罕见洪灾使巴基斯坦沦为“岛国” 幸存灾民受困孤岛

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/03 23:54:44
罕见洪灾使巴基斯坦沦为“岛国” 幸存灾民受困孤岛   巴基斯坦灾民被困在小块高地形成的小岛上,挣扎着生存下来       今年7月以来,巴基斯坦遭受80年来最严重的一次洪灾袭击,目前已有约1500人死亡,1300万人受灾。幸存下来的灾民不得不在废墟上挣扎求生,等待灾难过去。   在灾情较为严重的地区,肆虐的洪水所到之处,一切房屋设施都被摧毁,村镇建筑也都荡然无存,只留下一片汪洋,只有一些小块高地露出水面,形成一个个小岛。巴基斯坦几乎已经变成一个“岛国”,被洪水夺去所有财产的灾民被困在这些小岛上,搭起简陋的帐篷,等待直升机送来最基本的食物供应。   联合国近日警告称,虽然目前巴基斯坦洪灾的死亡人数要远远小于最近的三次重大自然灾害:2004年印度洋海啸、2005年克什米尔地震和2010年海地地震,但是巴基斯坦受洪水影响的人数将比这三次灾难的受灾人数加起来还要多 巴基斯坦灾民追逐直升机空投下来的物资   被困在“小岛”上的灾民周围只有一片汪洋 巴基斯坦城市的建筑都被洪水淹没   被困在房屋废墟上的巴基斯坦灾民 巴基斯坦灾民驱赶着牲畜在洪水中跋涉寻找高地 这两个孩子的家已经变成一片沼泽,只剩下两扇门 灾民逃离被洪水淹没的家园,向高山上艰难攀登 被洪水冲垮的桥梁 在洪水中抢救财产的灾民

Pakistan flood havoc may eclipse Indian tsunami

(Xinhua) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2010-08/10/content_11125279.htm

Updated: 2010-08-10 03:55

UNITED NATIONS -- The number of people affected by catastrophic floods in Pakistan may outnumber those suffering from the recent major natural disasters -- the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2005 South Asia earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the United Nations said here on Monday.


"The number of people affected by Pakistan's floods is now estimated to be 13.8 million, according to the government of Pakistan," said a press release from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).


"While not all may be in need of immediate humanitarian assistance, and the severity of their needs has not yet been fully assessed, this is a higher figure than those who were affected by the 2005 South Asia tsunami (five million), the 2005 South Asia earthquake (three million), or the 2010 Haiti earthquake (three million)," the press release said. "The estimate of homes destroyed or seriously damaged -- 290,000 -- is almost the same as those destroyed in Haiti."


Earlier on Monday, UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon voiced his extreme concern over the massive floods that have killed hundreds of people in Pakistan, and urged donors to contribute generously to the humanitarian response, saying the effects of the disaster rivaled the impact of the earthquake that struck the South Asian country in 2005.


The earthquake is estimated to have claimed the lives of 80,000 people and caused widespread destruction in areas around Pakistan' s border with India.


"The scale of this disaster [floods] rivals that of the earthquake in October 2005, but this time the geographic range is much greater," the secretary-general said during his monthly press conference at the UN Headquarters in New York.


"Let me stress now that we must also give thought to medium and longer-term assistance. This will be a major and protracted task," Ban said. "I appeal for donors to generously support Pakistan at this difficult time."