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My PKM System
In response to a post I made on Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Tony Karrer recommended that I look at his post onPersonal Learning for Learning Professionals. This had me reviewmy posts on PKM and reflect on how I go through my process of triage. As a result, I created this picture.

I’m starting to use some other web tools but this is pretty well how I move from “interesting stuff” to “this is what I think”. For me, PKM is more about attitude than any given tools. My system works for me because I’m curious and because I have got into the habit of writing down my thoughts in a public forum. This develops into some interesting conversations about things that matter to me at the intersection of learning work and technology. Having a defined field of interest helps stop this blog from spreading too far and wide and keeps my PKM manageable.
Update: The diagram was slightly changed in response toLoretta’s suggestion (see comments). I would also encourage a look atDave Pollard’s graphic on the same subject.
22 Responses
Stephen Downes Says:
August 29th, 2006 at 17:13
I suppose I have a PKM system, but I think it looks very different from this. I would include things like my photos and video clips and audio recordings, which are certainly as important to me as blog posts and essays. I depend partially on search when I intend to use content, but also largely on memory, to know that I once wrote about a thing (and conversely, I write about such things in order to help me remember them). My retrieval process is therefore pretty chaotic, involving my own website, Google, Flickr, Creative Commons, and a bunch of other services. In a similar manner, I rarely do ‘planned’ writing, but rather, write in response to something I see, or occasionally, on request. This means there is a decision point in my process, ‘respond to this?’, and then a set of possibilities, including comments (though I am trying to get all of this to route back to the same place (so far unsuccessfully, which is why I originally proposed mIDm)).
Harold Says:
August 29th, 2006 at 21:25
Thanks Stephen:
I know that my search, analysis, reflection & retrieval process is more complex than what I posted. It’s only a slice of the whole picture. However, following a process such as this small chart would be a great leap for many people.
I would surmise that your disciplined daily writing makes a significant difference in your PKM.
BTW, I had to look up mIDm but did find your post to remind me:
Karyn Romeis Says:
August 30th, 2006 at 5:58
I think my PKM is pretty similar to yours in respect of what comes in via my RSS feed. But I think it is less quantifiable if the source of the information is something other than that. I think the process differs depending on the situation. Like Stephen, I tend to write in response to something I see, but I also address things that exercise my mind/give me sleepless nights. Writing about something helps me marshall my thoughts and get clarity or closure. Sometimes putting an idea into writing helps me see how ludicrous or unworkable it is - hopefully I spot that before hitting the post button, but there’s no guarantee!
Harold Says:
August 30th, 2006 at 8:59
Thanks, Karyn. No doubt this is a bit simplistic, but my aim was to show how PKM could work for people not used to it, especially those feeling overwhelmed with information online. I should have added exercise to the top of the diagram as well, because it’s while I’m cycling or skiing that I get my best ideas and threads seem to gel.
The essential component, IMHO, is the act of writing it out and letting others see it.
Dave Ferguson Says:
September 1st, 2006 at 9:50
So if you could write while cycling…?
I value your willingness to think out loud (and in public). I don’t know if this is a related phenomenon, but sometimes I seem to improve my thinking by talking with someone… a lot oftener than I sometimes wish, I interrupt myself, because as I’m describing or explaining, a new understanding comes to me.
I’m not saying it’s always a useful understanding, though I suppose like Edison’s experiments, I can at least learn that X doesn’t work.
Jay Cross Says:
September 3rd, 2006 at 17:57
Dave, now that I write and blab without thinking, that’s become how I tell what’s on my mind. (I used to keep everything bottled up; now it’s almost all out of my mind. (Double-entendre intended.)
Loretta Donovan Says:
September 4th, 2006 at 9:34
Harold, this is a great example of where I believe thof web2.0 will bring us. When people ask me why these tools are making a difference, the opportunity for community and learning are what I mention most. Here we are individually and collectively reflecting on the model, our own habits, each others’ comments and comments on comments. I am less dependant on RSS, a dedicated user of and the host of numerous collaborative environments where some lively discussions and chats are hosted. I have started to use wikis for co-writing. So I would add a loop back from to to indicate that this is an iterative process.
Word of Mouth Blog Says:
September 5th, 2006 at 21:23
The 19 Best Elearning Blogs…
From learning theories to content design, metadata to LMSes, survey data to industry trends, these blogs have it all. This list represents some of the more active e-learning blogs I’ve found or already read regularly. Each of these is great……
Chris Koester’s Blog » Blog Archive » Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Says:
October 12th, 2006 at 23:45
[…] For an excellent introduction to personal knowledge management, I suggest you check out Harold Jarche’s blog.  His post on his own PKM system is great. […]
soulsoup » » Turn your Google Services into a Powerful Personal Knowledge Management Toolkit e-learning blog, elearning blog, knowledge management, e-learning strategy, learning experience design, usability Says:
January 2nd, 2007 at 22:22
[…] This is a long pending post. Harold posted his PKM process quite a while ago. My process and rationale are almost similar. […]
Harold Jarche » A new model for society Says:
February 6th, 2007 at 12:42
[…] large amounts of information is what the whole notion of PKM is about.  I’ve noticed a real interest in personal knowledge management whenever we discuss […]
More Prior Work on PKM and PLE, now think Use Cases at Sims Learning Connections Says:
February 7th, 2007 at 23:38
[…] like Harold Jarche’s process view of his Personal Knowledge Management in My PKM System from last August. My own mindmap two days ago is a tools and resources view. Both views are […]
Harold Jarche » Making sense of the Web Says:
February 8th, 2007 at 15:03
[…] people keep track of the growing amount of information that they receive? I’ve developed a personal knowledge management system, that works for me (for now, though it needs an overhaul). Managing information and keeping track […]
Center for Teaching & Learning » Blog Archive » PKM PDQ Says:
February 16th, 2007 at 14:53
[…] I haven’t quite deconstructed my own Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system yet (I must have one, right?), but a graphic posted by Harold Jarche in his Blog has prompted me to think about it - […]
Harold Jarche » Calgary eLearning Network - PKM Says:
February 28th, 2007 at 9:14
[…] are my perspectives on PKM from 2005 and later revised in June 2006. My latest reflection on PKM was in Aug 2006, following an […]
Harold Jarche » DIF Analysis Says:
July 2nd, 2007 at 14:37
[…] and methods, beyond human performance technology and instructional design. Methods like online personal knowledge management are of current […]
Tools, Thoughts and Things one can Do with a little Time and Hardly any Resources Says:
July 3rd, 2007 at 11:14
Organised Information = Being Able to Get Stuff Done…
We’re all knowledge workers these days yet a significant amount of the people attending workshops I run have a remarkably unstructured approach when it comes to the information flow they face daily. As they have commented over @http://www.slowleaders…
Harold Jarche » Fragmenting the PLE Says:
July 31st, 2007 at 11:52
[…] be a hot topic in public education and higher learning establishments. I’ve explained my own Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system, which keeps evolving over time. The concept of PKM on the Web is of some general […]
Harold Jarche » Small steps toward knowledge resilience Says:
August 13th, 2007 at 8:00
[…] into its second wave structure will be the development of informal learning strategies. Trying out personal knowledge management or finding ways to share and be creative on a continual basis will have to become part of the […]
Harold Jarche » Connections Says:
September 7th, 2007 at 23:38
[…] Management, Productivity Tools and Social Networks. This view was a bit different from my Personal Knowledge Management system, last year. This process consisted of Pulling, Sorting, Categorizing, Reflecting & […]
Harold Jarche » PLE’s et al Says:
September 11th, 2007 at 14:19
[…] around the use of tools and processes to be a better learner. The PLE was akin to the process of personal knowledge management (PKM), in that it was a sense-making […]
The 19 Best Elearning Blogs - Articulate - Word of Mouth Blog Says:
September 20th, 2007 at 11:50
[…] learning, work & technology.” Take a look at his recent entry on the system he uses for Personal Knowledge Management in a Web 2.0 world (as inspired by Tony’s post on Personal Learning for Learning […]