【柳叶刀】中国人的挣扎故事----从两部纪录片说起 - 丁香园论坛

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/21 07:57:38

super19830102 edited on 2010-09-01 13:55
2010-04-05 16:461Documenting stories of struggle in modern China
Petition and Last Train Home are two remarkable Chinese documentaries that explore loneliness, individuals' principles, and how it feels to be swept up in events beyond your control. Lixin Fan's Last Train Home examines the consequences of the zeal with which China trades in the global market and the death of an old way of life as the nation settles into its role as international manufacturing powerhouse. Petition, the story of those quixotic individuals who attempt to hold local authorities to account, offers a piquant contrast: the determination of the executive to prevent imported ideas from threatening the integrity of the state system.
From all over China come the petitioners. They gather around Beijing South Train Station, bringing unresolved cases from the provinces to the attention of central government. They sleep in underpasses and tents. They lean against snow-covered walls carefully filling out endless forms. In government offices they are insulted by the apparatchiks behind the glass—“quit blabbing!”—and manhandled by sullen police officers. These men and women—enduring isolation, ceaseless setbacks, rough treatment, and acute physical hardship are the subject of Zhao Liang's superb Petition. They came to Beijing, explains an elderly petitioner, “to right a wrong”.
Their stories range from a farmer who has lost his livelihood—“they took away my land, sold all the young crops, and drove me out of my hometown”—to a mother seeking answers about her son's treatment in the Air Force. She claims that he was shackled and denied food and water. Now he suffers from kidney damage and mental illness. She holds up the petition to the camera. Another petitioner, Qin, says her husband died in mysterious circumstances during a medical check-up. The local authorities quickly cremated his body. Qin wants to know why. By the end of the film—after more than a decade spent in a ramshackle hut in the “Petitioners' Village”—she is interred in a psychiatric hospital. All she has to show for her efforts are the scraps of paper on which new appointments are inscribed.
Liang started filming in the mid-1990s, Petition concludes with the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It's all been adeptly edited into an incisive account of bureaucracy, the individual, and the state.
The Chinese Government takes the number of petitions as a marker of local government corruption. So local authorities despatch “retrievers” to collect and return petitioners. Halfway through Petition, a couple from Inner Mongolia are hit by a train while trying to escape the retrievers. We see the aftermath: blood on the tracks, a shard of skull, and, appallingly, the torn remnants of a hand.
Refracting Chinese society through the stories of individuals is an approach shared by Lixin Fan in Last Train Home. China's quick-fire development has had obvious benefits. Since 1981 about 400 million citizens have been lifted out of poverty. Nevertheless, much of the former peasantry has merely exchanged one form of backbreaking labour for another. Meanwhile the certainties of the past are disappearing, leaving them slaves to a system they don't fully comprehend. This is the focus of Last Train Home.
Changhua Zhang and Suqin Chen are from a small village in Sichuan. But they can't
make a living in the Chinese countryside. They work in a factory in Guangzhou, 2100 km southeast of their home, where they make clothes for export. Their children—Qin and Yang—are brought up by their grandmother. Qin, the eldest, was aged just 1 year when her parents left. Those were exceptionally hard times. Changhua could not find work, he had to survive on one meal a day; when he fell ill with a bronchial infection, he could not afford to consult a doctor.
Along with millions of other workers, Changhua and Suqin return home for the Chinese New Year (hence the film's title). It is the largest human migration in the world. Locomotives have long been used as shorthand for industrialisation, and Last Train Home quickly establishes a Steinbeck-like tale of poverty and displacement. Both parents urge their children to study hard; this is the only route out of the countryside that doesn't end in a factory. “You shouldn't be like us”, Changhua cautions Qin.
The thoughtful first half abruptly gives way to a passage in which the fractured family falls apart. There was always an undercurrent of tension between 17-year-old Qin—bitter at having spent a parentless childhood in an isolated village—and Changhua and Suqin, hurt that their sacrifice is not so much unappreciated as repudiated by their daughter. Now, things turn violent. Last Train Home is a sad tale. Towards the end, Suqin, having decided to return home—“we can't let what happened to Qin happen to Yang”—reflects on the ageing process. “I feel my hands are much slower this year, [and] I can't stay up during the night shifts.” Even worse must be the realisation that the past two decades may have been for naught; that the better life they'd hoped to build for their children—children they barely know—may not happen.
让人沉思的上半场突然让位于一场让破碎的家庭崩溃的争吵。17岁的张琴和她的父母之间存在着潜在的对立,张琴在一个偏远的乡村渡过了没有父母的苦涩的童年;张昌华和陈素琴因他们的牺牲被女儿认为是遗弃,得不到理解而伤心。现在,事情变得激烈。《归途列车》是一个悲伤的故事。在最后,素琴决定回归家乡“我不想发生在张琴身上的事在张杨那重演”,反应岁月的衰老—“我觉得手变慢了,也不能再熬夜上夜班了” 。更坏的是他们认识到过去的二十年毫无意义;他们为孩子构建美好生活的希望难以实现,这点孩子们也十分清楚。
We leave Changhua after he's seen his wife onto the train. He trudges away, and the camera circles the station, watching the purposeful movement of the travellers. China has 130 million migrant workers, Lixin Fan seems to remind us. They all have stories.