来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 17:29:47
                      ***  The Linux MTD, JFFS HOWTO ***
(work in progress, please contribute if you have anything)

$Id: mtd-jffs-HOWTO.txt,v 1.16 2001/08/13 23:17:55 dwmw2 Exp $
Last Updated:
Compiled/Written By: Vipin Malik (
Other author's contributions as noted in the text.


This document will attempt to describe setting up the MTD (Memory
Technology Devices), DOC, CFI and the JFFS (Journaling Flash File System)
under Linux versions 2.2.x and 2.4.x

This is work in progress and (hopefully) with the help of others on
the mtd and jffs mailing lists will become quite a comprehensive

Please mail any comments/corrections/contributions to
Please DO NOT send questions to him directly, rather send them to the
mailing lists (see below).

**************************** NO WARRANTY *****************************

# This HOWTO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# If you break something you get to keep both parts! Follow these
# directions at YOUR OWN RISK.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.


*** Getting Started:

If you want to seriously design a project with MTD/JFFS please
subscribe to the respective mailing lists. Both are managed by majordomo.

To subscribe, see
or send an email to containing the
line "subscribe" in the body.


To subscribe, send an email to containing the line
"subscribe jffs-dev" in the body.


The home page for the two projects are located at:

The MTD mail archive is at:

The JFFS mail archive is at:

A general, vendor agnostic, non commercial site for Embedded Linux
Systems is at:

(Here you will find articles about using IDE flash disks
in embedded systems, reports of JFFS/JFFS2 power fail reliability
tests, tips on using JFFS systems in your design, details on how
to boot the x86 Linux kernel from FLASH without using a BIOS
and (hopefully in due course) a vibrant community of developers
discussing issues related to embedded Linux with each other
on the message boards ;)

** MTD Flash Device Database: **
In the above mentioned site, you will also find a MTD Flash device
database. This database contains a list of flash devices successfully
working with the MTD drivers. If you manage to get a particular flash
device (or Disk On Chip etc.) to work with any MTD driver, please take
a few minutes to enter the relevant info in this database for the
benefit of future users. Anyone can make an entry or view any info there.

Access the MTD Flash database directly at:

** Power fail safe embedded database **
There is a seperate project (with its own mailing list) going on to
develop a zero latency write, power fail safe (small) embedded
database to use on JFFS2. Read more on why we need such a beast at:

*** Getting the latest code:

The entire MTD/DOC/JFFS (and some utils) source code may be downloaded
via anonymous CVS.

Follow the following steps:
1.Make sure that you are root.
2. cd /usr/src
3. cvs -d login
(password: anoncvs)
4. cvs -d co mtd

This will create a dir called mtd under /usr/src

You now have two options depending on what series of the Linux Kernel
you want to work with.
There is an extra step involved with the 2.2 series kernels as they do
not have any MTD code in them.

Check under /dev/ If you do not have devices like mtd0,1,2 and
mtdblock0,1,2 etc. run the MAKEDEV utility found under mtd/util as:
#sh /usr/src/mtd/util/MAKEDEV
This will create all the proper devices for you under /dev

** With 2.2.x series kernels:

(Note that as far as I can tell, mtd and jffs does not work as modules
under the 2.2.x series of kernels. If you want to do modules I would
recommend that you upgrade to the 2.4.x series of kernels).

Get the 2.2.17 or 2.2.18 kernel source code from your favorite source
( and install the kernel under /usr/src/linux-2.2.x
with /usr/src/linux being a symbolic link to your kernel source dir.

Configure the kernel to your desired options (by doing a make config
(or menuconfig or xconfig), and make sure that the kernel compiles ok.

Download the mtd patch from:

Move the patch to /usr/src/linux and do

patch -p1 <

Make sure that the patch was applied ok without any errors.
This will add the mtd functionality to your basic kernel and bring the
mtd code up-to date to the date of the patch.

You have two choices here. You may do a make config and configure in
mtd stuff with the current code or you may want to get the latest code
from the cvs patched in.

If you want the latest CVS code patched in follow the 2.4.x directions

** With 2.4.x series of kernels:

If you want the latest code from CVS (available under /usr/src/mtd)
1. cd /usr/src/mtd/patches
2. sh /usr/src/linux

This will create symbolic links from the
/usr/src/linux/drivers/mtd/ to
the respective files in /usr/src/mtd/kernel/

The same happens with /usr/src/linux/fs/jffs and

Now you have the latest cvs code available with the kernel. You may
now do a make config (or menuconfig or xconfig) and config the
mtd/jffs etc. stuff in as described below.

*** Configuring MTD and friends for DOC in the Kernel:

Do not use any mtd modules with the 2.2.x series of kernels. As far as
I can tell, it does not work even if you can get it to compile ok.

Modules work ok with the 2.4.x series of kernels.

Depending on what you want to target you have some choices here,

*** 1. Disk On Chip Devices (DOC):
For these, you need to turn on (or make into modules) the following:

* MTD core support

* Debugging (set the debug level as desired)

* Select the correct DOC driver depending on the DOC that you have.
(1000, 2000 or Millennium). Note that the CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 option is
a driver for both the DiskOnChip 2000 and the DiskOnChip Millenium
devices. If you have problems with that you could try the alternative
DiskOnChip Millennium driver, CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001. To get the DiskOnChip
probe code to use the Millennium-specific driver, you need to edit
the code in docprobe.c and undefine DOC_SINGLE_DRIVER near the beginning.

* Unless you are doing something out of the ordinary, it shouldn't be
necessary for you to enable the "Advanced detection options for
DiskOnChip" option.

* If you do so, you can specify the physical address at which to probe
for the DiskOnChip. Normally, the probe code will probe at every
0x2000 bytes from 0xC8000 to 0xEE000. Changing the
CONFIG_MTD_DOCPROBE_ADDRESS option will allow you to specify a
single location to be probed. Note that your DiskOnChip is far
more likely to be mapped at 0xD0000 than 0xD000. Use the real physical
address, not the segment address.

If you leave the address blank (or just don't enable the advanced
options), the code will *auto probe*. This works quite well (at
least for me). Try it first.

* Probe High Addresses will probe in the top of the possible memory
range rather than in the usual BIOS ROM expansion range from 640K -
1 Meg. This has to do with LinuxBIOS. See the mailing list archive for
some e-mails regarding this. If you don't know what I am talking
about here, leave this option off.

* Probe for 0x55 0xaa BIOS signature. Unless you've got LinuxBIOS on your
DiskOnChip Millennium and need it to be detected even though you've
replace the IPL with your chipset setup code, say yes here.

Leave everything else off, till you reach...
User Modules and Translation layers:
* Direct char device access - yes
* NFTL layer support - yes
* Write support for NFTL(beta) - yes

Note that you don't need 'MTDBLOCK' support. That is something entirely
different - a caching block device which works directly on the flash
chips without wear levelling.

Save everything, make dep, make bzImage, make modules, make

Note: If you downloaded the 2.4.x series kernels and your original
installed distribution came with the 2.2.x series of kernels then you
need to download the latest modutils (from, else make modules_install or depmod -a
will fail for the new 2.4.x kernels.

Move everything to the right place, install the kernel, run lilo and

If you compiled the mtd stuff into the kernel (see later section if
you compiled as modules- which is what I prefer as you don't have to
keep rebooting) then look for the startup messages. In particular pay
attention to the lines when the MTD DOC header runs. It will say
something like:

"DiskOnChip found at address 0xD0000 (your address may be different)"

The above shows that the DOC was detected fine and one partition was
found and assigned to /dev/nftla1. If further partitions are detected,
they will be assigned to /dev/nftla2 etc.

Note that the MTD device is /dev/mtd0 and details are available by
doing a:

#cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 02000000 00004000 "DiskOnChip 2000"

/dev/nftla1,2,3 are "regular" block disk partitions and you may
mke2fs on them to put a ext2 fs on it. Then they may be mounted in the
regular way.

When the DiskOnChip is detected and instead of nftla1,2,3... you get
something like:

"Could not find valid boot record"
"Could not mount NFTL device"

...first make sure you have the latest DiskOnChip and NFTL code from
the CVS repository.

If that doesn't help you, especially if the driver has previously
exhibited strange and buggy behaviour, and if the DOS driver built
into the device no longer works, then it's possible that you have a
"hosed" (that's a technical term) disk. You need to "un-hose" it. To
help you out in that department there is a utility available under
/usr/src/mtd/util called nftl_format.

ON THE MAILING LIST. It will erase all blocks on the device,
potentially losing the factory-programmed information about bad
blocks. (Someone really ought to fix it one of these days - ed)

Essentially after your disk have been detected but complains about
"Could not mount NFTL device", just run
#./nftl_format /dev/mtd0 (if your device was installed under mtd0, see
cat /proc/mtd/).

You should unload the nftl driver module before using the nftl_format
utility, and reload it afterwards. Reformatting the NFTL underneath
the driver is not a recipe for happiness. If the driver hasn't
recognised the NFTL format, then it's safe - reboot or reload the
module after running nftl_format and it should then recognise it

If your device "erasesize" is 8k (0x2000), then the utility will go
ahead and format it. Just reboot and this time the drivers will
complain about an "unknown partition table".

Don't worry. Just do:
# fdisk /dev/nftla

and create some partitions on them. TaDa! You may now e2fsck and
others on these partitions. Note that if you don't want more than one
partition you don't need to muck about with partitions at all - just
make a filesystem on the whole device /dev/nftla instead of
partitioning and using /dev/nftla1.

*** IF you compiled the mtd stuff as modules (What I prefer):
Make sure that you have done a depmod -a after you reboot with the
new kernel.

Then just
#modprobe -a doc2000 nftl mtdchar mtdblock

You have now loaded the core stuff. The actual detection takes place
only when you load the docprobe module. Then do
#modprobe -a docprobe

You should then see the messages described in the section
above. Follow the directions and procedures are outlined in the
section above (where you would have compiled the mtd/DOC stuff into
the kernel).

*** 2. Raw Flash (primarily NOR) chips

This are multiple (or just one) flash IC's that may be soldered on
your board or you may be designing some in. Unlike the DOC device,
these are usually linearly memory mapped into the address space
(though not necessarily, they may also be paged).

MTD can handle x8, x16 or x32 wide memory interfaces, using x8, x16
(even x32 chips (are they such a thing)?- confirm).

At present CFI stuff seems to work quite well and these are the type
of chips on my board. Hence I will describe them first. Maybe someone
with JEDEC chips can describe that.

You must use (for all practical purposes that involve writing) JFFS on
raw flash MTD devices. This is because JFFS provides a robust writing
and wear leveling mechanism. See FAQ for more info.

If you only want the file-system to be writable while you're developing,
but will ship the units read-only, it's acceptable to use the MTDBLOCK
device, which performs writes by reading the entire erase block, erasing it,
changing the range of bytes which were written to, and writes it back to
the flash. Obviously that's not something you want happening in production,
but for development it's OK.

*** Configuring the kernel with MTD/CFI/JFFS and friends.
Turn off all options for MTD except those mentioned here.

* MTD support (the core stuff)
* Debugging -yes (try level 3 initially)
* Support for ROM chips in bus mapping -yes
* CFI (common flash interface) support -yes
* Specific CFI flash geometry selection -yes