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Tue 18 October, 2005
00:38 东拉西扯:IT不再重要 对牛乱弹琴 | Playin‘ with IT
还记得2003年那场大讨论吗?引发讨论的是尼古拉斯·G·卡尔(Nicholas G. Carr)发表在《哈佛商业评论》上的一篇文章——《IT不再重要》。卡尔要表达的是,IT(信息技术)已经日用品化了,所有的企业都从IT中获得了好处,所以IT不再能够带来竞争优势。这种说法让IT界的大佬们很不爽,说IT不再重要,就等于告诉企业别在IT采购上浪费金钱,所以他们纷纷跳出来反驳卡尔,以表明自己仍然重要得不行。
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Mon 17 October, 2005
23:27 昨日新闻 - 精英们会“落草”吗? 对牛乱弹琴 | Playin‘ with IT
[随看随侃] 精英们会“落草”吗?#精英,存在吗?需要吗?有用吗?#草根博客的精英欲望#未来手机系统是谁的天下#挖掘Blog长尾的广告价值#“门户真的不行了吗?请不要这么武断。”#
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17:31 Wiki之父离开Microsoft加盟eclipse Slashdotcn 据EclipseZone消息,Wiki创建者、设计模式和极限编程领域先锋人物Ward Cunningham离开Microsoft加盟Eclipse基金会。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
16:58 ABC Affiliates Grapple With TV-Show Downloads Slashdot Carl Bialik writes "By making an episode of ‘Lost‘ available for download last week just half a day after it aired, for a $1.99 charge, ‘Apple may have helped open a Pandora‘s box for the media business,‘ the Wall Street Journal reports. The president of the association representing ABC‘s affiliate stations sent a letter to the president of ABC, reading in part, ‘It is both disappointing and unsettling that ABC would embark on a new -- and competitive -- network program distribution partnership without the fundamental courtesy of consultation‘ with its affiliates. While the extent of Apple‘s TV downloads is limited, the Journal parses the potential impact: ‘if downloading episodes over the Internet proves popular, analysts believe Apple will get permission to offer shows with better-fidelity pictures. Any success Apple has won‘t go unnoticed by other online media powerhouses with expanding video initiatives like Yahoo Inc., Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp., which could all help extend TV downloading to more viewers.‘"©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
16:03 Using the Ruby Dev-Tools plug-in for Eclipse Slashdot An anonymous reader writes "IBM Developerworks is running an article that introduces using the Ruby Development Tools (RDT) plug-in for Eclipse, which allows Eclipse to become a first-rate Ruby development environment. Ruby developers who want to learn how to use the rich infrastructure of the Eclipse community to support their language will benefit, as will Java developers who are interested in using Ruby."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
15:22 Mark Newport‘s Knitted Heroes Slashdot Blaise Faint writes "Mark Newport‘s knitted comic book covers and superhero costumes are on display and have sold for as much as $5,500.00 (US). Online displays are currently available at Lyons Wier Gallery and Greg Kucera Gallery -- images include Batman, Captain America, Daredevil, The Escapist, Mr. Fantastic, and others."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
14:37 Fortune Takes a Look at Bram Cohen Slashdot jackstack writes "Fortune has an interesting article about bittorrent creator Bram Cohen. ‘Right now I‘m the CEO because I don‘t trust anyone else to be the CEO,‘ Bram says. The article goes into some interesting detail about Bram‘s state of mind, his poor history in college, and gives a glimpse of what it‘s like to go from being an unknown, brilliant geek - to the CEO of an $8.75 Million startup company."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
14:25 Blogosphere统计:2005年8月 WebLeOn‘s Blog时隔2月,Sifry又一次公布了Technorati关于Blogosphere的一些统计数据。
- Technorati所跟踪的Blog数量达到1960万个。
- Blog总数继续以每5个月翻一番的速度增长。
- 整个Blogosphere的规模是3年前的30倍,增长势头不减。
- 每天新建Blog的数量约为7万个。
- 大约每秒钟就会产生一个新的Blog。
- 每天产生的新Blog中,有2% - 8%是虚假或者垃圾Blog。
- 每天产生的新Blog文章大约为70万到130万之间。
- 每小时产生的新Blog文章数约为33000条,每秒钟9.2篇。
- 另有5.8%的文章(约50000篇/天)产生自虚假或者垃圾Blog。


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13:54 Datels 4GB Hard Drive for PSP Reviewed Slashdot PSP News writes "The announcement that Datel was producing a 4GB Hard Drive addon was just the thing the PSP Community was looking for and today Lik Sang has done a great hands on review of the product that provides more details and a much nicer price of $199 instead of the rather high $249 which was originally posted."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:40 Zend科技加入Eclipse基金会 Slashdotcn 据InfoWorld报道,Zend 科技近日发布了Zend PHP Framework 并宣布将加入Eclipse基金会开发一套基于eclipse平台的PHP开发plug-in;Zend 科技近期已同IBM, Oracle, MySQL, SurgarCRM等公司就Zend/PHP达成合作伙伴关系,并试图推出Zend Platform。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:40 Beyond Java Slashdotcn Bruce Tate 去年出版的一本关于轻量级Java企业应用开发的书Better, Faster, Lighter Java 一举获得第15届Jolt 大奖,今年9月他又出版了一本名为Beyond Java (O‘Reilly) 的新书,在其对Ruby on Rails (更轻量级) 的一次偶然接触之后,Bruce开始对Java在应用开发中适用范围提出置疑:Java is moving away from its base. Hardcore enterprise problems may be easier to solve, but the simplest problems are getting harder to solve. Java is showing signs of wear, and interesting innovations are beginning to appear outside of Java. It‘s time to start paying attention again. It‘s time to look at the horizon, beyond Java -- whatever it may be.©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:27 Why Software Sucks (and What To Do About It) OSNews "No one makes bad software on purpose. No benevolent programmer has ever sat down, planning out weeks of work, with the intention of frustrating people and making them cry. Bad software, or bad anything, happens because making things is hard, making good things doubly so."Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:26 Warpstock Europe 2005: Social Event OSNews As every OS/2 and eComStation user should know by now, Warpstock Europe 2005, will take place in the city of Dresden, Germany, from November 18th to 20th. OS/2 and eComStation users come to Warpstock Europe because of interesting presentations and because they can meet and talk to people that they only know by their eMail addresses. The Warpstock Europe 2005 event team has worked in both directions to make sure that every visitor will enjoy and benefit from Warpstock Europe.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:26 Interview: Bill Gates OSNews The world‘s richest man talks about developing new drugs to combat AIDS, open-source software and why Microsoft‘s still cool after all these years. Gates: "We encourage everyone to develop in our environment. Free software‘s nothing new... There was an early browser, an early mail program. But as times moved on, it‘s been the commercial programs that get the support, get the richness."Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:25 Macromedia Opens Incubation ‘Labs‘ OSNews Macromedia on Monday opened the doors to a new incubation site that hosts unfinished technology and early software releases. The goal of Macromedia Labs is to involve developers in the creation of new products, enabling them to provide feedback that can shape the company‘s future moves. Specifically, Macromedia Labs will offer documentation, code samples and technical articles, along with community services such as forums and wikis.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
13:04 IMDb Turns 15 Slashdot An anonymous reader writes "15 years ago today, Col Needham posted some shell scripts to rec.arts.movies which allowed anyone to search lists of actors, actresses, directors, and biographies. From this humble beginning -- which predates Yahoo, Google, and even the web itself -- the IMDb has wrangled the collective wisdom of millions of submitters to become not only a top 100 website but also a standard Hollywood tool for filmmaking. IMDb is celebrating with a retrospective of the last 15 years of IMDb and movies. Congratulations to IMDb and the internet community that built it."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
12:44 Using Ruby Development Tools Plug-in for Eclipse OSNews Ruby is a single inheritance language, but it offers some advanced features that Java technology does not, such as closures (think anonymous inner classes on steroids) and mix-ins. This article introduces using the Ruby Development Tools plug-in for Eclipse, which allows Eclipse to become a first-rate Ruby development environment. Ruby developers who want to learn how to use the rich infrastructure of the Eclipse community to support their language will benefit, as will Java developers who are interested in using Ruby.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
12:22 PTO Eliminates "Technological Arts" Requirement Slashdot MdntToker writes to tell us that the Patent Board has issued an opinion which removes the existing procedure of rejecting patents under 35 U.S.C. 101 as outside of the "technological arts". From the article: "Our determination is that there is currently no judicially recognized separate "technological arts" test to determine patent eligible subject matter under 101. We decline to create one. Therefore, it is apparent that the examiner‘s rejection can not be sustained."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
11:38 The Perl Foundation Gets New Leadership Slashdot Andy Lester writes to tell us that the Perl foundation has named a new president and steering committee members. Bill Odom landed the seat of president, replacing Allison Randal who has occupied the seat since 2002. From the article: "Founded in 2000, The Perl Foundation (TPF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation based in Holland, Michigan, established to advance the use and development of the Perl programming language through open discussion, collaboration, design, and code."©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
11:15 Jack Thompson Rescinds Offer Slashdot Goalmaster3000 writes to tell is reporting that Jack Thompson has rescinded his offer of a $10,000 donation to charity if a video game were made to fit his model. Recently a group of GTA modders cooked up a scenario to fit the bill but apparently Thompson is claiming that his piece ‘A Modest Video Game Proposal‘ was intended as satire that the video game community was not bright enough to grasp. Perhaps Thompson was just afraid he was going to have to sue himself? Update: 10/17 20:02 GMT by SM: It appears that the Penny Arcade crew has taken the next step by donating the promised $10,000... in Jack Thompson‘s name.©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
10:55 Borland 收购 Legadero Slashdotcn 据CNet报道Borland近日收购了一家名为Legadero的小型软件公司,并计划将Legadero的软件交付最优化 (Software Delivery Optimization) 策略及产品与Borland的应用程序生命周期管理 (Application Lifecycle Management) 平台整合,从而形成一套更为完善的软件开发流程。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
10:49 Interview with Tony ‘Say No to Windows‘ Bove Slashdot An anonymous reader writes "XYZ has an interview with Tony Bove, author of the upcoming book, "Just Say No to Microsoft". From the article: ‘With this book Bove intends to help readers rid Microsoft from their life- this is easier said that done, but it is certainly possible. The book goes on to list alternatives to the Microsoft programs on which people have become dependent and probably think they cannot give up.‘"©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
10:07 Microsoft Windows Vista Build 5231 Review OSNews While Build 5232 was released today to testers, WinSuperSite continues its review of build 5231. "Windows Vista Build 5231 could have been horrible and I‘d still be happy about it, because we‘re finally getting regular Windows Vista builds. That build 5231 is not horrible, and includes a number of exciting new features, is just the frosting on the cake. After a rough beginning and a particularly bad 2004-2005, Windows Vista is finally on track."Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
09:27 Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 DoS Exploit Slashdotcn 这是一个拒绝服务攻击,会造成Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7以下的所有版本崩溃,但据报道,Firefox 1.5 beta2不受此漏洞影响,因此,虽然我们相信mozilla会尽快补上这一漏洞,但在没有补丁之前,最好还是使用Firefox 1.5 beta2。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
09:27 Mobility Email Beta 4发布 Slashdotcn 这个软件名为移动邮件,实在内部就是Mozilla Thunderbird,外加一些有用的扩展,比如加上了opengpg的加密功能以及收取Webmail的功能。它最大的好处,就在于可以存在U盘上到处携带,随地工作,不对系统造成任何影响,不写注册表,也不改文件。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
09:27 Macromedia Labs 及 Flex 2 下线 Slashdotcn Macromedia今天推出了面向开发者的Macromedia Labs及alpha版本的Flex 2 开发平台,最新的Flex 2产品线包括Flex framework (SDK), Flex Builder 2 (基于Eclipse), Flash Player 8.5, ActionScript 3.0等一系列产品和技术;不知Macromedia的Flex 2是否会如Java 2那样创造一个全新的时代?©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
08:34 换位,无主题的跑题 酒游花   今天为了把一辆自行车带回家,我不得不在高峰时段骑行近7公里路程。
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07:53 和平解决版权门 laolu
在线音乐的发展史,差不多就是诉讼史。数年来,唱片公司的代言人RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America,美国唱片工业协会),一直以维权的法律名义,于1998年10月起诉 Diamond 的 mp3 播放器 Rio 助长音乐盗版,1999年9月以高达20亿美元的索赔告倒 napster,2000年1月又以数十亿美元的索赔告倒,在RIAA网站上还有更多案件作为警示。在主席换届之后,RIAA 又开始向非法下载或交换音乐的消费者起诉,虽然媒体和舆论首次出现倒戈同情和支持弱势消费者,但IFPI(International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)的跟进,无疑会让唱片业将打击盗版进行到底。
耐人寻味的是,与 RIAA 追踪消费者非法交换音乐、对抗 P2P 所花费的巨大精力相比,对真正的盗版制作者的追踪和打击却力度似乎小得多,或者说,唱片业的目的不在于剿灭在线音乐,而在于需要付费才能获得音乐。
苹果公司以灵活的商业折中方式,创造性地推出了付费音乐下载服务,iTunes 的累计下载量已过了5亿,但 CEO 斯蒂夫·乔布斯依然怒斥:唱片公司越来越贪婪。谁让唱片公司越来越贪婪的呢?在某些情况下,“好法”会不会变为“恶法”呢?
百度的 mp3 搜索是否真的侵权?只有等法院来最终判决。这样的产权制度是否合理,怎样才能从法律上维持利益平衡,会有法律界来讨论。从上面背景来看,知识产权在互联网上所遭遇的问题,恐怕短期内难以彻底解决。
百度目前处于相对不利的位置:一审已经败诉。考虑到发达国家对中国知识产权保护不力的重压,国内不得不采取过度保护的政策,百度要推翻一审判决的概率不大。作为全球第一个因 mp3 搜索而被推上法庭的搜索引擎,百度是有些冤,不过不算太冤,在主流的搜索引擎中,如此大规模公开做 mp3 搜索的,只有百度。同时,百度在 IPO 公告里已申明,此项业务可能引发版权诉讼,并导致大量赔偿。
国内做 mp3 搜索的不止百度一家,唱片公司之所以告百度而不告其他,无非是看中百度的 mp3 搜索流量,希望把这些搜索和下载转变为付费行为。与 RIAA 一样,诉讼只是唱片公司的法律手段,目的在于打压百度,迫使其就范,使唱片公司能获得更多的经济利益。百度当然要坚决否认侵权,这至少是一种较量的需要。但嘴上不承认侵权,并不等于就真的不侵权。如果能庭外和解,应该是化解版权危机的最佳出路。
即便百度的 mp3 搜索,由于技术上无法事先检验来源网站合法性,而不构成侵权,那么当唱片公司向百度指出哪些是盗版音乐后,百度就有必要及时删除那些链接,否则就是明知故犯的侵权。但在搜索结果中删除链接,不仅会落下可以人工干预搜索结果的口实,而且,如果唱片公司接连不断地开出盗版名单,百度就要天天忙于删除盗版链接,这样的 mp3 搜索不就废了么?因此,百度只有采取坚决抗争到底的道路。
倘若二审再次败诉,百度会更加被动。赔钱的口子一开,唱片公司接二连三地排队上门,百度好不容易把 mp3 搜索的流量,转变成了现金,最终却变成了唱片公司的提款机。不仅如此,败诉还会使百度失去与唱片公司的合作谈判筹码,以至于后来由百度主持的论坛,唱片公司拒绝出席,显然败诉的百度,已让唱片公司认为没有谈判的资格。除非百度将来不做 mp3 搜索,否则将来需要在利益上做出更大的让步,才能与唱片公司合作。
缺乏准备的坚持到底,缺乏弹性的拒绝和解,使百度深陷版权门。其实,在国内的搜索引擎里,只有百度才有巨大的 mp3 搜索流量,也是唱片公司最看重的市场基础。如果步升案中,百度能抓住和解的机会,与唱片公司共同开发付费音乐的市场,那么对百度就相当有利:1)开辟新的收入增长点,缓解利润上的迫切压力;2)以后不再陷入版权诉讼,上市公司的形象得以保全;3)进一步打击竞争对手(其他搜索引擎的 mp3 搜索因流量不大,如果与唱片公司合作,也很难享受平等待遇;如果继续现在的做法,那么就可能官司缠身。)
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06:49 神舟6号手表现身香港电子展 Slashdotcn 报道中并未说明这款手表的品牌,只说这是一款多功能手表,是“神舟6号指定手表”,可能已经随神舟6号飞船升空。它有1GB的容量,可录音及听MP3,并可直接连接电脑,512MB版本的售价约1500元。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
06:49 IE开发组呼吁为IE7显示正常而检查WEB页面 Slashdotcn IEBlog上说由于IE7已经修正了许多IE在CSS上的Bug,并且提供了不少新特性的支持,所以以前对于IE6的特别方法已经不再适用,用它反而会引起页面显示异常,所以他们呼吁网站管理者检查自己的页面,为IE7的标准化进程做出贡献。作者并举著名的Slashdot.org的新页面(最近刚转为HTML4.01和CSS)为例,说明其中放在页面下方的搜索栏在IE7中显示不太正常,并给了解决方案。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
06:03 New Hopes From Sun‘s Idea Factory OSNews While it‘s way too soon to say Sun is back on track, the return of Bechtolsheim, aggressive improvements in products and a healthy dose of humility among Sun‘s executives mean the troubled company and its investors have more cause for optimism than they‘ve had in years.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
06:03 How Apple Does It OSNews "This is partly a story about a company called Apple Computer. It‘s also partly a story about a fancy new iPod that plays videos as well as music and that could dramatically change the way people entertain themselves. But it‘s mostly a story about new things and where they come from, about which there are a few popular misconceptions."Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
06:01 Using an A3010 As Central Heating Controller OSNews Many people rely on RISC OS and its software to look after their email and browse their favourite websites. But could you trust RISC OS to make sure you wake up to a warm shower every morning? Electronic engineer Dave Higton describes his RISC OS powered central heating system.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
06:01 OSDL To Push Linux for Mobiles OSNews The Open Source Development Labs, an industry consortium devoted to improving Linux, plans to launch an initiative on Monday to bring the open source operating system to mobile phones. OSDL‘s Mobile Linux Initiative is intended to improve Linux for the small, but increasingly powerful, devices.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
05:33 NetBSD Summer of Code Summary OSNews The NetBSD Project is pleased to announce the results of its participation in Google‘s "Summer of Code". After Google announced this program to introduce students to the world of open source software development at the beginning of June, the NetBSD Project was happy to join the approximately 40 other open source groups as a mentoring organization and compiled a list of suggested projects.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
05:28 HP Recalls 135 000 Battery PacksOSNews Hewlett-Packard on Friday recalled 135 000 battery packs sold with its notebook computers shipped globally from March 2004 to May 2005. The product is being recalled following 16 reports of batteries overheating due to an internal short circuit, the company said.Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
03:53 Beyond Java Your Enterprise Java Community Bruce Tate, author of Better, Faster Lighter Java and Bitter EJB has come out with a new book called Beyond Java. Bruce has an epiphany about the future of software development. Does it include Java?©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
03:08 菜鸟也能用Linux Slashdotcn 这位女士本来只懂Windows,但为了用上一个只在Linux下面工作的邮件服务器上的过滤器,所以才试一下Linux。她在朋友的建议下,在Thinkpad上面安装并使用了Ubuntu,结果非常满意,一点痛苦也没有,甚至安装中的提示语也让她感激得不行。结论就是:菜鸟也能用Linux。当然,英语对她不是问题。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
03:08 自由软件基金会推出社会利益奖 Slashdotcn LWN报道了这个奖的推出,自由软件基金会(FSF)解释这个奖是面向使用自由软件促进社会利益和项目或团队,而不是促进自由软件本身,其重点在促进社会利益上。同时也包括使用自由软件的理念来促进社会利益。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
02:47 三言二拍:地图上的台湾 对牛乱弹琴 | Playin‘ with IT
Google Maps这回在中国引起的麻烦据说不小,给不给“台湾”加上“中国一省”的限定,毫无意外地触发了我们的敏感神经,瞬间成了个大是大非问题。在“台湾”这个问题上,所有国外的机构、厂商,一不小心就成了分裂中国的罪人。民族自尊心在这些问题上,常常脆弱到一碰就断。
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02:10 丰田开发出可吸收污染的植物新品种 Slashdotcn 这种植物是从Cherry Sage发展出来的,称为Kirsch Pink,它比它的祖先吸收氧化氮及二氧化硫的效率高1.3倍,同时降低城市热岛效应的效率也高出1.3倍。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
01:10 英皇家学会发表知识产权宪章 Slashdotcn 这个宪章是为了解决21世纪里面知识获取同权利保护之间的关系的,它由一组来自各国的专家拟就。/.说这些人都认为现在的IP法案都倾向于让人致富,而不是保护公众利益。这个宪章呼吁制定版权法时要考虑权利同公共领域之间的平衡。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
01:10 微软仍可能接受OpenDocument? Slashdotcn OSNews发掘出了这个消息,有位评论家根据自己了解的信息判断说微软仍然有可能接受OpenDocument。虽然这里说的是“Maybe”,但感觉微软的态度似乎有些松动,而已经发生的事,比如美国麻省决定使用这种格式,Sun声明绝不用专利对针对这种格式等也可能促使微软做出改变。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
01:10 FBI逮捕垃圾邮件之王 Slashdotcn 也许美国人对再一次荣膺最大垃圾邮件生产国这一称号不太满意,FBI就搞了这次突袭,抓了垃圾邮件之王Alan Ralsky,拿走了他的电脑和财务记录,“有效地让他Down掉了”。©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
00:30 Classpath Helper Beta Release 0.9.2 Released Your Enterprise Java Community The Classpath Helper project has released beta version 0.9.2 of it’s Eclipse based tool. It is designed to identify and graphically expose problems in an eclipse project classpath that can cause applications to run in unexpected ways.©Add to Add to furl Add to 365key
00:06 东拉西扯:精英blogger和草根blogger 对牛乱弹琴 | Playin‘ with IT
Dan Gillmor的书《We The Media》,副标题是“Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People”(民治民享的草根新闻)。我不否认精英的影响力,实际上新浪正是在利用他们的这种影响力,来吸引草根们到它的网站上开始blog,这会很有效果。但互联网正在把影响力赋予那些以前不具有影响力的人,就像undersound所说的,blog圈是条长长的尾巴,而每个blogger都是这个尾巴上的那么一点。这就是《纽约时报》所说的,“Everyone is famous for 15 people”(每个人都可以在15个人中大名鼎鼎。viaHopesome)。这15个人,可能包括你的恋人、朋友、同事,你对他们的影响力,可能远远超过那些精英们对他们的影响力。安替告诉你应该看超女,你可能不会看,但你的女友告诉你应该看超女,你就真的看了。
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Sun 16 October, 2005
23:53 Feed的中文译名 抽思 - Blog of EX.IMIO.US
“Feed”是捆绑在“RSS”的战车上出场的,称为“RSS Feed”。常常在写文档给那些Non-Blogosphere的人士看的时候,我总是头疼如何用中文表达RSS Feed。Herock提出:《Feed到底应该译成什么?》。许多网友发表了其看法。偶在此缵承统绪,说说。
源 内容源 订阅源 消息种子 消息源 飞递(or 飞碟?Sprun建议) 馈送(暴风雪言港台译法)
暴风雪言及:“…基本上这是一个动词,而不用作名词。另外严重反对“种子”这种莫名其妙的译法。如果说BT里边译成种子还是直译(seed)那把feed也译成种子我几乎99%肯定这位始作俑者是眼花…^^加上“源”也不失为一个妥协的方法,但是我们要考虑这样一个事实,即原文的feed事实上是由动词变来,这样就有一个类似blogger、blogs和a blog这样的问题(比如feed on feed)。”
feed-in:n.,馈入;adj.,进给的, 进料的。 feed logs to a fire; feed data into a computer.(给火添柴;往计算机里输入数据) the petrol feed(汽油输油装置)
馈[动词]:饷也。——《说文》 [offer food] 馈[名词]:食物 [food] 馈送:feed;To supply with something essential for growth, maintenance, or operation(供给必需品:为生长、维持或运行提供某些必要的物质)。 馈电:feed;供给电能、供电;尤指对一个电路供电。
“源”在汉语中不具备与“Feed”的对应,然而在“RSS Feed”这一技术概念上,却能达到共识。
因为相对于RSS聚合器,“Feed”的概念在于定位输送数据的管道,即“RSS地址”,感觉象江河的源头,源源不断向RSS聚合器输送数据。在Wikipedia的RSS (file format)这一词条下:“This information is delivered as an XML file called RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream, or RSS channel. ”可见,Feed是“管道”“流”,而非仅仅是“源头”,这是Feed译为“源”的时候存在的偏差。
继续左思右想,不得其果。我只能回到老路上,继续把“RSS Feed”译为“RSS源”——“RSS”的译名也是块硬骨头,但其存在认知的强迫性(即优先级别在其相关领域内为最高,你不了解不行),倒也不必翻译。
忽然间,感觉到自己有点缘木求鱼的味道,“Feed”的创造者取象于“Feed”而已,可类同于“Stream”和“Channel”,我又何必耿介于“Feed”与“馈”的对应性?想到这里,“Feed”与“源”在词义上的龃龉,却在“RSS Feed”这一技术概念范围内前嫌尽释。于是,“源”作为“Feed”的中文译名,在无其他有力竞争者的情况下,卫冕胜出。
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22:35 昨日新闻 - 不存在第一届中文博客大赛 对牛乱弹琴 | Playin‘ with IT
不存在第一届中文博客大赛#Web2.0创业和本地鲨鱼们#文化差异所导致门户网站的差异#我为什么坚持中国博客发展精英论——也谈门户网站博客的赢利模式#数据真的是下一个Intel Inside吗?#很多网站实际上只是Web 0.2#Blog的未来在哪里#长长的尾巴#[杂谈碎说] 泡沫年代里的首页价值#FeedDemon的RSS自动退订#
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22:00 Links for 2005-10-16 [] 未知都是已知的Weighing the alternatives - Ajax Info
Ajax 与 XUL、XAML 等的比较.XUL 发音为"zool"关于Web2.0的十八句“名言”? 或许称之为“引文”更好
“我最喜欢Google,因为他们最干净。其他的网站则试图将你的注意力带走。去那些网站不会有任何收获。”Hype Cycle
What is a Hype Cycle?王建硕: 网站成功的关键 warning: non-utf8 string! (sorry)Comprehensive Listing of Tools, Plugins and Add-ons for Social Bookmarking ? ‘Change, Culture, Creativity, Communication’ Read Blogs Online
我的一块试验田. Ajax+Lilina .原始的程序有不少Bug。昨天处理掉了关键的两个。现在的处理速度应该可以忍受。UNIX Load Average Part 1: How It Works
Unix 的 Load Average 到底意味着什么?
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22:00 Links for 2005-10-16 [] WebLeOn‘s BlogGrauw’s web spot - BitTorrent clients review
BT客户端横向测评。Taskable RSS and OPML Browser
系统栏里的RSS/OPML阅读器。Moworks DMS Search
多媒体Meta搜索引擎。FotoFlix - Make Your Memories More Memorable
用图片在线制作音乐Flash的服务。Atiki: strategic web intelligence - Welcome to
个性化的关键词跟踪服务。Gregarius » A Free, Web-based Feed Aggregator
看起来不错的RSS在线聚合器脚本。swag roll
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20:31 EmailRouting [Flickr] 未知都是已知的
dbanotes posted a photo:

Email 架沟示意图.简单清晰
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19:09 comments and how to re-enable them on this blog Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I saw Nicholas Goodman‘s post last week to his blog titled " BLOGS WITHOUT COMMENTS ARE SUPER LAME! ". This is quite interesting as I have been looking into how I can re-enable comments on my blog. I disabled them....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 16/10/05 At 10:12 PM
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19:09 WebGoat an application to learn how to hack! Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
Joel sent me an email last week about an interesting application called WebGoat from the Open Web Application Security Project. This sounded interesting so I went for a look. Basically web application security testing is hard to learn and practice....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 10/10/05 At 10:34 PM
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19:09 The Age talks about David Litchfields open letter to Oracle Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I just found an interesting news item on The Age website written by Sam Varghese titled " Expert decries Oracle‘s ‘slapdash‘ security ". This article sums up David Litchfield’s post and also talks about Alex Kornbrusts posts earlier in the....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 12/10/05 At 09:12 PM
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19:09 Some more posts on bugtraq about David Litchfields open letter to Oracle Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I had a quick look this evening on bugtraq and found a couple of threads that are related to David Litchfield’s open letter to Oracle post the other day. The first is a post by Gadi, who posts some objections....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 08/10/05 At 11:20 PM
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19:09 Security, SOX and Oracle Incentive Compensation Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I saw Ashwin Pingali‘s post titled " Security, SOX and Oracle Incentive Compensation " yesterday and made a note to mention it here. I read his earlier post on the same subject of SOX and Oracle and thought that this....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 11/10/05 At 10:53 PM
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19:09 Prevention and detection better than cure Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I just came across this article by Madeline Bennett, IT Week published on 13 Oct titled " Prevention and detection better than cure - Oracle‘s CSO explains why the future of IT security is not in patches, but in secure....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 13/10/05 At 10:11 PM
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19:09 How to encrypt/decrypt strings with the dbms_obfuscation_toolkit package Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I saw last night a nice post on Francois Degrelle‘s blog titled " How to encrypt/decrypt strings with the dbms_obfuscation_toolkit package " that gives some nice example PL/SQL package that includes two functions, one to encrypt, one to decrypt a....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 14/10/05 At 10:48 PM
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19:09 A new paper on SQL Injection Pete Finnigan‘s Oracle security weblog
I was told last week that David Litchfield had released two new papers, one of which is about SQL Injection. There are three main types of SQL Injection or rather ways to get the data back to the hacker after....[Read More]
Posted by Pete On 10/10/05 At 10:17 PM
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