Spain confirms release of hostages by al-Qaida

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Spain confirms release of hostages by al-Qaida

08:58, August 24, 2010      

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The Spanish government on Monday confirmed the release of two Spanish aid workers kidnapped nine months ago in Mauritania by al-Qaida's North African branch.

The release of Albert Vilaltra and Roque Pascual puts an end to "a terrorist act that should never have taken place," Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said in a statement.

Vilaltra and Pascual, both working for non-governmental organization Barcelona Accio Solidaria (Barcelona Solidarity Action), were captured in November along with their female co-worker Alicia Gamez by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Gamez was released in March.

Vilaltra and Pascual were believed to have been held hostage by AQIM somewhere in the northern Mali desert.

Spanish media had reported on the release of the two aid workers prior to the statement of Zapatero, saying that they were being transferred to the border between Mali and Burkina Faso to prepare for their release.

The prime minister did not comment on reports that Spain paid 3.8 million euros (4.8 million dollars) for the freedom of the two aid workers.

The Spanish government told Spanish state television RTVE earlier that it has used every diplomatic avenue available to secure the release of the two men.

Source: Xinhua
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