mantra "Forget about [Hillary]. We have the president in [our] sights."控诉希拉里:1998年春天,独立委员会肯尼斯史塔尔办公室起草了一份正式的文件,控诉希拉里克林顿在为自己在麦迪逊银行的工作做伪证,该银行是水门事件涉案的关键点。在书中,葛姆雷写道:“独立委员会检察官尤因坚信希拉里克林顿为自己做了伪证,在此之前,从来没有美国第一夫人被控诉,不知为什么尤因不愿陷入历史”。但在其他的检察官中,包括史塔尔,盛行这样的咒语“忘记希拉里,我们有自己的总统”。
The "Brace" of Monica Lewinsky: This was the entrapment of the intern in a Ritz Carlton hotel room in which prosecutors and the FBI effectively cut her off from her lawyer and terrified her with the intention of gaining undercover cooperation in pursuit of the president. When finally allowed to talk to her mother, "Monica choked out the words: 'the FBI has me. . . .' She later admitted, 'I was hysterical.'" Gormley's meticulous recreation of this episode is chilling for its cruelty, considering how clueless she seems to have been about the risks of Oval Office infatuation.莫妮卡莱温斯基的支撑:这是一个内部的圈套,在利兹酒店的房间里,检查官和FBI及时切断了她与她的律师的联系,并恐吓她为追捕总统与他们进行秘密合作。后来,允许她与她的母亲通话:“莫妮卡哽咽着说:FBI......最后,它承认:当时我非常混乱”。在本书的该章节中葛姆雷将这种残忍描述的非常冷酷,想想醉心于冒险总统办公室是多么的愚蠢。
The outing of adulterers: First, Representative Henry Hyde, Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who led the case against Clinton in the House, acknowledged an affair in 1965, and then Representative Bob Livingston, about to be the new Speaker of the House, was brought down by Hustler magazine's revelation of a "host of extramarital liaisons" leading to his resignation. "As his final declamation in the well of Congress," Gormley wrote, "the dishonored representative declared, 'God Bless America.'" 被曝光的通奸者们:首先,共和党代表亨利海德,在白宫内部领导弹劾克林顿一事的白宫司法委员会主席承认自己在1965年的外遇,然后就是,参议员鲍勃利文斯顿,即将成为白宫的最新发言人也因为被《好色客》杂志披露是“通奸的主要联络人”而导致辞职。葛姆雷在书中写道:“在国会上他做了最后的宣告,这个无耻的参议员说:上帝保佑美国吧”。
The prospective indictment of Bill Clinton after he left office: Robert Ray, Starr's successor at OIC, intended to empanel a new grand jury and bring a criminal case against the ex-president. But what amounted to a plea deal ended the case. Clinton's law license was suspended for five years; he paid a $25,000 fine to the Arkansas Supreme Court's Committee on Professional Conduct, and was required to admit that he "knowingly gave evasive and misleading answers" in the case brought by Paula Jones, which had veered the nation into the whole sordid mess. 在其离职后对比尔克林顿预期的控诉:罗伯特,独立委员会斯塔尔的接班人,他想选任新的陪审团给前总统定罪。但是怎样的认罪交易结束了该事件呢。克林顿的律师执照已经被吊销了5年之久,他向阿肯色遂高法律委员会支付了25000美金的罚款,并且被要求承认在葆拉琼斯案件中给了“逃避性和误导的回答”,该事件已将该国家陷入肮脏的境地。
On nearly every page, some character is shown to be pitiful or tawdry: Vince Foster, the White House lawyer who committed suicide; Jim McDougal, a con man who died in a Texas prison in solitary confinement because he was unwilling or unable to produce a urine sample; and Susan McDougal, who languished in jail for refusing to testify at Starr's grand juries for reasons never made clear. One thought was that she was protecting a romance with Clinton; according to Gormley, she now concedes there was one, "albeit brief in duration."该书几乎在每一页,都有一些遗憾的或是俗气的人:文斯福斯特,白宫的律师自杀身亡;吉姆杜戈尔靠欺骗度日的男人死在德克萨斯州的牢中,因为他不愿接受尿检;苏珊因为拒绝向斯塔尔陪审团证实从未搞清楚的原因而在狱中备受折磨。还有一位她恪守与克林顿的一段情史,据葛姆雷书中说:现在她已经承认她与克林顿之间的关系,“尽管,这段关系非常短暂”。
The book is also replete with codas. Ken Starr now believes it was a mistake for him to extend his Whitewater probe into the Lewinsky saga. "If he could replay this decision that wreaked havoc on his life and his professional career," Gormley writes, Starr would declare, the case had to be investigated, "but I was a poor choice to do it." As for President Clinton, his rage is still palpable. Of the House prosecutors, he said, "They ran a partisan hit job run by a bitter right-winger, Henry Hyde who turned out to be a hypocrite on the personal issues. . . . Yeah, I'll always have an asterisk after my name, but I hope I'll have two asterisks: One is: They impeached him and the other is 'He stood up to them and beat them. And he beat them like a yard dog.'"该书充满了尾声。肯斯塔尔现在认为,他调查重点由白水门事件转入莱温斯基传奇是个错误。葛姆雷在书中写道:“如果他重新做决定,该事件将严重影响他的生活和事业”,斯塔尔宣称该事件已经被调查,“但我很少有机会做”。作为总统的克林顿,很明显充满了怒气。白宫检察官说:"这是由右翼分子执行的党派间的打击,在个人问题上,亨利海德原来是个伪君子......在我的名字后面我将标注记号,但我希望标注两个记号:一个是:他们弹劾克林顿,另一个是克林顿抵抗他们并与之斗争。就像一只在院中的狗"。
And so, years after the debacle, the former president and the secretary of state continue to play important and constructive roles in American life. They are truly indomitable. But what a blot there is on history.在一败涂地之后的很多年中,前总统和现任国务卿继续在美国人的生活中扮演重要的和有建设意义的角色。他们是真的毫不气馁,但在美国历史上那是怎样的一个污点。