
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/16 20:46:23
第一双打 first pair
地震 earthquake, quake
地震棚 earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
点播 request the broadcasting (or telecasting)
点播节目 phone-in program
点钞费 counting fee (A depositor surnamed Cao went to a Beijing branch of the Agricultural Bank of China last week to deposit 300 yuan in 1-yuan coins. To her astonishment, the bank charged her 6 yuan as “counting fee.” 市民曹女士上周去农业银行北京某支行存了300个一元硬币到个人账户上,令她吃惊的是,银行竟然要向她收取了6元的“点钞费”。)
电大 college courses broadcast on television
垫付 "advancement, payment on account"
电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number
电话会议 teleconference
电话会议呼叫 Conference calling
电话勒索 telephone extortionist. (Many Chinese-American business owners in California have been targeted by a telephone extortionist. 加州爆发专门针对华人商铺的电话勒索潮。)
电话留言机 answering machine
点击欺诈 click fraud (Being accused of click fraud - charging them for non-existent clicks, a spokesperson for the social networking company Facebook admits Sunday there is a problem and says a fix is coming.著名社交网站Facebook存在点击欺诈的消息传出后,该公司发言人布兰顿•麦克科米克周日承认Facebook确实存在该问题,公司将尽快修正,并给予受点击欺诈的广告主补偿。)
电老虎 electricity guzzler; big power consumer
点面结合 integrate point and sphere
点名册 roll book
电脑病毒 computer virus
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电脑校对机 electronic-brain collator
电脑空间 cyberspace
电脑聊天 cyberchat
电脑盲 computer illiterate
电脑迷 mouse potato
点球 penalty kick