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HBybrid Tea 'Double Delight' Roses HBybrid茶'红双喜'玫瑰

Picture of Double Delight Rose双喜玫瑰的图片
Double delight rose, a beautiful hybrid tea rose, with the same maintenance as other hybrid teas.双喜玫瑰,美丽的混合茶玫瑰与其他混合茶一样维护。
Planting and care of this rose is not harder than any other rose.种植和护理这玫瑰是不是更辛苦,比任何其他的玫瑰。
You will love the fabulous rose fragrance, so wonderful!你一定会喜欢的神话般的玫瑰香味,多好!
The rose blooms are creamy white at first, with just a red tinge on the outer petals, but as they mature so do the extent of the red coloring, especially in hot climates.玫瑰绽放的乳白色起初,只有一对红色的花瓣色彩外,但是当他们成熟,这样做的红着色的程度,特别是在炎热的气候。
The most delightful thing about Double Delight rose is it's startling contrast between the layers of the bright cherry red outer petals and the creamy white heart.关于双喜玫瑰是最愉快的事情它之间的光明樱桃红外层花瓣层和乳白色的心惊人的对比。
The flowers are large and usually come singly.在花大,通常是单独前来。 though sometimes in two's and three's, on long sturdy, prickly stems.虽然有时在两个和三个的,长期坚固,刺茎。

Buy Hybrid Tea 'Double Delight' Here购买混合茶'红双喜'这里
The plant has large leaves and an upright habit, but it is more bushy and has a better shape than many hybrids.该工厂有大叶和一个正直的习惯,但更浓密,具有更好的状态比许多杂种。
The red coloring is created by the action of ultra-violet rays on the natural pigments in the petals.红色着色创建的紫外线在花瓣上的天然色素的行动。
This means that there are no two flowers alike, because the weather that causes the color changes is always changing.这意味着,有没有两个花朵一样,因为天气导致的颜色变化是在不断变化。
'Double Delight' roses are one of the best known and most widely grown roses in the World. '红双喜'玫瑰是最知名,最广泛种植于世界玫瑰之一。
People are so taken by the colors of these blooms, not to metion their fabulous rose fragrance.人们所以由这些花的颜色,而不是采取metion其美妙的玫瑰香味。
The roses look wonderful in vases, so be sure to plant several of these beauties in your garden, so you will have plenty for cutting roses.玫瑰花在花瓶看起来很棒,所以一定要在你的花园工厂这些美人几个,所以你将有大量削减玫瑰。

You need to plant at least three of these roses together, so you can have a large bouquets.你需要种植至少这些花三在一起,这样你可以有一个大花束。
In fact planting three roses closely together to form one large bush, is actually much better than planting just one.在种植3玫瑰密切合作,形成一个大的事实灌木,其实比种植更好的只是一个。
I am doing this more and more now, and my garden and flower beds look so much better for it.我这样做越来越多的现在,我的花园和花槽,它看起来那么好。
Some rose bushes, such as 'Double Delight'.有些上涨,如'红双喜'灌木。 really benefit from more, to show off the beauty of their flowers, which this rose is so delightfully famous for.真正受益于更多,炫耀他们的花,这玫瑰的美是如此兴高采烈地闻名。
The rose blooms are very fragrant with a scent that some refer to as either spicy or fruity.玫瑰绽放是非常的气味,有些是指无论辣香味作为或果味。
The flowers repeat bloom from spring through fall.从春天的花朵盛开,通过减少重复。
Double Delight rose an excellent flowerbed plant that also looks lovely planted in a mixed border.双喜玫瑰一个很好的花坛植物,看起来也可爱在混合边界种植。
It has good disease resistance, except for cool damp climates, where it is susceptible to powdery mildew.它具有良好的抗病性,除了凉爽潮湿的气候,在那里容易受到白粉病。
Be prepared to apply preventative sprays if this problem is common in your garden.准备实施这个问题很常见,如果在您的庭院成为预防性喷洒。
It does beautifully everywhere else.它美丽的其他任何地方。

The picture above shows Double Delight roses growing in my home garden.上面的图片显示双喜玫瑰在我家花园里成长。
The rose flowers look different in different climates zones, even in the same garden if grown in different locations.玫瑰的鲜花在不同气候区的不同,即使在同一个花园,如果在不同的地点种植。
I thought you like to have a look at some more pictures of this spectacular rose.我以为你要在这壮观的一些图片看看上升。
If you enjoy bringing flowers indoors, this rose deserves a place in your cutting garden.如果你喜欢把鲜花在室内,这个玫瑰园值得在你的切割的地方。
A bouquet of these roses is absolutely stunning.有关这些玫瑰花束绝对让人叹为观止。
The amount of color that develops depends on the amount of sunlight and the age of the bloom.色彩的金额,开发取决于日照量和开花的年龄。
Be sure to plant this rose in your sunniest spot.请务必在您的工厂这个阳光最充足的地方上升。
The growth habit of this tea rose is upright and spreading.此茶生长习性玫瑰是正直和蔓延。
There is a climbing variety, it has the same delightful coloring as the bush variety and flowers all summer.有一个登山品种,它具有与各种灌木和鲜花都一样令人愉快的夏季色彩。
It grows well on walls or fences when trained horizontally on wires, where it makes a spectacular show.它生长良好训练时,在墙上或电线上,它使一个壮观的表演水平围栏。

Rose Tips and Important Facts For Pruning罗斯技巧和重要的事实修剪
Regarding rose care and pruning, they are the same as for modern hybrid tea roses.关于护理和修剪玫瑰,它们是为现代混合茶玫瑰花一样的。
Pruning should be done in in late winter or early spring, depending on your areas climate.修剪工作应在冬末或初春,根据您的地区气候。
Double Delight rose grows best in warmer mild climates.双喜玫瑰生长最好的温暖气候温和。
Cut back the rose bush by one third, making all cuts on an angle.削减玫瑰布什三分之一,所有的角度作出削减。
Then remove all spindly canes and all canes that are growing in the wrong direction, as well as diseased wood.然后删除所有细长手杖和拐杖都认为是在错误的方向发展,以及患病的木材。
Make these cuts as close to the base as possible.请尽量接近尽可能削减这些基地。
Then trim to shape the bush so it looks attractive and it's growing the way you want it to.然后修剪塑造如此看来,布什的吸引力和它的增长方式你想让它。
Double Delight rose grows to an average height of 3-5 feet and a spread about 2-3 feet.双喜玫瑰生长到1 3-5英尺,平均约2-3英尺高度分散。
The bush grows the highest in warm or hot climates.丛林中生长在温暖或炎热的气候最高。 Zones 6-10.区6-10。
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