伯南克将就盈余问题向中国发起攻击 Bernanke to rap China on surplus

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 04:27:45
伯南克将就盈余问题向中国发起攻击Bernanke to rap China on surplus
英国《金融时报》罗宾•哈丁 华盛顿报道
China and other developing countries should act to reduce their current account surpluses, US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is to say in a firm rebuff to complaints that the Fed is manipulating the dollar.
美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)将对美联储操纵美元的指控进行强有力的反驳。他将辩称,中国及其它发展中国家应该采取行动,削减自己的经常账户盈余。
“The current international monetary system is not working as well as it should,” Mr Bernanke will say, according to the text of a speech to be delivered at a European Central Bank conference on Friday morning. “Currency undervaluation by surplus countries is inhibiting needed international adjustment and creating spillover effects that would not exist if exchange rates better reflected market fundamentals.”
Mr Bernanke’s speech is a robust defence of the Fed’s new $600bn round of asset purchases in the face of international criticism. He argues that the Fed’s policy will help to rebalance global demand, boost the world economy by strengthening US growth, and reduce the risk that the US sees “millions of workers unemployed or underemployed for many years”.
Fed asset purchases tend to weaken the dollar, leading to a chorus of complaints by countries from Germany to Brazil, which either fear damage to their own exports or an influx of capital that leads to asset price bubbles.
But Mr Bernanke says that the blame lies with countries such as China that have undervalued their currencies in pursuit of export-led growth. He observes that in spite of rapid growth in developing countries but weak growth in the US, “total capital, on net, is still flowing from relatively labour-abundant emerging market economies to capital-abundant advanced economies”.
He argues that the strategy of currency undervaluation is bad for the world and may also be bad for the countries that use it for three reasons. First, he says that if growth in developed countries does not recover, the result may be “slow growth for everyone” rather than continued growth in the developing world.
Second, he argues that currency undervaluation in some developing countries is particularly bad for rivals that let the market set their exchange rate, because they are forced to bear a bigger share of adjustment costs. Countries such as Brazil and Turkey are suffering this problem.
Third, he says that countries with undervalued currencies may struggle to manage their own economies, suffer costs from the high level of foreign exchange reserves that they accumulate, and defeat the purpose of economic growth if they do not allow higher consumption at home.
“In particular, for large, systemically important countries with persistent current account surpluses, the pursuit of export-led growth cannot ultimately succeed if the implications of that strategy for global growth and stability are not taken into account,” he says.
Mr Bernanke calls for greater exchange rate flexibility in the long run but acknowledges that it cannot be achieved overnight. Instead, he calls on surplus countries to stimulate domestic demand while countries such as the US act to reduce their deficits, and hints that if they did so, the US might not need such easy monetary policy.