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13 Beautiful And Open Source E-Commerce Applications

By kevinwu on December 29, 2008 1:33 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks There are few ways to create an online store:

Develop an e-commerce application from scratch.
Use a hosted e-commerce software.
Use a ready to use downloadable / installable e-commerce application.

1st option takes so much time & resources which is not suitable for many

2nd one has both positive & negative points. The biggest negative points are:
you'll be limited with the presented features & it'll probably be paid.

With the 3rd option, there are great open source e-commerce applications that
will help you to create a good looking & functioning e-store. And, get
support from the community. Here they are:

1 Prestashop

An amazing open source e-commerce application with a lot of features & a
sleek interface.

It enables you to create "special deals" (like price reductions, gift
vouchers), tag products, sell virtual goods & service besides standard
products & many more.

It is pre-configures for PayPal & other payment processors can be easily
integrated. You can find integration & theme options in the product's active

It requires PHP & MySQL to run.

2 Magento

This powerful e-commerce software has very strong features both at the user &
the admin level.

It is multilingual & also supports multiple stores to be managed from 1 admin
interface which is unique.

It has lots of marketing/promotion methods to make sales easier like "buy 1
get 1 free" or "multi-tier pricing for quantity discounts" & almost any other
possibilities you can imagine.

Magento is integrated with PayPal, Google Checkout and many other e-payment

The system works with PHP and uses MySQL as the database.

3 osCommerce

osCommerce is probably the most well known & one of the oldest free e-
commerce application.

It is multilingual, SEO friendly, has a lot of marketing options & supports
almost every payment systems (officially or unofficially).

It works with PHP/MySQL. There are lotf of free & paid themes created for it
to totally have a different e-shop.

4 dashCommerce

An open source ASP.NET e-commerce application that uses MSSQL 2005 as the

dashCommerce is multilingual & totally customizable with the theming support.

PayPal & a simple weight-shipping calculation provider is integrated by

Unlimited categories can be created & unlimited images can be added to a
product (thumbnails are auto-created).

If you're looking for an ASP.NET shopping cart then you don't have too many
options & this is a great piece of software.

5 Ubercart

Ubercart is an e-commerce platform for Drupal.

It is a feature-rich application that can sell physical goods, file downloads
and even site access/memberships with auto-renewals.

It is installed as a module to Drupal & this makes it stronger as this makes
it combined with one of the best CMS applications.

Ubercart works with many payment systems like Cyber Source, Authorize.net,
PayPal & more.

Products can be imported/exported via XML & single page checkout feature
makes shopping easy.

6 Wordpress E-Commerce Plugin

For Wordpress lovers, this plugin makes e-commerce very easy.

You can use all the great features of Wordpress, in means of managing the
content & the plugin integrates to the system tightly which enables you to
take the advantage of it to maximum like:

when you upload a new product, Wordpress update system pings all the search
engine, etc.
Share-This plugin can be used for social networking support.
If you are familiar with Wordpress themeing than it is very easy for you to
create new looks for a store.
This e-commerce plugin integrates with Google Checkout, Paypal,
Authorize.net, Payment Express and many other trusted payment processors.

7 VirtueMart

An e-commerce system for Joomla & Mambo.

It has many functional features from stock management to instant currency

Any number of images & documents (like user manuals) can be added to a
product. VirtueMart supports live credit card processing and popular payment

With the help of the extensible structure of these CMS applications,
VirtueMart can have new features by creating new modules.

8 OXID eSales

This open source e-commerce system is ready for B2C, B2B and social commerce

It uses search-engine friendly URLs & has some marketing tools integrated.

With an easy-to-use admin tool, the shop can be managed effortlessly.

It requires PHp & MySQL to run.

9 Freeway

Freeway is an e-commerce platform specialized in selling services & events.

You can simply sell a "guitar lesson" or "rent a tennis court" where users
can select which dates & times to buy them.

Besides these, Freeway can be used to sell any good & it makes selling easy
with the solid promotion features like "get 3 x product & get 2 y products

It uses PHP & MySQL and also, it can be integrated with Joomla with a ready-
to-use module.

10 simpleCart(js)

This is the most different & easy to use shopping cart in the list. It is
only a one page script that the products are displayed in a very good-looking

They are added to the basket with no page-refresh, quantities can be updated
& checkout is done via PayPal.

It stores the shopping cart info with cookies, so no database is required.

A great product which is ideal for selling few stuff in a few minutes.

11 Digistore

Digistore is based on the popular osCommerce engine with improvements both to
the front-end & admin of the application.

With almost every function of osCommerce, this free e-commerce solution can
offer guests a "non-membership required" shopping cart for fast checkouts
(membership feature is available).

It supports physical & virtual goods to be sold. Application is totaly
multilingual & supports many payment gateways.

Invoices & packaging lists can be printed from the admin order screen. It has
a newsletter support for & other promotional features.

12 OpenCart

This PHP - MySQL shopping cart system is simple-looking application but it
has all the must-have features.

It supports unlimited categories, different currencies & languages. Users can
review the products and buy them in few simple steps.

Most of the popular payment systems are supported.

13 Zen Cart

Zen Cart is a user-friendly, open source shopping cart software.

The application is easy to install & use.

Besides all the standard features, Zen Cart presents an easy to navigate
interface for the customer. Searches can be narrowed by category and price
intervals. Products can be presented as a list, grid or a gallery look &

It supports most of the payment systems & requires PHP - MySQL to run.

Are there any more nice & open source e-commerce applications? Please share
them in the comments.


By kevinwu on December 28, 2008 2:39 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks

本文只对几种流行的开源数据挖掘平台进行了检视,比如Weka和R等。如果您想找寻更多的开源数据挖掘软件,可以到KDnuggets和Open Directory上查看。为了评测这些软件,我们用了UCI Machine Learning Repository上的心脏病诊断数据集。


R (http://www.r-project.org) 是用于统计分析和图形化的计算机语言及分析工具,为了保证性能,其核心计算模块是用C、C++和Fortran编写的。同时为了便于使用,它提供了一种脚本语言,即R语言。R语言和贝尔实验室开发的S语言类似。R支持一系列分析技术,包括统计检验、预测建模、数据可视化等等。在 CRAN(http://cran.r-project.org) 上可以找到众多开源的扩展包。
R软件的首选界面是命令行界面,通过编写脚本来调用分析功能。如果缺乏编程技能,也可使用图形界面,比如使用R Commander(http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdr/)或Rattle(http://rattle.togaware.com)。


Tanagra (http://eric.univ-lyon2.fr/wricco/tanagra/) 是使用图形界面的数据挖掘软件,采用了类似Windows资源管理器中的树状结构来组织分析组件。Tanagra缺乏高级的可视化能力,但它的强项是统计分析,提供了众多的有参和无参检验方法。同时它的特征选取方法也很多。


Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis, http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/) 可能是名气最大的开源机器学习和数据挖掘软件。高级用户可以通过Java编程和命令行来调用其分析组件。同时,Weka也为普通用户提供了图形化界面,称为Weka KnowledgeFlow Environment和Weka Explorer。和R相比,Weka在统计分析方面较弱,但在机器学习方面要强得多。在Weka论坛 (http://weka.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Related_Projects) 可以找到很多扩展包,比如文本挖掘、可视化、网格计算等等。很多其它开源数据挖掘软件也支持调用Weka的分析功能。

YALE (IDMer:现在已经更名为RapidMiner)

YALE (Yet Another Learning Environment, http://rapid-i.com) 提供了图形化界面,采用了类似Windows资源管理器中的树状结构来组织分析组件,树上每个节点表示不同的运算符(operator)。YALE中提供了大量的运算符,包括数据处理、变换、探索、建模、评估等各个环节。YALE是用Java开发的,基于Weka来构建,也就是说它可以调用Weka中的各种分析组件。


KNIME (Konstanz InformationMiner, http://www.knime.org)是基于Eclipse开发环境来精心开发的数据挖掘工具。无需安装,方便使用(IDMer:呵呵,大家喜欢的绿色版)。和YALE一样,KNIME也是用Java开发的,可以扩展使用Weka中的挖掘算法。和YALE不同点的是,KNIME采用的是类似数据流(data flow)的方式来建立分析挖掘流程(IDMer:这个我喜欢,和SAS EM或SPSS Clementine等商用数据挖掘软件的操作方式类似)。挖掘流程由一系列功能节点(node)组成,每个节点有输入/输出端口(port),用于接收数据或模型、导出结果。(IDMer:感觉KNIME比Weka的KnowledgeFlow更好用,连接节点时很方便,直接用鼠标拖拽连接端口即可。而Weka中则需要在节点上按鼠标右键,再选择后续节点,比较麻烦,刚开始使用时找了半天才知道怎么连)


Orange (http://www.ailab.si/orange)是类似KNIME和Weka KnowledgeFlow的数据挖掘工具,它的图形环境称为Orange画布(OrangeCanvas),用户可以在画布上放置分析控件(widget),然后把控件连接起来即可组成挖掘流程。这里的控件和KNIME中的节点是类似的概念。每个控件执行特定的功能,但与KNIME中的节点不同,KNIME节点的输入输出分为两种类型(模型和数据),而Orange的控件间可以传递多种不同的信号,比如learners, classifiers, evaluation results, distance matrices, dendrograms等等。Orange的控件不象KNIME的节点分得那么细,也就是说要完成同样的分析挖掘任务,在Orange里使用的控件数量可以比KNIME中的节点数少一些。Orange的好处是使用更简单一些,但缺点是控制能力要比KNIME弱。


数据可视化是数据挖掘的重要组成部分, GGobi (http://www.ggobi.org)就是用于交互式可视化的开源软件,它使用brushing的方法。GGobi可以用作R软件的插件,或者通过Perl、Python等脚本语言来调用。


500+ OpenSource Projects

By kevinwu on December 23, 2008 9:11 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks http://www.lupaworld.com/43/viewspace_24869.html


By kevinwu on December 17, 2008 11:49 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks

要做电子商务,你可以选择在淘宝,拍拍,Ebay或是最新的百度有啊,而如果要自己搭建平台,当然首先要选择一个合适的电子商务管理系统。这里是10款PHP开源的电子商务管理系统。如果你想做CMS网站,则请阅读 10款基于PHP的免费CMS推荐。


osCommerce 是一套基于GNU GPL授权的开源在线购物电子商务解决方案。该系统具有易于操作的可视化安装界面、完善的前台商品展示和户在线购物车功能、强大的后台管理和维护功能模块简单易用、70,000人的官方社区用户和活跃的论坛、121,300家已经注册的在线商店的解决方案3,000个成熟的插件供你选择。

二、OXID eSales

OXID eSales是一个开源的e-commerce系统,采用PHP开发,使用MySQL来存储数据。OXID eSales拥有一个模块化和基于标准的架构,从而使它更便于定制。该系统拥有所有e-commerce系统应具备的功能包括:B2C、B2B。强大的一体化市场营销。集成内容管理系统(CMS)。搜索引擎优化的友好网址。











八、Zen Cart

Zen Cart是一个用户友好,开源的购物车系统。它具有:易于安装、多种消费者模式、不限目录深度、多种销售与折扣模式、多种展示方式、XHTML模板系统、多横幅广告控制器、newsletter管理器等特点。




Php- MultiShop是一个基于PhpNuke与osCommerce的虚拟购物商场。它可被用作具有任何类型内容(如新闻,论坛,事件等)的门户网站和一个或多个独立的网店。每个商店将有它们自已的域名,并且具有一个典型电子商务所应拥有的全部功能与个性。每个商店完全可以自主管理好像是独立于该电子商场。(parandroid.com )


By kevinwu on December 10, 2008 12:08 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks 北京时间12月10日消息,据国外媒体报道,微软公司于当地时间本周一发布了一款名为Oxite的开源博客平台。不过,微软强调,Oxite只是面向开发者的产品,微软并不希望借此与WordPress或Movable Type等流行的博客软件展开直接竞争。

微软早在上周五就已经将Oxite的代码发布到旗下的CodePlex网站上,但是他们直到本周一才正式对外宣布。该软件使用Microsoft Public License 授权方式,源代码完全公开。



微软Oxite项目负责人埃里克-波特(Erik Porter)表示,Oxite项目并非希望与现有的博客系统竞争,也不会对微软SharePoint产生威胁。该产品目前面向开发者,不过最终将会面向所有公众。他在Oxite 论坛中写道:"我们只是希望为开发者提供一个可以在任何网站上运行的样本,除此之外,别无他意。也就是说,这是一个社区项目,如果社区想要改变Oxite 的发展方向,我们也不会横加阻止。" (腾讯科技)


By kevinwu on December 1, 2008 10:15 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks

  导言:美国知名杂志《商业周刊》日前刊登了一篇开源开发实验室(Open Source Development Labs)前CEO斯图尔特-科汉(Stuart Cohen)撰写的文章。该文章指出,单纯依靠技术支持和服务获取收入的开源商业模式已经无法满足投资者的预期。这种商业模式已经濒临崩溃。



  事实上,部分厂商已经开始转变思路。两年前,微软与专注于开发开源操作系统Linux的Novell公司建立了伙伴关系。这一事件震惊了业界,因为这两家公司一直以来都在操作系统领域处于竞争关系。在此之前,微软首席执行官史蒂夫-鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)还曾试图向用户传达一种理念----Linux和开源软件有违美国人的风格,鲍尔默甚至认为它们是软件领域最为严重的毒瘤。与此同时,Novell与微软的合作也让整个开源世界一片哗然。由于微软承诺将不会就专利问题对使用Novell版Linux系统的用户提起诉讼,因此,他们认为Novell与微软的合作只不过是一种老套的妥协而已。



  红帽(Red Hat)被看作是最为成功的开源厂商,除了支持Linux内核之外,它还为用户提供其他的附加价值。为了能够给用户提供更多的附加价值,红帽在Linux 内核的基础上增加了大量的软件层以及一款几乎不需要维护的稳定的软件。如果红帽单纯依靠对Linux内核的技术支持来盈利,那么它的商业模式就很难成型,因为Linux的代码实在是太稳定了。














国外 CMS 提供商

By kevinwu on December 1, 2008 9:42 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks Vignette. 奥斯汀, TX Vignette公司,网站内容管理系统的领导者,今天宣布在中层楼资金上它取得了1亿4千万美元,成为奥斯汀基础软件公司中最大的私人资产投资,同时也使Vignette成为在奥斯汀发展最快的互联网软件公司。 Vignette 公司,作为全世界网站内容应用系统的领导者,为公司们提出了解决方案----在互联网上建立非常成功的商业。 Vignette的王牌产品是StoryServer 3,它能使公司以应用软件(如在线发布、知识管理和复杂电子商务系统)为基础建立、管理和发布服务,最终加速和提高客户的忠实度和持续力。超过75个一流公司,包括Ziff- Davis' ZDNet, First Chicago NBD, Bay Networks 和 CNET ,使用StoryServer 3 ,每天提供2500万个网页浏览。 StoryServer3 获得了5个行业奖励,包括UPSIDE杂志的"网络基础组织类最活跃的私人公司" 。 它的 V/5 系列是一套应用软件包,设计用来为门户、B2C 和 B2B 市场需求提供内容管理。 V/5系列具有高度的可定制化能力和广泛的功能,它包括内容和模板的开发、个性化定制和发布。但是,它的多数功能还需要开发。

Documentum. Documentum 是文档管理解决方案的长期供应商。 带着它的4i 网站内容管理(WCM)版本,公司有力地进入了CM舞台,它提供了一个解决方案来支持具有在线而动态的内容的电子商务应用软件。对大中型组织来说,它也是一个健全的可扩展的网站内容管理解决方案。

Eprise. Eprise的 Participant Server 2.6.6是该公司内容管理的产品,它为大型商务和.com提供商业应用软件,包括互联网、企业内部网和公共网站。该产品能促进内容添加、修改和全球发布。 Participant Server 的主要组件包括内容中心、操作中心、共享中心和内容分配套件。产品为投稿和创造提供基于网络的界面,同时内容分配组件处理适于交易的内容分配。 A single Web based administrative interface is a plus because administration can be distributed across the organization. 单一的基于网络的管理界面是附加的,因为管理在组织范围内可以是分布式的。

Interwoven. Interwoven的 TeamSite 4.5是横向聚焦的网站内容管理解决方案,它向财富500强和全球2000个上市公司提供企业范围的网站内容管理。TeamSite 的管理和组成能力通过桌面和基于Java的接口提供,这种桌面和接口作为操作系统的一部分出现。用户可以通过Windows Explorer把内容拖放到存储库中。

Xpedio. Xpedio CMS 4.0是全球 2000 B2B 和 B2E 公司所用的解决方案包,它为没有技术的用户提供了容易使用的网站建设能力。该产品在企业内部互联网、外部互联网和电子商务网站上促进了内容的快速发展和管理。在管理和发布内容方面,它是强大的解决方案,它提供具有分布式管理能力的创作工具、安全、发布的灵活性和完全基于浏览器的界面。

Ncompass. NCompass Labs于2001年4月通过微软成立,现在它是微软的子公司。 Resolution 3.1是Ncompass的浏览器,以网站内容管理解决方案为基础,在2001年底,它做为微软的产品(称为微软内容管理服务器)再次发布。

Open Market. Open Market 的Content Server 3.1是 J2EE兼容的内容管理解决方案,它嫦虺霭妗⒚教搴徒鹑诜 袷谐 pen Market 把内容服务器定位为推动以内容为中心的电子商务应用软件的产品,它处理访问者、客户和合作者之间的交互。该产品有用于管理和组织的网络界面,包括了一个个性化的引擎和用于发布的应用软件服务器。

BroadVision. BroadVision 把应用方法用于内容管理,主要目标是B2B, B2E 和 B2C 市场。 BroadVision以应用软件程序包的形式出售产品,如出售给附带商业、合作商业、市场和雇员自我服务。内容管理解决方案也独立地出售。

FileNET. FileNET 是文档管理市场的传统领导者,现在它集中精力于生产电子商务应用软件的Panagon生产线。它的网站内容管理套件包括Panagon 内容服务(PCS)、Panagon 网络发布者(PWP)、Panagon 网络服务(PWS)和Panagon 电子流程。FileNET套件主要面向于金融、保险、政府、电信、公共事业和制造业。FileNET把它的网站内容管理套件定位在内容管理的全部解决方案,它贯穿内容的生命周期,从创造到审批、发布和分配。然而,在它目前的版本中,产品在核心网站内容管理的功能性上需要重大发展,如个性化和动态内容的表达。

Megellan. 2000 年7月,Gauss Interprise 和美国软件开发者Magellan 合并,主要销售它的内容管理系列 Versatile Internet Platform (VIP)。VIP定位于企业管理内容、网站内容和门户的平台。对于集中的环境,产品系列有适应需求的基本功能,包括基于网络的管理,单一和大批的输入、第三方厂商提供的基本库服务、以及用于分布式内容创造的模板设计工具。

InStranet. InStranet 成立于1999年,总部设在纽约,并且在巴黎设有欧洲总部。 公司的王牌产品是InStranet 2000 1.5,它是一个浏览器和基于Java的网站内容管理解决方案。产品聚焦于,在B2B和雇员工作环境下,向企业内部互联网和外部互联网发布业务文件和内容。InStranet 2000 1.5在 J2EE兼容的应用服务器上运行,已在BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere 和 iPlanet 应用服务器上经过检验。

Mediasurface. Mediasurface 的总部设在伦敦,它的美国办事处在纽约和弗朗西丝科。公司为组织提供管理内容软件,用于企业内部互联网和外部互联网。公司的核心产品是 Mediasurface 3.5,它瞄准垂直市场,包括金融服务、政府、教育、卫生保健、IT服务、媒体、出版和广播、零售和消费服务。

Six Open Systems. Six Offene Systeme GmbH 在美国称为Six Open Systems (Six) ,于1991年在德国成立。Six在德国有重要的消费群,它以产品Six CMS 4.0打入美国市场。该产品是由内到外的、以浏览器为基础的解决方案,它用来帮助媒体出版商简化和管理内容设计及网页和门户、互联网、企业内部互联网等的设计。

Starbase. Starbase 销售合作产品,该产品为电子商务应用软件创造、管理代码和内容。2001年2月, Starbase收购了worldweb.net 和它的产品 Expressroom I/O 、以及基于Java 和 XML的网站内容管理解决方案。Starbase正把Expressroom I/O添加到它的代码和内容管理解决方案的协作套件中。

国内用的比较多的有totcms,Active Context、turbocms、cms4i,不过这些都是纯商业性系统,价格很高,一般个人建站,建议选取一些国外比较有名的开源系统,如 Mambo、Drupal、Tikiwiki、PhpNuke、 PostNuke、Xoops、Tikipro、不过这些全是基于php + mysql的,众所周知,php和mysql是免费的吗^__^,asp的cms也有动易,淘特,风讯,等几家不错的。

·全球知名 CMS 提供商详细清单
该清单包含开源CMS,国外大型商业CMS,国外重量级商业CMS,国外轻量级商业CMS,国内商业CMS,共5个类别,其中开源CMS又分 Portal 型,Blog 型和 Wiki 型。

开源 Portal 型 CMS

Xoops : http://www.xoops.org/
Plone : http://plone.org/
Joomla! : http://www.joomla.org/
Drupal : http://drupal.org/
Zope : http://www.zope.org/
CMS Made Simple : http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/
MODX : http://modxcms.com/
Mambo : http://source.mambo-foundation.org/
PHP Nuke : http://www.phpnuke.org/

开源 Blog 型 CMS

Word Press : http://wordpress.org/

开源 wiki 型 CMS

Mediawiki : http://www.mediawiki.org/

国外的大型商业 CMS

Vignette Content Management (美国): http://www.vignette.com/contentmanagement/0,2097,1-1-1928-4149-1966-4150,00.html
EMC Documentum (美国): http://software.emc.com/products/product_family/documentum_family.htm
IBM Workplace WCM (美国): http://www-306.ibm.com/software/info/ecatalog/en_US/products/Z106182W88870K64.jsp?S_TACT=none&S_CMP=none&EO=VNM&CC=Vietnam&VP=&incDir=us&pt=jsp
Reddot CMS (德国): http://www.reddot.com/products_web_content_management.htm
Interwoven ECM (美国): http://www.interwoven.com/products/
Oracle Stellent Web Content Management (美国): http://www.stellent.com/stellent3/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=64&ssSourceNodeId=7

国外的重量级商业 CMS

Tridion R5.2 (荷兰) : http://www.tridion.com/Products/R5/Overview.asp
CoreMedia CMS 2006 (德国): http://www.coremedia.com/en/67852/cms/
Fatwire Content Server (美国): http://www.fatwire.com/
Percussion Rhythmyx (美国): http://www.percussion.com/products/content-management/rhythmyx/
Day Software Communique (瑞士): http://www.day.com/content/site/en/index/products/content-centric_applications/overview.html
MediaSurface Morello (英国): http://www.hellomorello.com/

国外的轻量级商业 CMS

Microsoft SharePoint (美国): http://www.microsoft.com/office/sharepoint/prodinfo/demo.mspx
Sitecore Content Manager (丹麦): http://www.sitecore.net/Products.aspx
ESCENIC (挪威): http://www.escenic.com/
Collage (美国): http://www.serena.com/Products/collage/home.asp
CommonSpot Content Server (美国): http://www1.paperthin.com/products/index.cfm
Ingeniux Content Management System (美国): http://www.ingeniux.com/x628.xml
CMS400.NET (美国): http://www.ektron.com/web-content-management-solutions.aspx
E-Spirit FIRSTspirit(德国): http://www.cmswatch.com/CMS/Vendors/www.firstspirit.de
Hot Banana Web Content Management Suite (加拿大): http://www.hotbanana.com/products/web-content-management-suite/
EPiServer (瑞典): http://www.episerver.com/en/
Refresh Software SR2 (美国): http://www.refreshsoftware.com/SR2
GOSS iCM (英国): http://www.gossinteractive.com/index.cfm?articleid=1941
Hannon Hill Casecade Server(美国): http://www.hannonhill.com/products/cascade-server/index.html
Immediacy (英国): http://immediacy.co.uk/products/content_management.aspx
Terminal Four Site Manager (爱尔兰): http://www.terminalfour.com/products/
Enonic Vertical Site (挪威): http://www.enonic.com/page?id=841
Synkron Via (丹麦): http://www.synkron.com/

国内的商业与开源 CMS

kycms 酷源网站内容管理系统(.net开源): http://www.kycms.com (重点推荐KYCMS内容管理系统、商城系统,在线考试系统,子网站集群系统、oa系统)
dedecms 织梦网站管理系统 (开源): http://www.dedecms.com/
帝国网站管理系统 ECMS : http://www.phome.net/
宏博内容管理系统 : http://www.hbcms.com/
COMSHARP CMS - 锐商企业CMS : http://www.comsharp.com/
TurboCMS : http://www.turbocms.com/
动易内容管理系统 : http://www.powereasy.net/
SupeSite 社区门户系统 : http://www.supesite.com/
phpcms 网站管理系统 : http://www.phpcms.cn/
verycms 内容管理系统 : http://www.verycms.net/
Joekoe CMS乔客网 : http://www.joekoe.net/
渐飞网站管理系统 : http://www.jfcms.net/
SiteServer CMS网站管理系统 : http://www.siteserver.cn/
.Net动网新闻 : http://www.xmlasp.net/
JTBC网站内容管理系统: http://www.jtbc.net.cn/ (开源免费)
HUGESKY CMS网站内容管理系统:http://www.hugesky.com
JDCMS 文章系统CMS http://www.jd-web.cn

cms52.cn解读:貌似国内的cms在这方面都不行,几乎都不支持伪静态,dz,phpwind倒是支持,不过是论坛,dede要修改才能支持伪静态, wordpress伪静态就做的很好,可以满足这条要求。要追求伪静态效果的话,选cms精灵建议选英文的cms,drupal,joomal都不错,我个人做英文站的话喜欢用joomal。另外,对于中文url里插关键词效果没有英文的好。


By kevinwu on December 1, 2008 7:52 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks 排名 软件名称 下载量(次) 平台 描述
1 | eMule | 295,226,746 | win32 | ed2k协议标准客户端,地球人都知道
2 | Azureus | 139,437,874 | win32/All POSIX/OS X | 跨平台BT客户端
3 | Ares Galaxy | 87,603,275 | win32 | P2P文件分享软件/聊天软件
4 | BitTorrent | 51,850,559 | win32/POSIX | BT客户端,以它为原型派生出需要mod
5 | DC++ | 44,130,219 | win32 | ADC协议P2P文件分享软件,上手比较难,中文本地化做的不好
6 | Shareaza | 36,106,522 | win32 | p2p客户端(BT,ed2k,Gnutella),大名鼎鼎的Vagaa源于这个软件
7 | CDex | 31,440,675 | win32 | CD-ripper软件
8 | VirtualDub | 31,349,519 | win32 | 视频软件
9 | GTK+ and The GIMP installers for Windows |24,564,811 | win32 | POSIX上的photoShop,win32版本
10 | 7-Zip |21,683,481 | win32 | 文件压缩 支持的格式可比winrar多多了
11 | Audacity | 21,311,997 | win32/POSIX/OS X | 音频编辑类似CoolEdit
12 | eMule Plus | 21,266,935 | win32 | emule的mod,个人比较喜欢这个mod:)
13 | FileZilla |20,286,332 | win32 | FTP客户端,换掉FlashFXP吧
14 | guliverkli | 17,335,889 | win32 | vobsub&MPC(有人叫暴风影音.....)
15 | Gaim | 16,006,897 | win32/POSIX/OS X | 多协议IM软件,盖帽真盖了帽了
16 | TightVNC | 14,127,058 | 平台无关 | 远程控制
17 | phpBB | 14,071,745 | 平台无关 | 论坛BBS程序,国外很多bbs都是它
18 | ZSNES | 13,952,804 | win32/POSIX/OS X | 超任模拟器,
19 | phpMyAdmin | 12,810,361 | 平台无关 | 控制和操作MySQL,网站用到的
20 | NASA World Wind| 12,506,666 | win32 | 国家航空和宇宙航行局出品(地球放大镜),3D的哦
21 | aMSN | 12,292,134 | win32/POSIX/OS X | MSN客户端,win32下界面难看,还是用MS的吧
22 | WinSCP | 11,342,002 | win32 | 文件传输
23 | Dev-C++ | 11,010,253 | win32/POSIX | C++开发环境
24 | UltraVNC | 10,912,673 | win32 | 远程控制
25 | AC3Filter | 10,316,095 | win32 | 音频编码解码
26 | ffdshow | 10,169,222 | win32 | 视频编码解码
27 | PDFCreator | 10,090,933 | win32 | 创建PDF文档
28 | ABC | 10,068,082 | win32 | BT客户端
29 | Ghostscript | 9,755,391 | 平台无关 | PostScript 语言解释器
30 | JBoss.org | 9,354,970 | 平台无关 | 部署 J2EE Web 应用程序
31 | eMule Morph | 8,138,749 | win32 | 电骡 Mod,又一个mod
32 | VisualBoyAdvance |8,014,298 | win32/POSIX/OS X| GB和GBA模拟器
33 | Webmin | 7,678,910 | 平台无关 | 基于浏览器的管理工具
34 | MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |7,535,844 | win32 C/C++ 程序集成开发环境
35 | XAMPP | 7,200,977 | win32 | 网站建设包
36 | ClamWin Free Antivirus| 6,775,882 | win32 | 反病毒软件
37 | GnuWin32 | 6,394,528 | win32 | 提供Win32版本的GNU工具
38 | Miranda | 6,253,559 | win32 | 多协议IM
39 | VirtualDubMod | 6,179,204 | win32 | VirtualDub的mod
40 | DOSBox | 6,106,570 | 平台无关 | Dos模拟器
41 | emule Xtreme Mod| 5,871,531 | win32 | 电骡mod ,怎么又一个
42 | PeerGuardian |5,861,020 | win32/POSIX/OS X | P2P 网络安全软件+下载优化工具,这个工具不错
43 | Gallery |5,672,486 | 平台无关 | 基于浏览器的图片管理
44 | FlasKMPEG |5,251,857 | win32 | MPEG格式转换
45 | The CvsGui project |5,218,370 | 平台无关 | 图形界面的CVS
46 | XOOPS Dynamic Web CMS| 5,153,021 | 平台无关 | 网站内容管理系统
47 | DScaler | 5,050,868 | win32 | 电视卡播放软件、视频解码
48 | Eraser | 5,016,781 | win32 | 文件删除,类似文件粉碎机
49 | Celestia | 4,939,185 | win32/POSIX/OS X | 浏览宇宙,模拟星系用openGL引擎
50 | Wine Is Not an Emulator |4,446,192 | win32/POSIX/OS X | 让windows程序运行在Linux上,很有用哦

这里的POSIX是指所有可移植性操作系统接口、包括各种版本linux、和unix,OS X指苹果操作系统。 平台无关意味着使用平台无关的语言开发,可以运行在任何操作系统上.

Top 10 Open Source Social Platforms

By kevinwu on December 1, 2008 7:21 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks

As social sites grow in popularity, so does the desire for smaller niche-based networks that cater to smaller groups of people. Just look at the rise of social networks for chess players and wine.

What's more, with the latest open source software, smaller sites can be built in a matter of days or weeks. Here are 10 open source software platforms on which to carve out your niche.

If there's one site people love to emulate with their own niche versions, it's Digg. Fortunately, there are good platforms to do just that.


It seems that every hour, a new Pligg-based site is born. Pligg is a PHP/MySQL system that allows visitors to submit websites and blogs for voting or ranking. While very similar to Digg, it does offer some additional features, such as trackback support, automatic title discovery, and RSS import functionality. It also has a small community that is actively working on new mods and templates. Some of the more interesting Pligg-based sites are PlugIM, Sk*rt, Sphinn and Simply Fired.


NewsCloud is another content management system that has a story ranking feature. They have also developed a Facebook app for their service, which is open source as well and available for download. The default layout is slightly more newsy than Digg-like.

Drupal with Vote up/down module

Most know Drupal as one of the more popular open source content management systems available. Thanks to the user community, several modules have been developed that allow voting of submitted stories. Recruiting.com uses this setup.


Dolphin, from Boonex, is a popular free community-building application that is being used for a number of dating sites. Many modifications have been developed, however many of them are only available for a fee. There is also a cost associated with removing the company's links from your site.


PHPizabi is another social networking script that charges a fee to remove their branding. They are rapidly approaching 100,000 downloads of their software, and have a few impressive-looking demo sites listed on their website.


Elgg was developed with the educational industry in mind, but can be customized for any use. Many universities throughout the world have adapted the social software to fit their needs.


Developed by Red Hat, Mugshot allows you to post what you are reading and listening too, and share it with you friends. Mugshot is a little different, as both the client and server code are open source and available for download.


AroundMe is an open source social networking app that supports OpenID. They are based in Sweden. We haven't seen many sites running on the platform.


GetBoo allows you to save you favorite sites and share them with your friends. It also supports public and private group creation.


While Scuttle has not been updated in over a year, the code is still available on SourceForge. Scuttle is a PHP/MySQL-based social bookmark system.

Modoer 是一款以本地分享,多功能的点评网站管理系统。采用 PHP+MYSQL 开发设计,开放全部源代码。因具有非凡的访问速度和卓越的负载能力而深受国内外朋友的喜爱。








newscloud.com 是一个新闻digg网站。newscloud.org则是它的开源的系统网站。

Top 80 Open Source CMS

By kevinwu on December 1, 2008 7:10 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks Joomla - popular, award-winning CMS that will help you build powerful online applications.

XOOPS - extensible, easy to use; ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, blogs, portals and much more.

Drupal - equipped with a powerful blend of features, rich set of modules, very popular.

e107 - totally customizable content management system written in PHP using MySQL database.

Plone - ready-to-run, easy to set up, extremely flexible, and ideal for project groups, communities, websites, extranets and intranets.

Zope - an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals, and custom applications.

PHPnuke - established CMS featuring web-based administration, surveys, customizable blocks, modules and themes with multilanguage support.

Dotnetnuke - port of PHPNuke into Microsoft .NET platform.

Typo3 - flexible and extensible CMS with an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules.

PostNuke - fork of PHP-Nuke to make it more secure, stable, and able to work in high-volume environments with ease.

SyntaxCMS - simplify publishing , create and edit site content online, and approve it before publishing to the web.

jLibrary is a DMS (Document Management System), oriented for personal and enterprise use.

V2 CMS - simple CMS, easy to install and modify.

Website Baker - PHP-based CMS designed to make website creation easy.

Jahia - use the Jahia community edition for publishing, managing files, and workflow.

eZPublish - created by eZ Systems, which has a team of professional software developers responsible for creating and maintaining the CMS.

Magnolia - makes Enterprise Content Management simple by being user-friendly, battle-tested, enterprise-ready and open-source.

WebGUI - built to give average business users the ability to build and maintain complex web sites.

OpenCMS - helps content managers worldwide to create and maintain beautiful websites fast and efficiently.

PHP-Fusion - a lightweight, small and versatile CMS.

Collaborative Portal Server (CPS) - most complete platform for building Enterprise Content Management applications, built on top of the Zope application server.

SiteFrame™ - lightweight content-management system designed for the rapid deployment of community-based websites.

TribalCMS - includes multilanguage support, template architectures, AJAX User Interfaces and unique administration.

Xaraya - create sophisticated web applications; designers enjoy considerable flexibility.

Krang - designed to publish magazine websites.

MMBase - CMS with strong multi media features and advanced portal functionalities.

Pligg - based on Menéame (Spanish Digg clone), Pligg enables you to create Digg-like sites.

elevateIT - an extension of ZOPE/Plone server.

Cofax - manages your text and multimedia content, and simplifies the presentation of newspapers.

DBPrism - first open source CMS based on oracle XMLDB repository.

Flux CMS - XML/XSLT based, easy to use, extensible and suitable for developers to fill specific needs.

Apache Lenya - Java/XML based CMS that comes with revision control, multi-site management, scheduling, and workflow.

Rubricks - CMS for Ruby on Rails fans, boasts simplicity and speed.

Silva - built on top of Zope, enables you to export to Word, stream media, store content as XML, and manage hierarchical and traditional websites.

YACS - build your online blogging communities.

Clever Copy - A scalable website portal and news posting system.

Fundanemt - focused on usability and aimed at small and medium sized websites.

Dragonfly CMS - feature-rich open source content management system, based on PHP-Nuke 6.

ContentNOW - simple to use, flexible, multilanguage, modular CMS.

Bitweaver - suitable for large-scale community websites and corporate applications.

Elxis CMS - professional free open source CMS released under the GNU/GPL license.

Etomite - allows you to remotely administer your website from anywhere.

fuzzylime - simple way for you to run your site and keep it up-to-date.

iGaming CMS - build your own gaming websites.

MODx - CMS that helps you take control of your online content.

PHP comasy - simple, multilingual and fast content management system.

Mambo - very well-known CMS. Can be used for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications.

Jupiter - one of the most lightweight portal systems available.

Ovidentia - integrate an environment for publishing content on the www or a groupware portal.

Jaws - build your own modules on the powerful Jaws framework.

Geeklog - out of the box blog solution with support for comments, trackbacks, multiple syndication formats, and spam protection.

CMS Made Simple - make a home page for your family or your multinational corporation.

Eazy portal - solution allowing you to maintain your own online community.

Papoo - accessible content management system

phpWebSite - develop an interactive, community-driven website.

RunCms - portal system that includes most things a webmaster would expect from a CMS.

Exponent - allows site owners to easily create and manage dynamic websites without necessarily directly coding web pages, or managing site navigation.

SPIP - publishing system, use it freely for your own site, be it personal, co-operative, institutional or commercial.

Silverstripe - powerful enough for any website or intranet design and simple enough for anyone to use.

Pheap - created for folks who don't like complex CMSs like Joomla and Drupal.

MDPro - an innovative and imaginative content management system.

TYPOlight webCMS - specializes in accessibility and uses XHTML and CSS to generate W3C/WAI compliant pages.

PlumeCMS - have multiple websites, multiple authors with different rights.

Xepient Open-Point - create a professional website quickly through the browser.

SlashCode - the original code for the Slashdot geek news service.

YaWPS - is a hybrid between a content management system and a web portal for medium or small-sized websites.

APC ActionApps - allow authorized users to easily update the content of their website.

Pagetool - suitable for people with limited technical skills to modify and contribute to an organization's web site

OpenACS - toolkit for building scalable, community-oriented web applications.

ttCMS - build your community website with calendars, surveys, member management and authentication, file downloads, forum, articles, and announcements.

MySource - enables technically unskilled users to build and maintain their own web solutions.

Ariadne - web application server and content management system.

Mason CM - makes it easy to manage the workflow of information as it moves from staging to the live site.

Managee - comprehensive web based CMS.

ESY Web Builder - an intuitive content management system that allows non-technical people to create and manage websites and extranets.

PHProjekt - a groupware suite, for the coordination of group activities and to share information and documents via intranet and internet.

PROPS - extensible publishing system designed specifically for periodicals such as newspapers and magazines

Midgard CMS - internationalized set of tools for building web sites and networked applications.

Pivot - web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals.