ONIX to MARC 21 Mapping

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Network Development and MARC Standards Office
Library of Congress
Table of Contents
MARC 21 Record Builder
ONIX to MARCXML Stylesheet
The following is a mapping between the data elements contained in theONIX International standard and data elements in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. The ONIX International standard is intended to provide publishers with a means to share product and supplier information usable on the Internet. It is developed and maintained by EDItEUR, jointly with the Association of American Publishers, Book Industry Communication and Book Industry Study Group. ONIX Release 2.1 was made available in June 2003. It is this version that was used to establish the original mapping to MARC 21.
Mapping table: ONIX Release 2.1 to MARC 21 (September 2004)
Themapping table is presented in ONIX data element order. ONIX data elements are listed by their short tags and reference names. MARC 21 data elements are identified by the field tag, position, indicator position, and/or subfield code, whichever is appropriate. When a blank (hex '20') is the appropriate MARC 21 fixed-length data element or indicator value, it is indicated by "#" in this document. MARC fixed-length positions are preceded by a slash ("/"); Subfield codes are preceded by a dollar sign ("$"). ONIX "composite" tags have not been mapped, but may have notes. Data elements that did not map well are not yet specified. They may be added at a later date.
Record Builder: ONIX Release 1.2 to MARC 21 (December 2000)
Therecord builder is used to create as full of a MARC record that can be created from the ONIX data. This builder was originally created by Bob Pearson ofOCLC.
The mappings shown in this table are proposed and somewhat loose. The mapping does not provide all the information that would be needed to do an actual conversion of ONIX data to MARC 21. In some cases, interpretation and special processing would be required of the content of an ONIX data element to render data compatible with the content of the corresponding MARC 21 data element. Often a choice between more than one potential MARC 21 data element is required. The processing required would involve the conversion of codes from tables associated with ONIX data elements and other analyses of the content of ONIX elements prior to generation of the appropriate MARC 21 data element. For the most part, supplier and sales data elements in ONIX have no equivalents in MARC 21, but these could be mapped to locally-defined MARC elements if needed.
ONIX tag ONIX Reference Name MARC 21 Data Element / Comments
Header composite

End of Header composite
Main Series Record
A Main Series Record describes a series or "top level" of a series or subseries.
LDR/05 d

040 $a

Main series identifiers
The Main Series Identifiers provides a unique identifier for the series by which it can be linked to subseries and/or products.
Series identifier composite
  022 $a
End of Series identifier composite
Main series title
The Main Series Title includes the title composite which gives the text of a title.
Title composite <br><b202> <TitleType> (Used to set field 246 2nd indicator: If b202 = 00, 246 I2 = #; if b202 = 01, 246 I2 = 2)<br><b276> <a href="#"><br><b203> <TitleText> 246 $a<br><b030> <TitlePrefix> 245 $a<br><b031> <TitleWithoutPrefix> 245 $a<br><b029> <Subtitle> 245 $b; 246 $b<br>End of Title composite<br>Main series contributors<br>Main Series Contributors include the contributor composite which describes a personal or corporate contributor to the series.<br>Contributor composite <Contributor><br>Main series text elements<br>Main Series Text Elements include or provide pointers to text related to the series.<br>Other text composite <OtherText><br><d101> <MainDescription> 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br><d102> <TextTypeCode> 500, 505, 520, 545 (determined from d102 code value. SeeTable 3)<br><d103> <TextFormat><br><d104> <Text> 500 $a or 505 $a or 520 $a or 545 $a<br><d105> <TextLinkType> 856<br><d106> <TextLink> 856 I1 = 4; I2 = 0 $u<br><d107> <TextAuthor> 505 $r or 520 $r or 700 $a<br><d374> <TextSourceCorporate> 505 $r or 520 $a or 710 $a<br><d108> <TextSourceTitle> 505 $t or 520 $a or $b or $t or 786 $t<br><d109> <TextPublicationDate> 008/06 t and 008/07-10 and 008/11-14<br><b324> <StartDate> 008/07-10<br><b325> <EndDate> 008/07-10<br>End of Other text composite<br>Publisher<br>Publisher describes the publisher of a series.<br>Publisher composite <Publisher><br><b291> <PublishingRole><br><b394> <PublishingStatus><br><b241> <NameCodeType><br><b242> <NameCodeTypeName><br><b243> <NameCodeValue><br><b081> <PublisherName> 260 I1 = #; I2 = 2; $b<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a publisher.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole><br>856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br>End of Publisher composite<br>Number of subordinate entries<br>Number of Subordinate Entries include the number of records on the next lower level which are carried in the same ONIX Books product information message as component parts of a series.<br><a href="#"> <SubordinateEntries>  76X-78X $g<br>Product record <product><br>A Product Record is the basic unit within an ONIX Product Information message.<br>PR.1 Record Reference Number, Type and Source<br><a href="#"> <RecordReference> 001<br><a href="#"> <NotificationType> LDR/17<br><a href="#"> <DeletionCode> LDR/05 d<br><a href="#"> <DeletionText> 500<br><a href="#"> <RecordSourceType><br><a href="#"> <RecordSourceIdentifierType><br><a href="#"> <RecordSourceIdentifier> 040 $a<br><a href="#"> <RecordSourceName><br>PR.2 Product Numbers<br>Product identifier composite <ProductIdentifier> (There is a new occurrence of field 020, 024, 028, or 856 for each occurrence of this composite. For tag and indicators, seeTable 4)<br>The Product Identifier Composite defines the identifier of a product in accordance to a specified scheme.<br><b221> <ProductIDType> 024 I1=code for particular number<br><b233> <IDTypeName> 0XX/856<br><b244> <IDValue> 0XX/856<br>End of Product identifier composite<br><b246> <Barcode><br>PR.3 Product Form<br><b012> <ProductForm> 037 $f or 245 $k; also Leader/06 or 008/23 or 007<br><333> <ProductFormDetail> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>Product form feature composite <ProductFormFeature><br>The Product Form Feature composite describes an aspect of a product form that is too specific to be convered in the <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> elements.<br><b334> <ProductFormFeatureType><br><b335> <ProductFormFeatureValue><br><b336> <ProductFormFeatureDescription> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>End of Product form feature composite<br><b225> <ProductPackaging><br><b014> <ProductFormDescription> 037 $n<br><b210> <NumberOfPieces> 300 $a $f (use subfield $f to specify the type of unit described in subfield $a)<br><b384> <TradeCategory><br><b385> <ProductContentType><br>Contained item composite <ContainedItem><br>The Contained Item Composite describes an item that is part of or contained within a current product.<br>Product identifier composite <ProductIdentifier><br>The Product Identifier Composite contains a group of data elements that define the identifier of a product in accordance to a specified scheme.<br><b221> <ProductIDType> 024 I1=code for particular number<br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Product identifier composite<br><b012> <ProductForm> 037 $f or 245 $k; also Leader/06 or 008/23 or 007<br><b333> <ProductFormDetail> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>Product form feature composite <ProductFormFeature><br>The Product Form Feature Composite describes an aspect of a product that is too specific to be covered to be covered in the <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> elements<br><b334> <ProductFormFeatureType><br><b335> <ProductFormFeatureValue><br><b336> <ProductFormFeatureDescription> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>End of Product form feature composite<br><b225> <ProductPackaging><br><b014> <ProductFormDescription> 037 $n<br><b210> <NumberOfPieces> 300 $a $f (use subfield $f to specify the type of unit described in subfield $a)<br><b384> <TradeCategory><br><b385> <ProductContentType><br><b015> <ItemQuantity> 037 $n<br>End of Contained item composite<br>Product classification composite <ProductClassification><br>The Product Classification Composite is used to contain national or international trade classifications.<br><b274> <ProductClassificationType><br><b275> <ProductClassificationCode><br><b337> <Percent><br>End of Product classification composite<br>PR.4 Epublication Detail<br><b211> <EpubType><br><b212> <EpubTypeVersion> 250 $a<br><b213> <EpubTypeDescription><br><b214> <EpubFormat><br><b215> <EpubFormatVersion><br><b216> <EpubFormatDescription><br><b278> <EpubSource><br><b279> <EpubSourceVersion> 250 $a<br><b280> <EpubSourceDescription><br><b277> <EpubTypeNote> 500$a<br>PR.5 Series<br>Series composite <Series> (There is a new occurrence of 440 for each occurrence of this composite. Indicate serial in the Leader/07 field)<br>The Series Composite describes a series of which the product if part.<br>Series identifier composite <SeriesIdentifier><br>The Series Identifier Composite contains an identifier for a series or subseries.<br><b273> <SeriesIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue> 440$x<br>End of Series identifier composite<br><b018> <TitleOfSeries> 440 $a also Leader/07="s"<br>Title composite <Title><br>The Title Composite contains the text of a title, including a subtitle when necessary.<br><b202> <TitleType> (Used to set field 246 2nd indicator: If b202 = 00, 246 I2 = #; if b202 = 01, 246 I2 = 2)<br><b276> <a href="#"><br><b203> <TitleText> 246 $a<br><b030> <TitlePrefix> 245 $a<br><b031> <TitleWithoutPrefix> 245 $a<br><b029> <Subtitle> 245 $b; 246 $b<br>End of Title composite<br>Contributor Composite <Contributor><br>The Contributor Composite describes a personal or corporate contributor to the series.<br><b019> <NumberWithinSeries> 440 $v also Leader/07="s"<br><b020> <YearOfAnnual> 440 $v also Leader/07="s"<br>End of Series composite<br><n338> <NoSeries><br>PR.6 Set<br>Set composite <Set> (There is a new occurrence of 773 for each Set Composite; assumes that there is a value present in b028)<br>The Set Composite contains a finate number of products grouped together under one set title.<br>Product identifier composite <ProductIdentifier><br>The Product Identifier Composite defines the identifier of a product for a set in accordance with a specified scheme.<br><b221> <ProductIDType> 024 I1=code for particular number<br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Product identifier composite<br><b023> <TitleOfSet> 773 $t (Concatenate with b024 and b025)<br>Title composite <Title><br>The Title Composite contains the text of a title, including a subtitle when necessary.<br><b202> <TitleType> (Used to set field 246 2nd indicator: If b202 = 00, 246 I2 = #; if b202 = 01, 246 I2 = 2)<br><b276> <a href="#"><br><b203> <TitleText> 246 $a<br><b030> <TitlePrefix> 245 $a<br><b031> <TitleWithoutPrefix> 245 $a<br><b029> <Subtitle> 245 $b; 246 $b<br>End of Title composite<br><b024> <SetPartNumber> 773 $t (Concatenate with b023 and b025)<br><b025> <SetPartTitle> 773 $t (Concatenate with b023 and b024)<br><b026> <ItemNumberWithinSet> 773 $g<br><b284> <LevelSequenceNumber><br><b281> <SetItemTitle> (Concatenate with b023 and b024)<br>End of Set composite<br>PR.7 Title<br>Title composite <Title><br>The Title Composite contains the text of a title, including a subtitle when necessary.<br><b202> <TitleType> (Used to set field 246 2nd indicator: If b202 = 00, 246 I2 = #; if b202 = 01, 246 I2 = 2)<br><b276> <a href="#"><br><b203> <TitleText> 246 $a<br><b030> <TitlePrefix> 245 $a<br><b031> <TitleWithoutPrefix> 245 $a<br><b029> <Subtitle> 245 $b; 246 $b<br>End of Title composite<br>Work identifier composite <WorkIdentifier><br>The Work Identifier Composite contains the identifier of a work.<br><b201> <WorkIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Work identifier composite<br>Website composite<br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><b368> <ThesisType><br><b369> <ThesisPresentedTo> 502 $a<br><b370> <ThesisYear> 502 $a<br>PR.8 Authorship<br>Contributor composite <Contributor> (First composite, use 1XX fields; subsequent composites, use 7XX fields. There is a new occurrence of 7XX for each occurrence of this composite)<br>The Contributor Composite describes a personal or corporate contributor to a product.<br><b034> <SequenceNumber><br><b035> <ContributorRole> 700/710 $4<br><b252> <LanguageCode> 008/35-37 and 041 $a or 041 $h<br><b340> <SequenceNumberWithinRole><br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b038> <TitleBeforeNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> Concatenated to X00 $a<br><b040> <KeyNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $b<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 100/700 I1=1; I2=#; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br>The Person Name Identifier Composite specifies a party name identifier.<br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Person name identifier composite<br>Name Composite <Name> (This composite must consist of an occurrence of <b250> any of elements <b036 through ><b043>. It is used to record alternate forms of the name contained in the Contributor Composite)<br>The Name Composite represents a personal name and specifies its type.<br><b250> <PersonNameType><br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b038> <TitleBeforeNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> Concatenated to X00 $a<br><b040> <KeyNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $b<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 100/700 I1=1; I2=#; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Person name identifier composite<br>End of Name composite<br>Person date composite <PersonDate><br>The Person Date Composite specifies a date associated with the person identified in the Contributor Composite.<br><b387> <PersonDateRole> 100 $e<br><j260> <DateFormat><br><b306> <Date> 100 $d<br>End of Person date composite<br>Professional affiliation composite <ProfessionalAffiliation><br>The Professional Affiliation Composite identifies a contributor's professional position and/or affiliation.<br><b045> <ProfessionalPosition> 700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b046> <a href="#"> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $u<br>End of Professional affiliation composite<br><b047> <CorporateName> 110/710 I1 = 2; I2 = # ; $a<br><b044> <BiographicalNote> 545 I1 = #; I2 = # ; $a<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a contributor.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><b048> <ContributorDescription> 545 I1 = #; I2 = # ; $b<br><b249> <UnnamedPersons> 700 $a<br>End of Contributor composite<br><b049> <ContributorStatement> 245 $c (If not generated from b036)<br><b398> <RegionCode><br><n339> <NoContributor><br>PR.9 Conference<br>Conference composite <Conference><br>The Conference Composite describes a conference to which the product is related.<br><b051> <ConferenceRole> 711 $k<br><b052> <ConferenceName> 711 $a<br><b341> <ConferenceAcronym> 711 $a<br><b053> <ConferenceNumber> 711 $n<br><b342> <ConferenceTheme> 711 $g<br><b054> <ConferenceDate> 711 $d<br><b055> <ConferencePlace> 711 $c<br>Conference sponsor composite <ConferenceSponsor><br>The Conference Sponsor Composite identifies the sponsor of a conference.<br>Conference sponsor identifier composite <ConferenceSponsorIdentifier><br>The Conference Sponsor Identifier Composite carries a coded identifier for a sponsor of a conference.<br><b391> <ConferenceSponsorIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Conference sponsor identifier composite<br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b047> <CorporateName> 110/710 I1 = 2; I2 = # ; $a<br>End of Conference sponsor composite<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a conference.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br>End of Conference composite<br>PR.10 Edition<br><b056> <EditionTypeCode> 250 $a (Code may be connected to a word)*<br><b057> <EditionNumber> 250 $a*<br><b217> <EditionVersionNumber> 250 $a*<br><b058> <EditionStatement> 250 $a*<br><n386> <NoEdition><br>Concatenate b056, b057, b217 and b058 to single 250 $a<br>Religious text composite <ReligiousText><br>The religious text composite describes the features of the content of an edition of a religious text.<br>Bible composite <Bible><br>The Bible composite includes elements which describe features of the content of a Bible.<br><b352> <BibleContents> 505 $a<br><b353> <BibleVersion> 250 $a<br><b389> <StudyBibleType><br><b354> <BiblePurpose> 500 $a<br><b355> <BibleTextOrganization><br><b356> <BibleReferenceLocation><br><b357> <BibleTextFeature><br>End of Bible composite<br><b376> <ReligiousTextID><br>Religious text feature composite <ReligiousTextFeature><br>The religious text feature composite describes a feature of a religious text.<br><b358> <ReligiousTextFeatureType><br><b359> <ReligiousTextFeatureCode><br><b360> <ReligiousTextFeatureDescription><br>End of Religious text feature composite<br>End of Religious text composite<br>PR.11 Language<br>Language composite <Language><br>The language composite specifies the role of a language and where it is required.<br><b059> <LanguageOfText> 041 $a or 041 $h<br><b253> <LanguageRole> If "01"=041 $a; if "02"=041 $h<br><b252> <LanguageCode> 008/35-37 and 041 $a or 041 $h<br><b251> <CountryCode> 044 $c<br>End of Language composite<br>PR.12 Extents and Other Content<br><b061> <NumberOfPages> 300 $a __p.<br><b254> <PagesRoman> Concatenate to any data from <b255> in 300 $a<br><b255> <PagesArabic> 300 $a<br>Extent composite <extent><br>The extent composite describes an extent pertaining to a product.<br><b218> <ExtentType> 007/00 v<br><b219> <ExtentValue> 008/18-20 (VM)<br><b220> <ExtentUnit><br>End of Extent composite<br><b125> <NumberOfIllustrations> 300 $b __ill.<br><b062> <IllustrationsNote> 300 $b (Concatenate to existing $b)<br>Illustrations and other content composite <Illustrations><br>The illustrations and other content composite specifies the number of illustrations or other items that a product carries.<br><b256> <IllustrationType><br><b361> <IllustrationTypeDescription> 300 $3<br><b257> <Number> 300 $b<br>End of Illustrations and other content composite<br><b063> <MapScale> 255 $a<br>PR.13 Subject<br><b064> <BASICMainSubject> 072 $a; $2=basicshc<br><b200> <BASICVersion> 072 $a; $2=basicshc/ONIX content<br><b065> <BICMainSubject> 072 $a; $2=bicscc<br><b066> <BICVersion> 072 $2 = bicscc/ONIX content<br>Main subject composite <MainSubject><br>The main subject composite that describes a main subject classification or subject heading that is taken from a scheme other than BISAC or BIC.<br><b191> <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> 072 $2 (SeeTable 2 for values)<br><b068> <SubjectSchemeVersion> 072 I2 = 7<br><b069> <SubjectCode> 072 $a<br><b070> <SubjectHeadingText> 65X $a; $2 (b191 content / b068 content)<br>End of Main subject composite<br>Additional subject composite <Subject> (For tag and indicators, seeTable 2)<br>The additional subject composite describes a subject scheme that is additional to the BISAC, BIC other subject system.<br><b067> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> 0XX/6XX<br><b171> <SubjectSchemeName> 0XX/6XX<br><b068> <SubjectSchemeVersion> 0XX/6XX<br><b069> <SubjectCode> 0XX/6XX<br><b070> <SubjectHeadingText> 65X $a; $2 (b191 content / b068 content)<br>End of Additional subject composite<br>Person as subject composite <PersonAsSubject><br>The person as subject composite describes a person who is part of the subject.<br><b036> <PersonName> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b038> <TitlesBeforeNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> (Concatenated to X00 $a)<br><b040> <KeyNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $c<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br>The person name identifier composite describes a person's name used as an identifier.<br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Person name identifier composite<br>End of Person as subject composite<br><b071> <CorporateBodyAsSubject> 610 I1 = 2; I2 = 4; $a<br><b072> <PlaceAsSubject> 651 I1= #; I2 = 4; $a<br>PR.14 Audience<br><b073> <a href="#"> 521 I1=# $a (Text generated from EPICS Code. SeeTable 1) and 008/22<br>Audience composite <a href="#"><br>The audience composite describes the audience to which a product is directed.<br><b204> <a href="#"><br><b205> <a href="#"><br><b206> <a href="#"><br>End of Audience composite<br>Audience range composite <a href="#"><br>The audience range composite describes an audience or readership range for which a product is intended.<br><b074> <a href="#"> 521 I1 (Text generated from EPICS Code. SeeTable 1)<br><b075> <a href="#"> 521 $a (Omit data)<br><b076> <a href="#"> 521 $a (When repeated, separate the first from the second with a hyphen. For example, 04 - 05)<br>End of Audience range composite<br><b207> <a href="#"> 521 I1= #; $a<br><189> <USSchoolGrade><br><b190> <InterestAge><br>Complexity composite <Complexity><br>The complexity composite describes the level of complexity of the text.<br><b077> <ComplexitySchemeIdentifier><br><b078> <ComplexityCode><br>End of Complexity composite<br>PR.15 Descriptions and Other Supporting Text<br>Other text composite <OtherText><br>The other text composite points to text related to a product.<br><d101> <MainDescription> 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br><d102> <TextTypeCode> 500, 505, 520, 545 (determined from d102 code value. SeeTable 3)<br><d103> <TextFormat><br><d104> <Text> 500 $a or 505 $a or 520 $a or 545 $a<br><d105> <TextLinkType> 856<br><d106> <TextLink> 856 I1 = 4; I2 = 0 $u<br><d107> <TextAuthor> 505 $r or 520 $r or 700 $a<br><d374> <TextSourceCorporate> 505 $r or 520 $a or 710 $a<br><d108> <TextSourceTitle> 505 $t or 520 $a or $b or $t or 786 $t<br><d109> <TextPublicationDate> 008/06 t and 008/07-10 and 008/11-14<br><b324> <StartDate> 008/07-10<br><b325> <EndDate> 008/11-14<br>End of Other text composite<br>PR.16 Links to Image/Audio/Video Files<br>Image/audio/video file link composite <MediaFile><br>The image/audio/video file link composite describes and provides pointers to an image, audio or video files related to a product.<br><f114> <MediaFileTypeCode><br><f115> <MediaFileFormatCode> 856 $q; $3 Media file<br><f259> <ImageResolution><br><f116> <MediaFileLinkTypeCode> 856<br><f117> <MediaFileLink> 856 $u; $z Media file<br><f118> <TextWithDownload> 856 $z<br><f119> <DownloadCaption> 856 $y<br><f120> <DownloadCredit> 856 $n<br><f121> <DownloadCopyrightNotice><br><f122> <DownloadTerms><br><f373> <MediaFileDate><br>End of Image/audio/video file link composite<br>Product website composite <ProductWebsite><br>The product website composite describes and provides pointers to a website that is related to a product.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><f170> <ProductWebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><f123> <ProductWebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Product website composite<br>PR.17 Prizes<br>Prize or award composite <Prize><br>The prize or award composite describes a prize or award won by the product.<br><g126> <PrizeName> 586 $a<br><g127> <PrizeYear> 586 $a<br><g128> <PrizeCountry> 586 $a<br><g129> <PrizeCode><br><g343> <PrizeJury> 586 $a<br>End of Prize or award composite<br>PR.18 Content Items<br>Content item composite <ContentItem><br>The content item composite describes a content item within a product.<br><b284> <LevelSequenceNumber> 505 $g<br>Text item composite <TextItem><br>The text item composite describes a text content item.<br><b290> <TextItemType><br>Text item identifier composite <TextItemIdentifier><br>The text item identifier composite describes an identifier of a text item using a specific scheme.<br><b285> <TextItemIDType><br><b233> <IDType Name><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Text item identifier composite<br><b286> <FirstPageNumber><br><b287> <LastPageNumber><br>Page run composite <PageRun><br>The page run composite describes pagination on which a text item appears.<br><b286> <FirstPageNumber><br><b287> <LastPageNumber><br>End of Page run composite<br><b061> <NumberOfPages> 300 $a __p.<br>End of Text item composite<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><b288> <ComponentTypeName> 505 $g<br><b289> <ComponentNumber> 505 $g<br><b027> <TextCaseFlag><br><b028> <DistinctiveTitle> 245 $a; 505 $t<br>Title composite <Title><br>The Title Composite contains the text of a title, including a subtitle when necessary.<br><b202> <TitleType> (Used to set field 246 2nd indicator: If b202 = 00, 246 I2 = #; if b202 = 01, 246 I2 = 2)<br><b276> <a href="#"><br><b203> <TitleText> 246 $a<br><b030> <TitlePrefix> 245 $a<br><b031> <TitleWithoutPrefix> 245 $a<br><b029> <Subtitle> 245 $b; 246 $b<br>End of Title composite<br>Work identifier composite <WorkIdentifier><br>The work identifier composite describes the identifier of a product.<br><b201> <WorkIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Work Identifier Composite<br>Contributor composite <Contributor> (First composite, use 1XX fields; subsequent composites, use 7XX fields. There is a new occurrence of 7XX for each occurrence of this composite)<br><b034> <SequenceNumber><br><b035> <ContributorRole> 700/710 $4<br><b252> <LanguageCode> 008/35-37 and 041 $a or 041 $h<br><b340> <SequenceNumberWithinRole><br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b038> <TitleBeforeNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> Concatenated to X00 $a<br><b040> <KeyNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $b<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 100/700 I1=1; I2=#; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br>The person name identifier composite carries an identifier for a name given in an occurrence of the <Contributor> composite.<br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Person name identifier composite<br>Name Composite <Name><br>The name composite must consist of an occurrence of <b250> any of elements <b036 through ><b043>. It is used to record alternate forms of the name contained in the Contributor Composite<br><b250> <PersonNameType><br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b038> <TitleBeforeNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> Concatenated to X00 $a<br><b040> <KeyNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $b<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 100/700 I1=1; I2=#; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Person name identifier composite<br>End of Name composite<br>Person date composite <PersonDate><br>The person date composite specifies a date associated with the person who is identified in the <Contributor> composite.<br><b387> <PersonDateRole> 100 $e<br><j260> <DateFormat><br><b306> <Date> 100 $d<br>End of Person date composite<br>Professional affiliation composite <ProfessionalAffiliation><br>The professional affiliation composite describes an author's professional position and affiliation.<br><b045> <ProfessionalPosition> 700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b046> <a href="#"> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $u<br>End of Professional affiliation composite<br><b047> <CorporateName> 110/710 I1 = 2; I2 = # ; $a<br><b044> <BiographicalNote> 545 I1 = #; I2 = # ; $a<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><b048> <ContributorDescription> 545 I1 = #; I2 = # ; $b<br><b249> <UnnamedPersons> 700 $a<br>End of Contributor composite<br><b049> <ContributorStatement> 245 $c (If not generated from b036)<br>Subject composite <Subject><br>The subject composite contains subject headings used to describe a product.<br><b064> <BASICMainSubject> 072 $a; $2=basicshc<br><b200> <BASICVersion> 072 $a; $2=basicshc/ONIX content<br><b065> <BICMainSubject> 072 $a; $2=bicscc<br><b066> <BICVersion> 072 $2 = bicscc/ONIX content<br>Main subject composite <MainSubject><br>The main subject composite describes a main heading taken from a recognized subject scheme.<br><b191> <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> 072 $2 (SeeTable 2 for values)<br><b068> <SubjectSchemeVersion> 072 I2 = 7<br><b069> <SubjectCode> 072 $a<br><b070> <SubjectHeadingText> 65X $a; $2 (b191 content / b068 content)<br>End of Main subject composite<br>Additional subject composite <Subject> (For tag and indicators, seeTable 2)<br>The additional subject composite describes a subject scheme used to describe a product that used is in addition to the BISAC, BIC or other major subject scheme.<br><b067> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> 0XX/6XX<br><b171> <SubjectSchemeName> 0XX/6XX<br><b068> <SubjectSchemeVersion> 0XX/6XX<br><b069> <SubjectCode> 0XX/6XX<br><b070> <SubjectHeadingText> 65X $a; $2 (b191 content / b068 content)<br>End of Additional subject composite<br>Person as subject composite <PersonAsSubject><br>The person as subject composite describes a person who is part of the subject of a product.<br><b036> <PersonName> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b037> <PersonNameInverted> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b038> <TitlesBeforeNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a; $c<br><b039> <NamesBeforeKey> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b247> <PrefixToKey> (Concatenated to X00 $a)<br><b040> <KeyNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a<br><b041> <NamesAfterKey> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $a; $b<br><b248> <SuffixToKey> X00 $c<br><b042> <LettersAfterNames> 600 I1 = 1; I2 = 4; $c<br><b043> <TitlesAfterNames> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a; $c<br>Person name identifier composite <PersonNameIdentifier><br>The person name identifier composite describes an identifier that signifies a person's name.<br><b390> <PersonNameIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Name identifier composite<br>End of Person as subject composite<br><b071> <CorporateBodyAsSubject> 610 I1 = 2; I2 = 4; $a<br><b072> <PlaceAsSubject> 651 I1= #; I2 = 4; $a<br>End of Subject composite<br>Other text composite <OtherText><br>The other text composite identifies or includes pointers to text related to the product.<br><d101> <MainDescription> 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br><d102> <TextTypeCode> 500, 505, 520, 545 (determined from d102 code value. SeeTable 3)<br><d103> <TextFormat><br><d104> <Text> 500 $a or 505 $a or 520 $a or 545 $a<br><d105> <TextLinkType> 856<br><d106> <TextLink> 856 I1 = 4; I2 = 0 $u<br><d107> <TextAuthor> 505 $r or 520 $r or 700 $a<br><d374> <TextSourceCorporate> 505 $r or 520 $a or 710 $a<br><d108> <TextSourceTitle> 505 $t or 520 $a or $b or $t or 786 $t<br><d109> <TextPublicationDate> 008/06 t and 008/07-10 and 008/11-14<br><b324> <StartDate> 008/07-10<br><b325> <EndDate> 008/11-14<br>End of Other text composite<br>Media file composite <MediaFile><br>The image/audio/video file link composite provides pointers to an image, audio or video file related to a product.<br><f114> <MediaFileTypeCode><br><f115> <MediaFileFormatCode> 856 $q; $3 Media file<br><f259> <ImageResolution><br><f116> <MediaFileLinkTypeCode> 856<br><f117> <MediaFileLink> 856 $u; $z Media file<br><f118> <TextWithDownload> 856 $z<br><f119> <DownloadCaption> 856 $y<br><f120> <DownloadCredit> 856 $n<br><f121> <DownloadCopyrightNotice><br><f122> <DownloadTerms><br><f373> <MediaFileDate><br>End of Media file composite<br>End of Content item composite<br>PR.19 Publisher<br>Imprint or brand composite <Imprint><br>The imprint or brand composite identifies the imprint or brand under which a product is marketed.<br><b241> <NameCodeType><br><b242> <NameCodeTypeName><br><b243> <NameCodeValue><br><b079> <ImprintName> 260 $b<br>End of Imprint or brand composite<br><b081> <PublisherName> 260 I1 = #; I2 = 2; $b<br>Publisher composite <Publisher><br>The publisher composite identifies an entity which is associated with the publishing of a product.<br><b291> <PublishingRole><br><b241> <NameCodeType><br><b242> <NameCodeTypeName><br><b243> <NameCodeValue><br><b081> <PublisherName> 260 I1 = #; I2 = 2; $b<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br>End of Publisher composite<br><b209> <CityOfPublication> 260 $a<br><b083> <CountryOfPublication> 008/15-17***; 260 $a [S.l.]; 044 $c<br>Generate the appropriate MARC code for 008/15-17<br>PR.20 Publishing Dates<br><b086> <a href="#"><br><b362> <TradeAnnouncementDate><br><b003> <PublicationDate> 008/06=s 008/07-10; 260 $c**<br>Copyright statement composite <CopyrightStatement><br>The copyright statement composite describes a copyright statement of a product.<br><b087> <CopyrightYear> 008/06=t 008/11-14; 260 $c**<br>Copyright owner composite <CopyrightOwner><br>The copyright owner composite names a copyright owner.<br>Copyright owner identifier composite <CopyrightOwnerIdentifier><br>The copyright owner identifier composite describes a coded identification of a copyright owner.<br><b392> <CopyrightOwnerIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Copyright owner identifier composite<br><b036> <PersonName> 100/700 I1 = 1; I2 = # ; $a<br><b047> <CorporateName> 110/710 I1 = 2; I2 = # ; $a<br>End of Copyright owner composite<br>End of Copyright statement composite<br><b087> <CopyrightYear> 008/06=t 008/11-14; 260 $c**<br><b088> <YearFirstPublished> 534 $c<br>Dates should be formatted as: yyyy. If there is no date, enter: uuuu<br>PR.21 Territorial Rights and Other Sales Restrictions<br>Sales rights composite <SalesRights><br>The sales rights composite identifies territorial sales rights that a publisher holds on a product.<br><b089> <SalesRightsType> 540 $a<br><b090> <RightsCountry> 540 $b (Text from ISO 3166 table or use the code)<br><b091> <RightsRegion> 540 $b<br><b388> <RightsTerritory> 540 $b<br>End of Sales rights composite<br>Not for sale composite <NotForSale><br>The not for sale composite identifies a country or countries in which a product is not for sale.<br><b090> <RightsCountry> 540 $b (Text from ISO 3166 table or use the code)<br><b091> <RightsRegion> 540 $b<br><b388> <RightsTerritory> 540 $b<br>Product identifier composite <ProductIdentifier><br>The product identifier composite describes the identifier of a product based on a specific scheme.<br><b004> <ISBN> 020 $a<br><b005> <EAN13> 024 I1=3 $a<br><b006> <UPC> 024 I1 =1 $a<br><b010> <ReplacesISBN><br><h130> <ReplacedByISBN><br><h131> <ReplacedByEAN13><br><b221> <ProductIDType> 024 I1=code for particular number<br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Product identifier composite<br><b081> <PublisherName> 260 I1 = #; I2 = 2; $b<br>End of Not for sale composite<br>Sales restriction composite <SalesRestriction><br>The sales restriction composite describes a sales restriction placed on a product by the publisher.<br><b381> <SalesRestrictionType><br>Sales outlet composite <SalesOutlet><br>The sales outlet composite describes a sales outlet that is linked to a restriction.<br>Sales outlet identifier composite <SalesOutletIdentifier><br>The sales outlet identifier composite describes an identifier for an person linked to the sales outlet.<br><b393> <SalesOutletIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Sales outlet identifier composite<br><b382> <SalesOutletName><br>End of Sales outlet composite<br>End of Sales restriction composite<br>PR.22 Dimensions<br>Measure composite <Measure><br>The measure composite describes the measurement of an item.<br><c093> <MeasureTypeCode> 300 $c<br><c094> <Measurement> 300 $c<br><c095> <MeasureUnitCode> 300 $c<br><c096> <Height> 300 $c<br><c097> <Width> 300 $c<br><c098> <Thickness> 300 $c<br>End of Measure composite<br>PR.23 Related Products<br>Related product composite <RelatedProduct><br>The related product composite describes a product related to the product described in the ONIX record.<br><h208> <RelationCode> 580 ( Text from the code)<br>Product identifier composite <ProductIdentifier><br>The product identifier composite describes the identifier for a product.<br><b221> <ProductIDType> 024 I1=code for particular number<br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Product identifier composite<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><b012> <ProductForm> 037 $f or 245 $k; also Leader/06 or 008/23 or 007<br><b333> <ProductFormDetail> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>Product form feature composite <ProductFormFeature><br>The product form feature composite describes a specific feature of an item.<br><b334> <ProductFormFeatureType><br><b335> <ProductFormFeatureCode><br><b336> <ProductFormFeatureDescription> 037 $f or 245 $k<br>End of Product form feature composite<br><b225> <ProductPackaging><br><b014> <ProductFormDescription> 037 $n or 787 $n<br><b210> <NumberOfPieces> 300 $a $f (use subfield $f to specify the type of unit described in subfield $a)<br><b225> <TradeCategory><br><b225> <ProductContentType><br><b211> <EpubType><br><b212> <EpubTypeVersion><br><b213> <EpubTypeDescription><br><b214> <EpubFormat><br><b215> <EpubFormatVersion><br><b216> <EpubFormatDescription><br><b277> <EpubTypeNote><br>Publisher composite <Publisher><br>The publisher composite describes the publisher of the related item.<br><b291> <PublishingRole><br><b241> <NameCodeType><br><b242> <NameCodeTypeName><br><b243> <NameCodeValue><br><b081> <PublisherName> 260 I1 = #; I2 = 2; $b<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a work.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br>End of Publisher composite<br>End of Related product composite<br><h134> <OutOfPrintDate><br>PR.24 Supplier, Availability and Prices<br>Supplier and trade data composite <SupplyDetail><br>The supplier and trade data composite describes the trade supply source and the product price and availability.<br><j135> <SupplierEANLocationNumber><br><j136> <SupplierSAN> 037 $b<br><j399> <SupplyRestrictionDetail><br>Supplier identifier composite <SupplierIdentifier><br>The supplier identifier composite describes the identifier of a supplier based on a specific scheme.<br><j345> <SupplierIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Supplier identifier composite<br><j137> <SupplierName> 037 $b<br><j270> <TelephoneNumber> 037 $b<br><j271> <FaxNumber> 037 $b<br><j272> <EmailAddress> 037 $b<br>Website composite <Website><br>The Website composite provides pointers to a website related to a supplier.<br><b367> <WebsiteRole> 856 I2<br><b294> <WebsiteDescription> 856 $z; $3 Description<br><b295> <WebsiteLink> 856 I1 = 4; $u<br>End of Website composite<br><j292> <SupplierRole><br><j138> <SupplyToCountry><br><j388> <SupplyToTerritory><br><j140> <SupplyToCountryExcluded><br><j268> <ReturnsCodeType><br><j269> <ReturnsCode><br><j396> <ProductAvailability><br><j141> <a href="#"> 037 $n (derived from j141 code)<br><j348> <IntermediaryAvailabilityCode><br>New supplier composite <NewSupplier><br>The new supplier composite describes a new supply source for an item.<br><j135> <SupplierEANLocationNumber><br><j136> <SupplierSAN> 037 $b<br>Supplier identifier composite <SupplierIdentifier><br>The supplier identifier composite the identifier for a supplier based on a specific scheme.<br><j345> <SupplierIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Supplier identifier composite<br><j137> <SupplierName> 037 $b<br><j270> <TelephoneNumber> 037 $b<br><j271> <FaxNumber> 037 $b<br><j272> <EmailAddress> 037 $b<br>End of New supplier composite<br><j260> <DateFormat><br><j142> <ExpectedShipDate><br><j143> <OnSaleDate><br><j144> <OrderTime><br>Stock quantity composite <Stock><br>The stock quanitity composite describes the stock a supplier has of an item.<br>Location identifier composite <LocationIdentifier><br>The location identifier composite describes the identifier of a stock location based on a specified scheme.<br><j377> <LocationIDType><br><b233> <IDTypeName><br><b244> <IDValue><br>End of Location identifier composite<br><j349> <LocationName><br><j350> <OnHand><br><j351> <OnOrder><br><j375> <CBO><br>End of Stock composite<br><j145> <PackQuantity><br><j146> <a href="#"><br><j147> <a href="#"> 037 $n<br><j192> <UnpricedItemType><br>Price composite <Price><br>The price composite describes the unit price of an item.<br><j148> <PriceTypeCode> 037 $c (derived from j148 code)<br><j261> <PriceQualifier> 037 $c<br><j262> <PriceTypeDescription><br><j239> <PricePer><br><j263> <MinimumOrderQuantity><br>Batch bonus composite <BatchBonus><br>The batch bonus composite describes the quantity of free copies that are given with an order quantity.<br><j264> <BatchQuantity><br><j265> <FreeQuantity><br>End of Batch bonus composite<br><j149> <ClassOfTrade> 037 $c<br><j150> <BICDiscountGroupCode><br>Discount code composite <DiscountCoded><br>The discount code composite describes a discount code from a specific code scheme.<br><j363> <DiscountCodeType><br><j378> <DiscountCodeTypeName><br><j364> <DiscountCode><br>End of Discount code composite<br><j267> <DiscountPercent><br><j266> <PriceStatus><br><j151> <PriceAmount> 037 $c<br><j152> <CurrencyCode> 037 $c<br><b251> <CountryCode> 044 $c<br><j153> <TaxRateCode1><br><j154> <TaxRatePercent1><br><j155> <TaxableAmount1><br><j156> <TaxAmount1><br><j157> <TaxRateCode2><br><j158> <TaxRatePercent2><br><j159> <TaxableAmount2><br><j160> <TaxAmount2><br><j161> <PriceEffectiveFrom><br><j162> <PriceEffectiveUntil><br>End of Price composite<br>Reissue composite <Reissue><br>The reissue composite describes the reissue of an item within a specific market.<br><j365> <ReissueDate> 260 $c<br><j366> <ReissueDescription> 260 $g<br>Price composite <Price><br>The price composite describes the price of an item when it is reissued.<br><j148> <PriceTypeCode> 037 $c (derived from j148 code)<br><j261> <PriceQualifier> 037 $c<br><j262> <PriceTypeDescription><br><j239> <PricePer><br><j263> <MinimumOrderQuantity><br>Batch bonus composite <BatchBonus><br>The batch bonus composite describes a quantity of free copies that are given with an order quantity.<br><j264> <BatchQuantity><br><j265> <FreeQuantity><br>End of Batch bonus composite<br><j149> <ClassOfTrade> 037 $c<br><j150> <BICDiscountGroupCode><br>Discount code composite <DiscountCoded><br>The discount code composite describes a discount code from a specified scheme.<br><j363> <DiscountCodeType><br><j378> <DiscountCodeTypeName><br><j364> <DiscountCode><br>End of Discount code composite<br><j267> <DiscountPercent><br><j266> <PriceStatus><br><j151> <PriceAmount> 037 $c<br><j152> <CurrencyCode> 037 $c<br><b251> <CountryCode> 044 $c<br><j153> <TaxRateCode1><br><j154> <TaxRatePercent1><br><j155> <TaxableAmount1><br><j156> <TaxAmount1><br><j157> <TaxRateCode2><br><j158> <TaxRatePercent2><br><j159> <TaxableAmount2><br><j160> <TaxAmount2><br><j161> <PriceEffectiveFrom><br><j162> <PriceEffectiveUntil><br>End of Price composite<br>Image/audio/video file link composite <MediaFile><br>The image/audio/video file link composite provides pointers to images, audio or video files for a reissue.<br><f114> <MediaFileTypeCode><br><f115> <MediaFileFormatCode> 856 $q; $3 Media file<br><f259> <ImageResolution><br><f116> <MediaFileLinkTypeCode> 856<br><f117> <MediaFileLink> 856 $u; $z Media file<br><f118> <TextWithDownload> 856 $z<br><f119> <DownloadCaption> 856 $y<br><f120> <DownloadCredit> 856 $n<br><f121> <DownloadCopyrightNotice><br><f122> <DownloadTerms><br><f373> <MediaFileDate><br>End of Image/audio/video file link composite<br>End of Reissue composite<br>End of Supplier and trade data composite<br>PR.25 Sales Promotion Information<br><k165> <PromotionCampaign><br><k166> <PromotionContact><br><k167> <InitialPrintRun><br><k168> <CopiesSold><br><k169> <BookClubAdoption><br>Market representation composite <MarketRepresentation><br>Agent identifier composite <a href="#"><br><j400> <a href="#"><br>End of Agent identifier composite<br><j401> <a href="#"><br><j402> <a href="#"><br><j403> <MarketCountry><br><j404> <MarketTerritory><br><j405> <MarketCountryExcluded><br><j406> <MarketRestrictionDetail><br><j407> <MarketPublishingStatus><br>Market date composite <MarketDate><br><j408> <MarketDateRole><br>End of Market date composite<br>End of Market representation composite<br>Top of Document<br>EPICS Code Print Constant MARC 21 Data Equivalent<br>01 General/trade (Intended for a non-specialist adult audience) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>02 Children/juvenile (Intended for a juvenile audience, not specifically for any educational purpose) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>03 Young adult (Intended for a teenage audience, not specifically for any educational purpose) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>04 Primary and secondary/elementary and high school (Intended for use in kindergarten, pre-school, primary/elementary or secondary/high school education) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>05 College/higher education (Intended for use in universities and colleges of further and higher education) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>06 Professional and scholarly (Intended for an expert adult audience, including academic research) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>07 ELT/ESL (Intended for use in teaching English as a second language) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>08 Adult education (Intended for centers providing academic, vocational or recreational courses for adults) 521 ind1=# ind2=# $a<br>Top of Document<br>Code Subject Scheme MARC 21 Data Equivalent<br>01 Dewey 082 I1 = 0<br>02 Abridged Dewey 082 I1 = 1<br>03 LC class number 050<br>04 LC subject heading 072 I2 = 7; 650 I1 = 0; I2 = 0<br>10 BASIC category code 072 I2 = 7<br>12 BIC subsidiary subject 072 I2 = 7<br>13 BIC geographical qualifier 052<br>14 BIC language qualifier 072 I2 = 7<br>15 BIC time period qualifier 072 I2 = 7<br>16 BID educational purpose qualifier 072 I2 = 7<br>19 LC fiction genre heading 072 I2 = 7<br>20 Keywords 072 I2 = 7; 653<br>21 BIC children's book marketing category 072 I2 = 7<br>22 BASIC book merchandising code 072 I2 = 7<br>23 Publisher's own category code 072 I2 = 7<br>24 Proprietary subject scheme 072 I2 = 7<br>25 Tabla de materias ISBN 072 I2 = 7<br>26 Warengruppen-Systematik des deutschen Buchhandeis 072 I2 = 7<br>27 Schlagwort-Normdatei der Deutschen Bibliothek 072 I2 = 7<br>28 Thèmes Electre 072 I2 = 7<br>29 CLIL 072 I2 = 7<br>30 DNB-Sachgruppen 072 I2 = 7<br>31 NUGI 072 I2 = 7<br>32 NUR 072 I2 = 7<br>33 ECPA Christian Book Category 072 I2 = 7<br>34 SISO 072 I2 = 7<br>35 Korean Decimal Classification (KDC) 072 I2 = 7<br>36 DDC Deutsch 072 I2 = 7<br>Top of Document<br>Code Code Description MARC 21 Data Equivalent<br>01 Main description 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>02 Short description/annotation 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>03 Long description 520 I1 = # I2 = # $b<br>04 Table of contents 505<br>07 Review Text 520 I1 = 1 I2 = # $a<br>08 Review quote 520 I1 = 1 I2 = # $a<br>09 Promotional "headline"<br>10 Previous review quote 520 I1 = 1 I2 = # $a<br>11 Author comments<br>12 Description for reader 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>13 Biographical note 545<br>14 Description for Reading Group Guide 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>15 Discussion question for Reading Group Guide<br>16 Competing titles<br>17 Flap copy 500 $a<br>18 Back cover copy 500 $a<br>23 Excerpt from book 500 $a<br>24 First chapter<br>25 Description for sales people 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>26 Description for press or other media 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>27 Description for subsidiary rights department 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>28 Description for teachers/educators 520 I1 = 2 I2 = # $a<br>30 Unpublished endorsement 500 $a<br>31 Description for bookstore 500 $a<br>32 Description for library 520 I1 = 2 I2 = #<br>33 Introduction or preface 500 $a<br>34 Full text<br>Top of Document<br>Field<br>Code Identifier MARC 21 Data Equivalent<br>01 Proprietary 028 I1 = 5 $a<br>02 ISBN-10 020 $a<br>03 EAN-13 024 I1=3 $a<br>04 UPC 024 I1 =1 $a<br>05 ISMN 024 I1 =2 $a<br>06 DOI 856 I1=# I2=# $u<br>13 LCCN 010 $a<br>14 GTIN-14 024 I1=7 $a<br>Top of Document<br>Go to:MARC Home Page |Library of Congress Home Page<br><mip-img s='max-width:300px;' id="img0" src="http://image4.360doc.cn/DownloadImg/2009/4/11/81544_3100734_1.gif" />Library of Congress<br>Library of Congress Help Desk ( 05/03/2005 )<br><mip-img s='max-width:300px;' id="img1" src="http://image4.360doc.cn/DownloadImg/2009/4/11/81544_3100734_2" /></div> <div class="zuoye-list-a"> <a href="/article/