
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 12:31:31

Illegal Gun Making Industry
It all began during World War II when gunmakers in the town of Danao supplied guerrillas with weapons against the Japanese. Now 10,000 of Danao’s 100,000 residents are involved in the industry. Replicas of M-16, AK-47, Uzi and Ingram sub-machine guns are the most popular firearms. The weapons are later sold to local customers,politicians, military personnel and ordinary civilians. For example, a revolver maybe sold for $ 80 which is already equivalent to a few weeks’ wages. They are also very popular among Japanese Yakuza and Chinese mafia.
菲律宾宿务岛上的Danao市非法造枪的历史可以追溯到第二次世界大战期间,他们提供武器给游击队来反抗日本人,现在这个有着100,000 居民的城市有10,000 人从事着非法造枪的工作,也就是说是十分之一的市民是非法枪械从业者,他们仿照M-16, AK-47, 乌兹和他们最受欢迎的产品英格拉姆冲锋枪。这些武器造出来后销售给本地的消费者,政客,军方人员以及一般的市民,例如,一把左轮手枪售价可能为80美元,相当于当地人几星期的工资。这些非法制造的武器,也非常受到日本雅酷扎(日本犯罪集团和非法企业的一种松散的联盟)和中国黑社会的追捧。知道菲律宾为啥那么乱了吧,有国产武器制造之都的支持,想不火都难。 by mtjs