
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/25 05:31:11
This monkey is tamed but during one of the street performances she got angry against its owner and began to throw at him for real.
And the spectators present during the performance thought it was the script and were really amused.
The last photo is the best, it is ‘a mortal blow’

42岁的罗翁(Lo Wung)是一位猴子训练师,训练猴子表演一些基本跆拳道动作,在购物中心外娱乐大众。然而在一次表演中,他的猴子徒弟却反过来攻击它们的师傅(中文,图集)。一只猴子突然趁师傅不注意时飞踢他的头,而其它猴子见状,也上前开打,仿佛把多年累积的“心头恨”一次发泄,其中一只甚至抢走师傅手中棍棒,开始对打。拍下对打画面的影师Hu Luang称,过程比李小龙电影还精彩。他说,猴子们攻击师傅的眼睛;师傅则抓猴子们的耳朵,接着猴子又捏他的鼻子。