
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/18 01:47:19


  I got admitted to Harvard University.  我被哈佛大学录取了。


  He's been officially enrolled at this school.  他已被这所学校正式录取。


  He told me that he had been accepted by a famous university.  他告诉我他已经被一所著名大学录取了。


  His acceptance by Harvard University is on everyone's lips.  大家都在谈论他被哈佛大学录取的事。


  She was given a place at the University of Cambridge.  她被剑桥大学录取了。


  I didn't know I was going to be a student here till last month.  我直到上个月才知道我被这里录取了。


    Knowing that he was enrolled, he jumped for joy.    得知自己已经被录取,他乐得直蹦。    He flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton university.    当他听到他被普雷斯顿大学录取的消息时,他几乎不能自制了。    I was very excited when I accepted the admission notice from the postman.    我从邮递员手中接过录取通知书,心情非常激动。


   My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice.    收到录取通知书后,我的心才落槽了。


   After receiving the acceptance letter, I felt home and dry.     接到录取通知书后,我觉得大功告成了。     She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission.     她一拿到录取通知书,就向家里飞报了这一好消息。



  I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard.     我很遗憾地说,你没有被哈佛大学录取。    I took the entrance exam but didn't get in.    我参加了入学考试但未被录取.


  My score in the college entrance examination was only six marks lower than the passing score.    我的高考成绩仅比录取线低6分。      The girl did not meet the admission criterion of the school.    这个女孩没有达到学校的录取标准。 


      enrollment mark ; passing score  录取分数线


        acceptance letter/notice ; admission letter/notice  录取通知书