I Need To Wake Up——第79届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 07:19:04
《我该醒来》是美国电影《难以忽视的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth)片尾曲,2007年2月26日刚刚揭晓的第79届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲获奖金曲。一部环保主义电影的插曲,一个女歌手沙哑嗓音的呼唤也能有如此的震撼感觉:漠视很久的我们该清醒,该行动了,我们并不孤单,去倾听那并不舒服的真相……
I Need to Wake Up
Melissa Etheridge
Have I been sleeping? Ive been so still Afraid of crumbling Have I been careless? Dismissing all the distant rumblings Take me where I am supposed to be To comprehend the things that I cant see Cause I need to move I need to wake up I need to change I need to shake up I need to speak out Something is got to break up Ive been asleep And I need to wake up Now And as a child I danced like it was 1999 My dreams were wild But the promise of this new world Would be mine Now I am throwing off the carelessness of youth To listen to an inconvenient truth Well I need to move I need to wake up I need to change I need to shake up I need to speak out Something is got to break up Ive been asleep And I need to wake up Now I am not an island I am not alone I am my intentions Trapped here in this flesh and bone And I need to move I need to wake up I need to change I need to shake up I need to speak out Something is got to break up Ive been asleep And I need to wake up nowI want to change I need to shake up I need to speak out Something’s got to break up I’ve been asleep And I need to wake up Now
电影简介 《难以忽视的真相》讲述的是全球变暖的种种自然现象与戈尔先生的个人历史,以及他长期以来致力于警示和改善全球变暖现象的行动交织在一起,构成了一部具有强烈震撼力的纪录片。影片中前任美国副总统——阿尔·戈尔完美的演讲,把全球变暖这个事实一一告诉大家,准确的数据,幽默的演讲,不包含任何的政治因素。更以一个悲天悯人的死忠环保主义者形象,对观众晓之以情动之以理。作为本片的主演兼制片人,戈尔不收取任何报酬的卖力演出。片长:3分33秒