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49 Best Classic Books to Read[49部最佳外国古典名著],包括小说,诗歌,传记,历史,戏剧总共49本,格式全部为PDF或者EXE^_^。
Best Classic Books to Read
Reading classic books can boost your learning experience. There are some reasons why classic books can do that: they have stood the test of time, they give you different “lenses” to look through, and they will most likely be relevant even to the far future. Reading the classics is an excellent intellectual exercise which will arm you with a lot of powerful intellectual tools.
To find good classic books, there are trusted recommendations that can help us. The recommendations are found in the books How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren, and The Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer, both of which I believe are high-quality books. You can read the books for complete information about their recommendations (with suggestions on how to read them), but here I will directly give you the titles of the books which are recommended by both of them.
While I believe a book which is recommended by any of them is good, I think it’s safe to say that a book which is recommended by both of them is great.
So without further ado, here are the recommended classic books along with the Amazon and free download links (if any):
1. Don Quixote [堂吉訶德] by Miguel de Cervantes –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
2. Gulliver’s Travels [格列佛游记] by Jonathan Swift –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
3. Pride and Prejudice[傲慢与偏见] by Jane Austen –(Ebook下载)
4. Oliver Twist [雾都孤儿] by Charles Dickens –(PDF+EXE格式)
5. The Scarlet Letter[红字] by Nathaniel Hawthorne -(PDF格式下载)
6. Moby-Dick[白鲸记]  (Herman Melville) – (PDF+EXE下载)
7. Madame Bovary[包法利夫人]by Gustave Flaubert –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
8. Crime and Punishmentt[罪与罚] by Fyodor Dostoevsky –(PDF+DOC版下载,难点已批注)
9. Anna Karenina [安娜·卡列尼娜] by Leo Tolstoy –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
10. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [哈克贝利·费恩历险记] by Mark Twain –(PDF+EXE格式下载 )
11. The Trial [审判] by(Franz Kafka – (PDF+EXE格式下载)
Autobiography and Memoir
1. The Confessions [忏悔录] by(Augustine –(PDF+EXE格式 )
2. The Complete Essays[蒙田随笔集] by Michel de Montaigne –(HTML格式下载)
3. Meditations on First Philosophy [第一哲学沉思集] by Rene Descartes –(PDF下载)
4. Walden [瓦尔登湖] by Henry David Thoreau –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
1. The Histories [史记] by Herodotus –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
2. The Peloponnesian War[伯罗奔尼撒战争史] by Thucydides –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
3. The Republic[理想国] by Plato –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
4. Lives [希腊罗马名人传] by Plutarch –(EXE格式下载)
5. City of God[上帝之城] by Augustine –(PDF+EXE格式)
6. The Prince[君主论] by Niccolo Machiavelli –(PDF格式下载)
7. Utopia [乌托邦] by Sir Thomas More –(PDF格式下载)
8. The Social Contract [社会契约论] by Jean Jaques Rousseau –(PDF+EXE格式下载)
9. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [罗马帝国衰亡史] by(Edward Gibbon –(PDF格式下载[共六卷] )
10. Democracy in America [论美国的民主] by Alexis de Tocqueville –(PDF格式下载)
11. The Communist Manifesto [共产党宣言] by Karl Marx –(PDF下载)
1. Agamemnon [阿伽门农] by Aeschylus –(PDF格式下载 )
2. Oedipus the King [奥狄普斯之王] by Sophocles –(PDF格式下载)
3. Medea[美狄亚] by Euripides--(PDF格式下载)
4. The Birds [鸟] by Aristophanes –(PDF格式下载)
5. Poetics [诗学] by Aristotle –(PDF格式下载)
6. Richard III [理查三世] by William Shakespeare –(PDF格式下载)
7. A Midsummer Night’s Dream [仲夏夜之梦] by William Shakespeare –(PDF格式下载)
8. Hamlet[哈姆雷特] by William Shakespeare –(PDF格式下载)
9. Tartuffe [伪君子] by Moliere –(PDF格式下载)
10. The Way of the World[如此世道] by William Congreve –(PDF格式下载)
11. A Doll’s House[玩偶之家] by Henrik Ibsen –(PDF格式下载)
12. Saint Joan [圣女贞德] by by George Bernard Shaw –(PDF格式下载)
13.Man and Suprernan[人与超人] by George Bernard Shaw –(PDF格式下载)
14. No Exit[密室] ,又译[禁闭] 或[无出路] by Jean Paul Sartre –(PDF格式下载)
1. The Iliad [伊利亚特] by Homer –(PDF格式下载)
2. The Odyssey [奥德赛] by Homer –(PDF格式下载)
3. Odes [歌集] by Horace –(PDF格式下载)
4. Inferno [神曲:炼狱篇] by Dante Alighieri –(PDF格式下载)
5. The Canterbury Tales[坎特伯雷故事集] by Geoffrey Chaucer –(PDF格式下载)
6. Sonnets[十四行诗] by William Shakespeare –(PDF格式下载)
7. Paradise Lost[失乐园] by John Milton –(PDF格式下载)
8. Selected Poetry [华兹华斯诗选] by William Wordsworth –(HTML格式下载[共三卷] )
9. The Complete Poems[柯尔律治诗歌全集] by Samuel Taylor Coleridge –(PDF格式下载)
It may take years to read all these books, but it undoubtedly will be a very rewarding intellectual journey; they are among the best books of human civilization.