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来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 19:01:32
ability 能力

we rate ability in people by what they finish, not by what they start.


a lot of people doubt their ability, but few have any doubts about their importance.


what is behind us and what is before us are small matters compared to what is within us.


doing your best is more important than being the best.


accomplishment 成就

some of the world's greatest deeds have been accomplished by two types of people...those who were smart enough to know it could be done, and those too dumb to know it couldn't.

世界上最伟大的善举来自两种人—— 一类是那些聪明得知道什么可以干的人,另一类是那些笨得不知道什么不可以干的人。

the only thing in life accomplished without effort is failure.


it is when we forget ourselves that we do things that are most likely to be remembered.


nothing's impossible.. if it isn't you that has to do it.
