双语对照 - 家庭聚会是了解身体的良机

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/14 20:31:57


Having many members of the family in one place is a rare opportunity to collect medical history data, which can alert you to disease susceptibilities. Karen Hopkin reports.


Pop-pop! It’s so good to see you. How are you?


Man’s voice: Good, good.
How are those knees holding up? And the old ticker?
Man: Fine. Can’t complain.


What medications are you taking now, Pop? Have you ever been diagnosed with high-blood pressure? Kidney disease? What about asthma? Any trouble breathing? Now, can you read the letters on the third line?


Man: E, Uh, M. P?


Taking grandpa’s medical history might not seem like the best way to spread warm holiday wishes. But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham [Lynn Holt et al.] note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family’s health issues.
带着爷爷的病历去度过这个热情似火的假日看来并不是一个好事情。但是来自伯明翰市阿拉巴马大学的遗传学家[Lynn Holt et al.]却注意到,家庭聚会是一个了解家庭健康状况的良机。
Lots of disorders—like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer—have strong roots in your genes. So it’s good to know whether grandma has glaucoma or your mom had a brother who died young of a massive coronary. That way your docs can screen you for diseases to which you might be susceptible. Or maybe the info will inspire you to start taking better care of yourself.


Either way, offer the relatives a cup of holiday cheer. And feel free to note how much they drank. For your records.


—Karen Hopkin