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北京时间7月22日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国康奈尔大学研制的步行机器人“突击队员”近日打破了一项新的世界纪录。7月6日,“突击队员”在仅仅11小时内走完了14.3英里(约合23公里)的路程,创造了机器人无外力扶持行走距离新纪录。 康奈尔大学参与研究的学生通过遥控器对“突击队员”进行引导,“突击队员”沿着康奈尔大学巴顿大厅体育馆室内跑道走了108.5圈,每圈大约212米。在它停下来充电之前,“突击队员”在整个行走过程中共走了大约7万多步。14.3英里(约合23公里)的路程,打破了此前由波士顿动力研制的“大狗”机器人所保持的12.8英里(约合20.6公里)的机器人行走纪录。 此前在2008年4月,康奈尔大学的学生所研制的机器人已经创造了机器人行走纪录。当时,“突击队员”沿着巴顿大厅体育馆室内跑道行走了5.6英里(约合9公里)。但是,“大狗”后来很快打破了这一纪录。 对于机器人研究来说,目标之一就是证明机器人能量使用效率。与其他利用电动机控制每一个动作的行走机器人不同,“突击队员”显得更加放松,而且在某种程度上更像是在模仿人类行走,它懂得如何利用重力和动力等要素来帮助摆动腿部。     

Walking robot breaks distance record

Cornell University's 'Ranger' goes 14.3 miles in 11 hours

By Stuart Fox

While it looks more like a toaster with legs than Usain Bolt, Cornell University’s Ranger robot has set some track records all the same, including a world record for untethered robotic walking, traveling 14.3 miles in only 11 hours.

Guided by students with a remote control, Ranger navigated 108.5 times around the Barton Hall indoor track, about 212 meters per lap, and made about 70,000 steps before it had to stop and recharge. The 14.3-mile record beats the former world record set by Boston Dynamics' BigDog, which had claimed the record at 12.8 miles.

Previously, Cornell students set a record for a robot walking untethered in April 2008, when Ranger strode about 5.6 miles around the Barton Hall track. Boston Dynamics' BigDog subsequently beat that record.

One goal for robotic research is to show off the machine's energy efficiency. Unlike other walking robots that use motors to control every movement, the Ranger appears more relaxed and in a way emulates human walking, using gravity and momentum to help swing its legs forward.

The information could be applied to rehabilitation, prostheses for humans and improving athletic performance.

  • New 6-Legged Robot Walks By Taming Chaos
  • 5 Reasons to Fear Robots
  • Machines Take Center Stage at 'Robot Olympics'
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