来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 19:00:47
                        by                   Joe Eszterhas
.              BASIC INSTINCTINT. A BEDROOM - NIGHTIt is dark; we don't see clearly.a man and woman make love on a brass bed.  There are
mirrors on the walls and ceiling.  On a side table, atop a
small mirror, lines of cocaine.  A tape deck PLAYS the
Stones:  "Sympathy for the Devil."Atop him... she straddles his chest... her breasts in his
face.  He cups her breasts.  She leans down, kisses him...JOHNNY BOZ is in his late 40's, slim, good-looking.  We don't
see the woman's face.  She has long blonde hair.  The CAMERA
STAYS BEHIND and to the side of them.She leans close over his face, her tongue in his mouth...
she kisses him... she moves her hands up, holds both of his
arms above his head.She moves higher atop him... she reaches to the side of the
bed... a white silk scarf is in her hand... her hips above
his face now, moving... slightly, oh-so slightly... his
face strains towards her.The scarf in her hand... she ties his hands with it...
gently... to the brass bed... his eyes are closed...
tighter... lowering hips into his face... lower... over his
chest... his navel.  The SONG plays.He is inside her... his head arches back... his throat
white.She arches her back... her hips grind... her breasts are
high...Her back arches back... back... her head tilts back... she
extends her arms... the right arm comes down suddenly...
the steel flashes... his throat is white...He bucks, writhes, bucks, convulses...It flashes up... it flashes down... and up... and down...
and up... and...EXT. A BROWNSTONE IN PACIFIC HEIGHTS - MORNINGWinter in San Francisco:  cold, foggy.  Cop cars
everywhere.  The lights play through the thick fog.  Two
Homicide detectives get out of the car, walk into the
house.                        ☆☆2.☆☆
NICK CURRAN is 42.  Trim, good-looking, a nice suit: a face
urban, edged, shadowed.  GUS MORAN is 64.  Crew-cut, silver
beard, a suit rumpled and shiny, a hat out of the 50's: a
face worn and ruined:  the face of a backwoods philosopher.INT. THE BROWNSTONEThere's money here -- deco, clean, hip -- That looks like a
Picasso on the wall.  They check it out.                    GUS
          Who was this fuckin' guy?                    NICK
          Rock and roll, Gus.  Johnny Boz.                    GUS
          I never heard of him.                    NICK
          Before your time, pop.
                 (a beat)
          Mid-sixties.  Five or six hits.
          He's got a club down in the
          Fillmore now.                    GUS
          Not now he don't.Past the uniformed guys... nods... waves... past the
forensic men... past the coroner's investigators... they
get to the bedroom.INT. THE BEDROOMThey walk in, stare -- it's messy.It's like a convention in here.  LT. PHIL WALKER, in his
50's, silver-haired, the Homicide guys:  JIM HARRIGAN, late
40's, puffy, affable;  SAM ANDREWS, 30's, black.  A
CORONER'S MAN is working the bed.                    LT. WALKER
                 (to Nick and Gus)
          You guys know Captain Talcott?They nod.                    GUS
          What's the Chief's office doin'
          here.                    CAPT. TALCOTT
          Observing.                        ☆☆3.☆☆ 
                    LT. WALKER
                 (to the Coroner's
          What do you think, Doc?                    THE CORONER'S GUY
          The skin blanches when I press it --
           this kind of color is about right
          for six or eight hours.                    LT. WALKER
          Nobody say anything.  The maid came
          in an hour ago and found him.
          She's not a live-in.                    GUS
          Maybe the maid did it.                    LT. WALKER
          She's 54 years old and weighs 240
          pounds.                    THE CORONER'S GUY
          There are no bruises on his body.                    GUS
          It ain't the maid.                    LT. WALKER
          He left the club with his
          girlfriend about midnight.  That's
          the last time anybody saw him.                    NICK
                 (looks at body)
          What was it?                    THE CORONER'S GUY
          Ice pick.  Left on the coffee table
          in the living room.  Thin steel
          handle.  Forensics took it
          downtown.                    HARRIGAN
          There's come all over the sheets --
          he got off before he got offed.                    GUS
          That rules the maid out for sure.                    CAPT. TALCOTT
          This is sensitive.  Mr. Boz was a
          major contributor to the mayor's
          campaign.  He was Chairman of the
          Board of the Palace of Fine Arts --
                     ☆☆ 4 ☆☆
                 (to Nick)
          I thought you said he was a rock
          and roll star.                    LT. WALKER
          He was a retired rock and roll
          star.                    CAPT. TALCOTT
          A civic-minded, very respectable
          rock and roll star.                    GUS
          What's that over there?We see the white powder laid out in lines on the small
mirror on the side table.                    NICK
          It looks like some civic-minded,
          very respectable cocaine to me,
          Gus.                    CAPT. TALCOTT
                 (evenly, to Nick)
          Listen to me, Curran.  I'm going to
          get a lot of heat on this.  I don't
          want any... mistakes.Nick and Talcott look at each other a beat, then --                    NICK
          Who's the girlfriend?Lt. Walker looks at the notepad in his hand.                    LT. WALKER
          Catherine Tramell, 162 Divisadero.Nick writes it down.  He and Gus turn, leave.  Captain
Talcott watches them.  He looks disturbed.INT. THE LIVING ROOMas they head out --                    NICK
          Talcott doesn't usually show up at
          the office 'till after his 18
          holes.  What are they nervous
          about?                    GUS
          They're executives.  They're
          nervous about everything.                  ☆☆ 5. ☆☆
                    LT. WALKER (O.S.)
          Nick!He stops, turns, sees Walker behind them.  Walker comes up
to them.                    LT. WALKER
                 (to Nick)
          Keep your three o'clock.                    NICK
          Do you want me to work the case,
          Phil, or do you want me to --                    LT. WALKER
          I said keep it.EXT. A VICTORIAN ON DIVISADERO - DAYIt is more a mansion than a house.  They ring the bell.  An
Hispanic MAID answers.  They flash their badges.                    NICK
          I'm Detective Curran, this is
          Detective Moran.  We're with the
          San Francisco Police Department.
          We'd like to speak to Ms. Catherine
          Tramell.                    THE MAID
                 (after a beat, an
          Just moment.  Come in.She leads them into a lavish, beautifully done living room
that offers a sweeping view of the Bay.                    THE MAID
          Sit, please.  Just moment.They look around, impressed.  There is a Picasso on the
wall here, too.                    GUS
          Ain't that cute?  They got his and
          her Pig-assos, son.                    NICK
          I didn't know you knew who Picasso
          was, Gus.                        6.
          I'm a smart sonofabitch.  I just
          hide it.Nick smiles -- and at that moment a beautiful BLONDE walks
into the room.  She looks like she has been asleep.  She is
in her early 20's.  She wears a very sheer robe.                    NICK
          We're sorry to disturb you, we'd
          like to ask you some --                    THE WOMAN
          Are you vice?                    GUS
                 (after a beat)
          Homicide.                    THE WOMAN
          What do you want?                    THE WOMAN
          Is he dead?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Why do you think he's dead?                    THE WOMAN
          You wouldn't be here otherwise,
          would you?                    GUS
          Were you with him last night?                    THE WOMAN
          You're looking for Catherine, not
          me.                    NICK
          Who are you?                    THE WOMAN
          I'm Roxy.
                 (a beat)
          I'm her -- friend.She looks at them a beat.
                        ☆☆ 7. ☆☆
          She's out at the beach house at
          Stinson.  Seadrift.  1402.                    NICK
          Thanks.They start to head out.                    ROXY
          You're wasting your time. Catherine
          didn't kill him.A beat, they look at her, and go...EXT. SEADRIFT - STINSON BEACH - DAYFoggy.  Cold.  It is an expensive spit of land on the
ocean.  Multi-million dollar "beach houses" with gardens
and swimming pools.  There are two Ferraris in the
driveway -- one black, one white.They get out of the car in front of the house.  They see a
woman in back of the house, sitting on a deck chair,
staring at the sea, a blanket around her.As they get to her --                    NICK
          Ms. Tramell?She takes a long look a Nick, then looks away.CATHERINE TRAMELL is 30 years old.  She has long blonde
hair and a refined, classically beautiful face.  She is not
knockout gorgeous like Roxy; there is a smoky kind of
sensuousness about her.                    NICK
          I'm De--                    CATHERINE
          I know who you are.She doesn't look at them.  She looks at the water.                    CATHERINE
          How did he die?                    GUS
          He was murdered.                    CATHERINE
          Really.  Maybe that's why you're
          from Homicide.  How?Nick glances at Gus.            ☆☆8.
          With an ice pick.She closes her eyes a beat and then, still staring out, we
see a thin smile.  They see it, too, and glance at each
other.                    NICK
          How long were you dating him?                    CATHERINE
          I wasn't dating him.  I was fucking
          him.They glance at each other again.                    GUS
          What are you -- a pro?Catherine looks at him -- that thin smile again.                    CATHERINE
          No.  I'm an amateur.She looks away.                    NICK
          How long were you having sex with
          him?                    CATHERINE
          About a year and a half.                    NICK
          Were you with him last night?                    CATHERINE
          Yes.                    NICK
          Did you leave the club with him?                    CATHERINE
          Yes.                    NICK
          Did you go home with him?                    CATHERINE
          No.  We had a drink at the club.
          We left together.  I came here.  He
          went home.                    NICK
          Was there anyone with you last
                 (looks at Nick)
          No.  I wasn't in the mood to have
          sex with anyone last night.They look at her a beat.                    NICK
          Let me ask you something, Ms.
          Tramell?  Are you sorry he's dead?Catherine looks at him.                    CATHERINE
          Yes.  I liked fucking him.They stare at her.  She looks out at the water.                    CATHERINE
          I don't really feel like talking
          anymore.                    GUS
          listen, lady, we can do this
          downtown if you --                    CATHERINE
          Read me my rights and arrest me and
          I'll go downtown.She doesn't even look at them.                    CATHERINE
          Otherwise, get the fuck out of
          here.  Please.A long beat as they look at her.INT. A CORRIDOR - POLICE HEADQUARTERSThe door says:  Dr. Elizabeth Gardner, Counseling.  Nick
opens the door, peeks in.  The receptionist is not there.
A clock says 3:15.INT. THE COUNSELING OFFICEHe walks in -- sees the inner door open, walks in.                    NICK
          I'm sorry, Beth.  I -- I got hung
          up in Stinson.
DR. ELIZABETH GARDNER, the police psychologist, is a very
good-looking, dark-haired woman.  She is 30.                    BETH
          How are you, Nick?                    NICK
          I'm fine.  Come on, Beth!  You know
          I'm fine!  How the hell long do I
          have to keep doing this?                    BETH
          As long as Internal Affairs wants
          you to, I suppose.  Sit down, Nick.                    NICK
          It's bullshit.  You know it is.                    BETH
          I know it is -- but sit down anyway
          so we can get it over with, okay?He sits down.                    BETH
          So -- how are things?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Things are fine.  I told you.
          They're fine.She watches him closely.                    BETH
                 (after a beat)
          How is your -- personal life?                    NICK
          My sex life is fine.
                 (a beat)
          My sex life is pretty shitty
          actually since I stopped seeing you
          -- maybe I should think about my
          Electrolux again.That embarrassed her; she looks away from him.                    NICK
                 (continuing; after a
          Sorry.She shrugs.  A beat.
          How about the booze?                    NICK
          It's been three months.                    BETH
                 (after a long beat)
          How about the coke?                    NICK
          No.                    BETH
          No?                    NICK
          No!  I'm working my tail off.  I'm
          off the sauce, I'm not even smoking
          anymore.She smiles.                    BETH
          How's not smoking?                    NICK
          It's fucked -- now will you please
          tell I.A. that I'm just you average
          healthy totally fucked-up cop and
          let me get out of here?                    BETH
                 (after a beat;
          Yes.                    NICK
          Thank you.And he starts heading out.                    BETH
                 (behind him)
          I still miss you, Nick.He doesn't even turn, pretends he didn't hear.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAUHe walks in.  Gus Moran gets up from his desk as soon as he
sees him.                    GUS
          Talcott's in there.  They're
          waiting.They start heading for Lt. Walker's office.
          How'd it go, son?                    NICK
          She misses me.                    GUS
          Hallelujah.INT. LT. WALKER'S OFFICEHe and Gus sit there with Lt. Walker, Harrigan, Andrews and
Captain Talcott.                    HARRIGAN
          Sixteen stab wounds to the chest
          and neck.  No usable prints, no
          forcible entry, nothing missing.
          No prints on the ice pick, either --
            it's available at any Safeway.
          The scarf is Hermes, expensive --
          they sell about 20,000 a year
          worldwide.                    ANDREWS
          The powder was cocaine, high-
          quality, high-content.  He inhaled
          it; there were minute quantities on
          his lips and penis.  Mr. Boz leaves
          five million dollars, no insurance,
          no direct survivors.  He liked his
          coke, he liked his girls, and he
          liked rock and roll.                    NICK
          He liked the mayor, too, right?Talcott gives him a look.                    GUS
          What about his girlfriend?                    TALCOTT
          Is she relevant here?  I didn't
          know she was a suspect.                    LT. WALKER
          She's a suspect.                    TALCOTT
          On what basis?                    LT. WALKER
                 (looks a notes)
          Catherine Tramell.  Age 30.            ☆☆13.☆☆
                    LT. WALKER
          No priors, no convictions.  Double
          major, magnum cum laude, Berkeley,
          1980.  Literature and Psychology.
          Daughter, sole survivor -- Marvin
          and Elaine Tramell, killed in a
          boating accident, 1978, Catherine
          Tramell sole heir.  Estimated
          assets:  $110 million.It hangs there.                    NICK
          Are you kidding me?                    LT. WALKER
          Formerly engaged to Roberto
          Vasquez, deceased --                    ANDREWS
          Bobby Vasquez?                    LT. WALKER
          Bobby Vasquez, former middleweight
          contender, killed in the ring
          Atlantic City, 1984.                    NICK
          I love it.  She's got a hundred
          million bucks.  She fucks fighters
          and rock and roll stars.  And she's
          got a degree in screwing with
          peoples' heads.                    LT. WALKER
          You forgot her degree in
          literature.  She's a writer.  She
          published a novel last year under a
          pen name.  Do you want to know what
          it's about?They just stare at him.                    LT. WALKER
          It's about a retired rock and roll
          star who is murdered by his
          girlfriend.It hangs there a long beat.INT. NICK'S APARTMENT - NIGHTHis apartment is very bare -- very few things -- with wide
open spaces.  There is a lot of chrome.
He sits on the couch, reading a book.  It is a paperback.
We see the title -- Love Hurts, by Catherine Adams.  He
puts the book down a beat, then picks the phone up, dials.                    NICK
          Page 67, pop.  Do you know how she
          does the boyfriend?  With an
          icepick, in bed, his hands tied
          with a white silk scarf.INT. A POLICE DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM - DAYNick, Gus, Lt. Walker, Harrigan, Andrews, Captain Talcott --
  and Beth Gardner.  With them is an older, white-haired
man, DR. ANDREW LAMOTT.  There are copies of "Love Hurts"
around the table.                    LT. WALKER
          Dr. Gardner?                    BETH
          I've asked Dr. Lamott to consult
          with us.  This isn't really my
          turf.  Dr. Lamott teaches the
          psycho-pathology of psychopathic
          behavior at Stanford and is also a
          member of the Justice Department's
          Psychological Profile team.  Dr.
          Lamott?                    DR. LAMOTT
          There are two possibilities.  One:
          The person who wrote this book is
          your murderer and acted out the
          killing described in ritualistic,
          literal detail.  Two:  Someone who
          wants to do the person who wrote
          this book harm read the book and
          enacted the killing described to
          incriminate the writer.                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          What if the writer did it?  What
          are we dealing with?                    DR. LAMOTT
          You're dealing with a devious,
          diabolical mind.  This book must
          have been written at least six
          months, maybe years before it was
          published.  That means the writer
          planned the crime, at least in the
          subconscious, back then.            ☆☆15.
                    DR. LAMOTT
          The fact that the writer carried it
          out indicates psychopathic
          obsessive behavior in terms not
          only of the killing itself but in
          terms of applied advance defense
          mechanism.A long beat.                    GUS
          Most times I can't tell shit from
          shinola, Doc.  What was all that
          you just said?Some grins, titters.                    BETH
          She anticipates the book to be her
          best alibi.                    DR. LAMOTT
          Correct.                    BETH
          She's going to say:  Do you think
          I'd be dumb enough to kill anyone
          in the exact way I've described in
          my book?  I wouldn't do that
          because I'd know I'd be a suspect.A long beat -- as they think about it.                    NICK
          What if it's not the writer?  What
          if it's someone who read the book?                    DR. LAMOTT
          You're dealing then with someone so
          obsessed that he or she is willing
          to kill an irrelevant and innocent
          victim to place the blame on the
          person who wrote this book.  We are
          talking about deep-seated,
          obsessional hatred; an utter lack
          of sense of proportion or
          perspective.                    GUS
          We've got a top-of-the-line, once-
          in-a-lifetime loony-tune either way
          you cut it -- that's what you're
          saying, right, Doc?                    DR. LAMOTT
          You're dealing with someone very
          dangerous and very ill.            ☆☆16.
Captain Talcott, Lt. Walker, Nick, and Gus.Corrigan is reading a file.  He gets up, yawns, goes to his
window, looks out.                    CORRIGAN
          Come on, you know there's no case
          here.  There's no physical
          evidence -- okay, she doesn't have
          an alibi:  but there's no motive.
          Her defense would just beat us to
          death with the copycat thing.
          Anybody who read the book could
          have done it.A long beat; no one says anything.                    NICK
          So what do we do -- nothing?                    LT. WALKER
                 (after a beat)
          We bring her in for questioning.                    TALCOTT
          She's got enough money to burn this
          whole department down.                    LT. WALKER
          She was the last person seen with
          the guy -- I'll take the
          responsibility.                    TALCOTT
          It's yours.                    CORRIGAN
          It won't do any good.  She'll come
          in with Lee Bailey and Mel Belli
          trailing behind her on a solid gold
          chain from Tiffanys.                    TALCOTT
          Yes she will.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          No she won't.They look at him.
                 (continuing; smiles)
          I don't think she's going to hide
          behind anybody.  I don't think
          she's going to hide at all.                    TALCOTT
                 (after a beat)
          I think you're as crazy as she
          probably is, Curran.Nicks says nothing.                    GUS
          You know what they say:  It takes
          one to know one.Nick looks a Gus, grins.EXT. HER HOUSE IN STINSON - DAYThey walk from the car to the door of the big beach house.
They ring the bell.  They hear typing inside.  The typing
stops.  She comes to the door in jeans and a tight-fitting
sweatshirt.                    NICK
          Ms. Tramell, we'd like you to come
          downtown and answer some questions
          for us.                    CATHERINE
          Are you arresting me?                    NICK
          If that's the way you want to play
          it.They look at each other a beat.                    CATHERINE
          Can I change into something more
          appropriate?  It'll just take a
          minute.He nods.                    CATHERINE
          Come in.INT. THE HOUSEIt is beautifully done in a Santa Fe motif.  She goes to a
bedroom of the living room.
Nick sits down on a couch facing the bedroom she's walked
into.  Gus sits across from him, his back to the bedroom.
There is a coffee table between them.  She leaves the
bedroom door halfway open.An old newspaper is on the coffee table them.  Nick reaches
for it.  The headline says:  VICE COP CLEARED IN TOURIST
SHOOTINGS.  A headline underneath says:  GRAND JURY SAYS
SHOOTINGS ACCIDENTAL.  There is a photograph of Nick.He stares at the paper.                    CATHERINE (O.S.)
          How long will this take?Nick puts the paper down on the coffee table.  He is lost
in his thoughts.  Gus picks the paper up.                    NICK
                 (looks up)
          I don't know.Nick, facing the half open bedroom door, sees a mirror near
the wall of the bedroom.  The mirror reflects her in the
other corner of the bedroom.  She is taking her clothes
off.  He stares.  She strips down.  He sees her back. She
has a beautiful body.  Naked, she puts a dress on.  She
doesn't put any underwear on.                    NICK
          Do you always keep old newspapers
          around?                    CATHERINE (O.S.)
          Only when they make interesting
          reading.And she is suddenly out of the bedroom.  She stands there,
smiles.  They look at each other a long beat.                    CATHERINE
          I'm ready.They get up, head out.                    GUS
          You have the right to an attorney.                    CATHERINE
          Why would I need an attorney?INT. THE CAR - DAYThey sit in the front; she is in the back.  The car goes
over the winding, two-lane Mt. Tamalpais road.            ☆☆19.
The fog is heavy.  It's starting to rain.  We see the beach
far below.                    CATHERINE
          Do you have a cigarette?                    NICK
          I don't smoke.                    CATHERINE
          Yes you do.                    NICK
          I quit.She smiles, looks at him.  A beat, and he turns away.
Another beat, and she lights a cigarette up.                    NICK
          I thought you were out of
          cigarettes.                    CATHERINE
          I found some in my purse; would you
          like one?He turns back to her.                    NICK
          I told you -- I quit.                    CATHERINE
          It won't last.A beat, as she looks at him, and then he turns away.                    GUS
          You workin' on another book?                    CATHERINE
          Yes I am.                    GUS
          It must really be somehtin' --
          makin' stuff up all the time.He watches her in the rearview mirror.                    CATHERINE
          It teaches you to lie.                    GUS
          How's that?            ☆☆20.
          You make it up, but it has to be
          believable.  They call it
          suspension of disbelief.                    GUS
          I like that.  "Suspension of
          Disbelief."He smiles at her in the mirror.                    NICK
          What's your new book about?                    CATHERINE
          A detective.  He falls for the
          wrong woman.He turns back to her.                    NICK
          What happens to him?She looks right into his eye.                    CATHERINE
          She kills him.A beat, as they look at each other, and then he turns away
from her.  Gus watcher her in the rearview mirror.INT. A POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - DAYIt is large, fluorescent-lighted, antiseptic.She walks in with Nick and Gus.  In the room are prosecutor
John Corrigan, Lt. Walker, Captain Talcott, Harrigan, and
Andrews.  There is a police stenographer:  a plain young
woman in her 20's.As soon as she comes in --                    CORRIGAN
          I'm John Corrigan.  I'm an
          assistant district attorney, Ms.
          Tramell.  Can we get you anything?
          Would you like some coffee?                    CATHERINE
          No thank you.                    TALCOTT
          Are your attorneys --                    NICK
                 (hiding a smile)
          Ms. Tramell waived her right to an
          attorney.            ☆☆21.
Corrigan and Talcott glance at Nick.  She sees the look.                    CATHERINE
          Did I miss something?                    NICK
          I told them you wouldn't want an
          attorney present.                    LT. WALKER
          Why have you waived your right to
          an attorney, Ms. Tramell?                    CATHERINE
                 (to Nick)
          Why did you think I wouldn't want
          one?                    NICK
          I told them you wouldn't want to
          hide.                    CATHERINE
          I have nothing to hide.The two of them keep their eyes on each other.She sits down.  They sit around her.  Nick sits directly
across from her.  She lights up a cigarette.  They watch
her.  She is poised, cool, in complete command of herself.                    CORRIGAN
          There is no smoking in this
          building, Ms. Tramell.                    CATHERINE
          What are you going to do?  Charge
          me with smoking?Ever so casually, she blows her smoke across at Nick.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER                    CORRIGAN
          Would you tell us the nature of
          your relationship with Mr. Boz?                    CATHERINE
          I had sex with him for about a year
          and a half.  I liked having sex
          with him.            ☆☆22.
She has control of the room:  she looks from one man to the
other as she speaks.                    CATHERINE
          He wasn't afraid of experimenting.
          I like men like that.  I like men
          who give me pleasure.  He gave me a
          lot of pleasure.A beat, as they watch her.  She is so matter-of-fact.                    CORRIGAN
          Did you ever engage in sado-
          masochistic activity with him?                    CATHERINE
          Exactly what do you have in mind,
          Mr. Corrigan.                    CORRIGAN
                 (after a beat,
                  little flustered)
          Did you ever tie him up?                    CATHERINE
          No.                    ANDREWS
          You never tied him up.                    CATHERINE
          No. Johnny liked to use his hands
          too much.  I like hands and fingers.They stare at her.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER                    LT. WALKER
          You describe a white silk scarf in
          your book.                    CATHERINE
          I've always had a fondness for
          white silk scarves.
                 (she smiles)
          I have a very vivid imagination.                    NICK
          But you said you liked men to use
          their hands.            ☆☆23.
          No.  I said I liked Johnny to use
          his hands.
                 (she smiles)
          I don't give any rules, Nick.  I go
          with the flow.They have their eyes on each other.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER                    CORRIGAN
          Did you kill Mr. Boz, Ms. Tramell?                    CATHERINE
          I'd have to be pretty stupid to
          write a book about a killing and
          then kill him the way I described
          in my book. I'd be announcing
          myself as the killer.  I'm not
          stupid.She smiles.                    TALCOTT
          We know you're not stupid, Ms.
          Tramell.                    LT. WALKER
          Maybe that's what you're counting
          on to get you off the hook.                    NICK
          Writing a book about it gives you
          an alibi for not killing him.                    CATHERINE
          Yes it does, doesn't it?She holds his eyes a second, then --                    CATHERINE
          The answer is no.  I didn't kill
          him.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER                    GUS
          Do you use drugs, Ms. Tramell?                    CATHERINE
          Did you ever do drugs with Mr. Boz?                    CATHERINE
          Sure.                    GUS
          What kind of drugs?                    CATHERINE
          Cocaine.She looks directly at Nick.                    CATHERINE
          Have you ever fucked on cocaine?
                 (she smiles)
          It's nice.He watches her.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE INTERROGATION ROOM - LATER                    NICK
          You like playing games, don't you?                    CATHERINE
          I've got a degree in psych.  It
          goes with the turf.  Games are fun.They are holding each other's eyes.                    NICK
          How about boxing?  That's a game.
          Was that fun for you?They don't take their eyes off each other for a second.                    TALCOTT
          I think that's irrelevant to this
          inquiry.                    CATHERINE
                 (to Nick)
          Yes it was.  Bobby died.                    NICK
          How did you feel when he died?                    CATHERINE
          I loved him.  I hurt.Their eyes are still on each other.            ☆☆25.
          How did you feel when I told you
          Johnny Boz had died -- that day at
          the beach.                    CATHERINE
          I felt somebody had read my book
          and was playing a game.                    NICK
          But you didn't hurt --                    CATHERINE
          No.                    NICK
          Because you didn't love him --                    CATHERINE
          That's right.Their eyes are digging into each other.                    NICK
          Even though you were fucking him.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          You still get the pleasure.  Didn't
          you ever fuck anybody else while
          you were married, Nick?A bet; he stares at her, expressionless.                    LT. WALKER
          How did you know he was married?                    CATHERINE
                 (watching Nick)
          Maybe I was guessing.  What
          difference does it make?She lights a cigarette.  He stares at her.                    CATHERINE
          Would you like a cigarette, Nick?He just stares at her, expressionless.                    CORRIGAN
          Do you two know each other?                    NICK
          No.                    CATHERINE
          No.            ☆☆26.
          How did you meet Mr. Boz?                    CATHERINE
          I wanted to write a book about the
          murder of a retired rock star.  I
          went down to his club and picked
          him up.  Then I had sex with him.                    LT. WALKER
          You didn't feel anything for him.
          You just had sex with him for your
          book.She looks at Nick.                    CATHERINE
          In the beginning.  Then I got to
          like what he did for me.                    GUS
          That's pretty cold, ain't it, lady?                    CATHERINE
          I'm a writer,  I use people for
          what I write.  You write what you
          know.  Let the world beware.She and Nick have their eyes on each other, then --                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; to
                  Corrigan, smiles)
          Would you like me to take a lie
          detector test?                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. THE POLICE BUILDING - NIGHTWe see her in a glass-enclosed cubicle with a polygraph
EXAMINER.  Nick stands outside watching her with Gus and
Lt. Walker.  Her back is to them.  The Examiner shuts the
machine down, gathers rolls of papers, and comes out of the
cubicle.                    THE EXAMINER
          No blips, no blood pressure
          variations, no pulse variance.
          Either she's telling the truth or
          I've never met anyone like her.A long beat, then --            ☆☆27.
                    LT. WALKER
          Well, I guess that's it.A long beat, Nick watches her as she sits inside.                    NICK
          How does somebody beat this machine?                    THE EXAMINER
          Ninety-nine point nine percent of
          the cases, they don't.  You'd have
          to be able to mask the truth from
          your own central nervous system,
          your circulatory system, your
          adrenal glands.  In my opinion,
          this woman is telling the truth.The Examiner walks away.  They stand there. Catherine
stands at the door of the cubicle behind them --                    CATHERINE
          Can I go now?                    LT. WALKER
                 (after a beat)
          Yes.  Thanks for coming in, Ms.
          Tramell.  I'm sorry to
          inconvenience you.She says nothing, has a thin smile.                    CATHERINE
          Can I ask one of you for a ride?They look at her a beat.                    NICK
          Sure.                    CATHERINE
          Thanks.And he and Catherine walk away.  Gus and Walker watch them.INT. HIS CAR - NIGHTIt is an old, mint-condition silver Porsche.It is pouring rain; the wind is blowing:  a San Francisco
winter storm.Nothing is said a long beat as he drives.  She yawns.
Stretches.  He looks at her.                                                 28.
          I'm tired.                    NICK
          It's got to be tiring to beat that
          machine.She looks at him and looks away.  A beat.                    CATHERINE
          If I were guilty, and if I wanted
          to beat that machine, it wouldn't
          be tiring.  It wouldn't be tiring
          at all.                    NICK
          Why not?                    CATHERINE
          Because I'm a professional liar.  I
          spend most of my waking hours
          dwelling on my lies.
                 (a beat)
          For my writing.He looks at her.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; smiles)
          I love the rain, don't you?He says nothing, doesn't look at her.                    CATHERINE
          You took a polygraph after you shot
          those two people, didn't you?He looks at her now.                    NICK
          I passed.                    CATHERINE
          You see?  We're both innocent, Nick.He pulls up in front of her house on Divisadero, stops.  He
sees the white Ferrari in the driveway.                    NICK
          How do you know all this stuff
          about me?                    CATHERINE
          You know all about me.            ☆☆29.
          I don't know anything that isn't
          police business.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          You know I don't like to wear any
          underwear, don't you, Nick?They look at each other a beat.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; smiles)
          Thanks for the ride.And she's out of the car.  He watches her as she hurries in
the rain -- his eyes on her until the moment she opens the
door and is inside.INT. THE TEN-FOUR - NIGHTIt is a police bar, San Francisco style.  Ferns  Joe
Montana and Will Clark posters.  The jukebox has a lot of
Tony Bennett.He walks in.  He sees Lt. Walker at a back booth with Gus,
goes to them, sits down.                    LT. WALKER
          What is all this "Nick" stuff --
          Nick would you like a cigarette.
          Nick can you give me a ride.                    NICK
          She didn't ask me for the ride.
          She asked anybody.                    LT. WALKER
          And you volunteered.A BARTENDER stays behind the bar, but yells to him.                    THE BARTENDER
          Perrier, Nick?                    NICK
          Double Black Jack rocks, Harry.                    GUS
                 (with concern)
          What you doin', son?                    NICK
          It's my first drink in three
          months.  That okay with you, pop?
                 (to Lt. Walker)
          She doesn't know me.  I never saw
          her before Gus and I talked to her.                                                     30.
                    THE BARTENDER
          Here you go, Nick.He gets up, gets his drink --                    NICK
          Thanks, Harry.He sits back down.  He takes a big slug.  They watch him.                    LT. WALKER
          You sure?                    NICK
          I'm sure.He takes another big slug.                    NICK
          Now what?                    LT. WALKER
          What now what? Now nothing.  She
          passed the polygraph.  That's it.                    NICK
          She knew she could beat it.  That's
          why she asked to take it.                    LT. WALKER
          How the fuck do you know?  What is
          it with you and this broad anyway?                    NICK
          Come on, Phil.  You're not gonna
          let this slide.  What about her
          parents?  What about what else
          she's published?  At least we
          should get the stuff to see if we
          find anything else that's an
          amazing real-life coincidence.                    LT. WALKER
          Her parents died in an accident.  I
          don't care what else she's written.
          What are you -- a book critic?                    NICK
          How did they die?  Was there an
          investigation?                    LT. WALKER
          How you're saying she killed her
          parents?  Did she kill Bobby
          Vasquez, too?            ☆☆31.
          Not unless she got up in the ring
          and turned into one mean
          sonofabitch.                    LT. WALKER
          Maybe she did, Gus.  Maybe she grew
          herself an Afro and learned a left
          hook and put shoe polish on her
          face.  Let's polygraph her again
          and ask her about it.                    NICK
          Fuck you, Phil.                    LT. WALKER
          Fuck you, too Nick.A beat, then --                    NICK
                 (calls to the
          Can you get me another double Black
          Jack, Harry.Gus looks at him with concern.A man in his 50's -- LT. MARTIN NILSEN  is suddenly there.
He is overweight, florid.                    NILSEN
                 (to Nick)
          Hey, shooter -- You back on the
          Black Jack, Shooter?He grins.  Nick doesn't look at him.                    LT. WALKER
          We're discussing a case, Marty.                    NILSEN
          I know that.  I had no doubt of
          that.                    THE BARTENDER
          Here you go, Nick.Nilsen takes the drink, hands it to Nick.                    NILSEN
          Double, huh, Shooter?Nick turns to him.  He's sitting in the booth; Nilsen is
standing there.  Nick looks like he's barely restraining
himself.            ☆☆32.
          I'm off-duty, Nilsen.  You hear me?
          I'm off-duty discussing a case.
          Internal Affairs shouldn't have any
          trouble with that.  Maybe I should
          put in for overtime.                    NILSEN
          You do that, Shooter.  Why don't
          you send it to me?  I'll give it
          special attention.A beat, and then Nick gets up, faces him.                    NICK
          I'm gonna tell you once more,
          Nilsen --Lt. Walker and Gus get up and hold Nick back.Beth Gardner, the police psychologist, is suddenly there.                    BETH
          What's the problem?                    NILSEN
          No problem, Doctor.  Here comes the
          Doctor just in time to save her
          patient.  Take care, Shooter.And he walks away.  Nick still looks like he wants to go
after him.  Beth pulls him away from the booth.                    BETH
          You okay?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Yeah.                    BETH
          You don't look so okay.Nick looks at her a beat.                    NICK
          What are you doing here?                    BETH
                 (she shrugs)
          Rookie cop.            ☆☆33.
          What else is new?A beat.  He looks at her again.                    NICK
          You want to get out of here?She looks at him a beat.                    BETH
          Yes.At the booth, Gus and Lt. Walker watch the two of them
leave.                    GUS
          Maybe it's for old-time's sake.                    LT. WALKER
                 (watches them go
          Sometimes I think he started
          banging her just to get himself off
          the hook with Internal Affairs.                    GUS
                 (after a beat,
          He ain't that way.  He's got heart.                    LT. WALKER
          Yeah.  I know.INT. BETH'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHTHe is kissing her -- hard, rough.  He forces her against
the wall.                    BETH
          Don't -- please, Nick --We hear her dress RIP.  He kisses her harder -- we hear her
panties RIP.  He gets the dress off, pushes his hands under
her bra --                    BETH
          Please don't -- don't --He puts his mouth to her shoulder, bites it -- as they move
down to the floor.
INT. BETH'S LIVING ROOM - LATERIt is dark.  The are still partially dressed.  They are on
the floor.  He lies on his back, staring at the ceiling.
She lies next to him -- the torn dress wound around her.
There is a bite mark on her shoulder.  A long beat,
silence -- then --                    BETH
          What was she like?                    NICK
          Who?                    BETH
          Catherine Tramell.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          She said what you said she'd say.She sits up, looks away.  He looks at her, puts his finger
on the bite mark idly, gently.  A beat, and he kisses her
shoulder gently, then lies back down.                    BETH
          I met her at Berkeley.He looks at her.                    BETH
          We were in some of the same classes.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Why didn't you tell me?She looks at him.                    BETH
          I'm telling you.They look at each other a long beat.                    BETH
                 (continuing; with
          You've never been... like that...
          before.He says nothing, looks away from her.                    BETH
          Why?He doesn't look at her a long beat, says nothing.            ☆☆35.
          You're the shrink.She keeps looking at him.  He won't look at her.                    BETH
          You weren't making love to me.A beat; he looks at her.                    NICK
          Who was I making love to?She looks at him a long beat.                    BETH
          You weren't making love.They look at each other, a long beat, then away.  He lies
back down.  Beth doesn't look at him, keeps sitting up.                    NICK
          I need a cigarette.                    BETH
                 (after a beat)
          I thought you quit.He says nothing.                    BETH
          Top drawer in the foyer.
                 (a beat)
          Get it on your way out.He looks at her; she won't look at him.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - MORNINGHe walks in.  He looks hung-over.  He sees Gus with
Harrigan and Andrews and Lt. Walker in Lt. Walker's glass-
enclosed office at the end of this big room.They look at him when they see him.                    LT. WALKER
          You look like dogshit.                    GUS
          He looks a little shrunk, that's
                 (after a beat)
          We got a call from Berkeley P.D.
          There was a killing.  A professor.
          Icepick.  In his bed.  Multiple
          stab wounds.  1977.                    NICK
                 (a thin smile)
          She was there, wasn't she?                    LT. WALKER
          University records say she was
          there.He and Nick look at each other a long beat, then --                    LT. WALKER
          Gus -- go over to Berkeley.
          Harrigan -- find out what else
          she's published.  Andrews -- get
          the files on her parents' accident.
          Carbon Beth on everything.  I want
          some psychological input on this
          one.Andrews and Harrigan go; Nick is left there with Gus.                    NICK
          What about me?                    GUS
          You're already gettin'
          psychological input, son.                    LT. WALKER
                 (to Nick)
          Go stick your head in a tub of ice
                 (a beat; then
          See where she leads.EXT. THE BEACH HOUSE AT STINSON - DAYThe black Ferrari is in the driveway.  He sits in an
unmarked police car on a hillside above the house,
watching.  It is a bleak, leaden gray day.Catherine comes out of the house.  She is dressed casually.
She gets into the Ferrari.INT. HIS POLICE CARHe stays behind her at a safe distance on the winding
panoramic highway -- a two-lane mountain road which leads
from Stinson Beach into Marin County.            ☆☆37.
She suddenly starts speeding up on this dangerous road,
cutting in and out, passing cars very fast.He has to start cutting around cars to keep up.  This woman
really drives.He cuts out and can barely pass a car without hitting a
Grey Lines Tour Bus head-on.  Close call:  sheer drops on
either side.He looks frazzled.INT. HIS POLICE CARHe is behind her at a distance on a hilly Mill Valley
road -- little streets, terraced hillsides, sharp turns.
He goes slowly, looks around, thinks he's lost her.  And
then he sees the black Ferrari parked in front of a house
obscured by hedges.He parks the car a distance behind the Ferrari, sits there
a long beat.  He gets out, goes carefully up to the hedges,
looks.  A small, nondescript house.  He watches.  He can't
see anything inside the house.A beat, he reaches over to the mailbox and opens it.  He
takes an envelope out, looks at the name:  Hazel Dobkins.INT. HIS POLICE CAR - NIGHTHe watches as she comes out of the house.  A frail old
woman in her 70's is with her.  She hugs the old woman,
gets into the Ferrari, STARTS it up.He waits a beat and then STARTS after her.  He stays behind
her at a distance -- she is going slowly.  And then she
suddenly GUNS it, cuts her lights -- her wheels SCREECH.
He GUNS his car after her.  He makes a turn.  She is gone.
There is a fork in the road.  He turns one way, goes a few
hundred feet.Nothing.  Blackness.  He stops.                    NICK
          Shit.INT. HIS POLICE CAR - NIGHTHe pulls his car up to her house at Stinson Beach.  The
black Ferrari is in the driveway.A light goes on in an upstairs bedroom.  The curtain is
drawn.  He sees the outline of her body now.
She starts to take her clothes off -- there in the window,
behind the curtain.  He watches her body as she does an
almost languorous strip.  His eyes are intense... ravishing.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - NIGHTHe is alone, nobody else in the big room.He sits in front of a computer.  We see the screen.  He has
punched in:     HAZEL DOBKINS, WF, 145 ALBION RD., MILL VALLEY.He is waiting for a response.  We see it come on screen:               NOTHING CURRENT.A long beat, as he stares at the screen, and then we see
these words:      RELEASED, SAN QUENTIN, JULY 7, 1965.We see him type in the words:             PRIOR ARREST RECORD.A long beat, and then it comes up:            HOMICIDE, JANUARY 10, 1956
                                     SAN FRANCISCOHe stares at the screen a long beat.                    GUS
                 (behind him)
          Ain't you go nothin' better to do
          than to come in here and jack off
          the damn machine?                    NICK
                 (after a beat; lost
                  in his thoughts)
          What are you doing here, Pop?                    GUS
          I came in here to jack off the damn
                 (a beat)
          One dead psychology professor.
          Noah Goldstein.  Dr. Noah
          Goldstein.  And guess what?  He was
          her counselor.Nick looks at him a beat.                        39.
          Was she ever suspect?                    GUS
          No, sir.  They never even got a
          statement from her.Nick sits back a long beat, his eyes off somewhere.                    NICK
          Do you remember a case -- 1956 --
          Hazel Dobkins?                    GUS
          Hell yes!  Couldn't get it outta my
          head for years.  Still can't.  Nice
          little kids -- nice husband, wasn't
          porkin' around -- no financial
          problems.  One day -- outta the
          clear blue sky -- she does 'em.
          All of 'em.  Used a knife she got
          for a wedding present.  Didn't even
          deny it.  Sweet as honey.  Said she
          didn't know why she done it.Nick just stares at him.EXT. THE STINSON BEACH HOUSE - NEXT DAYHe pulls up to the house, gets out of his unmarked police
car.  He stands there a beat, thinking.  He walks down to
the beach entrance of the house.  He hears a Rolling Stones
SONG playing inside.  He stands there.  The door suddenly
opens.  Catherine stands there, smiles.  She wears very
tight-fitting spandex leotards.                    CATHERINE
          Hi.He looks at her a beat, then --                    NICK
          Am I... disturbing you?                    CATHERINE
          No.  Come in.They have their eyes on each other.  A beat, and she turns
to go in.
INT. THE STINSON BEACH HOUSEShe goes in ahead of him -- he follows her inside.  He
watches her body.  His movements are tentative, off-
balance.  She turns the Stones DOWN.On a table by the window, he sees a word processor.  Spread
around it are newspaper clippings.  They are all about him.
We see the headline on one:  KILLER COP TO FACE POLICE
REVIEW.  She sees him glancing at the clips.                    CATHERINE
          I'm using you for my detective.  In
          my book.  You don't mind, do you?She smiles.  He looks at her, expressionless.                    CATHERINE
          Would you like a drink?  I was just
          going to have one.                    NICK
          No, thanks.She goes to the bar.                    CATHERINE
          That's right.  You're off the Jack
          Daniels too, aren't you?She is making herself a drink.  She takes the ice out and
then opens a drawer and gets an icepick.  It has a fat
wooden end.  She uses the icepick on the ice, her back to
him.  He watches her.                    NICK
          I'd like to ask you a few more
          questions.                    CATHERINE
          I'd like to ask you some, too.She turns to him, icepick in hand, smiles.                    CATHERINE
          For my book.She turns back to the ice, works on it with the pick.  She
raises her arm, plunges it.  Raises it, plunges it.  He
watches her.                    NICK
          What kind of questions?  
She puts the icepick down, pours herself a drink, turns to
him.                    CATHERINE
          How does it feel to kill someone?He looks at her a long beat.                    NICK
          You tell me.                    CATHERINE
          I don't know.  But you do.Their eyes are on each other.                    NICK
          It was an accident.  They got in
          the line of fire.                    CATHERINE
          Four shootings in five years.  All
          accidents.                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          They were drug buys.  I was a vice
          cop.A long beat, as they look at each other.                    NICK
          Tell me about Professor Goldstein.A beat.                    CATHERINE
          There's a name from the past.                    NICK
          You want a name from the present?
          How about Hazel Dobkins?She looks at him a long beat, sips her drink, never takes
her eyes off him.                    CATHERINE
          Noah was my counselor in my
          freshman year.
                 (she smiles)
          That's probably where I got the
          idea for the icepick.  For my book.
          Funny how the subconscious works.
                 (a beat)
          Hazel is my friend.              ☆☆42.
          She wiped out her whole family.                    CATHERINE
          Yes.  She's helped me understand
          homicidal impulse.                    NICK
          Didn't you study it in school?                    CATHERINE
          Only in theory.
                 (she smiles)
          You know all about homicidal
          impulse, don't you, shooter?  Not
          in theory -- in practice.He stares at her a long beat.                    CATHERINE
          What happened, Nick?  Did you get
          sucked into it? Did you like it too
          much?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          No.He stares at her, almost horrified.                    CATHERINE
          Tell me about the coke, Nick.  The
          day you shot those two tourists --
          how much coke did you do?She steps closer to him.                    CATHERINE
          Tell me, Nick.She puts her hand softly on his cheek,  He grabs her hand
roughly, holds it.                    NICK
          I didn't.                    CATHERINE
          Yes, you did.  They never tested
          you, did they?  But Internal
          Affairs knew.They are face to face.  He is still holding her roughly by
the hand.  
          Your wife knew, didn't she?  She
          knew what was going on.  Nicky got
          too close to the flame.  Nicky
          liked it.He twists her arm back behind her -- their bodies are
pressed against each other -- their eyes digging into each
other.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; in a
          That's why she killed herself?He is twisting her arm, staring at her, pulling her against
him.  We hear the DOOR behind them.  A beat, and he lets
her go, turns away from her.Roxy stands there, staring at them.  Her hair is up.  She
wears a black motorcycle jacket, a black T-shirt, and black
jeans and cowboy boots.                    CATHERINE
          Hiya, hon.  You two have met,
          haven't you?Roxy looks at Nick.  Catherine goes to her, kisses her
briefly on the lips, stands there with her arm around her --
both of them looking at Nick.He walks by them, opens the door to go, his face a mask.                    CATHERINE
          You're going to make a terrific
          character, Nick.He doesn't look at her; he's gone.INT. BETH GARDNER'S OFFICE - DAYHe comes in.  He looks like he's going to kill someone.  A
RECEPTIONIST sits there.                    RECEPTIONIST
          She's on the phone -- she'll be
          right with you, detective --He sweeps by her into Beth's inner office.  She hangs up
when she sees the look on his face.                    NICK
          Who has access to my file?                    BETH
          What are you talking about, Nick --
          what's wrong with you?
          Who's got access to my goddamn file?She gets up -- he goes closer to her; she backs away from
him.                    BETH
          Nobody.He goes closer to her; she backs away.                    BETH
          It's a confidential psychiatric
          record, it'd be illegal --She backs into a wall.  She looks very scared.  He comes
very close to her -- puts an arm behind her to the wall.                    NICK
          Don't, Beth.  Don't lie to me.She says nothing, looks scared.                    NICK
          It's Internal Affairs, isn't it?                    BETH
          No, Nick, please --                    NICK
                 (loud, hard)
          Who?                    BETH
                 (blurts it)
          Nilsen.INT. THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION - DAYHe storms into the big room.  He sees MARTY NILSEN.  He is
sitting behind his desk in his glass-enclosed office inside
this big room.  About a dozen plainclothes policemen are in
the big room.He goes by them into Nilsen's office.INT. MARTIN NILSEN'S OFFICEHe closes the door.  Nilsen sees the look on his face,
backs his chair away towards the wall.                    NILSEN
          What do you want, Curran?                        45.
He goes to him, picks him up by his lapels, slams him
against the wall.                    NICK
                 (out of control)
          You sold her the file, didn't you?                    NILSEN
          What are you talking about?                    NICK
                 (out of control)
          What'd she pay you?He slams him against the wall again.  The glass EXPLODES
behind them -- a chair comes into the room.  Nick is
frozen, holding Nilsen by the throat against the wall.                    ONE OF THE I.A. GUYS
          Let him go, Curran.  Nice and easy.He looks back, sees two Internal Affairs men with their
guns drawn, pointed at him.A beat, and he lets Nilsen go.He turns calmly and starts to walk out.                    NILSEN
          You're on sick leave, Shooter.  As
          of right now.  Pending the outcome
          of a psychiatric evaluation.EXT. THE POLICE PARKING LOT - DUSKHe gets into his old Porsche.  He STARTS the car up.  Gus
Moran comes up to the window.  They look at each other a
beat.                    GUS
          What's goin' down, son?                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          I'll be okay, pop.They look at each other a long beat.                    GUS
          No, sir.  You won't.  There's smoke
          off yonder on the horizon.  They're
          gonna want your badge.
                 (after a long beat)
          I got tired of being played with.                    GUS
                 (after a beat)
          You sure got real conclusive ways
          of demonstrating that.They almost smile at each other, then --                    NICK
                 (almost to himself)
          She knows where I live and breathe.
          She's coming after me.                    GUS
                 (after a long beat)
          What is it you got between you?                    NICK
                 (after a beat; to
          I don't know.                    GUS
          Somethin', though.A beat, and then Nick looks at him.                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          Somethin'.INT. HIS APARTMENT - NIGHTHe sits in front of the TV, watching a lame sitcom.  A
bottle of Jack Daniels is half-empty in front of him.  He
is smoking a cigarette.                    BETH
                 (behind him)
          I still have my key.He looks at her, looks away at the sitcom.                    NICK
          I don't want to see you, Beth.He keeps watching the sitcom.  A long beat.                    BETH
                 (suddenly angry)
          Damnit!  Don't shut me out!  You
          owe me more than that?                        47.
He goes to the TV, shuts it off.                    NICK
          I don't owe you anything; you don't
          owe me anything.
                 (he looks at her)
          We went to bed -- what was it? --
          ten or fifteen times?
                 (he smiles)
          It wasn't memorable enough to carry
          any obligations.                    BETH
                 (after a long beat)
          Sometimes I really hate you.                    NICK
          Yeah?  Well why don't you find some
          friendly therapist and work some of
          that hostility out.
                 (a beat)
          But take my advice.  Put a little
          more life into it than you usually
          do.A beat, and she suddenly hurls herself at him in absolute
fury, trying to claw at his face.  He grabs her, blocks
her.  They look at each other a long beat and then he lets
her go.The emotion of the moment is gone now -- they turn away
from each other.                    BETH
          I'm sorry... I don't usually... act
          like that.Nick looks at her a beat.                    NICK
          How could you let him have my file,
          Beth?A long beat, then --                    BETH
                 (not looking at him)
          He was going to recommend your
          discharge:  a behavioral
          disability.  I made a deal with
          him.  He could review the session
          notes himself.  It was the only way
          I could keep you on the force.                        48.
She looks at him.  He looks away from her.                    NICK
          You did it for me.                    BETH
          Yes.  I care about you.  I did it
          for you.He turns away from her.                    NICK
          Get out of here, Beth.
                 (a beat)
          Please?He goes to the Jack Daniel's, pours some more.  She looks
at him pour it and turns to go.INT. HIS APARTMENT - NIGHTHe is asleep on the couch -- the TV is on to a blank
screen.  The Jack Daniel's is mostly gone.  The phone on
the coffee table RINGS.  It RINGS again.  He wakes, picks
it up, listens.                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          Okay.He hangs it up.  He sits there a long beat, staring.  He
looks disturbed.EXT. THE ALLEY BEHIND THE TEN-FOUR BAR - NIGHTHe walks down the alley.  There are lots of police cars,
flashing lights, uniformed men, coroner's men.As he walks down the alley, he sees Lt. Walker, Gus, and
several of the Internal Affairs men we saw earlier in
Nilsen's office.  They are standing around a Lincoln Town
Car.They look at him as he comes closer to them -- then move
aside.He can see into the car now.  Martin Nilsen lies against
the front seat.  He has been shot in the head.  Nick stares.                    GUS
          One shot.  Close range.  Probably
          a .38 caliber revolver.
Nick stares at Nilsen's body.  They watch him.                    LT. WALKER
          Give me your gun, Nick.A beat, and then Nick gives him his gun.  Walker smells it,
shakes his head, gives it to one of the Internal Affairs
men.                    NICK
                 (to Walker)
          You think I --                    GUS
          I don't son, but I got the minority
          opinion.INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHTHe sits in the same room that Catherine sat in --
surrounded by four or five Internal Affairs men, Lt.
Walker, Gus, and Captain Talcott.  Lt. Walker and Gus sort
of sit back -- I.A. is running the investigation.  The same
police stenographer -- the same plain young woman -- is
sitting in the room who was there with Catherine.                    NICK
          Okay.  I went after him.  I lost my
          temper.                    AN I.A. MAN
          Do you have any evidence that he
          showed your psychiatric file to
          anyone?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          No.Beth Gardner comes into the room.  They look at her.                    AN I.A. MAN
          We'll speak to you afterwards, Dr.
          Gardner.Nick gives her a look.                    BETH
          I'd like to sit-in if you don't
          mind.                    THE I.A. MAN
          I'd really rather --                         50.
          I don't see anything wrong with Dr.
          Gardner sitting-in if Detective
          Curran doesn't object.Nick looks at her, shrugs.                    AN I.A. MAN
          Where were you tonight?                    NICK
          Home. Watching TV.                    AN I.A. MAN
          All night?                    NICK
          Yeah.                    AN I.A. MAN
          Were you drinking?He looks at Beth.                    NICK
          Yeah, I was drinking.                    AN I.A. MAN
          When did you start drinking again?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          A couple days ago.                    BETH
          I saw Detective Curran at his
          apartment around ten o'clock.  He
          was sober and lucid.  I asked him
          in my capacity as his departmental
          therapist about his altercation
          with Lt. Nilsen.  He expressed
          regret and displayed no hostility.                    AN I.A. MAN
                 (to Beth)
          How long were you at his apartment?                    BETH
          About fifteen minutes.  I saw there
          was no reason for my concern and
          left.She and Nick look at each other.  He looks away and lights
a cigarette.
                    AN I.A. MAN
          There's no smoking in this building.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          What are you gonna do -- charge me
          with smoking?It is the exact line that Catherine used.  A long beat.                    LT. WALKER
          I'll ask you once, Nick -- for the
          record:  Did you kill him?                    NICK
          No.They look at him a beat.                    NICK
          Come on -- I'm going to storm into
          his office in front of everybody in
          the afternoon and then that night
          I'm going to kill him?  I'd have to
          be really dumb to do that.                    AN I.A. MAN
          Going after him before gets you off
          the hook for killing him:  that's
          your alibi.                    LT. WALKER
          Like writing a book about killing a
          guy gets you off the hook for
          killing him.                    AN I.A. MAN
                 (to Walker)
          I don't understand.  What are you
          talking about?  What book?                    LT. WALKER
                 (to Nick)
          Private joke.                    NICK
          I don't think it's funny.                    GUS
          Well, hell, son, it's got a certain
          ring to it, I'll say that.INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - NIGHTHe is by the elevators with Gus and Lt. Andrews.  He spots
Beth going for the stairway.              ☆☆52.
                 (to Lt. Andrews)
          I'll get my stuff tomorrow.INT. THE STAIRWAY                    NICK
          Beth.She stops.  He catches up to her.  They walk down the
flights together.  They speak quietly.                    NICK
          Thank you.She looks at him, smiles.  They keep walking down the steps.                    BETH
          It's the least I could do...
          considering I got you into this
          mess with those reports.                    NICK
          No.  I mean it, thank you.She looks at him, smiles.                    BETH
          How do you know Catherine Tramell
          saw my reports?                    NICK
          She knows stuff about me that only
          you know.                    BETH
                 (after a beat)
          She must really be something.
                 (she smiles)
          From a clinical point of view.                    NICK
          What was she like in school?                    BETH
          I hardly knew her.  She gave me the
          creeps, though.  I don't know why.EXT. THE BUILDING - NIGHTThey get outside.  Beth kisses him quickly, softly on the
          Get some rest.  Promise?He nods.  She starts walking toward her car.                    NICK
          Beth.  I didn't mean what I said.
          About --                    BETH
          Yes you did.  I'm a big girl.  I
          can handle it.She goes to her car.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - NEXT DAYHe is cleaning his desk out, putting things into a duffel
bag.  Only Andrews is in the room.  We see Lt. Walker
sitting in his glass-enclosed office.He closes the duffel bag, looks at the place a long beat.
Andrews is watching him.  He goes up to Andrews                    ANDREWS
                 (after a beat)
          Take care, you hear?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Did you find out about her parents?                    ANDREWS
          You're on leave, man.
                 (a beat)
          You're on psycho leave.  I'm
          talking to a possible whacko here.                    NICK
          You know I'm whacko, Sam, what'd
          you find?A beat, and Andrews opens the file.                    ANDREWS
          The boat blew.  There was a leak in
          the gas line.  There were two
          previous repairs.  There was a five-
          mil policy on both of 'em.  A real
          heavy investigation.  Zilch.  Goose-
          egg.  It was an accident.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Thanks.                        54.
He sees Lt. Walker looking at him.  He goes into Walker's
office.                    LT. WALKER
          I.A.'s going to talk to you more
          about Nilsen.  They're handling the
          investigation, we're not.  Stay in
          touch with Dr. Gardner, it'll help
          on the evaluation.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          She killed him.                    LT. WALKER
          Beth?  Now you've got Beth killing
          people?                    NICK
          Catherine Tramell.  It's part of
          her game.                    LT. WALKER
          First you've got her buying your
          file.  Now you've got her killing
          Nilsen.  Forget her, willya?  Go
          someplace.  Sit in the sun.  Get
          away from this goddamn fog.  Get
          her out of your system.                    NICK
          You don't but it, do you?  She knew
          nobody would but it.
                 (he smiles)
          She knew I'd say she did it.  And
          she knew nobody would buy it.Lt. Walker looks at him a long beat.                    LT. WALKER
          She's screwing with your head,
          Nick.  Pretty soon you're gonna
          look in the mirror and think you're
          seeing her.EXT. HIS APARTMENTIt is in the Marina District; on a street like Cervantes.
He gets out of his old Porsche; he sees her black Ferrari
there.  She is sitting on the front stoop.  She wears an
Indian jacket, jeans and a T-shirt.  He goes up to her.
She looks at him a beat.                    CATHERINE
          I heard about what happened.  What
          good's a shooter without his gun?                        55.
She smiles.                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          How exactly did you hear?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          I have attorneys.  They have
          friends.  I have friends.  Money
          buys you a lot of attorneys and
          friends.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I don't know about that:  I don't
          have any money:  I don't have any
          attorneys:  Gus is my only real
          friend.                    CATHERINE
          I wasn't talking about real
          friends.  Why doesn't Gus like me.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I like you.                    CATHERINE
          Do you?                    NICK
          Yeah.  Would you like to come up
          and have a drink?She looks at him a beat.                    CATHERINE
          I didn't think you'd ask me.He looks at her a beat.                    NICK
          I'm not that easy to figure.They start walking inside.  She walks ahead of him.  He
watches her.  She turns suddenly.                    CATHERINE
          You're not easy to figure.  I'm
          just very good at figuring.
                 (after a beat)
          Don't get too cocky.                    CATHERINE
          Why not?                    NICK
          You can make a mistake.                    CATHERINE
          Not me.And she turns, heads inside; he follows her.INT. HIS APARTMENT - DAYThey walk in.  She looks at the bareness of the place.                    CATHERINE
          You should put some warmth into it.
          You don't want it to reflect on
          your personality.She turns, smiles at him.  He looks at the bottle of Jack
Daniel's; there's not much left.                    NICK
          Jack Daniel's okay?  It's gonna
          have to be.                    CATHERINE
          Fine.                    NICK
          Ice?                    CATHERINE
          Please.There is a palpable tension between them.He takes the ice out, opens a drawer, takes out an icepick.                    CATHERINE
          Let me do that.  You like to watch
          me doing it, don't you?She smiles; a beat and he hands her the icepick.  She takes
it, starts to us the icepick, her back to him.  He lights a
          Can I have a cigarette, please?  I
          told you you'd start smoking again.He watches her working on the ice.                    CATHERINE
          Light it for me, will you?He does, steps to her.  She parts her lips -- he puts it on
her lip, watches it.  Their eyes are on each other.                    CATHERINE
          Thank you.She works on the ice again, opens the cabinets for glasses.                    NICK
          What did you pay Nilsen?                    CATHERINE
                 (doesn't look at
          Isn't he the policeman that you
          shot, Shooter?She makes the drinks.                    NICK
          What if I as you not to call me
          Shooter?                    CATHERINE
          What if I call you Nicky?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          My wife used to call me that.                    CATHERINE
          I know, Nicky, but I like it.She hands him his drink, holds hers.                    CATHERINE
          Cheers.  My friends call me
          Catherine.                    NICK
          What did Bobby Vasquez used to call
          you?                        58.
          Bitch mostly, but he meant it
          affectionately.  You don't have any
          coke, do you?  I love coke and Jack
          Daniel's.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          There's Pepsi in the fridge.                    CATHERINE
          It's not the same thing, is it?They look at each other a long beat, their eyes very
involved.                    NICK
          Where's it going?  What do you want
          from me?Their faces are close together.                    CATHERINE
          Say -- "What do you want from me,
          Catherine?"                    NICK
                 (after a beat,
          What do you want from me, Catherine?A beat, and she suddenly turns away.                    CATHERINE
          I brought you something.She goes to her purse, takes a paperback book out of it.
We see it -- The First Time, by Catherine Smith.  He looks
at it.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; smiles)
          Aren't you going to thank me?                    NICK
          What's it about?                    CATHERINE
          A boy kills his parents.  They have
          a plane.  He makes it look like an
He stares at her.  A long beat, then --                    NICK
          Why does he do it?                    CATHERINE
          To see if he can get away with it.They look at each other a beat.                    NICK
          When did you write it?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          You mean did I write it before my
          parents died?                    NICK
          Yes.                    CATHERINE
          No.  I wrote it years afterwards.He watches her; she has turned away from him -- and then
she turns back to him in a different mood.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; smiles)
          You're not going to stop following
          me around now just because you're
          on leave -- are you?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          No.                    CATHERINE
          Good.  I'd miss you.
                 (a beat)
          You can get into trouble, though.
          You're not really a cop anymore.                    NICK
          I'll risk it.                    CATHERINE
          Why take the risk?                    NICK
          To see if I can get away with it.She looks at him:  she smiles.                    NICK
          How's your new book?  
          I'm getting deeper and deeper into
          my character.They look at each other a long beat.                    CATHERINE
          Thanks for the drink.He nods, say nothing as she goes to the door --                    CATHERINE
          I'm leaving the house around
          midnight.  In case you're going to
          follow me.
                 (a beat)
          I'm going down to Johnny's club.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I'll meet you there.She looks at him a long beat; and she's gone.INT. THE STAIRWAYAs she is going down the stairs, Gus Moran is coming up.
He does a real double-take as he goes by her.                    CATHERINE
          Hi, Gus.He looks at him a long beat, and he goes upstairs, into
Nick's apartment.INT. NICK'S APARTMENTNick stands at the window, watching her outside.  A long
beat, and he looks at Gus.                    GUS
                 (after a beat)
          Forgive me for askin', son, and I
          don't mean to belabor the obvious,
          but why is it that you've got your
          head so far up your own ass?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          She want to play?  Fine.  I can
          play.                    GUS
                 (after a beat)
          Everybody that she plays with dies.              ☆☆61.
                 (after a beat,
          I know what that's like.INT. JOHNNY BOZ'S CLUB - NIGHTIt is dark, cavernous:  there are a thousand people in
here.  The MUSIC is ear-splitting, pulsing.  Lights flash.
The floor is huge.  At one time, this club was a church.He walks around the sides, a drink in his hand, looking for
her.  He doesn't see her.The he catches a glimpse of Roxy.  She is dancing with
another woman.  He watches her.  She is wearing pants and a
jacket, her hair off to the side.  She looks very masculine
tonight.Roxy laughs at the other woman, leaves her on the floor,
starts moving through the sea of dancers.  He follows her
through the press of bodies.  She goes towards the men's
room.  She walks in.INT. THE MEN'S ROOMIt is large, dark, shadowy:  It was once the sacristy.A crowd scene:  men and women. Roxy presses through them.A haze of crack smoke; we see people doing poppers.She opens the door to a toilet stall, walks in.  Nick is
behind her.  As the door opens, he sees Catherine.She wears a black motorcycle jacket, a very short skirt,
stiletto heels.  Her hair is up.  He make-up is severe,  I
the darkness, in the shadows she looks about 19.  A hot 19.
A hot flash-trash 19.She is in there with two men -- one of them is a big, body-
built black guy.  She has a vial of something near her face.She sees Nick watching her.  She whispers something to the
tall black guy.  He looks at Nick, smiles a condescending
smile.  The door to the stall closesINT. THE CLUBHe is walking along the side, watching the floor, a drink
in his hand.  The song ends and it seques right into the
Stones's "Miss You."He sees her.  Her black leather jacket is off.
She wears a very tight, flimsy top, the short skirt, the
heels.  She is dancing with Roxy and the black guy.  He
watches her move... watches her body.She turns, sees him, dances, watches him... gets between
Roxy and the black guy... they sandwich her with their
bodies... keeps moving, turning... eyes on him... playing
to him with her body.  He watches.A long beat, and he goes up to them.  His movements are
almost trance-like.  They look at each other.  A long beat.
Catherine stops dancing.  he reaches for her.  She moves
away.  A beat:  their eyes are on each other.  She moves a
step towards her.  A beat, as they look at each other...
and they start to move together.Their eyes are on each other as they move, the eyes
burning... the movements tighter, hotter... and he suddenly
grabs her and kisses her... as they keep moving... the song
seques into the Stones's "Gimme Shelter."She is melting into him now, kissing him... Tex watches,
expressionless... the black guy is gone... he holds her by
the back of the neck, kissing her... their bodies pressed
into each other... his hands are on her butt now, pulling
her into him now, almost holding her up now... and then
under her skirt, under her panties... as he kisses her neck.People around them stare... he moves his hands under her
top as she keeps moving with the song, her head back, her
back almost arching... cups her breasts now... she keeps
moving... the song sweeping them into its rhythm:  "it's
just a shot away, it's just a kiss away, a kiss away..."They devour each other.  Right there on the floor.  Barely
able to hold it back.  As Tex watches expressionless.  As
people stop dancing and stare.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. HER BEDROOMIt is dark.  We can't see clearly.  A side table, lines of
cocaine on a small mirror.  A CD player:  The Stones play
"Love In Vain."There are mirrors all over the walls and ceiling.  They are
in bed.  The bed is big and brass.Atop her... he kisses her neck... his hands under her,
raising her... he moves down, kisses her breasts... puts
his mouth around  a breast... she arches, moves... he
kisses her shoulder... biting into it... she opens her
mouth... we hear no cry... we hear the Stones.                                         DISSOLVE TO:                        63.
INT. HER BEDROOM - LATERThe Stones play "Monkey Man."Atop him... she kisses his chest, licks it, lowers her
head... lower... lower... he arches his back... her mouth
comes up... her mouth on his lips again... he turns her.Atop her... he moves her legs apart... (the CAMERA is
behind them)... she holds his back... digs in her nails...
rakes his back with them... digs in again... his back
bleeds... he moves inside her... harder... the nails dig...
blood trickles down his back.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. HER BEDROOM - LATERThe Stones play "Wild Horses."He is behind her... she is on her stomach... he rises her
by her hips... kisses her back... races her spine with his
tongue... traces her lower back... he kneels... moves into
her... kisses her neck... his fingers are in her mouth...
as he moves.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. HER BEDROOM - LATERThe Stones play "Sympathy for the Devil."Atop him... she leans close over his face, her tongue in
his mouth... kneeling over him... she moves his arms above
his head... moves higher atop him... her breasts in his
face... she reaches over to the side... a white silk scarf
is in her hand... she moves higher above him... kneeling
over his face... moving oh-so-slightly... his face strains
towards her.The scarf in both hands now... she starts to tie his hands
with it... his eyes are open, watching her... she ties it
loosely, gently... it isn't tight... but his hands are tied
to the brass bed.She kisses him... moving her hips lower now... over his
chest... lower...And he is inside her... her arms above him... his eyes
open... she kisses his neck... bites but not hard...
moves... grinding hard against him now.. she is on her
knees... head arches back.. her breasts high.. still
Her back arches, strains... he strains toward her... she
holds her arms high... she comes out of the arch...
shivering... falling over him... the scarf loosens... his
arms come forward and hold her close.. closer... closer...
as she moves with slight... shivery... movements.                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. HER BEDROOM - NIGHTIt is dark, quiet.  Pindrop quiet.  He is sitting on the
side of the bed, his head down... his back a line tracing
of dried blood.  She is asleep nest to him, naked.He looks around the room.  The white scarf around the
bedpost... the coke on the side-table... clothes all over
the floor.He gets up, walks into the bathroom.INT. HER BEDROOM - NIGHTThe light is too bright.  He looks at himself in the
mirror.  He pours the water, lowers his head, puts cold
water on his face.  A long beat, he comes back up, opens
his eyes.  Roxy is in the mirror behind him.  She startles
him.He looks at her in the mirror a long beat, doesn't turn.
She is expressionless; she wears the same thing she wore at
the club.He lowers down into the basin again, puts more water on his
face, comes back up, uses a towel this time, finishes with
the towel.  She is still looking at him in the mirror the
same way.  He looks at her in the mirror, doesn't turn.                    ROXY
          If you don't leave her alone, I'll
          kill you.He looks at her a beat, then turns --                    NICK
          Tell me something, Rocki.  Man-to-
                 (he smiles)
          I think she's the fuck of the
          century, don't you?For a second, she looks like she's going to spring at him,
then controls it and turns to go.
          How long you been here, Rock?  You
          like to watch, do you?                    ROXY
                 (after a beat,
                  looks at him)
          She likes me to watch.And she turns and she is gone.INT. HER BEDROOM - NIGHTHe lies on the bed in the dark, quiet room.  He is on his
back, his eyes open.  He has his arm around her.  She is
asleep.                    CATHERINE
          Nicky.He looks at her.INT. HER BEDROOM - MORNINGHe wakes up.  She is not there.  He looks around.  The
white scarf is gone.  The coke on the side table is gone.
In its place, a scrawled note:  "The Beach -- C."EXT. HER STINSON BEACH HOUSE - DAYA cold and foggy day.  He gets out of his old Porsche,
walks down the driveway.  He sees her out on the beach by
the water.  A small bonfire is near her.  He walks towards
her.Roxy watches him, expressionless, from an upstairs window
of the house.  He doesn't see her.He walks up to Catherine.  She has an Indian blanket over
her and is wearing a black felt English derby hat, her hair
loose underneath.                    NICK
          'Morning.She doesn't look at him -- he smiles slowly.  She doesn't
smile and she doesn't seem to like his smile, either.  She
walks along the beach.  He walks with her.  A long beat.                    NICK
          I think Roxy got jealous.She looks at him.  He looks like he is trying to hide a
smile.              ☆☆66.
                 (after a beat)
          She's seen me fuck plenty of other
          guys.That wipes the hidden smile off his face.He looks at her, walks with her.  A long beat.                    NICK
          Maybe she saw something she didn't
          see before.                    CATHERINE
          She's seen everything before.She looks at him:  he's smiling now.                    NICK
          She's never seen us before.He's serious.  She looks at him.  She smiles slowly.                    CATHERINE
          Did you think it was so special?                    NICK
          I told her it was the fuck of the
          century.He can't hide his smile anymore.  She says nothing, keeps
walking.                    NICK
                 (continuing; after
                  a beat)
          What did you think?                    CATHERINE
          I thought it was a pretty good
          beginning.They look at each other.  They keep walking.  A long beat.                    NICK
          How about Roxy?  Is she a fuck to
          the century, too?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          Do you want her to join us sometime?He looks at her:  she's serious.                    NICK
          I didn't mean for me -- I meant for
She looks at him.                    CATHERINE
          I'm not as judgmental about women
          as I am about men.They keep walking.  A long beat.                    NICK
          How's your shoulder?                    CATHERINE
          Fine.  How's your back?                    NICK
          It hurts.She stops, looks at him.  A long beat.                    CATHERINE
          We're alike, you know.A beat, he looks at her --                    NICK
          Are you kidding?  You think this is
          my idea of morning-after
          conversation?                    CATHERINE
                 (keeps walking)
          Do you want personal insights and
          adolescent secrets?  I don't do
          those.The keep walking.                    NICK
          You mean getting inside you isn't
          going to get me any deeper into
          your character.She looks a him.  A beat.  She smiles slowly.                    CATHERINE
          Not unless you confuse my character
          with my body parts.They keep walking.  A long beat.                    CATHERINE
          Were you frightened, Nicky?He looks at her.                        68.
                 (after a beat)
          I thought that business with the
          scarf was pretty nifty.                    CATHERINE
          I told you I had a vivid
          imagination.They look at each other.  A long beat.                    CATHERINE
          You shouldn't play this game.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I don't have a choice.Their eyes are into each other.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          You're in over your head.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I know.A long beat.  They look at each other.                    CATHERINE
          I've got a book to write.  I'll see
          you around, Shooter.A beat, and she walks away towards the house.  He watches
her.INT. A COUNTRY AND WESTERN BAR - NIGHTNick walks in.  Waylon Jennings is on the JUKEBOX.  Gus is
sitting at the bar wearing jeans, a cowboy shirt, and a
cowboy hat.Nick goes, sits next to him.                    NICK
          What is this place?  Hillbilly
          heaven?He glances around.                    GUS
          Where in the fuck you been?  I went
          over to your place.  
He is drunk, slurring.  Nick sees it.                    NICK
          Easy there, partner -- I wasn't
          there.                    GUS
          I went over last night, too.                    NICK
          I wasn't there last night, either.Gus takes a long, drunken look at him.                    GUS
          You... fucked her!  Goddamn dumb
          sonofabitch... You fucked her!
          Goddamn, you are one dumb
          sonofabitch --                    NICK
                 (trying to quiet
          I'm not gonna get AIDS, pop --
          don't worry about it.  I always use
          a rubber.                    GUS
          I don't give a... flyin'... chili-
          bean... fart about AIDS!                    NICK
                 (grins; quietly)
          You oughta use a rubber, pop.  You
          really should.                    GUS
          What in the hell for?  You think
          I'm gettin' any at my age?  I don't
          like blue-haired women.  I don't
          like 'em.                    NICK
          You don't like punk rockers?                    GUS
          Say what?INT. A DINER - NIGHTGus is eating chili, drinking coffee.  Hick keeps pouring
him more coffee.  
          You feeling better?                    GUS
          I feel fine!Nick pours him more coffee; Gus guzzles it.                    GUS
                 (continuing; loud)
          How could you fuck her?It gets some looks from the other people in her -- Nick
shushes him, pours him more coffee.  He drinks it.                    GUS
          You wanna die, son?  What is it --
          those goddamn tourists -- you still
          feel so bad about that you're
          wigglin' your way into an icepi --
                 (suddenly louder)
          We got too many goddamn tourists
          comin' here anyway -- plenty more
          goddamn tourists where they goddamn
          came from.Some people here really give him the looks now.  Gus looks
angrily away from them, drinks more coffee.                    NICK
                 (after a beat;
          I'm not afraid of her.                    GUS
          Why the hell not?                    NICK
          I don't know.  I'm just not.                    GUS
          That's her pussy talkin' --He gets a real nasty look from a very fat woman eating a
cheeseburger.  He winks at her.  The woman looks away from
him, shaking her head.                    GUS
                  smiles; to Nick)
          It ain't your brain.  
They look at each other a long beat.  Gus drinks more
coffee.  He sits back, pulls his cowboy hat over his eyes.
A long beat.                    GUS
          I.A. done did a track on Lt. Martin
          D for Dickhead Nilsen.  They found
          a safety deposit box with fifty-
          thousand dollars in it, taken out
          three months ago, used that one
          time.He looks at the fat woman again -- leers at her obscenely.
She looks away.                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          It doesn't make sense.  She didn't
          know me three months ago.                    GUS
          Maybe it wasn't her that paid him.
          Maybe the money was for somethin'
          else.  How the fuck do I know?  I'm
          just an old city cowboy tryin' not
          to fall outta his saddle.Nick looks at him and smiles a thin smile; he's not there,
he's completely preoccupied.INT. A CAR - NIGHTSomeone is watching as he and Gus come out of the diner.EXT. THE STREET - NIGHTHe stands by Gus as Gus gets into his battered, rusted,
vintage Cadillac.                    NICK
          You all right, pop?  You want me to
          drive you?                    GUS
          In that little pissant car of
          yours?  Hell, no.  I ain't gettin'
          no back pain disability
          retirement -- I'm gettin' me a full
          pension and a real gold-plate Seiko
          watch.                    NICK
          Come on, I'll drive you in this
          You think I'd let you drive my
          Cadillac car?  I ain't lettin' no
          hear-up-his-ass person drive my
          Cadillac car.And he steps on the gas and ROARS out of there, forcing
Nick to get out of the way.  Nick looks after him a long
beat, shakes his head.INT. A CAR - NIGHTSomeone is following him slowly as he walks down the
street.  He turns a corner, walks down the alley towards
his Porsche, parked behind the country and western bar.The car suddenly speeds up -- ROARS down on him from the
back, full bore.EXT. THE ALLEYHe hurls himself across the Porsche's hood... barely
avoiding the car.  He sees the car at the end of the alley,
turning out:  It is a black Ferrari.INT. HIS PORSCHEHe GUNS it down the alley, makes a wild turn in the
direction the Ferrari turned.EXT. THE STREETThe Porsche dodges around cars very fast, almost side-
swiping them, looking almost out of control, its MOTOR
screaming.INT. THE PORSCHEHe sees the Ferrari turn ahead.  When he gets to where it
turned, he turns wildly.EXT. THE STREETThe Ferrari is making fast, wild turns into little streets
in North Beach, its MOTOR screaming -- the Porsche is
gaining ground behind it, making turns.INT. THE PORSCHEThe Ferrari is up ahead and makes a wild right turn onto a
road going up a hillside.  He yanks the wheel hard.EXT. THE STEPSThe Porsche rockets up the steps -- bouncing high into the
air, almost out of control.
INT. THE PORSCHEAs it crests the steps and gets to the street.  Nick GUNS
it and it looks like it flies high down the hill-side into
blackness.EXT. THE STREETBut it lands on more steps -- heading downward -- bucking,
almost spinning, it bounces onto the next street.INT. THE PORSCHEAnother set of steps leading up:  he GUNS it, it rockets
up, ROARS, bucking --EXT. THE STREETAnd lands on the next street.  Nick makes a wild right turn
onto the street.  And the black Ferrari appears from around
a curve to the right, heading right for him.INT. THE PORSCHENick steps on the GAS and heads head-on for the Ferrari.
The Ferrari SCREAMS head-on for him.EXT. THE STREETAnd at the last moment, in the game of chicken, the Ferrari
tries to swerve around him on this narrow road, goes out of
control and over the side, turning over and over as it
rolls down the hillside.EXT. THE HILLSIDEThe Ferrari has landed right-side up.He runs down the hillside and gets to it.  A beat, and he
opens the car door.Roxy lies hunched over the wheel, her eyes open.  Her neck
is broken.  She is dead.EXT. THE HILLSIDE - NIGHTPolice lights have been set up.  He stands there with Lt.
Walker and several of the Internal Affairs men.                    LT. WALKER
          Tell me again.  I want to hear you
          say it again.
                 (after a beat;
          It was an accident.                    LT. WALKER
          You're driving around North Beach
          for no particular reason and this
          car won't get out of the way --                    NICK
          I don't think she meant to go off
          the hill, do you?                    LT. WALKER
          Don't fuck with me, Nick.  I don't
          need a reason to put your ass in a
          sling.He and Nick look at each other a long beat.  Andrews comes
up to them with a piece of paper in his hand.                    ANDREWS
          Full name, Roxanne Hardy.  Last
          address -- Cloverdale, California.
          No priors, no convictions.  The car
          is registered to Catherine Tramell.Lt. Walker looks at Nick like he's going to kill him.  Nick
looks calmly away.                    LT. WALKER
          You knew her, didn't you?                    NICK
          Gus and I talked to her at
          Tramell's house.  All we did was
          write her name down.                    LT. WALKER
                 (after a beat)
          I told you to stay away from
          Tramell.                    NICK
                 (after a beat;
          Yeah.  But you didn't tell me to
          stay away from her car.Walker looks at him in absolute disbelief.                    AN I.A. MAN
          I want you in Dr. Gardner's office
          at nine o'clock.  You're out of
          control, Curran. 
                 (to the I.A. Man)
          Who are you guys gonna sell my file
          to this time?They stare at him.  He watches as Roxy's body is taken away.INT. A POLICE CONFERENCE ROOM -DAYHe walks in.  He looks good, in control.  Beth Gardner is
sitting there with two middle-aged MEN, both of them
wearing suits, who smile and scrutinize him the instant he
walks in the door.                    BETH
          Hello, Nick.  This is Dr. Myron and
          R. McElwaine.  They've been asked
          to consult with me on this
          evaluation.They shake hands with him.                    DR. MYRON
          Sit down, Nick.Nick gives him a look:  What did he think he was going to
do -- stand there?He sits down, looks at them.  A beat, as they look at him,
then --                    DR. McELWAINE
          Nick -- when you recollect your
          childhood, are your recollections
          pleasing to you?Nick looks at them a long beat in disbelief.                    NICK
                 (calmly, directly)
          Number one:  I don't remember how
          often I used to jack off, but it
          was a lot.
          Number two:  I didn't get pissed
          off at my dad -- even after I was
          old enough to know what he and mom
          were doing in the bedroom.
          Number three:  I don't look in the
          toilet before I flush it.
          Number four:  I don't wet the bed
          and haven't for some time.
          Number five:  You can go fuck
          yourselves because I'm out of here.
INT. THE CORRIDORHe is walking away quickly.  Beth is with him, trying to
keep up.  She is very angry.                    BETH
          What is your problem?  I'm trying
          to help you.  Why won't you let me
          help you?                    NICK
          I don't need any help.                    BETH
          Yes you do.  Something's on with
                 (a beat)
          You're sleeping with her, aren't
          you?A beat, he stops looks at her, then keeps walking.                    NICK
          What is this interest you've got in
          her?                    BETH
          My interest is in you, not in her.
          She seduces people, she
          manipulates --                    NICK
          I thought you hardly know her.                    BETH
          I know the type.  I'm a
          psychologist.He stops, looks at her.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          That means you manipulate people
          too, doesn't it, Beth?  You're a
          practicing psychologist -- that
          means you're better at it than she
          is.She looks at him a long beat.                    BETH
          I feel sorry for you, NickA beat, and she turns and walks away.
EXT. ROAD TO STINSON HOUSE - DAYNick is driving down winding road to Stinson house.  He is
driving very fast, passing other cars on the winding and
twisting road.INT. THE STINSON BEACH HOUSE - DAYNick enters and shuts door.  Looking around, he does not
see her.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Catherine!Finally he sees her sitting by the window.  He walks over
to her.                    CATHERINE
                 (near tears)
          I should have known.  I came into
          the house when you were down on the
          beach.  She looked at me so
          strangely.  She left right after
                 (a beat)
          I shouldn't have let her watch us.
          She wanted to watch me all the
          time.  She tried to kill you,
          didn't she?                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          Did you like her to watch?                    CATHERINE
                 (a long beat)
          Do you think I told her to kill You?                    NICK
                 (softly, with
          No.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat, near
          Everybody that I care about dies.She is about to break into uncontrolable sobbing.  Nick
puts his arms around her.
          It's OK.  It's OK.                    CATHERINE
                 (quietly, almost
          Make love to me.INT. BEDROOM - NIGHTThey are seen rolling and turning around on each other.
Their love making is sensual, sincere.Later in bed.                    NICK
                 (calmly, but
          Do you think she killed Johnny Boz?                    CATHERINE
          For what... to set me up?  She
          loved me she wouldn't frame me.                    NICK
                 (a beat)
          Maybe she got jealous of Johnny
          Boz, too.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          No, she didn't... she never got
          jealous before... she got excited.
                 (a beat)
          I don't have luck with women.
          There was this girl I met while I
          was in college.  I slept with her
          once.  She started following me
          around, taking my picture.  She
          dyed her hair, copied my clothes.
          Lisa something... Oberman.  It was
A long beat, he looks at her.                    NICK
          I thought you didn't do adolescent
          secrets.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          I never have before.EXT. THE DECK - MORNINGIt is a bright, sunshiny day.  He is out there looking at
the water.  She comes up behind him, hugs him.                    CATHERINE
                 (full of life)
          Isn't it just beautiful?  I love it
          here like this.He looks at her.                    NICK
          We're still playing games, aren't
          we?She looks hurt.                    CATHERINE
          No.                    NICK
          No?                    CATHERINE
          No more games, Nick.  I'm tired of
          playing games!They have their eyes on each other.                    NICK
          Then tell me about Nilsen.She turns away from him.  He watches her.                    CATHERINE
          You won't believe me.                    NICK
          Try me.A beat, she looks at him.
          I paid him $50,000 in cash for your
          psychiatric file.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          When?                    CATHERINE
          About three months before I met you.                    NICK
          Why?She turns away from him.                    CATHERINE
          I'd read about your shootings in
          the papers.  I decided to write a
          book about a detective.  I wanted
          to know my character.                    NICK
          You paid $50,000 for your character?                    CATHERINE
          I would've paid more.  I wanted to
          know everything about you.  Then
          you came down here after Johnny got
          killed... it gave me a chance to
          get to know my character better.                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          What about the other night. What
          about last night?  Was that to get
          to know your character?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          Maybe I'm losing interest in my
          book.Their eyes are on each other.                    CATHERINE
          Do you believe me?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I don't know.                    CATHERINE
          I'll convince you.
And she kisses him slowly, with more and more heat, on the
lips.The cordless phone on the deck table goes off.  It keeps
RINGING.  She breaks finally from the kiss, picks it up.                    CATHERINE
          Hello?She listens a beat, then hands him the phone.                    CATHERINE
          It's Gus-who-doesn't-like-me.He takes the phone.                    NICK
          Catherine says you don't like her.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - DAY                    GUS
                 (on the phone)
          She's right.  You got an icepick in
          you yet?EXT. HER DECK - STINSONCatherine sees him smile.                    CATHERINE
          What did he say?                    NICK
          He asked if I had an icepick in me
          yet.                    CATHERINE
          Funny.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - DAY                    GUS
                 (on the phone)
          You know that stuff they say about
          how you can judge people by their
          friends?EXT. HER DECK                    NICK
          I don't believe it.
INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - DAY                    GUS
          Why not?                    NICK
          You're my friend, Gus.She watches him.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - DAY                    GUS
          I'm gonna make you believe in it,
          friend.INT. CLOVERDALE POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAYIn CLOSEUP:  We see a large, glossy photograph of Roxy.
She looks about thirteen.  She has braces in her teeth.Nick is looking at the photo -- it is in a file in his
hands.  He sits there with Gus in front of a woman juvenile
officer.He turns the file and we see a glossy of a little boy in a
pool of blood.Nick looks up at the woman.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          How old was she when this happened?                    THE WOMAN
          Fourteen.  We seal juvenile records
          until they're deceased.  That's why
          you didn't find it in your computer.                    GUS
          What was the motive?                    THE WOMAN
          She said she didn't know herself,
          just sort of did it on impulse.
                 (she shrugs)
          The razor just happened to be there.They stare at her.                    THE WOMAN
          That's what she said.
INT. CLOVERDALE POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAYIt is a small, old, rural building: a lot of Four-H type
stuff on the walls.                    NICK
          I don't understand what the hell's
          going on here, pop.                    GUS
          Ain't that hard, son.  This young
          farmgirl, she got tired of all that
          attention goin' to her little
          brothers -- she fixed 'em.  Just
          like 'ole Hazel Dobkins fixed her
          whole family -- except young Roxy
          here, she didn't use a wedding
          present.  She used Daddy's razor.EXT. THE CLOVERDALE POLICE DEPARTMENTThey are going to their cars, parked side by side.  The
Porsche looks pretty badly banged up.                    GUS
          It sure makes you wonder what they
          talked about when they set
          themselves down in front of the
          campfire at night.   You ever met
          any of her friends who hasn't
          killed somebody.Nick looks at him.                    GUS
          It musta beat your ordinary
          everyday girl talk.Nick get into his car, sits there a beat.                    NICK
          I'm not sure anymore she did it.                    GUS
                 (after a beat)
          Which one you talkin' about now,
          son?  We know ole Hazel did it; we
          know young Roxy did it -- and the
          other one:  Well, hell, she's got
          that magna come lawdy pussy on her
          that done fried up your brain.Nick looks at him.
INT. THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE - U.C. BERKELEYA young woman is checking a computer.  Nick is with her.                    THE WOMAN
          Anderson.  Jack W. Donald M.  I'm
          sorry.  No Lisa.                    NICK
          Did you check all four years?                    THE WOMAN
          Yes I did.                    NICK
                 (in disbelief)
          Can you check again?She gives him a look, but punches it in again.                    THE WOMAN
          No Lisa Anderson, detective.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Can there be some mistake?                    THE WOMAN
                 (straining patience)
          Only if you're making it.He looks at her.EXT. CATHERINE'S HOUSE ON DIVISADERO - DAYHe gets out of the Porsche, starts to go in.  He looks
disturbedCatherine comes out of the house with Hazel Dobkins, the
old woman we saw with her in Mill Valley.  Nick watches
them a beat, then goes up to them.                    CATHERINE
          Hazel , this is Nick.  I told you
          all about him.  This is Hazel
          Dobkins.                    HAZEL
          You're the Shooter, aren't you?
          How are you?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Fine.  Thank you.
He looks at her sort of warily.                    NICK
                 (continuing; to
          Can I talk to you a minute?                    CATHERINE
                 (to Hazel)
          Honey, why don't you go in the car?
          I'll be right there.The old woman starts going to the Ferrari.                    HAZEL
          Goodbye, Shooter.Nick looks at Hazel a beat, then at Catherine.                    NICK
          You like to hang out with murderers
          or what?  Did you know Roxy --                    CATHERINE
          Of course I knew.He looks at her a long beat.                    CATHERINE
          Look.  Sometimes when I do my
          research, I get involved with
          people.  It happened with you, too.She smiles.  He looks at her, doesn't know what to say.                    CATHERINE
          Killing isn't like smoking.  You
          can quit.He looks at her:  What did she say?                    CATHERINE
          I've go to go.  I promised to get
          her home by six o'clock.  She just
          loves "America's Most Wanted."America's Most Wanted?  She turns to go.                    NICK
          There was no Lisa Anderson at
          Berkeley when you were there.  
She stops, looks at him a beat.                    CATHERINE
          What were you doing, checking up on
          me?  What for?He says nothing.  A long beat, she looks hurt.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; after
                  a beat)
          Henderson.And she's gone.INT. A PHONE BOOTH - DAYHe is on the phone.                    NICK
          Henderson.  Lisa Henderson.  With
          an H.He waits.                    NICK
          You do?INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - NIGHTHe sits in front of a computer screen with Andrews.                    ANDREWS
          I can get my butt kicked for this.
          You're not supposed to be in here.                    NICK
          It's not gonna take long, Sam.We see the computer screen.  The screen says:     LISA HENDERSON  DMV LICENSE CHECKWe wait and then we see the words:   1983 RENEWAL -- ELIZABETH GARDNER, 147
                        QUEENSTON DRIVE, SALINAS, CAL.Nick stares at the screen.                    NICK
          Bring it up, will you, Sam?A beat, and then we see the license itself:  It is Beth
Gardner on the photo.  Nick stares.  
          Hey, that's Dr. Gardner, isn't it?                    NICK
          Bring 1976 up.A beat, and the license comes up.  We see a young Beth
Gardner on the photo.  She has blonde hair.Nick stares.INT. BETH GARDNER'S APARTMENT - NIGHTShe walks in.  The apartment is dark.                    NICK (O.S.)
          You shouldn't leave your door open.She is startled.                    BETH
                 (after a beat)
          I didn't.  Something's wrong with
          my lock.A beat, she looks at him.                    BETH
                 (continuing; cold)
          What do you want, Nick?                    NICK
          Tell me about Catherine.She looks at him a long beat, then turns away --                    BETH
          She told you, didn't she?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          What did she tell me, Beth?                    BETH
                 (after a long beat)
          I slept with her once in school.
                 (a beat)
          I was just a kid.  I was
          experimenting.  It was just that
          one time.
                 (a beat)
          She developed a... fixation... on
          me.  She styled her hair like mine.
          She wore the same kind of clothes I
          did.  It scared me.                        88.
She looks at him, sees his look.                    BETH
          Isn't that what she told you?He looks at her a long beat.                    NICK
          She told me it was you.  You wore
          the same kind of clothes.  You dyed
          your hair blonde.A long beat as they look at each other.                    BETH
          I did dye my hair.  It didn't have
          anything to do with her.  I was a
          redhead for a while, too.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Did you know Noah Goldstein?                    BETH
          I had him in two classes.                    NICK
          You saw all the reports, Beth!
          Phil had you copied.  You never
          said anything!                    BETH
                 (after a beat)
          What do I say -- Hey, listen, guys,
          I'm not gay, but I did fuck your
                 (she turns away)
          I was embarrassed.  It's the only
          time I've been with a woman.She turns to him.                    BETH
          She's really sick you know.  Don't
          you know what she's doing?  She
          knows I went to Berkeley.  She
          knows I knew Noah.  She makes up
          that story about me.  She's handing
          you somebody who's obsessed with he
          her.                    NICK
          She didn't hand you to me.  She
          doesn't even know who you are.  She
          told me about Lisa Henderson.  
          She knew you'd find out who Lisa
          Henderson is.  You're a good cop --
          what did she do?  Tell you casually
          and make it seem irrelevant?
                 (she smiles)
          Did she tell you in bed, Nick?
          That's how I'd do it.Nick looks at her a long beat.                    NICK
          Why did you change your name?                    BETH
          I got married.
                 (a beat)
          He was on staff at the clinic.  I
          was down in Salinas.  It didn't...
          last long.He gets up.  He looks at her a long beat.                    BETH
          Nick -- Do you really think I...
          that I could kill someone... I
          never even met Johnny Boz.  What
          about Nilsen?  What possible motive
          would I have to kill him?He turns to go.                    NICK
          You should do something about this
          lock.                    BETH
          She's evil.  She's brilliant.  Be
          careful, Nick.He looks at her.EXT. HIS APARTMENT - NIGHTHe gets out of his Porsche.  He walks toward the door.INT. HIS APARTMENT HOUSE - THE STAIRWAYHe starts going up the dark stairway.  There is a hand on
his neck.  He spins.                    CATHERINE
          Do I scare you, Nick?
He looks at her, doesn't say anything.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; smiles)
          I just thought I'd surprise you.
                 (a beat)
          What's the matter?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I found Lisa Henderson.                    CATHERINE
          Did you?  What's she doing?He looks at her, doesn't say anything.                    CATHERINE
          You're not going to tell me what
          she's doing.
                 (a beat)
          I thought we weren't playing games
          anymore.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I did, too.
                 (a beat)
          She told me it was backwards -- she
          said you even styled your hair the
          way she did.Catherine looks at him a beat, then smiles.                    CATHERINE
          And you believed her?  I even went
          down to the campus  police and made
          out a report about her.He just looks at her.                    CATHERINE
          You still think I kill people,
          don't you?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          No.                    CATHERINE
          Liar.And she's gone.
INT. CAMPUS POLICE RECORDS ROOM - BERKELEY - DAYHe stands with an old CAMPUS COP.  He is going through
files.                    CAMPUS COP
          Who'd you say you were with?                    NICK
          Homicide.  San Francisco.He stops at a file, opens it.                    CAMPUS COP
          Don't you guys communicate over
          there?  You must be the same way we
          are.Nick doesn't get it.                    CAMPUS COP
          There was a report about Lisa
          Henderson -- January, 1977 -- the
          file's not here.                    NICK
          What do you mean it's not here?                    CAMPUS COP
          San Francisco P.D. Detective
          Nilsen.  Internal Affairs.  You
          know him?  Tell him we want it
          back.  He's had it a whole year.Nick says nothing.INT. HIS APARTMENT - DAYHe and Gus sit there -- they look tired, upset.                    GUS
          So Nilsen had a report on her -- so
          what.  You don't know what the hell
          was in it?                    NICK
          Catherine told me what was in it.                    GUS
          If she's telling  you the truth.                    NICK
          Don't you get it, Gus?  If Beth
          killed Johnny Boz to frame
          Catherine -- she wouldn't want
          anyone to know what happened at
          Berkeley.  It gives her the motive
          to kill Nilsen.
          How did she know Nilsen knew about
          it -- if it happened?                    NICK
          He was I.A.  He probably asked her
          about it.Gus thinks about it.                    GUS
          She'd have to be nuttier than a
          twenty-pound Christmas fruitcake.
          She's not the one who hangs out
          with multiple murderers -- your
          girlfriend is.                    NICK
          She's a writer -- it's part of what
          she does.                    GUS
          Goddamn writers -- all they do is
          use up trees and ruin people's eyes.
                 (a beat)
          There's gotta be somebody at
          Berkeley who knows what the hell
          happened.                    NICK
          I know what happened.  Catherine
          told me what happened.                    GUS
                 (after a beat,
          You got goddamn tweety-birds
          flutterin' around your head, that's
          what you got.  You think you're
          gonna fuck like minks, raise
          rugrats, and live happily ever
          after?  Oh, man.INT. THE STAIRWAY - HIS APARTMENT HOUSE - NIGHTHe has his key out to open his door.  He hears MUSIC
inside.  A beat, and he opens the door.INT. HIS APARTMENTIt is dark.  We hear a Rolling Stones SONG.  He sees
Catherine standing by a window, watching him.  She wears
black jeans and the black motorcycle jacket.
They look at each other a long beat.                    NICK
          How'd you get in here?                    CATHERINE
          I decided to give you one more
                 (a beat)
          I missed you.                    NICK
          You didn't not see me long enough
          to miss me.                    CATHERINE
          Did you miss me?                    NICK
          No.                    CATHERINE
          Come over here and tell me no.He walks up close to her.                    NICK
          No.She unzips her motorcycle jacket slowly.  She wears nothing
underneath it.                    NICK
          That's below the belt.She reaches for him.                    CATHERINE
          Not yet it isn't.She pulls him close.                    CATHERINE
          But we're getting there.INT. HIS LIVING ROOM - NIGHTThey sit in the window seat, naked.  His back is against
the wall.  She sits against him.  He has his legs around
her.  They don't look at each other.  She is smoking.                    NICK
          I have to do some research tomorrow.
I'm very good at research.  I'll help you.                    NICK
          No thanks.                    CATHERINE
          What are you researching?                    NICK
          I'm writing a book.                    CATHERINE
          Really.  What are you writing about.                    NICK
          A detective.  He falls for the
          wrong girl.                    CATHERINE
          What happens to them?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          They fuck like minks, raise
          rugrats, and live happily ever
          after.                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          It won't sell.                    NICK
          Why not?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          Somebody has to die.                    NICK
          Why?                    CATHERINE
          Somebody always does.EXT. THE SALINAS CLINIC - DAYHe walks in; it is a small valley hospital.  He goes up to
the desk.  There are two women there.                    NICK
          Hi, I'm looking for a Dr. Gardner?
                    ONE WOMAN
                 (after a beat)
          We don't have a Dr. Gardner on
          staff here.                    THE OTHER WOMAN
          Dr. Joseph Gardner?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Yeah.                    THE WOMAN
          He died -- about five or six years
          ago.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          He was shot.INT. SALINAS SHERIFF'S OFFICE - DAYNick sits with a sheriff's DETECTIVE.                    DETECTIVE
          He was walking home from work.
          They only lived a coupla blocks
          from the clinic.  Somebody drove by
          and shot him.                    NICK
          What was the weapon?                    DETECTIVE
          .38 revolver.  Never recovered.                    NICK
          Were there ever any suspects?                    DETECTIVE
          No suspects, no motive.  Unsolved.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          Was his wife ever a suspect?                    DETECTIVE
                 (after a beat)
          I had another one of you guys down
          here from Frisco -- about a year
          ago -- he asked me the same
          question.  What's this about anyway?
          Routine.                    DETECTIVE
          Yeah, he said it was routine too.
          Now it's two guys saying it's
          routine.                    NICK
          Do you remember his name?                    DETECTIVE
                 (after a long beat)
          Nope, can't say that I do.                    NICK
          Nilsen?                    DETECTIVE
          That's him.A long beat, then --                    NICK
          Was she ever a suspect?                    DETECTIVE
                 (a beat)
          There was some talk; it never
          panned.                    NICK
          What kind of talk?                    DETECTIVE
          The usual -- a girlfriend.                    NICK
          He had a girlfriend?                    DETECTIVE
          Nope. She did.
                 (a beat)
          Like I say.  It never panned.                    NICK
                 (after a beat, gets
          Thanks.                    DETECTIVE
          I hope I helped you out.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          You did.  
EXT. HER HOUSE IN STINSON - AFTERNOONHe walks around the house; he sees her sitting out on the
deck, a portable word-processor in front of her.  She is
smoking.He goes up to her.                    NICK
          Hi.  I missed you.  I finished my
          research.He moves toward her.  She moves away, kills her cigarette.                    CATHERINE
          I finished my book.                    NICK
          How did it end?                    CATHERINE
                 (after a beat)
          I told you.  She kills him.They look at each other a long beat.                    CATHERINE
          Goodbye, Nick.He stares at her.  A long beat.                    CATHERINE
          I finished my book.
                 (a beat)
          Didn't you hear me?*
                 (a beat)
          Your character's dead.
                 (a beat)
          Goodbye.He stares at her.  He can't believe what she is saying.                    CATHERINE
          What do you want, Nick?  Flowers?
          I'll send you some flowers.                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          What is this -- some kind of...
                 (a beat; he almost
          Are we playing games again?              ☆☆98.
                 (after a beat)
          The games are over.  You were
          right.  It was the fuck of the
          century, Shooter.He stares at her.                    A VOICE INSIDE
          Catherine?Nick looks -- Hazel Dobkins is there.Catherine still has her eyes on him.                    CATHERINE
          Right there.A beat, and then she turns to go inside.  Hazel Dobkins
smiles slowly at him.EXT. THE POLICE PARKING LOT - DUSKHe sits in his Porsche, staring ahead.  He is parked next
to Gus' Cadillac.  Gus is suddenly there, onway to his car.                    GUS
          Catherine Tramell's roommate her
          freshman year.  I got a call from
          her.  I've been calling people who
          were in her dorm all day.  She
          must've heard I was trying to talk
          to her.  She says she knows all
          about Catherine and Lisa Henderson.
          She's over in Oakland.  You wanna
          come with me?Nick just stares ahead.                    GUS
          You look like you seen a ghost, son?Nick looks at him.INT. GUS' CADILLAC - NIGHTGus drives.                    GUS
          Johnny Boz's psychiatrist has an
          office on Van Ness.  Guess who he
          shares office space with?  Dr.
          Elizabeth Gardner.                        99.
Nick doesn't even respond.  Gus looks at him.                    GUS
          What in hell's the matter with you?Nick doesn't say anything, stares ahead.EXT. AN OFFICE BUILDING - OAKLAND - NIGHTGus gets out with Nick.  It is an old building.                    GUS
          Where the hell you goin'?                    NICK
                 (after a beat)
          I'm going with you.                    GUS
          She said alone -- suite 405.  It
          ain't gonna take long.A beat, and Nick gets back in the car.INT. THE OFFICE BUILDING - NIGHTGus is on the first floor.  There is no one around.  He
hits the elevator button.  A beat, and it comes.  He steps
in.INT. THE ELEVATOR - NIGHTHe hits the button for the fourth floor.The elevator rises a floor, stops.  The door opens.  There
is no one there.  Then it starts going up again.  It rises
to the third floor.  It stops.  The door opens.  There is
no one there.  Then it starts to rise again.EXT. GUS' CADILLAC - NIGHTNick sits there, staring ahead.                    NICK
          Gus!INT. THE ELEVATORAs it goes up.  It stops.  The door starts to open.  As it
does -- a figure in a hooded raincoat sweeps into theelevator.  It happens very fast.  We see blonde hair around
the face.
But we don't see the face itself -- the head is down, the
hood up.  There is an icepick in the figure's hand.  The
figure explodes into Gus.  The icepick goes into his neck.INT. THE STAIRWAYNick tears desperately up the stairway -- he hits the
fourth floor door.  It explodes open.INT. THE FOURTH FLOORHe stands there a beat, sees the elevator door open.  He
runs there,  He sees Gus, crumpled into the corner of the
elevator.INT. THE ELEVATORHe goes into the elevator -- holds Gus.  He is dead.  A
long beat.  He sees the gun in Gus' hand -- he takes the
gun out of his hand.  He runs out of the elevator.INT. THE FOURTH FLOORHe hears something.  Gun in hand, he runs towards the
SOUND.  He stops, gun in hand, listens again.  He runs
again, hears nothing.Behind him, we see a figure.He spins suddenly, gun, in hand.  Beth Gardner is there.
She wears a windbreaker.  She has her hands in the pockets.                    BETH
          What are you doing here?                    NICK
          Put your hands up!She stares at him.                    NICK
          Put your fucking hands up!  Don't
          move.                    BETH
          I got a message on my machine to
          meet Gus here.  Where is he?She smiles a strange smile.  She takes a step toward him.                        101.
                 (a beat)
          I know about your husband.  You
          still like girls, Beth?                    BETH
          What?She smiles strangely again, takes a step toward him.                    NICK
          Take your hands out of your pockets!She moves a hand in a pocket and moves towards him fast --                    BETH
          What is wrong with you?And he FIRES the gun.  She is hit in the chest, goes down.
A long beat, and then he goes to her.  He gets down on the
ground.  Her eyes are open.  He empties the pockets of the
windbreaker -- first one, then the other:  the pockets are
empty.                    BETH
                 (continuing; in a
          I loved you.And she dies.INT. THE FOURTH FLOOR - LATERA lot of policemen, coroner's guys, photos being taken.
Nick stands there with Lt. Walker, Harrigan, and some of
the Internal Affairs guys.                    LT. WALKER
          What made you think she had a gun?Nick says nothing; he looks like a zombie.                    LT. WALKER
          What the hell was she doing here?
          What was Gus doing here?Andrews yells to them from the stairway door.                    ANDREWS
INT. THE STAIRWAYA FORENSICS MAN very carefully handles a hooded rain coat
in a stair landing.  He wears gloves.Nick is there with Lt. Walker.The Forensics Man picks the raincoat up -- a long blonde
wig falls out of it.  There are flecks of blood on it.He reaches into the pocket and pulls out an  icepick.  It
has a thin steel handle and is bloody.  He hands the
icepick to an assistant.He looks at the raincoat.  It has blood on it.                    THE FORENSICS MAN
          It's departmental issue.                    LT. WALKER
          Jesus.INT. BETH GARDNER'S APARTMENT - NIGHTNick with Lt. Walker.  Nick looks like a zombie.Andrews comes up to them.  He has a gun in his hands.                    ANDREWS
          Thirty-eight caliber revolver.
          Bottom drawer, bureau in the
          bedroom.                    LT. WALKER
          Have  ballistics check it for
          Nilsen.Harrigan comes out.                    HARRIGAN
          Lieutenant, you'd better come in
          here.Lt. Walker goes into the kitchen.  Nick follows him.There are several cops around a kitchen cabinet.  A drawer
is open.Walker looks -- we look with him.  We see a copy of Love
hurts, Catherine's paperback book, and a stack of photos of
Catherine.Walker picks the photos up, goes through them -- we see
shots of Catherine in college -- Catherine at a fight --
Catherine with Johnny Boz -- Catherine with Roxy.                        103.
He hands the photos to Nick.Nick stares at them.                    LT. WALKER
          I guess that's it.INT. THE DETECTIVE BUREAU - NIGHTNick sits, his feet up.  He looks like a zombie.  With him
are Lt. Walker, Andrews, and Captain Talcott.  We see other
plainclothesmen in the b.g. -- a flurry of activity, people
on phones.  A long beat.                    LT. WALKER
          She must've heard you on the
          stairway and dumped the stuff.Nick says nothing, stares off.A DETECTIVE comes over to them.                    DETECTIVE
          There was no suite 405 in that
          building.  Catherine Tramell's
          roommate in her freshman year is
          dead.  She died of leukemia two
          years ago.An INTERNAL AFFAIRS MAN comes over to them.                    INTERNAL AFFAIRS MAN
          Our files on Dr. Gardner show
          nothing about a police report in
          Berkeley -- nothing related to
          Salinas, either.A long beat -- the phone RINGS.  Andrews picks it up,
listens.                    ANDREWS
          Thanks.He hangs up.                    ANDREWS
          Ballistics says the .38 we found in
          her apartment matches Nilsen.  No
          registration.  They're checking
          with Salinas.  The icepick is the
          same brand and model as the Boz
          weapon.A long beat -- Nick just stares.
Harrigan comes up to them.                    HARRIGAN
          We checked the tape machines at Dr.
          Gardner's apartment and at her
          office -- both here and the one on
          Van Ness.  No message from Gus on
          any of 'em.  The one at her
          apartment was broken.
                 (a beat)
          Johnny Boz's psychiatrist says he
          thinks he remembers Dr. Gardner and
          Boz meeting at a Christmas party at
          his house a year ago.A long beat.                    LT. WALKER
                 (after a long beat,
          You just can't tell about people,
          can you.  Even the ones you think
          you know inside-out.He and Nick look at each other a beat.                    CAPTAIN TALCOTT
          Congratulations, Curran.Nick looks at him, expressionless.EXT. HIS APARTMENT - NIGHTHe parks his car.  It is dark.  Foggy.He starts heading inside.INT. HIS APARTMENT - NIGHTHe goes in.  He starts to walk up the dark stairway, we see
him walking up several flights of steps.INT. THE CORRIDOR TO HIS APARTMENTHe opens his door with his key.INT. HIS APARTMENTHe walks in.  The apartment is dark.                    A VOICE
                 (behind him)
It is a whisper, almost a hiss.  He spins, fast.  Catherine
stands there, pressing herself against a wall.  They look
at each other a long beat.  She looks like she is almost in
a trance.                    CATHERINE
          I heard about it... on TV.He looks at her, expressionless.  A long beat, their eyes
are into each other.  She looks like she is almost
shivering.                    CATHERINE
          I can't allow myself to care about
          you -- I can't allow myself to
          care -- I can't -- I can't --She looks very emotional.  He moves towards her, puts his
arms around her, holds her very close.                    CATHERINE
                 (continuing; in a
          I don't want to do this -- please --
          I don't want to do this -- I lose
          everybody -- I don't want to lose
          you -- I don't want to --He presses her closer and closer to himself, holds her.INT. HIS BEDROOM - NIGHTIt is dark; we can't see clearly.Atop her... he makes love to her... gently... tenderly...
hardly moving inside her... there are tears in her eyes...                                         DISSOLVE TO:INT. HIS BEDROOM - LATERAtop him... she is on her knees, straddling him... he is on
his back, his eyes are closed... her head arches back...
her breasts high... he strains toward her with his body...
she holds her arms high... her right hand is in a fist...
(we only see the back of her hand and arm)... it comes down
suddenly... he bucks... writhes... then her whole body
falls on top of him.A very long beat...We can't see him... her body completely covers him...And then finally he moves... turns her to the side...
kisses her.                                         DISSOLVE TO:              ☆☆106.
INT. HIS BEDROOM - LATERThe Stones play "Sympathy For The Devil"  in the b.g.; the
MUSIC is low.They lie next to each other on the bed.  The CAMERA faces
them.  He lies, staring at the ceiling, on the left side of
the bed, smoking a cigarette.  She is curled away from him
toward the right side of the bed.  A long beat, then --                    CATHERINE
          What do we do now, Nick?                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          We fuck like minks.  We raise
          rugrats.  We live happily ever
          after.We see her right arm go to the side of the bed and then
over.  He stares at the ceiling.                    CATHERINE
          I hate rugrats.                    NICK
                 (after a long beat)
          We fuck like minks.  We forget the
          rugrats.  We live happily ever
          after.We see from an ANGLE to the left side of the bed now:Her face is expressionless.  Her right arm dangles over the
right side of the bed.  Her right hand is clenched.  Is she
holding something in it against her arm?We see them from an ANGLE to the left side of the bed now:He turns his body away from her to put out his cigarette.We see her behind him slowly turning towards him and the
CAMERA.  A beat, and he turns towards her.They look at each other.  A long beat as the SONG gets
louder.  We see them in CLOSEUP.  We don't see her right
arm.                    CATHERINE
                 (in a whisper)
          I love you.
A beat, and he kisses her.  The CAMERA BACKS AWAY from them
slowly to the right side of the bedroom as they kiss, and
we --                                         FADE TO BLACK:... A long beat, as the SONG keeps playing... and we...FADE IN:We see them from the right side of the bedroom.  And then
the CAMERA LOWERS SLOWLY as they kiss with more and more
passion.It keeps going LOWER.There is something under the bed.  The CAMERA MOVES CLOSER
towards it as "SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL" plays louder.  We
see it now in CLOSEUP as the bed rustles above...It is a thin, steel-handled icepick.The SONG plays LOUDER and LOUDER, and we --                                         FADE OUT:                           THE END 