Memory Management for Oracle databases on VMWare ESX(Guy Harrison, Monday, February 22, 2010)

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Memory Management for Oracle databases on VMWare ESX
Monday, February 22, 2010 at 10:25PM

The trend towards virtualization of mid-level computing workloadsis progressing rapidly. The economic advantages of server consolidationand the – often exaggerated – reduction in administration overheadsseem pretty compelling. And virtualized servers are quicker toprovision and offer significant advantages in terms of backup,duplication and migration.
The virtualization of Oracle databases has proceeded more slowly,due to concerns about performance, scalability and support.  Oraclecorporation has given mixed messages about support for virtualizeddatabases,  though they currently appear to have conceded that Oracledatabases on VMWare are supported, at least for single instancedatabases (see ).
Oracle would prefer that we use their Xen-based virtualizationplatform, but they face an uphill battle to persuade the data centersto move from ESX, which is established as a defacto platform in mostsites.
So like it or not, we are probably going to see more databasesrunning on ESX and we’d better understand how to manage ESX virtualizeddatabases.  In this post, I’m going to discuss the issues surroundingmemory management in ESX.
Configuring memory
When creating a VM in ESX we most significantly configure the amountof “physical” memory provided to the VM.  If there is abundant memoryon the ESX server then that physical memory setting will be provideddirectly out of ESX physical memory.  However, in almost all ESXservers the sum of virtual memory exceeds the physical ESX memory andso the VM memory configuration cannot be met.  The Resources taboptions control how VMs will compete for memory.
The key options are:
Shares.  These represent the relative amount of memory allocated to a VM if there is competition.  The more shares the relatively larger the memory allocation to the VM. All other things being equal, a VM with twice the number of shares will get twice the memory allocation.  However, ESX will “tax” memory shares if the VM has a large amount of idle memory.
Reservation:  This is the minimum amount of physical memory to be allocated to the VM.  If there is insufficient memory to honor the reservation then the VM will not start.
Limit:  This is the maximum amount of memory that the VM will use.   The advantage of using limit rather than simply reconfiguring the VM memory is that you don’t need to reboot the VM to adjust the memory limit.

So in general, an ESX VM will have a physical memory allocationbetween the reservation and the limit.  In the event that VMs arecompeting for memory, the shares setting will determine who gets themost memory.
Ballooning and Swapping
When ESX wants to adjust the amount of physical memory allocated to the VM, it has two options:
If VMWare tools are installed, ESX can use the vmmemctl driver (AKA the “balloon” driver) which will force the VM to swap out physical memory to the VMs own swapfile.
If VMWare tools are not installed, then ESX can directly swap memory out to it’s own swapfile.   This swapping is “invisible” inside the VM.
Let’s look at these two mechanisms.  Let’s start with a VM which hasall it’s memory mapped to ESX physical memory as in the diagram below:

Life is good – VM physical memory is in ESX physical memory, which is generally what we want.
If there is pressure on ESX memory and ESX decides that it wants toreduce the amount of physical memory used by the VM – and VMWare toolsis installed – then it will use the vmmemctl driver.  This driver isalso refered to as the “balloon” driver – you can think of it expandinga balloon within VM memory pushing other memory out to disk. Thisdriver will – from the VMs point of view – allocate enough memorywithin the VM to force the VM Operating System to swap out existingphysical memory to the swapfile.   Although the VM still thinks thevmmemctl allocations are part of it’s physical memory address space, inreality memory allocated by the balloon is available to other VMs:

Inside the VM, we can see that memory is swapped out by using any of the standard system monitors:

If VMware tools are not installed, then ESX will need to swap out VMmemory to it’s own swap file.  Inside the VM it looks like all of thememory is still allocated, but in reality some of the memory isactually in the ESX swap file.

Monitoring memory
We can see what’s going on in the ESX server by using thePerformance monitoring chart.  Personally, I like to customize thechart to show just active memory, granted memory, balloon size and swapsize as shown below:

Recommendations for Oracle databases
Hopefully we now have some idea how Oracle manages ESX memory and how the physical memory in the VM can be reduced.
Its true that for some types of servers – a mail or file server forinstance – having physical memory removed from the VM might beappropriate and cause only minor performance issues.  However, for anOracle database, any reduction in the physical memory of the VM isprobably going to result in either SGA or PGA memory being placed ondisk.  We probably never want that to happen.
Therefore, here are what I believe are the ESX memory best practices for Oracle databases:
Use memory reservations to avoid swapping.   There’s no scenario I can think of in which you want PGA and SGA to end up on disk, so you should therefore set the memory reservation to prevent that from happening.
Install VMware tools to avoid “invisible” swapping .  If VM memory ends up on disk you want to know about it within the VM.  The vmmemctl “balloon” driver allows this to occur.  Furthermore, the OS in the VM probably has a better idea of what memory should be on disk that ESX.  Also, if you use the vmmemctl driver then you can use the LOCK_SGA parameter to prevent the SGA from paging to disk.
Adjust your Oracle targets and ESX memory reservation together.   For instance, if you adjust MEMORY_TARGET in an 11g database, adjust the ESX memory reservation to match.  Ideally,  the ESX memory reservation should be equal to MEMORY_TARGET plus some additional memory for the OS kernel, OS processes and so on.   You’d probably want  between 200-500MB for this purpose.
Don’t be greedy.   With physical servers we are motivated to use all the memory we are given.  But in a VM environment we should only use the memory we need so that other VMs can get a fair share.  Oracle advisories – V$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE, V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE, V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE – can give you an idea of how performance would change if you reduced – or increased – memory.  If these advisories suggest that you can reduce memory without impacting performance then you may wish to do so to make room for other VMs.
In the next release ofSpotlight on Oracle,we will be monitoring ESX swapping and ballooning and raising alarms ifit looks like ESX is pushing PGA or SGA out to disk.  Spotlight alsohas a pretty good – if I do say so myself – memory management modulethat can be used to adjust the database memory to an optimal level (seebelow).  In a future release I hope to enhance that capability to allowyou to adjust database and ESX reservations in a single operation.