外逃贪官在美首获重刑开先例 中行开平案八年追诉始末

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/16 20:52:12
BEIJING - The number of bribery cases involving government officials has increased by 13 percent since 2003, a senior anti-corruption official from the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said.
Prosecutors charged 9,476 governmental officials in nearly 9,000 bribery cases nationwide from January to June this year alone, Song Hansong, deputy-director of the SPP's anti-dereliction and infringement department, told China Daily in an exclusive interview.

A guide points to a chair propped up by depictions of common methods of bribery: Sex, wining and dining, and cash. The chair was on display at an anti-corruption exhibition in Kaifeng, Henan province, in this file photo. [Bian Xuan / For China Daily]
Among the cases, 2,067 concerned the offer of bribes, in which 2,369 official suspects were involved. The number of cases increased 18.4 percent from the preceding year and the number of suspects involved rose 20.5 percent for the same period.
In 2009, 41,531 officials were charged for their involvement in 32,439 corruption and bribery cases. About 12,897 cases, or about 40 percent of them, were related to bribery, an increase from 12,471 in 2008, according to statistics from the anti-corruption department of the SPP.
In some of the bribery cases, millions and, at times, billions of yuan were involved and there was a significant increase in the number of senior officials implicated, Song said.
Officials from
State-owned enterprises,
major construction projects,
financial and securities,
administrative and law enforcement departments,监察和执法部门
as well as Party and government organizations,
accounted for the majority of the suspects, Song said.
Paying for renovation costs,装修
house purchases or abnormal accounts on houses
and free trips
were some of the ways in which officials were tempted to compromise themselves, along with cash offers, Song said.
Prosecution departments should pay special attention to duty-related crimes involving
mass incidents and major work safety accidents,
especially in areas like
real estate development,
land management and
mineral resource development,
as well as protecting mafia-style gangs, he said.

"Construction projects involve huge amounts of money and cover a wide range of areas. They have long approval procedures, which can easily lead to official corruption driven by huge economic interests," Song said.
In July 2009, Chen Tonghai, former chairman of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp), was charged with bribery and sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve(缓刑).
Chen, 61, was convicted(证明有罪) of illegally receiving 196 million yuan ($29 million) between 1999 and June 2007, when he abruptly(突然地) resigned as chairman of Sinopec Corp. Chen helped others who sought to secure "illegal interests" in company operations, land transfers and contracts in return for bribes, according to the verdict(裁决) from the Beijing No 2 Intermediate People's Court.
In another case, Liu Zhihua, former vice-mayor of Beijing, was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve in August 2008 for receiving about 7 million yuan in bribes, according to the court verdict.
From 1999 to 2006, Liu served as the vice-mayor and head of the management committee of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in the capital. During his tenure(任期), he used his position to benefit his bribers in the areas of land exploitation(土地开发), bank loans and assets integration, the verdict said.
Excessive bidding also remains the focus of corruption and bribery attempts in the construction sector, because relevant laws and regulations are not sound enough, Song said.
Those who offer bribes receive lighter punishments than those who receive them, Song said.
In an effort to tackle these challenges, in 2008 the SPP established a work plan for the prevention of corruption from 2008 to 2012, which introduced a blacklist for graft(贪污) cases.
"The plan stipulates(规定) that, if any person or work unit is found to have offered bribes, they will be banned from entering the bidding market," Song said.
If the amount of money involved exceeds 10,000 yuan, he added, those found to have violated the plan will also be held criminally accountable and possibly receive a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
贪污:corruption, bribery, graft,
Official calls for laws against intl graft
By Wang Jingqiong (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-08 07:56
BEIJING - Bribery involving transnational(跨国) companies should be included in the Criminal Law when it is next amended, said the Ministry of Supervision.
Kong Xiangren, deputy director of the foreign affairs bureau of the ministry, said the push is based on the fact that more and more Chinese officials and international companies have been found involved in commercial bribery.

Multinationals eager to cash in on China's huge market have compromised their ethical codes and adopted the maxim of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". [Provided to China Daily]
According to statistics from the Ministry of Supervision, 69,223 cases of commercial bribery were investigated from August 2005 to December 2009, involving 13,914 civil servants.
"A lot of the cases, especially some cases of transnational business corruption, were first uncovered by the US and European governments, and then they directed our attention to related officials," said Kong during an interview by China Economic Weekly. "This is because most bribery is done very secretively."
"Also we found that more and more corruption and bribery cases were co-committed by officials from different departments," he said.
In the last few years, several renowned(有名的) multinational companies have been involved in commercial bribery in China, including Wal-Mart, PepsiCo and Siemens.
In March, four employees of Australian mining giant Rio Tinto - including executive Stern Hu, an Australian citizen - were sentenced to seven to 14 years in prison for taking bribes and stealing commercial secrets.
Kong said commercial bribery has been a common challenge for multinational companies, with hundreds of thousands of foreign companies doing business in China, and "more and more Chinese companies going abroad."
Experts think a major reason that multinational companies can commit commercial bribery is that China has no specific laws supervising and punishing transnational business bribery.
In the current Criminal Law, charges related to commercial bribery include taking or giving bribes, assisting in bribery, and bribing non-government workers, without any specific item on transnational commercial bribery.
"It is very necessary to take measures on transnational commercial bribery," said Fan Chongyi, a law professor from China University of Political Science and Law, who agreed with putting the charge into the Criminal Law.
With the development of a market economy, lots of multinational corporations are springing up across the country, which brings benefits but also nurtures corruption, Fan said.
"As the initiator and the member of the UN Convention Against Corruption, we have the duty to regulate the phenomenon," Fan said, adding that there is no legal basis for handling transnational commercial bribery in China.
Cheng Baoku, a law professor from Nankai University, suggested that a specific law against transnational commercial bribery should be created.
Zhao Jun, director of government and public relations for Ericsson China, told China Economic Weekly that multinational companies should set up internal systems to supervise and prevent commercial bribery, and the government should try to maintain a fair social environment.
"A fair market is especially important to prevent commercial bribery. Once fairness is broken, companies tend to bribe to do business," said Kong.
Cao Yin contributed to this story.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-09/08/content_11271417.htm
China and US to boost anti-graft measures
By Tan Yingzi and Zhang Yan (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-08 07:01
WASHINGTON - Senior Chinese and US law enforcement officials have vowed to intensify(加强) efforts to fight corruption, including tracking down assets illegally transferred abroad by corrupt officials.
The move comes after China imposed stricter measures to prevent the transfer of assets by corrupt officials.
In recent years, an increasing number of corrupt Chinese officials and their families have reportedly fled the country after amassing(积聚) huge amounts of money, with many of them seeking shelter in the West.
David Luna, director for anti-crime programs at the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs under the US State Department, said the US is willing to help track down assets illegally transferred.
"The US has a very good record in denying safe heaven to corrupt officials and their families, and we try to go after their assets as well," he told China Daily, stressing that information was the key to success.
"We try to encourage the Chinese government to provide information that is necessary for use in our courts."
China enacted its first formal regulation on managing "naked officials", or officials whose family members had gone abroad, in July in a major step to fight graft.
Some sections of the US media estimated that more than 1,000 corrupt Chinese officials had fled to the US, mostly to Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco.
Song Hansong, deputy director of the Supreme People's Procuratorate anti-dereliction and infringement department, said corrupt officials who fled abroad should be brought to justice, otherwise it would undermine the judicial authorities. "China will work together ... with the international community to ensure an effective crackdown on corruption," he said.
There is a proven track record of cooperation between the two countries in fighting graft. China and the US had successfully prosecuted corrupt Chinese officials who fled to the US, and this "illustrates how the two countries can work together on these types of issues", Luna said.
One of the major cases that showed the positive results of cooperation occurred in 2008 when a US federal jury in Las Vegas convicted Xu Chaofan and Xu Guojun, the masterminds策划 of the 2001 "Kaiping case", of defrauding the Bank of China (BOC) of $485 million over a period of 10 years. Their wives were also found guilty. The two men were sentenced to more than 20 years in jail in May 2009.
The significance of the case rested on the fact that Chinese officials helped US authorities collect important evidence against the Xus and their wives in China, and they were considered the first major Chinese bank criminals to face charges in the US, although Washington had previously repatriated a few corrupt officials.
Even though the two countries established "very good" relations in fighting corruption, ties were only formalized five years ago. In 2005 leaders from both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation under the US-China Anticorruption Working Group of the Joint Liaison Group for Law Enforcement Cooperation, said Luna, the co-chair of the working group.
Since then, officials from China's Ministry of Supervision and the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention have met their US counterparts at the State Department and Justice Department annually.
Officials from both countries also coordinated their efforts through the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and conducted workshops on how to tackle corruption.
"We have had much success and fruitful cooperation over the past five years," Luna said.
The two sides have established a "really good trust" but the whole relationship is still "very new", he said.
"We hope to build on the success of the BOC case and hope our Chinese counterparts will present the dossiers of facts for new cases."
To collect and provide information the US can act on, Chinese officials need to understand the quality of information and evidence needed to support law enforcement in the US, he said.
"So that's why a bilateral framework and mechanism is so important. It not only develops trust between the two sides, but at the working level it helps China understand our systems and what kind of information is needed for prosecution and for our courts."
To help this goal, a Chinese delegation will visit the US State Department, as well as the departments of justice, treasury and homeland security this week (Sept 8-10).
中美联手打击企业行贿 跨国企业在华行贿将重罚
美国监督司法部起诉行动的法学专家本?门德尔森表示,在中国,跨国企业要懂得拿捏分寸,勿把遵从中国的交际应酬与送礼习俗,变成严重的行贿罪行。中秋节赠送月饼给客户无妨,但有些公司做过了头,例如朗讯科技公司(Lucent)招待中国官员到美国大峡谷、环球影城、迪斯尼乐园旅游315次,就构成行贿,触犯《对外行贿法》法规,最后以付罚款100万元收场。 (来源:环球网)
外逃贪官在美首获重刑开先例 中行开平案八年追诉始末
发布时间: 2009-05-14 【我要纠错】 【字号大中小】 【打印】
法制网特约撰稿 刘必华
法制网实习生 吕 静