双语对照 - 如何利用风水布置你的家

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/11 15:13:58



If I asked you what words come to mind when you think of your home, what would you say?  Would you tell me that it brings you peace every time you walk in the front door?  Would you say that the items in your home inspire you and bring you joy every time you look at them?  Would you describe your household as organized and calm?  A peaceful, calm household that is organized and filled with happiness and laughter is the type of home anyone would love to say they own.  It is also the best type of home in which to raise a family.  So, how do we ensure that we can describe our homes this way?  It’s actually easier than you think, but you must take the first step.


Feng Shui is an ancient art and science of creating balance and harmony in our lives by the effective management of our environment; the benefits can be felt almost immediately. Applying feng shui principles to your home is the best way to make quick, effective changes to the dynamics of your family.


Read the following descriptions and note how you feel as you read each one.


House Number One:


    * Unkept lawn with weeds, no flowers

  T  缺乏保养的草坪,杂草丛生,没有种植任何的花草植物。

    * Front entry with shoes strewn around

  T  前门周围到处是散落的鞋子。

    * Kitchen with dirty dishes in the sink and crumbs on the counter.  Stack of unopened mail and flyers piled high on the counter

  T  厨房的水槽里推着没有洗的盘子,厨台上是面包屑,一摞没有拆封的信件和广告传单堆得高高的。

    * Living room is filled with toys, some lying on the floor, some piled high in the corner of the room.

  T  起居室里的到处都是孩子们的玩具,有些零乱地丢在地板上,有些堆在房间的角落里。

    * Bedroom has mismatched furniture, clothes on the floor or on a chair. Books and magazines stuffed under the bed, bed linen that is old and faded, dresser tops cluttered with gadgets, makeup, jewellery

  T  卧室里的家具不太配套,衣服随意地放在地上和其中一张椅子上,床下塞满了书和杂志,床上用品很旧,有点褪色了,梳妆台上摆满了一些小玩意儿,化妆品和首饰。

House Number Two:


    * Tidy green lawn with blue and white hydrangeas lining the house.  Favourite potted plants on either side of the front door.

  T  平整,翠绿的草坪,蓝白相间的绣球花整齐的摆在房子一侧,前门的另一侧是主人最爱的盆栽植物。

    * Front entry is clear with shoes neatly placed on a rack and coat hooks for the coats.

  T  前门进去可以看到鞋子整齐的摆在鞋架上,旁边还有可以挂衣服的衣帽钩。

    * Kitchen is clean, bright and the counter tops are sparkling.  Only a few daily used items are displayed and three fresh green plants or herbs rest on the window sill.

  T  厨房干净、明亮,厨台表面也是闪闪发亮,只有一些经常会用到的日用品整齐的摆在上面,三盆绿色的小植物摆放在窗台上。

    * Living Room is tidy and has labelled organizer baskets and tubs for the children’s toys. Special candle sticks bought on a wonderful holiday are displayed on the mantle and two dark green plants sit in different corners of the room

  T  起居室很整洁,几个上面贴了标签的收纳篮里面装了孩子们的玩具。壁炉架上摆放着几张在节日里买到了很特别的蜡烛架,房间的两个角落里分别放了盆深绿色的植物。

    * Bedroom has neutral calming colours with splashes of a favourite decorative colour.  Current books and magazines are stored in the matching bedside tables and the fresh, crisp bed linen is made up nicely.  The only items on the dresser are a photo of you and your partner, a fresh bouquet of flowers and a jewellery box that holds the items you wear often.

  T  卧室的基色是中性的色系,配以一些几抹主人喜爱的亮色。现在正在读的书籍和杂志放在成套的床头柜上,很新,很干净的被套枕头被整理的很漂亮。梳妆台上的唯一的东西,是你和你朋友的照片,一束还在吞吐芬芳的鲜花和一个首饰盒,里面放着你经常使用的首饰。

Now,  just by reading those two descriptions I’m sure you could feel how different it would be to live in each home. House number two gives a feeling of calm, joy, and beauty whereas house number one gives a feeling of chaos, depression and stagnancy.


The basic principle behind feng shui is that our environment is a reflection of our lives, either good or bad, because we are connected with them. They are the external representation of who we are.  Therefore, if we change or move something in our home we will experience a corresponding change or shift in our life.  In essence people can use feng shui to get more of what they want and less of what they don’t want.  So, if for 2010 we want to feel less-stressed, to have more balance in our lives and to experience joy and happiness on a regular basis with our children, then we first need to set up the environment for that to take place.


Although I highly suggest you hire a feng shui expert to thoroughly survey your home and offer suggestions as to what needs changing, here is something feng-shui expert, Davina MacKail, suggests you can do right away to set the tone for your family life in 2010 – clear your clutter.

  尽管我非常建议大家去请专业的风水师对你的住宅进行一次彻底的检查,让他们给你提供一些建议,告诉你需要做哪些改变。但是现在我们请风水专家:戴维纳 麦凯恩给我们一些2010年家庭布置的建议,帮助我们理清思路,建立美好的生活基调。

Davina says, “Everything you own is energetically attached to you.  Things you love are like golden threads. Conversely, clutter is like dragging around a ball and chain.


“Look at your possessions with fresh eyes and ask yourself if each object reflects you and the home you want.  If not, it is time to let them go.  By removing the old, you create more space for the new – what you truly DO want.


“If you weed a garden and just leave it the weeds return stronger than before.  But, if you weed a garden and then plant it with gorgeous plants and flowers the weeds have no room to return.  Exactly the same approach should be taken with clutter.  Make sure you know what you want to fill your newly created space with, be it more joy or more balance.  This way you will stop the clutter from returning.”


Good questions to ask yourself when tackling clutter are:


    * Do I really love this object?

T  我真的喜欢这个东西吗?

    * Does it enhance my life?

T  它对我的生活起到了积极的作用吗?

    * Do I use it?

T  我会用到它吗?

    * Is it time to let it go?

T  是时候让它“退休”了吗?

Just as it is necessary to build walls and lay floors and a roof to build a house, so is it necessary to prepare your home, set the stage if you will, to build the type of family life you truly want. So, clear the clutter, create the feeling you want in your house using feng shui principles, and then allow stress-free parenting to begin flowing in.
