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原文 网址:http://www.psytopic.com/mag/post/how-to-overcome-bad-habits.html


Submitted by Angela 2009-07-01 心理译作 | 评论(54) EN7人推荐您感兴趣的这篇文章来自PSYTOPIC,网址是psytopic.com ,我们相信这次点击不会浪费您的时间。Every day many people make is to discuss
Repulsive behavior, they are not communicating
Deficiencies in skills, nor is it can not be
Changes in personality disorders; but these evil
Learning does not happen in a vacuum, and only
When there is interaction between people
, You can realize that these lines
For the impact. Trainer
Marshall summed up the people in the workplace
20 kinds of common life of bad habits, it may
To control you, you account for a few seats?
Everyone of their own to overcome the bad habits
Special methods, if you have had success by
Inspection, please share to explore together. --

20 common bad habits, do you account for
A few?

The following is a Marshall (global high -
Coach-class leader and a pioneer in the field
The authority of) the work of summing up life in the often
See 20 bad habits, in particular, this
These acts include:

● To win, too: in any
Circumstances must at all costs to
Beat each other, regardless of whether or not to do so

● increase the value of love: each
The total time for discussion to make a self -
Own opinions.

● too fond Comments: always
Comment on other people's view about it, the
Impose their own standards.

● always devastating assessment released
On: Always order for their own words
It sounds more profound, more witty to say
Ridiculed some unnecessary words.

● like to use "no" to "But
Yes "or" but "to the beginning: too much
The use of negative language of transition, in fact,
Is to tell the other side, "you are wrong, I
Is right. "

● How do you tell the world cong
That: always want to tell people around me
More than they thought wise.

● arbitrary temper: often in anger
Anger when communicating with people, the emotional
The fluctuations are not bound to the conduction

● negative thinking, such as "Let me
To tell you to do so why not
Line ": always use their own negative thinking
Victoria to influence people around - even the
At a time when there is no need to.

● conceal information: In order for self -
Has possession of a certain psychological advantage to refuse
Must share information with others.

● do not know how to express recognition: No
Other people know how to praise or reward.

● grab like Gong: always too
Overestimation of their own work for a
Used. This is one of the most offensive
Bad habits.

● always like to find an excuse: the total
Is to attribute their own bad habits for a
Kinds of reasons that can not be changed in order to
For their own acts.

● been attributed to everything
To: always to their own mistakes or lack of
人或事attributed to the previous point. Its
It is their own fault for looking for
The crime of sheep.

● protecting their subordinates: You can not just
To treat their own people around.

● refused to apologize for: refusing to self -
Responsible for the acts of others, refused to bid
Identify errors, do not recognize their own behavior
Affects the others.

● do not know how to listen: colleagues
A manifestation of the most impolite.

● do not know how to appreciate: the lack of
Courtesy of a bad habit.

● messenger punish people: wrongly
Attack those who want to help your

● chaos to find a scapegoat: always
Fault of their own to the other poll

● too much emphasis on the self: the self -
Has been found to correct the shortcomings of those who are unable to
Seen as a virtue, always strong
Tune, "I was such a person."

Lee will be looking into these bad habits as a
Kinds of virtues, and to tell people how to
Use of these bad habits to defeat the opponent.
However, the author obviously does not think so.

Fortunately, these evil
Learning seldom appear in a person at the same time
Body. Even more pleased that this
Some are very easy to overcome bad habits.
For example, in order to overcome the "do not know how to
Grateful for "the bad habits, do you remember as long as
Used to say "Thank you" will be a; to
Would like to overcome the "no apology" to the bad habits
As long as you remember always say, "Sorry,
I will do better next time "can
A; and so on. These methods seem to
Very simple, it just系鞋带,
Riding a bicycle, or other similar
As simple as life skills. May even
Nevertheless, we still have life
These techniques can be used as the opportunity to
But not so slowly becoming Health

Everyone to overcome their bad habits
Unique approach, if you have been into
Gong experience to overcome bad habits, we might as well
Comments and share with us.

Author: Marshall Goldsmith
This article from the "Knowledge at
Wharton ", from" New York
Reported "and the Grand China
Chinese Publishing House to provide
Copyright in simplified Chinese characters, published in the "manager
Person "in 2009, No. 5.

  • suggest a better translation We'll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates.


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      ● 求胜欲太强:在任何情况下都要不惜一切代价去打败对方,无论这样做是否值得。

      ● 太喜欢增加价值: 每次讨论的时候总要发表一番自己的高见。

      ● 太喜欢点评:总是要对别人的说法评论一番,把自己的标准强加于人。

      ● 总是发表破坏性评论:总是为了让自己的言语听起来更深刻、更诙谐而说出一些不必要的讥讽之语。

      ● 喜欢用“不”“但是”或“可是”来开头:过多地使用否定式过渡语,实际上是在告诉对方,“你错了,我才是对的”。

      ● 告诉世界你有多聪明:总是要告诉周围的人我比他们想象的更聪明。

      ● 乱发脾气:经常在愤怒的时候跟人沟通,把情绪上的波动不加约束地传导出去。

      ● 负面思维,比如“让我来告诉你这样做为什么不行”:总是要用自己的负面思维去影响周围的人—即使是在毫无必要的时候。

      ● 隐瞒信息:为了让自己占有一定的心理优势而拒绝跟别人分享信息。

      ● 不懂得表示认可:不懂得表扬或奖励别人。

      ● 喜欢抢功:总是过于高估自己在某项工作中的作用。这是最让人厌恶的一种恶习。

      ● 总是喜欢找借口:总是把自己的坏习惯归结为某种无法改变的原因,以此来为自己的行为开脱。

      ● 把一切都归咎于过去:总是把自己的失误或缺点归咎于以往的人或事。其实是在为自己的过失寻找替罪羊。

      ● 偏袒下属:不能公正地对待自己周围的人。

      ● 拒绝道歉:拒绝为自己的行为承担责任,拒绝承认错误,不承认自己的行为影响到了其他人。


      ● 不懂得聆听:对同事最不礼貌的一种表现。

      ● 不懂得感激:最缺乏礼貌的一种坏习惯。

      ● 惩罚报信人:错误地攻击那些本来想要帮助你的人。

      ● 乱找替罪羊:总是把自己的过失推到其他人头上。

      ● 过于强调自我:把自己身上那些无法改正的缺点看成是一种美德,总是强调“我就是这样一个人”。

      或许尼科洛 · 马基雅维利会把这些坏习惯看成是一种美德,并告诉人们该如何利用这些恶习来打败对手。但作者显然不这么认为。



    作者:Marshall Goldsmith
    本文来自《Knowledge at Wharton》,由《纽约时报》和Grand China Publishing House提供中文简体字版权,发布于《经理人》2009年第5期。