3d2 format

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/08 08:17:22

3D-Studio File Format (.3ds)

From Autodesk Ltd, Document Revision 0.91
Original by Jim Pitts
Edited by Paul Bourke
June 1996

   A warning beforehand. This docs describes the format of 3ds files produced
by version 3.0 and higher of 3d-studio. You can find this information at
byte 29 in the binary file.

The 3ds file format is made up of chunks. They describe what information
is to follow and what it is made up of, its ID and the location of the
next block. IF you don't understand a chunk you can quite simply skip it.
The next chunk pointer is relative to the start of the current chunk and
in bytes. The binary information in the 3ds file is written in a special
kind of way. Namely the lest significant byte comes first in an int.
For example: 4A 5C (2 bytes in hex) would be 5C high byte and 4A low byte.
In a long it is: 4A 5C 3B 8F where 5C4A is the low word and 8F 3B is the
high word. And now for the chunks. A chunk is defined as:

start end size name
0 1 2 Chunk ID
2 5 4 Pointer to next chunk relative to the place where
Chunk ID is, in other words the length of the chunk

Chunks have a hierarchy imposed on them that is identified by its ID.
A 3ds file has the Primary chunk ID 4D4Dh. This is always the first
chunk of the file. Within the primary chunk are the main chunks.

to give you a preview and a reference to the hierarchy of chunks, below is
a diagram to show the diffrent chunk ID's and their place in the file.
The chunks are given a name because below the diagram is a list which
defines the names to the actual chunk id's. This makes it easier to
put it in some source code ( how convenient that some sample code is
included )

MAIN3DS (0x4D4D)

+--EDIT3DS (0x3D3D)
| |
| | |
| | +--MAT_NAME01 (0xA000) (See mli Doc)
| |
| +--EDIT_CONFIG1 (0x0100)
| +--EDIT_CONFIG2 (0x3E3D)
| +--EDIT_VIEW_P1 (0x7012)
| | |
| | +--TOP (0x0001)
| | +--BOTTOM (0x0002)
| | +--LEFT (0x0003)
| | +--RIGHT (0x0004)
| | +--FRONT (0x0005)
| | +--BACK (0x0006)
| | +--USER (0x0007)
| | +--CAMERA (0xFFFF)
| | +--LIGHT (0x0009)
| | +--DISABLED (0x0010)
| | +--BOGUS (0x0011)
| |
| +--EDIT_VIEW_P2 (0x7011)
| | |
| | +--TOP (0x0001)
| | +--BOTTOM (0x0002)
| | +--LEFT (0x0003)
| | +--RIGHT (0x0004)
| | +--FRONT (0x0005)
| | +--BACK (0x0006)
| | +--USER (0x0007)
| | +--CAMERA (0xFFFF)
| | +--LIGHT (0x0009)
| | +--DISABLED (0x0010)
| | +--BOGUS (0x0011)
| |
| +--EDIT_VIEW_P3 (0x7020)
| +--EDIT_VIEW1 (0x7001)
| +--EDIT_BACKGR (0x1200)
| +--EDIT_AMBIENT (0x2100)
| +--EDIT_OBJECT (0x4000)
| | |
| | +--OBJ_TRIMESH (0x4100)
| | | |
| | | +--TRI_VERTEXL (0x4110)
| | | +--TRI_VERTEXOPTIONS (0x4111)
| | | +--TRI_MAPPINGCOORS (0x4140)
| | | +--TRI_MAPPINGSTANDARD (0x4170)
| | | +--TRI_FACEL1 (0x4120)
| | | | |
| | | | +--TRI_SMOOTH (0x4150)
| | | | +--TRI_MATERIAL (0x4130)
| | | |
| | | +--TRI_LOCAL (0x4160)
| | | +--TRI_VISIBLE (0x4165)
| | |
| | +--OBJ_LIGHT (0x4600)
| | | |
| | | +--LIT_OFF (0x4620)
| | | +--LIT_SPOT (0x4610)
| | | +--LIT_UNKNWN01 (0x465A)
| | |
| | +--OBJ_CAMERA (0x4700)
| | | |
| | | +--CAM_UNKNWN01 (0x4710)
| | | +--CAM_UNKNWN02 (0x4720)
| | |
| | +--OBJ_UNKNWN01 (0x4710)
| | +--OBJ_UNKNWN02 (0x4720)
| |
| +--EDIT_UNKNW01 (0x1100)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW02 (0x1201)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW03 (0x1300)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW04 (0x1400)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW05 (0x1420)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW06 (0x1450)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW07 (0x1500)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW08 (0x2200)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW09 (0x2201)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW10 (0x2210)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW11 (0x2300)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW12 (0x2302)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW13 (0x2000)
| +--EDIT_UNKNW14 (0xAFFF)
+--KEYF3DS (0xB000)

A chunk type which you can find all through the file are the color chunks
which are called:


Now for the actual numbers, as you will see I used the define, because I
ripped that part right out of my code. Be carefull however because there
are a lot of new chunk types which were not documented in the original paper
by Jim Pitts.

//>------ Primary chunk

#define MAIN3DS 0x4D4D

//>------ Main Chunks

#define EDIT3DS 0x3D3D // this is the start of the editor config
#define KEYF3DS 0xB000 // this is the start of the keyframer config

//>------ sub defines of EDIT3DS

#define EDIT_CONFIG1 0x0100
#define EDIT_CONFIG2 0x3E3D
#define EDIT_VIEW_P1 0x7012
#define EDIT_VIEW_P2 0x7011
#define EDIT_VIEW_P3 0x7020
#define EDIT_VIEW1 0x7001
#define EDIT_BACKGR 0x1200
#define EDIT_AMBIENT 0x2100
#define EDIT_OBJECT 0x4000

#define EDIT_UNKNW01 0x1100
#define EDIT_UNKNW02 0x1201
#define EDIT_UNKNW03 0x1300
#define EDIT_UNKNW04 0x1400
#define EDIT_UNKNW05 0x1420
#define EDIT_UNKNW06 0x1450
#define EDIT_UNKNW07 0x1500
#define EDIT_UNKNW08 0x2200
#define EDIT_UNKNW09 0x2201
#define EDIT_UNKNW10 0x2210
#define EDIT_UNKNW11 0x2300
#define EDIT_UNKNW12 0x2302
#define EDIT_UNKNW13 0x3000
#define EDIT_UNKNW14 0xAFFF

//>------ sub defines of EDIT_OBJECT
#define OBJ_TRIMESH 0x4100
#define OBJ_LIGHT 0x4600
#define OBJ_CAMERA 0x4700

#define OBJ_UNKNWN01 0x4010
#define OBJ_UNKNWN02 0x4012 //>>---- Could be shadow

//>------ sub defines of OBJ_CAMERA
#define CAM_UNKNWN01 0x4710
#define CAM_UNKNWN02 0x4720

//>------ sub defines of OBJ_LIGHT
#define LIT_OFF 0x4620
#define LIT_SPOT 0x4610
#define LIT_UNKNWN01 0x465A

//>------ sub defines of OBJ_TRIMESH
#define TRI_VERTEXL 0x4110
#define TRI_FACEL2 0x4111
#define TRI_FACEL1 0x4120
#define TRI_SMOOTH 0x4150
#define TRI_LOCAL 0x4160
#define TRI_VISIBLE 0x4165

//>>------ sub defs of KEYF3DS

#define KEYF_UNKNWN01 0xB009
#define KEYF_UNKNWN02 0xB00A
#define KEYF_FRAMES 0xB008
#define KEYF_OBJDES 0xB002

//>>------ these define the different color chunk types
#define COL_RGB 0x0010
#define COL_TRU 0x0011
#define COL_UNK 0x0013

//>>------ defines for viewport chunks

#define TOP 0x0001
#define BOTTOM 0x0002
#define LEFT 0x0003
#define RIGHT 0x0004
#define FRONT 0x0005
#define BACK 0x0006
#define USER 0x0007
#define CAMERA 0x0008 // 0xFFFF is the actual code read from file
#define LIGHT 0x0009
#define DISABLED 0x0010
#define BOGUS 0x0011

So far for the quick stuff now the more detailed info.

* Main chunks


3D3D Start of Editor data ( this is also the place where the objects are )
B000 Start of Keyframer data

Directly after a Main chunk is another chunk. This could be any other type
of chunk allowable within its main chunks scope. ( see diagram )

* Subchunks of 3D3D
id Description
0100 Part of configuration
1100 unknown
1200 Background Color
1201 unknown
1300 unknown
1400 unknown
1420 unknown
1450 unknown
1500 unknown
2100 Ambient Color Block
2200 fog ?
2201 fog ?
2210 fog ?
2300 unknown
3000 unknown
3D3E Editor configuration main block
4000 Definition of an Object
AFFF Start of material list

* Subchunks of AFFF - Start of material list

- Not much is known as of yet, only one chunk can be defined

id Description
A000 Materials name
A010 unknown
A020 unknown
A030 unknown
A040 unknown
A041 unknown
A050 unknown
A052 unknown
A053 unknown
A100 unknown
A084 unknown
A087 unknown

* A000 - material name

- This chunk contains the name of the material which is an ASCIIZ string

* Subchunks of 3D3E - Editor configuration

id Description
7001 Start of viewport indicator
7011 Viewport definition ( type 2 )
7012 Viewport definition ( type 1 )
7020 Viewport definition ( type 3 )

The 3D3E chunk is a curious one because it contains a lot of redundant
data. ( or so it seems ) The most important chunk is 7020. this chunk
describes the 4 viewports wich are active in the editor. I assume that
U are using the 4 normal viewport layout, because I have not tested it
with other configurations. The editor confid will contain 5x chunk 7020
and 5x chunk 7011. only the first 4 7020 chunks are important for how
the viewports look like. I guess that the other chunks only give additional
info, but I am not sure. The things you are looking for in these chunks is
at byte: 6 & 7 ( as offset from the first 6 bytes chunk header and pointer )
these bytes ( unsigned int ) contain the info at to what view is used, with
the following id's:

id Description
0001 Top
0002 Bottom
0003 Left
0004 Right
0005 Front
0006 Back
0007 User
FFFF Camera
0009 Light
0010 Disabled

* Subchunks of 4000 - Object description Block

- first item of Subchunk 4000 is an ASCIIZ string of the objects name.
ASCIIZ means a string of charakters ended by a zero.

Remember an Object can be a Camera a Light or a mesh
id Description
4010 unknown
4012 shadow ?
4100 Triangular Polygon List ( Contains only subchunks )
4600 Light
4700 Camera

( Mapping:

These chunks are optional. They stand just after the vertex list when
the object is mapped. )

* Subchunks of 4100 - Triangular Polygon List

id Description
4110 Vertex List
4111 Vertex Options
4120 Face List
4130 Face Material
4140 Mapping Coordinates
4150 Face smoothing group
4160 Translation Matrix
4165 Object visible/invisble
4170 Standard Mapping

* 4110 - Vertex List

start end size type name
0 1 2 unsigned int Total vertices in object
2 5 4 float X-value
6 9 4 float Y-value
10 13 4 float Z-value

bytes 2..13 are repeated times the total amount of vertices in the object

* 4111 - Vertex Options

First 2 bytes: number of vertices.

Then a short int for each vertex:

bit 0-7 0
bit 8-10 x
bit 11-12 0
bit 13 vertex selected in selection 3
bit 14 vertex selected in selection 2
bit 15 vertex selected in selection 1

bit 8-10 are just like random. From a save to another of the same scene
it may change.

Other bits (0-7 and 11-12) have effects on visibility of vertex.

The 4111 chunk can be deleted without much influence, 3ds will still load
the file all right.

* 4120 - Face list

start end size type name
0 1 2 unsigned int total polygons in object (numpoly)

2 3 2 unsigned int number of vertex A
4 5 2 unsigned int number of vertex B
6 7 2 unsigned int number of vertex C
8 9 2 unsigned int face info (*)

repeats 'numpoly' times for each polygon.

The first three ints are the three vertices of the face.
0 stands for the first vertex defined in the vertex list.
The order has a purpose: to give the direction for the normal
of each face.
If you turn a screw (standard screw) in the way the vertices
indicate you will find the normal.
If vertices given in order are A B C:


This means unscrewing => the normal points out of the screen.

(*) this number is is a binary number which expands to 3 values.
for example 0x0006 would expand to 110 binary. The value should be
read as 1 1 0 .This value can be found in 3d-studio ascii files as
AB:1 BC:1 AC:0 .Which probably indicated the order of the vertices.
For example AB:1 would be a normal line from A to B. But AB:0 would
mean a line from B to A.

bit 0 AC visibility
bit 1 BC visibility
bit 2 AB visibility
bit 3 Mapping (if there is mapping for this face)
bit 4-8 0 (not used ?)
bit 9-10 x (chaotic ???)
bit 11-12 0 (not used ?)
bit 13 face selected in selection 3
bit 14 face selected in selection 2
bit 15 face selected in selection 1

* 4130 - Face Material Chunk

If the object is all default material there is no 4130 chunk.
In fact, there is one 4130 chunk for each material present on the object.

Each 4130 face material chunks begins with an asciiz of a material,
then after the null character is a short int that gives the number
of faces of the object concerned by this material, then there is the
list itself of these faces. 0000 means the first face of the (4120)
face list.

************ Read the Doc on MLI files for more info on **************
************ Mapping and Materials **************

* 4140 Mapping coordinates.

First 2 bytes: number of vertices.

Then, for each vertex 2 floats that give the mapping coordinates.
That is, if a point is at the center of the map it will have 0.5 0.5
as mapping coordinates.

* 4150 - Face Smoothing Group


If read as long int, the nth bit indicate if the face belongs or not
to the nth smoothing group.

* 4160 Local axis

Local axis info.
The three first blocks of three floats are the definition
(in the absolute axis) of the local axis X Y Z of the object.
And the last block of three floats is the local center of the object.

* 4170 Standard mapping

First 2 bytes: type of mapping
0 => plannar or specific (in this case, like mapping from the lofter,
the information of this chunk is irrelevant)
1 => cylindrical
2 => spherical

then come 21 floats that describe the mapping.

* 4600 - Light

start end size type name
0 3 4 float Light pos X
4 7 4 float Light pos Y
8 11 4 float Light pos Z

after this structure check for more chunks.

id Description ( full description later )
0010 RGB color
0011 24 bit color
4610 Light is a Spot light
4620 Light is off/on ( Boolean )

* 4610 - Spot Light

start end size type name
0 3 4 float Target pos X
4 7 4 float Target pos X
8 11 4 float Target pos X
12 15 4 float Hotspot
16 19 4 float Falloff

* 0010 - RGB Color

start end size type name
0 3 4 float Red
4 7 4 float Green
8 11 4 float Blue

* 0011 - RGB Color - 24 bit

start end size type name
0 1 1 byte Red
1 1 1 byte Green
2 2 1 byte Blue

* 4700 - Camera

Describes the details of the camera in the scene

start end size type name
0 3 4 float Camera pos X
4 7 4 float Camera pos Y
8 11 4 float Camera pos Z
12 15 4 float Camera target X
16 19 4 float Camera target X
20 23 4 float Camera target X
24 27 4 float Camera bank ( rotation angle )
28 31 4 float Camera lens

* Keyframer chunk

id Description
B00A unknown
7001 See first description of this chunk
B008 Frames
B009 unknown
B002 Start object description

* B008 - Frame information

simple structure describing frame info

start end size type name
0 3 4 unsigned long start frame
4 7 4 unsigned long end frame

*B002 - Start of Object info


id Description
B010 Name & Hierarchy
B011* Name Dummy Object
B013 unknown
B014* unknown
B015 unknown
B020 Objects pivot point ?
B021 unknown
B022 unknown

* B010 - Name & Hierarchy descriptor

start end size type name
0 ? ? ASCIIZ Object name
unsigned int unknown
unsigned int unknown
unsigned int Hierarchy of Object

The object hierarchy is a bit complex but works like this.
Each Object in the scene is given a number to identify its
order in the tree. Also each object is orddered in the 3ds
file as it would appear in the tree.
The root object is given the number -1 ( FFFF ).
As the file is read a counter of the object number is kept.
Is the counter increments the object are children of the
previous objects.But when the pattern is broken by a number
what will be less than the current counter the hierarchy returns
to that level.

for example.

object hierarchy

A -1
B 0 This example is taken
C 1 from 50pman.3ds
D 2
E 1 I would really reccomend
F 4 having a look at one of the
G 5 examples with the hierarchy
H 1 numbers to help work it out.
I 7
J 8
K 0
L 10
M 11
N 0
O 13
P 14

+----+----+ + +
+ + + + +
+ +

Still not done with this chunk yet !
If the object name is $$$DUMMY then it is a dummy object
and therefore you should expect a few extra chunks.

* B011 - Dummy objects name.

Names a dummy object. ASCIIZ string.

* B020 - Pivot Point ?

The Objects pivot point. Not quite sure what the first five floats do yet
( ideas ?).

start end size type name
0 3 4 float unknown
4 7 4 float unknown
8 11 4 float unknown
12 16 4 float unknown
16 19 4 float unknown
20 23 4 float unknown
24 27 4 float Pivot Y
28 32 4 float Pivot X