
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/07 03:18:56




1.骰子的一点与四点被漆上红色的典故是什么? On Chinese dice, the numbers one and four are painted red. What is the story behind it?

[size=+0]A 曹丕为了取悦宓妃 Cao Pi ordered this done to please Concubine Mi
B 唐明皇为了取悦杨贵妃 Emperor Ming Huang of the Tang dynasty ordered this done to please Concubine Yang
C 光绪皇为了取悦珍妃 Emperor Guangxu ordered this done to please Concubine Zhen

[size=+0]2.著名榴莲品种“猫山王”里的“猫山”指的是什么动物? What animal does "Cat Mountain" in the well-known durian variety "Cat Mountain King" refer to?

[size=+0]A 果子狸 Gem-faced civet
B 猴子 Monkey
C 山猫 Leopard cat

[size=+0]3.网络火星文“歪楼”是指什么? The internet term “Wai Lou” (literally: leaning tower) means
A 很久才回帖 Taking a long time to reply to an online posting
B 回帖内容有粗话 Usage of vulgar language in replying to a post
C 回帖内容偏离了原帖的主题 Content of a reply veering off the topic of the original posting

[size=+0]4.孔子说的“民有三疾”是指什么? When Confucius said, “men have three failings”, he was referring to:
A 头痛、牙痛、喉咙痛 Headache, toothache, and sore throat.
B 不孝、不忠、不义 Unfilial behaviour, disloyalty and unrighteousness.
C 狂、矜、愚 High-mindedness, stern dignity and stupidity

[size=+0]5.请问少林寺位于哪里? Where is the Shaolin Temple located?
[size=+0]A 松山 sōng shān
B 崧山 sōng shān
C 嵩山 sōng shān

6.英文谚语“Man proposes, God disposes”最贴切的中文翻译是: Which of the following is the closest equivalent of the English idiom “Man proposes, God disposes”?
[size=+0]A 人贵有自知之明 人贵有自知之明 (literally: The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself)
B 谋事在人,成事在天 谋事在人,成事在天 (literally: planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven
C 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 (literally: fortune is as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity)

[size=+0]7.古画《清明上河图》是描绘哪一个朝代的市井繁华? The ancient painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” depicts the hustle and bustle of city life in China during the
A 清朝 Qing Dynasty
B 明朝 Ming Dynasty
C 宋朝 Song Dynasty

[size=+0]8.被誉为“世上唯一存活的象形文字”的是哪种文字? Which of the following is the only pictographic writing system that is still currently in use?
[size=+0]A 东巴文字 Dongba script
B 江永文字 Jiangyong script
C 西夏文字 Western Xia script

[size=+0]9.神话《天方夜谭》中的哪则故事是发生在中国? Which of the following stories in the book “One Thousand and One Nights” was set in China?
[size=+0]A 辛巴达航海记 Sinbad the Sailor
B 阿里巴巴与四十大盗 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
C 阿拉丁神灯 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

[size=+0]10.“敲边鼓”是什么意思? What is the meaning of the Mandarin phrase “beating a drum at the side”?
[size=+0]A 在旁泼冷水 To pour or throw cold water on; discourage
B 在旁帮腔助威 To try to assist from the sidelines; speak or act to back somebody up
C 打别人的小报告 To tell tales on somebody; to snitch on somebody
