
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/21 06:14:53
作者:孟学 2007-01-03 19:38:26
Flaming cocaine 燃烧可卡因
Chill the shot glass until a frost has developed on it. All ingredients should be chilled. Add the Aftershock and several small crystals, then add the Vodka, and finally the Cranberry juice.
1 part Aftershock (red) 一份(此酒呈薄荷或肉桂味儿的利口酒类)(红色)
1 part vodka 一份伏特加
1 dash cranberry juice 少量(约一毫升)酸果蔓汁
Screaming blue messiah 弥撒中的爆发
Build in a shot glass.
1 1/2 oz. Goldschlager金色蒸馏酒(也可解为金色杜松子酒)是一种肉桂味酒,有24K黄金饰,酒度40
1/4 oz. blue curacao蓝香橙
Pecker wrecker 沉船
Shake with ice and pour into shot glasses - Makes about 4 shots.
1 oz. Blackberry Brandy黑莓白兰地
1 oz. Crème de Noyaux杏味利口酒(酒度30,法有粉红色的)
1 oz. white rum白兰姆
0.5 oz. pineapple juice凤梨汁
0.5 oz. cranberry juice酸果蔓汁
Gmc 综合医学委员会
Layer 分层
0.5 oz. grand marnier金万利
0.5 oz. triple sec 白橙皮酒
--  作者:火舞瓶客服
--  发布时间:2006-5-28 5:33:04
8 iron八号熨斗
Pour equal parts of each in the the shot glass
1/3 oz. banana liqueur香蕉利口酒
1/3 oz. blue curacao蓝香橙
1/3 oz. ouzo奥作(希腊产饭后酒,有较强茴芹味,酒度40)
Photon torpedo 光子鱼雷
Mix the Aftershock with vodka, in no particular order.
1/2 oz. Aftershock (red)(此酒呈薄荷或肉桂味儿的利口酒类)(红色)
1/2 oz. Absolut Vodka伏特加(酒度40)
Snakebite (aus) 蛇咬
Pour Chartreuse into shot glass, and dash the Tabasco in. More Tabasco for a more venomous bite!
1 measure green chartreuse一份绿色查特酒(不产修道院僧侣酿制的黄绿色甜酒)
1 dash tabasco sauce 少量塔巴斯科辣酱
Green spider 绿蜘蛛
shake with ice, strain into a shot glass.
1 part vodka一份伏特加
1 part Crème de Menthe (green 一份绿薄荷酒
B-52 (2)
This is a layered drink. Take a shot glass and pour in Kahlua, pour Bailey\'s over back of spoon next, finally add the Grand Mariner.
0.333 oz. grand marnier金万利
0.333 oz. kahlua卡鲁瓦咖啡酒
0.333 oz. Baileys irish cream百利甜
Dead dog vomit 醉死
In a high-ball glass add 0ne shot of 151 rum and then layer each if the other ingredents on top.
1 oz. 151 Proof Rum151金兰姆
1 oz. tequila特其拉
1 oz. jagermeister 猎狮头(德产利口酒,以茴香、龙胆根、蜂蜜及薄荷为加香物的黑红色酒,甜度适中,酒度35%)
Devil\'s mouthwash 魔鬼漱口水
pour sambuca, add Southern Comfort drink up
0.5 oz. black sambuca黑色萨姆布卡(一种类茴香酒但酒度高于前者的酒。具茴芹味)
0.5 oz. Southern Comfort南方安逸(一种以美国波本威士忌酒为酒基,以桃及橙为加香物的利口酒,酒度44)
gold rush 淘金热
Pour in tequila, and cinnamon schnapps in a shot glass (chilled, to your advantage).
1/2 oz. Goldschlager金色蒸馏酒(也可解为金色杜松子酒)是一种肉桂味酒,有24K黄金饰,酒度40
1/2 oz. tequila特其拉
The Kill 杀手
add the whiskey to the shot glass. Next add the creme de menthe and layer the irish cream on top. Slap down on a table, swing it back and swallow.
1 part whisky威士忌一份
1 part Crème de Menthe (green)绿薄荷酒一份
1 part Baileys irish cream百利甜一份
Warm blonde 反差
Layer 分层
0.5 oz. Southern Comfort南方安逸(一种以波本威士忌为酒基,橙及桃为加香物的利口酒,酒度44)
0.5 oz. Amaretto Di Saronno阿玛托杏酒
Blue Rocket 蓝火箭
using a tall glass, add the ice followed by the aftershock and the rest of the spirits. add grenadine and allow to sink to the bottom.用高杯,入冰及蓝色Aftershock及其余混合材料,石榴汁沉底。
1 part Absolut Vodka一份伏特加(酒度40)
1 1/2 parts Aftershock (blue)一份半薄荷或肉桂味儿的利口酒类(蓝色)
1 part sambuca 一份萨姆布卡(材料中有茴芹香味,现在更具变化。是种类于茴香酒但酒度高于茴香酒的利口酒)
1 part tequila一份 特其拉
1 part white rum 一份白兰姆
1 part peach schnapps一份桃味蒸馏酒
1 part ice cubes 一份方冰
5 drops grenadine 五滴石榴汁
Cherry boom陷阱
Pour the vodka into a shot glass. Then dip a straw into some cranberry juice. Plug the top end of the straw with your finger, trapping some cranberry juice in the straw as you take it from the juice container. Then gently let the cranberry juice out of the straw over top of the vodka. This shot is for people who want to get loaded but hate to just shoot straight vodka. With the cranberry juice on top you never taste it. 子弹杯入伏特加,然后用吸管浸入酸果蔓汁,用手指堵住一端,轻轻注入伏特加之上,让人以为是酒度不高的果汁酒。
0.2 oz. cranberry juice 酸果蔓汁
0.8 oz. vodka 伏特加