
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/12 21:03:40
 156. “车被打得千疮百孔”
  A woman's car has been peppered with bullets in a drive-by shooting in Sydney's west.
  be peppered with sth.
  pepper本身的意思是胡椒,你想一般撒点胡椒就会让某个东西布满了胡椒。将pepper状态化,就是被动形式的be peppered with,主要是用来形容子弹孔的,估计也可以用来形容鸡蛋壳(某地被扔鸡蛋了)
  后来,be peppered with不仅用来形容子弹孔,也可以用来形容你想形容的东西。比如,一大块开满了花儿都地方就可以这么说:
  beautiful fields peppered with flowers
157. “着色的玻璃(带点颜色的玻璃)”
  tinted glass
  1. A tint is a small amount of colour.
  2. If you put a tint on your hair, you dye it a slightly different colour.
  3. If something is tinted, it has a small amount of a particular colour or dye in it.
  上面说的 tinted glass中,tint变形为tinted,用作了形容词
  1. The woman told police the shots were fired by a passenger in a white coloured sedan with tinted windows.
  2. Tinted glass refers to any glass that has been treated with a material such as a film or coating, which reduces the transmission of light through it.
158. 个人利益“服从”国家利益
  sb subordinate sb's own interets to those of sb's nation
  sb's own interest is subordinate to those of sb's nation
  1. 为形容词时
  A. having less power or authority than somebody else in a group or an organization 隶属的;从属的;下级的 ~ (to sb)
  In many societies women are subordinate to men. 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。
  a subordinate minister/officer 下属部长╱军官
  【千万注意】:因为subordinate本身已经是形容词了,所以一定记住不等加--ed啊!!!切记。be subordinate to sb./sth.
  B. less important than something else 次要的 ~ (to sth)
  2. 为名词时
  a person who has a position with less authority and power than somebody else in an organization 下级;部属
  3. 为动词时
  to treat somebody/something as less important than somebody/something else 把…置于次要地位;使从属于 VN ~ sb/sth (to sb/sth)
  1. If someone is your subordinate, they have a less important position than you in the organization that you both work for. 【名词】
  2. Someone who is subordinate to you has a less important position than you and has to obey you. 【形容词】
  3. Something that is subordinate to something else is less important than the other thing.
159. “菜鸟”
  newcomer;newbie; rookie;
  1. A rookie is someone who has just started doing a job and does not have much experience, especially someone who has just joined the army or police force.
  2. A rookie is a person who has been competing in a professional sport for less than a year.  160. “马后炮”
  monday morning quarterback
  One who criticizes or passes judgment from a position of hindsight.
  注意这个释义里面,这个词组monday morning quarterback是指某个人的代称,就是说,你可以说“某某人,你真是个monday morning quarterback”,而不能说“某个事情/事务是个monday morning quarterback”.
  Hindsight is the ability to understand and realize something about an event after it has happened, although you did not understand or realize it at the time.
  hindsight与monday morning quarterback的区别在于,hindsight没有贬义,只是某个事情发生以后,因为了解了事件发生的过程和因素,所以具备了理解已发生事务的能力。
  短语:in hindsight “从事后来看/来分析”
  1. Remember, it is often only in hindsight that a story can be told with a better understanding of all the contributing factors.
  2. I really don't see the problem. In hindsight things could have gone better.
  3. In hindsight of course I realized he knew exactly what he was doing and what I was going through.
  1. All good clean fun, and interesting reading with the hindsight of 60 years of automotive development.
  2. None of us know the full story and we can all have 20 20 hindsight.
  3. Hindsight is always 20-20.
  It means that you can look in the past (hindsight) and see what you did wrong. Perfect vision is 20/20. So as you look back, you're able to see "perfectly" what you should have done. "Hindsight is 20/20" .
  If you do or say something as an afterthought, you do or say it after something else as an addition, perhaps without careful thought.
  sb. do/say sth. as an afterthought
  sth. be an afterthought
  1. Yes, I do make some money from the ads on the site, but I added them only as an afterthought. I really did create this guide just to share.)
  2. This very loosely structured film eventually goes off the rails and the closing scenes feel almost like an afterthought.
  3. The plastic bag he had packed as a last minute afterthought to keep his notebook dry now seemed an inspired choice of kit.
161. “乱伦”
  Incest is the crime of two members of the same family having sexual intercourse, for example a father and daughter, or a brother and sister.
  这个孙子是老太太送出去给别人领养的女儿所生的孩子,老太太第一次看见孙子,觉得孙子相当sexy,当然,老太太也给吓坏了be freaked out。但她会研究啊,不知看了谁写的一本书,说这种爱也没事,也是正常的,所以她就勇敢去爱了。一般人看了这新闻,就是只有作呕了feel sick.it is gross.这叫什么事啊,实在是太荒唐it is total insanity.
 162. “离乡背井”
  sb. be uprooted
  1. If you uproot yourself or if you are uprooted, you leave, or are made to leave, a place where you have lived for a long time.
  2. If someone uproots a tree or plant, or if the wind uproots it, it is pulled out of the ground.
  1. It is like a great uprooted tree with its roots in the air.
  2. He added that if all went well, by 2005, polio would be completely uprooted from the country.
  3. She is uprooted from her home town who feels the world revolves around her.
  sb. uproot himself/herself
  sb. be uprooted from some place
 163. “唱歌跑调”
  sb be out of tune
  sb miss notes
164. “献声”
  provide vocals
  The actress provided vocals on four songs from the film's soundtrack.
  歌手:vocalist;男女歌手:male vocalist; female vocalist
  provide (the) voices
  e.g. Lopez and Anderson-Lopez providing the voices for Marlin and Dory, respectively.
  voice可以单独做动词,用来表达“给动画片配音”的意思,比如说Nemo is voiced by sb.
  一般动画片的配音演员阵容(表)叫voice cast,一般写完配音演员的名字后,加一个括号(voice),就是表示这个人是配音演员。
  主要,只有给动画片配音,才叫provide voices;如果把美国片配上中文声音,是另一个词:dub。
165. “翻拍的电影/翻拍电影”
  这个词很好记,重新+做:re+make。这个词可以做动词,讲某个电影被翻拍a film be remade,也可以做名词,指那个翻拍之后的电影。
  1.A remake is a film that has the same story, and often the same title, as a film that was made earlier.
  2. If a film is remade, a new film is made that has the same story, and often the same title, as a film that was made earlier.
  3. If you have something remade, you ask someone to make it again, especially in a way that is better than before.