
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 03:07:43
时间:2009-02-16 04:43来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击:次
引言 对于使用VB6的开发者而言,要在程序中实现多线程(multi-thread)功能,一般就是使用Win32 API调用。但凡是进行过这种尝试的开发者都会感觉到实现过程非常困难,而且总是会发生些null terminated strings GPF的错误。可是有了VB.NET,一切烦恼都成为过
对于使用VB6的开发者而言,要在程序中实现多线程(multi-thread)功能,一般就是使用Win32 API调用。但凡是进行过这种尝试的开发者都会感觉到实现过程非常困难,而且总是会发生些null terminated strings GPF的错误。可是有了VB.NET,一切烦恼都成为过去。
自由线程(free threaded)
现在好了,VB.NET改善了这些功能,.NET SDK中包含的System.Threading名字空间专门负责实现多线程功能,而且操作相当简单:只需要利用System.Threading名字空间中的Thread类,就具有了实现自由线程的属性和方法。
Imports System
’ Import the threading namespace
Imports System.Threading
Public Class clsMultiThreading
’ This is a simple method that runs a loop 5 times
’ This method is the one called by the HelloWorldThreadingInVB
’ class, on a separate thread.
Public Sub OwnThread()
Dim intCounter as integer
For intCounter = 1 to 5
Console.WriteLine("Inside the class: " & intCounter.ToString())
End Sub
End Class
Public Class HelloWorldThreadingInVB
’ This method is executed when this EXE is run
Public Shared Sub Main() Dim intCounter as integer
’ Declare an instance of the class clsMultithreading object
Dim objMT as clsMultiThreading = new clsMultiThreading()
’ Declare an instance of the Thread object. This class
’ resides in the System.Threading namespace
Dim objNewThread as Thread
’Create a New Thread with the Thread Class and pass
’ the address of OwnThread method of clsMultiThreading class
objNewThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AddressOf objMT.OwnThread))
’ Start a new Thread. This basically calls the OwnThread
’ method within the clsMultiThreading class
’ It is important to know that this method is called on another
’ Thread, as you will see from the output
’ Run a loop and display count
For intCounter = 10 to 15
Console.WriteLine("Inside the Sub Main: " & intCounter.ToString())
End Sub
End Class