芯片与药片: 高技术药丸会发短信提醒你及时服药 - 丁香园论坛...【medical-news】

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/12 03:16:15
Chip and pill: The hi-tech tablet that will text you when it's time to take another dose

By Jenny Hope
Last updated at 1:49 AM on 14th August 2010

芯片与药片: 高技术药丸会发短信提醒你及时服药

撰文:Jenny Hope



A 'smart' pill that texts patients' mobile phones if they forget to take their medication is being tested in the UK.


Around 40 volunteers are being recruited by NHS doctors to take standard versions of their heart pill fitted with a microchip.


The chips in the pills send signals to a patch attached to the patient's shoulder when swallowed.


The Raisin: The system contains a pill with an edible microchip and a patch that sits on the shoulder which texts information to either the doctor or patient
(图示为 Raisin(利生) 系统:这一系统包括一粒内含可食用的微型芯片的药丸、一块应用时必须帖在患者肩膀上的帖片,该帖片可向医生或患者发送信息。)

Technology in the patch monitors when the pills are swallowed and can send a text if the patient forgets to take medication.


The system, known as Raisin, also monitors heart rate, heart activity and how well the patient is sleeping - all of which may signal a deteriorating condition.

该系统即 Raisin (利生)系统,可同时监测心率、心脏活动与患者的睡眠状况,因为所有这些相关信息都可能表示病情的恶化与否。

It costs a few pence per pill and was initially tested in the US, where it improved the rate patients consistently took their medication from 30 per cent to 80 per cent.


If successful, the four-month trial being run by Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Imperial College London and the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, could lead to a year-long NHS trial.

这项由帝国学院卫生保健国民卫生服务体系信托机构(Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust)、帝国伦敦学院与皇家伯克萨医院雷丁分院共同运作的为时四个月的实验如果成功的话,为时一年的NHS实验就会着手进行。

Professor Nicholas Peters, professor of cardiology at Imperial College Healthcare, said the main aim was encourage heart patients to stick to taking their pills.

帝国学院心脏病学教授Nicholas Peters说本试验的主要目标是鼓励心脏病患者坚持服药。

With a stricter medication regime, it is hoped their health will improve and they will be less likely to be admitted to hospital in an emergency.
In the trial, the patches will allow doctors to check whether patients have taken their pills, track the heart rate and determine whether they are frequently sitting up at night.

如果严格坚持按时按量服药的话,患者的健康就有希望改善、被送进急救中心的次数将大为减少。在本实验中, 肩帖片将允许医生检查患者是否服药、追踪患者的心率并确认患者晚上是否经常坐起熬夜。

This can signal fluid on the lungs which means the dosage needs adjusting.
Professor Peters said: 'The concept behind the technology is that the information belongs to the patient, who will be able to see the benefits of their medication in a number of measures.


'It will encourage patients to take responsibility for their own health.
'Heart failure is a condition where if the patient doesn't remain stable it can lead to a cascade of problems that result in emergency admissions into hospital.


'This is the kind of innovation that should help contain these costs.
'The hope is that after testing it can be appraised by the NHS and adopted for widespread use at an early stage.'



The chips developed by Proteus Biomedical, a California-based company, are tiny, digestible sensors made from food ingredients which are activated by stomach fluids after swallowing.

相关芯片由总部位于加州的Proteus Biomedical公司开发。芯片很小,传感器的制作原料是食品成份,容易消化;芯片吞服后由胃液激发开始工作。

Once activated, the sensor sends a low-power digital signal through the body to a receiver that is either an patch or tiny device inserted under the skin. This decodes and records the information.


The system yesterday received the European Union's CE mark, certifying that it meets consumer and health requirements.


It paves the way for the system to be combined with a range of medicines, and clinical trials have begun in the US with drugs for diabetes, organ transplants, mental health and tuberculosis.


Dr Charlie McKenna, of the Royal Berkshire, said 'I think it's very exciitng. This approach has large potential to help with compliance.'

皇家伯克萨医院的Charlie McKenna博士说:“我想,这令人非常激动。这一方法在帮助患者顺从治疗方案方面的潜力不可限量。”

(Docofsoul 译于 2010-08-14)