China offers additional aid to flood-hit Pakistan

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China offers additional aid to flood-hit Pakistan

10:40, August 22, 2010      

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  Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations Li Baodong speaks at the plenary General Assembly session on flood-devastated Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York, the United States, Aug. 20, 2010. China on Friday announced its decision to provide an additional 50 million RMB yuan (about 7.37 million U.S. dollars) worth of humanitarian supplies to the Pakistani government as "the latest developments suggest that the flooding in Pakistan may pose an unprecedented humanitarian challenge." (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

  China on Friday announced its decision to provide an additional 50 million RMB yuan (about 7. 37 million U.S. dollars) worth of humanitarian supplies to the Pakistani government as "the latest developments suggest that the flooding in Pakistan may pose an unprecedented humanitarian challenge."

  The announcement came as Li Baodong, the Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, was speaking at a plenary General Assembly session on flood-devastated Pakistan, which entered its second day here on Friday.

  "The first batch of relief supplies has arrived at the affected areas on Aug. 19, which included 30 tons of food, 1,200 tents, 1, 000 power generators, 23,800 blankets as well as medicine, mineral water and water purification equipment," Li said. "The rest of the relief supplies will be delivered on Aug. 20."

  "The Chinese government will continue to do what it can to provide assistance to Pakistan in the light of the developments of the disaster," he said.

  Immediately after the flooding occurred, "China acted promptly to provide humanitarian support and assistance to Pakistan, showing the profound friendship between the Chinese and Pakistani governments and people," he noted.

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