
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/13 06:18:44
       点击这里欣赏《决裂》   Breaking With Old Ideas (1975)
  THERE IS a heated confrontation near the end of "Breaking With Old Ideas," a 1975 feature made in China and now at the Film Forum, that is as familiar in tone as it is foreign in substance. One night, the students at a rural branch of the Communist Labor College are worrying about the next day's big exam when they receive word that insects are devouring the rice crop. Should they keep on studying, like good little crypto-bourgeois bookworms, or should they take practical action?
  One student leader, a pretty young woman who never seems to stop frowning, makes an impassioned plea for the latter option. In this situation, she insists, fumigation would be in accordance with the teachings of Chairman Mao. With that, the group is won over, and the sequence ends happliy: Everyone marches out to the fields and commences spraying.
  "Breaking With Old Ideas," reported to be the first Chinese feature released here commercially, is fascinating in its often-successful efforts to combine didacticism with entertainment. In order to explain the Party's attitude toward education—an attitude that has been substantially altered since this film was made, by the way—the film tells the story of Principal Lung, who in 1958 is appointed head of an agricultural college in a mountainous region. Lung believes in Mao's notion that education should be freely available to everyone, and that it is important for students to acquire both practical and political knowledge, "to become both Red and expert."
  But some of the older, stuffier faculty members resist the changes Lung institutes, upholding their older, stuffier ideas about entrance exams and course requirements. They teach Lung's all-peasant student body about the functions of a horse's tail instead of how to cure a sick water-buffalo. They don't entirely renounce the elitism of Confucius. They aren't even smart enough to schedule their lessons on seedlings for crop-planting time.
  One of the more amusing things about the film is the way it treats its villains. These reactionary teachers scheme and connive like the wickedest of fiends, but a film about the joys of enlightenment can't advocate revenge without seeming small-minded. So at the finale these soreheads publicly confess to the error of their ways, and the students forgive them. Then Mao sends a letter telling the students they were right all along, and everyone cheers euphorically.
  Shot in fading color and translated rather strangely at times ("'How did you get here so quickly?' 'I came at great-leap-forward speed'"), "Breaking With Old Ideas" is a lot more warm and animated than it may sound. The characters are sketched broadly, without much human detail, and en masse they tend to shout things in unison, like the students at Billy Jack's Freedom" School. But their ferver is so palpable, and their earnestness so affecting, that there is almost as much liveliness and drama here as there is propaganda. 
  中国1975年出品的故事片“决裂”近日在纽约的“电影论坛”影院上映。(“电影论坛”Film Forum是纽约专门放映外国片,独立制作,旧片的影院——译者按)影片的手法是这么的熟悉,但内容却有那么的陌生。对立双方在影片的结尾发生了非常激烈的对峙。影片讲述在“共产主义劳动大学”远郊分校学习的同学们在一个晚上听到说有害虫会侵袭地里的庄稼,但是他们第二天有大考,他们是应该像那些隐藏着的小资产阶级的书呆子那样去学习呢,还是到田里保护庄稼?
  影片在对待反面人物的处理上引人发笑,那些腐朽的学者像邪恶的魔鬼一样合谋搞阴谋诡计, 但是这样一部鼓吹思想解放之愉悦的电影不可能宣扬看起来心胸狭窄的报复。于是在影片最后,满腹牢骚的学者们公开承认了自己方向性的错误,学生们也原谅了他们。接着毛主席写信给学生们对他们一贯的正确思想进行了表扬,于是所有人都感到欢欣鼓舞。
  影片用褪白的色调拍摄,在多处翻译上另人不解。例如:“怎么来的这么快”“大跃进的速度嘛”被翻译成:“How did you get here so quickly?” “I came at great-leap-forward speed” .(这样的翻译看来外国人是看不明白的——译者按)  “决裂”这部电影其实比名字看起来亲切并栩栩如生。影片人物的刻画上泛泛而过,缺乏人性的细节,所有角色特别喜欢齐喊口号,和电影“Billy Jack”里学校里的学生异曲同工。但是影片中人物的狂热是显而易见的,但是他们的热忱表现的很感人。这样一部政治宣传的影片被拍的很有戏剧性,栩栩如生。