
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 09:26:47
               Butterfly &Flower                                                          蝶&花     The birth of dream is that                                               一个梦的开始                     In the sun and subtle air                                                                在阳光下舒适的空气下    Blossom the flowers in the bud of the spring                                   春天的花儿含苞开放    I heard the sound of the body bones growing                                  我听到身体成长的骨节气        Melting of river channel and the rumble of thunder                            河床消融 一阵阵雷声    I saw the river rolls turbulently boiling                                           我看到河水汹涌    And waters the ground                                                              把大地覆盖    Subsequent angels in green come upon the wind.                              一个个绿色的天使迎风而来     Butterfly , that's it                                                              蝶    就是蝶                              She flourished her wings.                                                     闪动着漂亮的翅膀     And wave around me,                                                         在我的身边舞动    With the arching ,light and elegant little body                             胀痛的身体轻盈飘逸     I an the blossom, the foothold of which is the land                    我是花儿 根在土地的花儿    I am maintaining my equilibrium                                            我在保持身体的平衡    The weightlessness of the mind                                            心灵的失重    Is more serious by swaying of the willows                               在柳枝的摆动中更加沉重        I could not give butterfly a last promise                                  我无法给蝶一个最后的约定     Because the flower must be withered                                     一个花儿在风中在雨中     In the wind, the rain or the sun.                                             在阳光下要凋谢     And the butterfly will be suspended above the ground in              蝶 变成最后悬空的姿态the upshot     A love begun to promisingly announce its end                           一场爱情就这样开始预示着结束    Oh, my butterfly, let me become a fairy                                  蝶啊蝶 让我也羽化登仙    Floating far away the earth                                                  在飘落中远离尘土    To go to the wedding ceremony of the Heaven                         去天堂举行盛大的婚礼