Jayrock: JSON and JSON-RPC for .NET

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/16 05:13:38
Jayrock: JSON and JSON-RPC for .NET
mojoPortal 项目中使用Joyrock和MagicAjaxNET,他没有使用Asp.net ajax ,是因为mojoPortal是一个运行在Windows的 .net framework或Linux,Mac OS的Mono平台上的cms系统,asp.net ajax 的协议决定了它不能应用于mono上。Joyrock的具体应用可以去看mojoPortal 的最新版本的代码。
<%@ WebHandler Class="JayrockWeb.HelloWorld" %>
namespace JayrockWeb
using System;
using System.Web;
using Jayrock.Json;
using Jayrock.JsonRpc;
using Jayrock.JsonRpc.Web;
public class HelloWorld : JsonRpcHandler
[ JsonRpcMethod("greetings") ]
public string Greetings()
return "Welcome to Jayrock!";
[ JsonRpcMethod("greetings") ]恰好对应于ASP.NET 的[WebMethod],深入理解一下就知道,这两个自定义属性就是起到标记作用,用来声明方法是可以远程调用的。

Hello Jayrock

This page tests the HelloWorld service with Jayrock.

// This JavaScript was automatically generated by
// Jayrock.Json.Rpc.Web.JsonRpcProxyGenerator, Jayrock, Version=0.9.7507.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// on 2006年12月5日 at 8:46:27 (中国标准时间)
// Proxy version 1.0
function HelloWorld(url)
/* Returns a summary about the JSON-RPC server implementation for display purposes. */
this["system.about"] = function(callback)
return call("system.about", [ ], callback);
/* Returns the version JSON-RPC server implementation using the major, minor, build and revision format. */
this["system.version"] = function(callback)
return call("system.version", [ ], callback);
/* Returns an array of method names implemented by this service. */
this["system.listMethods"] = function(callback)
return call("system.listMethods", [ ], callback);
this["greetings"] = function(callback)
return call("greetings", [ ], callback);
var url = typeof(url) === ‘string‘ ? url : ‘http://localhost:3409/Web/HelloWorld.ashx‘;
var self = this;
var nextId = 0;
function call(method, params, callback)
var request = { id : nextId++, method : method, params : params };
return callback == null ?
callSync(method, request) : callAsync(method, request, callback);
function callSync(method, request)
var http = newHTTP();
http.open(‘POST‘, url, false, self.httpUserName, self.httpPassword);
setupHeaders(http, method);
if (http.status != 200)
throw { message : http.status + ‘ ‘ + http.statusText, toString : function() { return message; } };
var response = JSON.eval(http.responseText);
if (response.error != null) throw response.error;
return response.result;
function callAsync(method, request, callback)
var http = newHTTP();
http.open(‘POST‘, url, true, self.httpUserName, self.httpPassword);
setupHeaders(http, method);
http.onreadystatechange = function() { http_onreadystatechange(http, callback); }
return request.id;
function setupHeaders(http, method)
http.setRequestHeader(‘Content-Type‘, ‘text/plain; charset=utf-8‘);
http.setRequestHeader(‘X-JSON-RPC‘, method);
function http_onreadystatechange(sender, callback)
if (sender.readyState == /* complete */ 4)
var response = sender.status == 200 ?
JSON.eval(sender.responseText) : {};
response.xmlHTTP = sender;
function newHTTP()
return typeof(ActiveXObject) === ‘function‘ ?
new ActiveXObject(‘Microsoft.XMLHTTP‘) : /* IE 5 */
new XMLHttpRequest(); /* Safari 1.2, Mozilla 1.0/Firefox, and Netscape 7 */
HelloWorld.rpcMethods = ["system.about","system.version","system.listMethods","greetings"];
上面JS文档是自动生成的,ASP.NET AJAX也有自动生成客户端访问对象的功能
Jayrock 远程方法要求写在一个ashx中,页面请求这个ashx的时候,在ProcessRequest 中根据Request对象中的参数信息,确定请求的服务器端方法名称和参数,然后进行调用,并返回结果。