Enum用法总结 - baijinshi1982的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/14 17:47:34


编程经验 2007-11-30 15:47:27 阅读3477 评论0   字号: 订阅



enum Fabric


Cotton = 1,

Silk = 2,

Wool = 4,

Rayon = 8,

Other = 128




            Fabric fab = Fabric.Cotton;

            int fabNum = (int)fab;//转换为常数值。必须使用强制转换。

            Fabric fabString = (Fabric)1;//常数值转换成符号名。如果使用ToString(),则是((Fabric)1).ToString(),注意必须有括号。

            string fabType = fab.ToString();//显示符号名

            string fabVal = fab.ToString ("D");//显示常数值


        public enum MyFamily


            YANGZHIPING = 1,

            GUANGUIQIN = 2,

            YANGHAORAN = 4,

            LIWEI = 8,

            GUANGUIZHI = 16,

            LISIWEN = 32,

            LISIHUA = 64,


            foreach (string s in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyFamily)))









          Fabric fab = Fabric.Cotton | Fabric.Rayon | Fabric.Silk;

           Console.WriteLine("MyFabric = {0}", fab);//输出:Fabric.Cotton | Fabric.Rayon | Fabric.Silk;



class FlagsAttributeDemo


    // Define an Enum without FlagsAttribute.

    enum SingleHue : short


        Black = 0,

        Red = 1,

        Green = 2,

        Blue = 4


    // Define an Enum with FlagsAttribute.


    enum MultiHue : short


        Black = 0,

        Red = 1,

        Green = 2,

        Blue = 4


    static void Main( )



            "This example of the FlagsAttribute attribute \n" +

            "generates the following output." );


            "\nAll possible combinations of values of an \n" +

            "Enum without FlagsAttribute:\n" );


        // Display all possible combinations of values.

        for( int val = 0; val <= 8; val++ )

            Console.WriteLine( "{0,3} - {1}", val, ( (SingleHue)val ).ToString( ) );

        Console.WriteLine( "\nAll possible combinations of values of an \n" + "Enum with FlagsAttribute:\n" );


        // Display all possible combinations of values.

        // Also display an invalid value.

        for( int val = 0; val <= 8; val++ )

            Console.WriteLine ( "{0,3} - {1}", val, ( (MultiHue)val ).ToString( ) );




This example of the FlagsAttribute attribute

generates the following output.

All possible combinations of values of an

Enum without FlagsAttribute:

0 - Black

1 - Red

2 - Green

3 - 3

4 - Blue

5 - 5

6 - 6

7 - 7

8 - 8

All possible combinations of values of an

Enum with FlagsAttribute:

0 - Black

1 - Red

2 - Green

3 - Red, Green

4 - Blue

5 - Red, Blue

6 - Green, Blue

7 - Red, Green, Blue

8 - 8




        public static double GetPrice(Fabric fab)


            switch (fab)


                case Fabric.Cotton: return (3.55);

                case Fabric.Silk: return (5.65);

                case Fabric.Wool: return (4.05);

                case Fabric.Rayon: return (3.20);

                case Fabric.Other: return (2.50);

                default: return (0.0);





        public enum Fabric : short


            Cotton = 1,

            Silk = 2,

            Wool = 3,

            Rayon = 8,

            Other = 128



        public static double GetPrice(Fabric fab)


            switch (fab)


                case Fabric.Cotton: return (3.55);

                case Fabric.Silk : return (5.65);

                case Fabric.Wool: return (4.05);

                case Fabric.Rayon: return (3.20);

                case Fabric.Other: return (2.50);

                default: return (0.0);



        public static void Main()


            Fabric fab = Fabric.Cotton;

            int fabNum = (int)fab;

            string fabType = fab.ToString();

            string fabVal = fab.ToString ("D");

            double cost = GetPrice(fab);

            Console.WriteLine("fabNum = {0}\nfabType = {1}\nfabVal = {2}\n", fabNum, fabType, fabVal);

            Console.WriteLine("cost = {0}", cost);




        public enum MyFamily


            YANGZHIPING = 1,

            GUANGUIQIN = 2,

            YANGHAORAN = 4,

            LIWEI = 8,

            GUANGUIZHI = 16,

            LISIWEN = 32,

            LISIHUA = 64,


            string s = "YANGHAORAN";

            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MyFamily), s))


                MyFamily f = (MyFamily)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyFamily), s);


                Console.WriteLine("The name is:" + Enum. GetName(typeof(MyFamily), 2));

                string[] sa = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyFamily));

                foreach (string ss in sa)



