
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/03 05:22:00
  来源The Year’s Best Fossil Finds
Fossils provide unparalleled peeks into Earth’s living history in the form of mineralized bones and shells, body imprints and even piles of poop. There always seems to be another twist and turn in evolution’s creations awaiting trowel-wielding scientists.


From dinosaur-eating snakes to shark-bitten piles of crocodile poop (seriously), dig up some of this year’s best finds with us in celebration of National Fossil Day.


Squashed Jurassic Spider


This almost perfectly preserved spider fossil from China dates back 165 million years ago, to the middle Jurassic era.


Known as Eoplectreurys gertschi, the spiders are older than the only two other specimens known by around 120 million years and rival their detail, paleontologists said in February.

2月份的时候古生物学家说,这种拉丁学名为Eoplectreurys gertschi的远古蜘蛛比仅知道的两种约1万2千年前的蜘蛛物种要更早,在细部上毫不逊色。

Spider fossils are tough to find because their soft bodies don’t preserve well. Thanks to fine volcanic ash, however, this spider was squashed without breaking up its delicate exoskeleton.


Image: Paul Selden


Dinosaur-Eating Snakes


Calling it a “stunning, once-in-a-lifetime find,” paleontologists reported a 67 million-year-old fossil of a snake coiled around dinosaur eggs and a hatchling -- the first-ever evidence of snakes eating dinosaurs.


Geologist Dhanajay Mohabey of the Indian Geological Survey first unearthed the fossil 26 years ago in a limestone outcropping in the northwestern Indian village of Dholi Dungri.


It wasn’t until 2001, however, that he took a second look and found a snake coiled around a broken egg, with a hatchling and two other eggs nearby.


Images: 1) Reconstruction of scene, Sculpture by Tyler Keillor and original photography by Ximena Erickson (image modified by Bonnie Miljour). 2) Wilson et al./PLoS Biology


Shark-Bitten Crocodile Poop


Yes, you read that correctly. Coprolites -- hunks of fossilized poop -- can reveal the diets and behaviors of ancient animals, but this one is plain weird.


Discovered on a beach along the western shore of Chesapeake Bay, researchers don’t think the responsible shark was hungry for the fecal matter. Instead, the now 15-million-year-old poop was probably still inside the unsuspecting crocodile’s intestines when bitten.


Image: Stephen Godfrey


New Primate Relative


Two 1.9 million-year-old South African skeletons (discovered with some help from Google Earth) have added a new and intriguing member to the primate family.


Dubbed Australopithecus sediba, the specimens have long legs and a protruding nose -- features common to Homo, the genus that eventually spawned humans. The creatures also had extra-long forearms and flexible feet.

这两具骨架被称为南方古猿源泉种(Australopithecus sediba),腿长而且鼻子前突——这些特征都是最终演化为人类的人属所共有的。

Paleontologists disagree over whether A. sediba is a direct human ancestor or just looks like one. In either case, the fossils provide a rare opportunity for examining a period shrouded in paleontological mystery.


Image: Lee Berger/Science


Giant Forgotten Fishes


Misidentified fossils that were forgotten and later rediscovered in museums revealed two new species of giant, filter-feeding fish that swam Earth’s oceans for 100 million years.


The behemoths, known as Bonnerichthys gladius and Rhinconichthys taylori, grew to 30 to 50 feet long and occupied the ecological niche now filled by whales and whale sharks.

这两种庞然大物被称为“Bonnerichthys gladius”和“Rhinconichthys taylori”,体长有30到50英尺,它们曾经在生态系统中的位置现在已经被鲸类和鲸鲨所取代。

That ancient niche was thought to be empty, and such fish to be a short-lived evolutionary bust, but paleobiologists reported that the re-identified specimens show the creatures “had a long and illustrious evolutionary history.”


Images: 1) Robert Nicholls, 2) Bonnerichthys jawbones and forefin/Matt Friedman


Ancient Mystery Organisms


A collection of 2.1-billion-year-old fossil organisms announced this year may be the earliest known example of complex life on Earth.


The fossils are flat discs almost 5 inches across, and have scalloped edges and radial slits. Paleobiologists think they were either complex colonies of single-celled organisms or early animals.


The specimens predate the first truly multicellular organism, called Grypania spiralis, which appeared in the fossil record 1.4 billion years ago. But they don’t beat single-celled organisms that emerged about 3.4 billion years ago.

与在化石记录14亿年前出现的称为Grypania spiralis的第一种真正的多细胞生物相比,这些标本还要更早。但是没有34亿年前出现的单细胞生物的历史久。

Image: Abderrazak El Albani and Arnaud Mazurier


Giant Penguins


What was 5 feet tall, ate fish and was grey-and-red all over? According to a paper published this year, it’s Inkayacu paracasensis -- a previously unknown, 36-million-year-old penguin from Peru.

有什么动物高5英尺,吃鱼而且全身呈灰色和红色呢?今年发布的一篇论文说这种动物是Inkayacu paracasensis(意即“水中之王”)——从秘鲁发现的之前不为人知的一种3千6百万年前的企鹅。

The creature weighed in at an estimated 120 to 130 pounds, or roughly twice as heavy as the modern-day emperor penguin. Like its giant cousin Icadyptes, it had an hyper-elongated bill which it used to snap up fish in the ancient equatorial sea.


Unlike any other previously unearthed penguin fossils, however, this specimen had feathers preserved along a forelimb, showing the ancient penguins had streamlined flippers for propelling themselves through the water like their modern-day relatives.


Image: Julia A. Clarke/Science


Via Brian Switek/Laelaps


Wasp Nests


These prehistoric wasp cocoons, known as trace fossils among paleontologists, date back 75 million years to what is now Montana. Such fossils help reveal the conditions dinosaurs and other creatures lived in, according to a study published earlier this year.


The wasps that created these shapes burrowed near dinosaur nests, and are very similar to modern-day wasps. Because the insects are picky about their burrow sites, preferring well-drained soils and somewhat dry conditions, they show the same is true for nearby dinosaurs nests.


Image: Anthony Martin/Emory University


Via eScienceCommons







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