
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/16 15:48:56


思考者 http://blog.sina.com.cn/sfskz  2010-06-24 01:56:05

惊爆:外国记者爆出的章子怡隐秘生活(中英文)     女生学士照何必要集体露大腿?(图)



这则新闻发布于NPR网站。NPR即美国国家公共电台的简称。节目以新闻及综述为主,是美国国内收听率最高的广播电台,面向美国民众广播。这则新闻的题目为《Job Ad In China: White Man. No Experience Needed : NPR》 译成中文大意是《在中国的工作广告:要求白种男人,不需要工作经验》

现在国内人心浮燥,投机钻营、沽名钓誉、唯利是图,丧失了基本的道德的人比比皆是。中国目前最大的问题之一是诚信缺失的普遍存在,诚信缺失甚至已经到了危机的地步。到处是假冒产品,为了面子工程连奥运会都放上个假唱的。而这种作假竟然被普遍理解和接受。下面这篇文章给出了一个中国企业作假的真实情况,雇佣白人演戏作假,充门面骗人,丢脸丢到国外去了。中国产品的质量一直是个问题,毒玩具,毒干墙屡屡出现,在美国被广泛抨击。现在中国企业雇佣男性白人作假专家或主管,这些人主要做的只是去参加各种活动和露脸。有时会去演讲,甚至被市长接见(如果市长知道被骗了不知会如何生气)。让白人出面给中国企业增面子,让这些外国人给企业一些国际形象,这些白人只是路上随便找的人,一点学历和经历都没有。靠白人撑面子不仅是自打嘴巴,更是让人看到中国企业的信用危机。散粉思考者把此事揭露出来,让中国企业长点教训。我把文章大致译为中文,英文原文附在后面. 因意外事件情绪失控崩溃大哭的十个明星(图)


即使你是个没有技能的西方人,在中国有你的机会。如果你是一个白人男性,有一套不错的西装,你可以得到一份工作,付费挺高 - 并且不需要工作。

Mitch Moxley,一个住在北京的美国自由作家(在美国作家说起来好听,其实就是无职游民),发现如果你有了这些资本(白人,西装,)就可以依靠扮演假的美国生意人而过活了。他把他的经历写成文章刊登在《The Atlantic》上,题目为《租一个白人:来自北京的一个假商人的自白》

Moxley 告诉 美国国家公共电台的 Robert Siegel说

“基本的情况是,一个朋友的朋友知道一个公司需要几个白人去代表公司” “我知道的不比这更多:就是一周付我1000美元,我们会住在酒店,参加二个宴会,并且参观一下工厂。”


“我事先被告知我们不会做任何质量控制之类的事,”他说。 “这个是好事,因为我们中没有人真正有任何质量控制的经验。”






There's opportunity in China even if you're a Westerner with no skills. If you're a white male and have a nice suit, you can get a job that pays well — and requires no work.

Read Moxley's Account

'The Atlantic' Article: 'Rent A White Guy'

Mitch Moxley, a freelance writer who lives in Beijing, discovered that with just those assets, he could make a living as a fake American businessman. He wrote about his experience in The Atlantic article "Rent A White Guy: Confessions of a Fake Businessman from Beijing."

"Basically, a friend of a friend knew of a company that needed a bunch of white guys to go down and represent the company," Moxley told NPR's Robert Siegel. "I didn't know too much other than it was going to be $1,000 for a week and then we would be put in a hotel. And we'd have to attend a couple of banquets and tour a factory."

Moxley was acting as one of the quality control experts.

"I was told in advance we weren't going to be doing any quality control," he says. "Which is good because none of us actually had any experience in quality control."

One guy was supposedly the company director, and he gave a speech in front of 100 or so people. At the end, he was taking pictures with the mayor and being interviewed on local TV.

- Mitch Moxley

Moxley says his guess is that companies hire white people in suits to gain "a bit of credibility." He says that connections in China are important, especially in business.

"It was pretty funny. The whole thing was a little bit surreal," he says. "We were down there and were being paraded around a half-built factory and we had to sit in temporary offices the rest of the day, not really doing anything. ... We were sleeping at our desks or reading magazines."

But Moxley says he and the fake businessmen got the "red-carpet treatment" at the opening ceremony for the factory.

"They had police escorting vehicles to the ceremony," he says. "We were sitting at the front row right before the stage. One guy was supposedly the company director, and he gave a speech in front of 100 or so people. At the end, he was taking pictures with the mayor and being interviewed on local TV."

Moxley says that although his experience was surreal, it's "surprisingly common."

"I've been here for three years, and it was something I heard about soon after I got here. Off the top of my head, I know about six people who have done similar things."