双语调查:英六成情侣感情生活不如意(图) - 日志 - smart

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 07:22:11


24已有 577 次阅读  2010-06-03 09:49   标签:  双语  情侣  如意  感情  调查  性生活 

  It's perhaps inevitable that some of the romance will go out of a relationship as time passes.


  And for some couples that spontaneityis replaced by a steady and deepening affection.


  But not for as many as we would like to think. In fact, most couples are unhappy in their relationship, say researchers.


  More than six out of ten adults in a relationship admit there is a lot they could do to improve their love life - and four out of ten admit they have considered leaving their partner. One in ten no longer even trusts their partner.


  A study of 3,000 couples also showed a lack of sex, spontaneity, affection and romance makes it hard to maintain a loving relationship.


  In fact, most couples only rate their sex life as being six out of ten - and 25 per cent claim activity in the bedroom is more perfunctorythan perfect.


  More than half of those polled said their partner was no longer the 'affectionate and giving' person they were when they first started dating.


  And for 33 percent acts of spontaneity - such as booking romantic trips away, cooking a favorite meal or bursting in with a bouquet of flowers - are all but dead-and-gone.


  'The sad fact of the matter is that when people first start dating, they go to great lengthsto appeal to each other by being sexy, romantic and giving,' said David Brown of website UKDating.com.

  英国交友网站UKDating.com的戴维 布朗说:“可悲的是,当人们刚开始约会时,他们都会努力表现出自己性感、浪漫和乐于付出的一面,以达到吸引对方的目的。”

  'But once that honeymoon period is over, it is all too easy to start taking each other for granted. Once couples fall in love and settle down, they fall out ofthe habit of making an effort.'


  The survey also revealed 13 per cent of couples no longer want the same things for the future and 19 per cent don't give each other enough time or attention. For 16 per cent a lack of time to talk is a bone of contention, whereas 7 per cent simply don't fancy each other any more.


  Half of those questioned believed they were stuck in a rutwith their sex life and had no idea how to re-create the passion they once enjoyed.



  spontaneity:the quality of being spontaneous 自发性;自然

  perfunctory: (of an action) done as a duty or habit, without real interest, attention or feeling(行为)敷衍的;例行公事般的;潦草的


  go to great lengths:竭尽全力

  fall out of:放弃

  bone of contention:争论的焦点,争论的起因

  be stuck in a rut:对老一套感到枯燥乏味

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发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

  • 回复 举报 fenglinda 2010-06-03 12:35 真的吗?
  • 回复 举报 hczspy 2010-06-03 13:14
  • 回复 举报 Jamesliu 2010-06-07 09:07
  • 回复 举报 Yama_Pink 2小时前

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