第八章 开始行动(二)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 07:58:47

     Step No.6 PAY YOUR BROKERS WELL: I often see people posting a sign in front of their house that says, "For Sale by Owner." Or I see on TV today many people claiming to be "Discount Brokers."

     第六步 给你的经纪人以优厚报酬:我经常看到人们在自己的房子前面插上一块牌子,上书:“房主直接出售”,或者像今天我从电视中听到的话:“对经纪人的话要打折扣”。

     My rich dad taught me to take the opposite tack. He believed in paying professionals well, and I have adopted that policy also. Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services should make you money. And the more money they make, the more money I make.

     我的富爸爸教我采取与这些人相反的做法。他坚持给予专业人士以优厚报酬,而我也采纳了这一政策。 今天,我雇有身价昂贵的律师、会计师、房地产经纪人以及股票经纪人。为什么要这样做呢? 因为我认为,如果他们是专业人才的话,他们的服务就会为你创造财富,而且他们创造的财富越多,我挣到的钱也越多。

     We live in the Information Age. Information is priceless. A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you.


     Step No.7 BE AN "INDIAN GIVER": This is the power of getting something for nothing. When the first white settlers came to America, they were taken aback by a cultural practice some American Indians had. For example, if a settler was cold, the Indian would give the person a blanket. Mistaking it for a gift, the settler was often offended when the Indian asked for it back.

     第七步 做一个“印第安给予者”:无私的力量。 一批白人定居者抵达美洲时,他们对印第安人的文化习惯感到惊讶和不适应。 例如,当看到一个白人很冷时,印第安人会给那人一条毯子,可白人定居者误以为这是一份礼物,因此当印第安人要回毯子时,他们感到十分不快。

     The Indians also got upset when they realized the settlers did not want to give it back. That is where the term "Indian giver" came from. A simple cultural misunderstanding.


     In the world of the "asset column," being an Indian giver is vital to wealth. The sophisticated investor's first question is, "How fast do I get my money back?" They also want to know what they get for free, also called a piece of the action. That is why the ROI, or return of and on investment, is so important.

     在“资产项目”领域,做一个“印第安给予者”对于取得财富来说十分重要。一位老练的投资者的首要问题是:“需要多快才能收回我的投资?” 他们想确定自己的投资能得到的回报,这就是投资回报率为什么重要的原因。

     Frequently, my broker will call me and recommend I move a sizable amount of money into the stock of a company that he feels is just about to make a move that will add value to the stock, like announcing a new product. I will move my money in for a week to a month while the stock moves up. Then, I pull my initial dollar amount out, and stop worrying about the fluctuations of the market, because my initial money is back and ready to work on another asset. So my money goes in, and then it comes out, and I own an asset that was technically free.

     经常地,我的经纪人会打电话给我,建议我动用一笔数额可观的资金,用来购买他认为会有上涨行情的公司股票,比如拥有某种新产品的公司的股票。 于是,我会在股票上涨前的一周到一个月期间将资金调入。 赢利后,我便抽回投入的初始资金,并不再担心此后市场的波动,因为我投入的初始资金已经收回,并又投资于其他资产了。 我的资金通过投入又收回,使我拥有了一笔从技术上来说是无偿取得的资产。

     Step No.8 ASSETS BUY LUXURIES: As I said in the section "Pay Yourself First," if a person cannot master the power of self-discipline, it is best not to try to get rich. For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. Due to external temptations, it is much easier in today's consumer world to simply blow it out the expense column. Because of weak mental fortitude, that money flows into the paths of least resistance. That is the cause of poverty and financial struggle.

     第八步 资产用来购买奢侈品:在“首先支付你自己”一节中,我说到如果一个人没有自律的能力,最好别想着去致富。 因为从理论上来讲,一项资产产生现金流量的过程是容易的,但是拥有控制金钱的坚强意志却是困难的。 由于种种外在的诱惑,在今天的消费者世界里,在支出项目上挥霍金钱更加容易。 因为意志薄弱,金钱的流出简直会无遮无拦,这就是大多数人贫困和财务困窘的原因。

     I love my luxuries as much as anyone else. The difference is, some people buy their luxuries on credit. It's the keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap. I use the income from my assets to buy my luxuries. When I wanted to buy a Porsche, the easy road would have been to call my banker and get a loan. Instead of choosing to focus in the liability column, I chose to focus in the asset column.

     和其他人一样,我也喜欢奢侈品,差别在于有些人贷款购买奢侈品并掉入一个相互攀比的陷阱, 我用我资产的收入来买奢侈品。当我想买一辆保时捷车时,最简单的方法可能也是让我的银行家提供一笔贷款。 我选择的是集中资源于资产项而不是负债项目。

     As a habit, I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest. Too often today, we focus to borrowing money to get the things we want instead of focusing on creating money. One is easier in the short term, but harder in the long term. It's a bad habit that we as individuals and as a nation have gotten into. Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy.

     作为一种习惯,我用自己希望消费的欲望来激发并利用我的财务天赋去进行投资。 今天,我们常常是借钱来获得我们想要的某种东西,而不是把注意力集中在为自己创造金钱上。 这样做在短期来看很容易,但长期来看却会产生问题。不论是个人还是国家,这都是一种坏习惯。 记住,最容易的道路往往会越走越艰难,而艰难的道路往往会越走越轻松。

     The earlier you can train yourself and those you love to be masters of money, the better. Money is a powerful force. Unfortunately, people use the power of money against them. If your financial intelligence is low, money will run all over you. It will be smarter than you. If money is smarter than you, you will work for it all your life.

     你能越早训练自己和自己所爱的人成为金钱的主人,结果就会越好。 金钱是一种强有力的力量,不幸的是,大多数人们用金钱的力量来对付自己。 如果你的财商很低,金钱就会比你更精明,它会从你身上溜走。如果你没有金钱精明,你就将为之工作一生。

     Step No.9 THE NEED FOR HEROES: When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes. As a kid playing Little League, I wanted to be just like them. I treasured their baseball cards. I wanted to know everything about them. I knew the stats, the RBI, the ERAs, their batting averages, how much they got paid, and how they came up from the minors. I wanted to know everything because I wanted to be just like them.

     第九步 对英雄的崇拜:少年时代,我非常崇拜威利.梅斯、汉克.阿龙、约吉.贝拉,他们是我心目中的英雄。 作为青少年棒球联赛的参加者,我希望自己能像他们那样。我珍藏着他们的球星卡,我想知道与他们有关的一切。 我知道他们的平均击球得分,他们挣多少钱,以及他们是怎样在少年棒球联赛上崭露头角的。 我想知道有关他们的一切事情因为我也想象他们一样。

     Every time, as a 9 or 10 year-old kid, when I stepped up to bat or played first base or catcher, I wasn't me. I was Yogi or Hank. It's one of the most powerful ways we learn that we often lose as adults. We lose our heroes. We lose our naivete.

     在我9到10岁的时候,每次当我上场击球或打第一垒或充当接球手时,我便不再是我自己。 我成了约吉或者汉克,这是我学到的最有力量的方法之一。但当我们长大成人后,却失去这种能力,我们失去了心目中的英雄,我们失去了过去的天真。

     I have new heroes as I grow older. I have golf heroes such as Peter Jacobsen, Fred Couples and Tiger Woods. I copy their swings and do my best to read everything I can about them. I also have heroes such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, George Soros and Jim Rogers. In my older years, I know their stats just like I knew the ERAs and RBI of my baseball heroes. I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and read anything I can about his point of view on the market. I read Peter Lynch's book to understand how he chooses stocks. And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together.

     随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得.雅各布森、弗雷德.库普勒斯和泰戈尔.伍兹。 我模仿他们的动作,竭尽全力去搜集与他们有关的资料。我还崇拜像唐纳德.特朗普、沃伦.菲特,彼得.奇、乔治.罗斯和吉姆那样的投资家。 现在我年纪大了,但我还像小时候记得的棒球明星们打球的积分那样记得这些新英雄的情况。 我跟随沃伦.菲特的选择进行投资,还阅读有关他对市场的所有看法 我阅读彼得.奇的书,以弄懂他怎样选择股票;我还阅读了有关唐纳德.特朗普的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。

     Just as I was not me when I was up to bat, when I'm in the market or I'm negotiating a deal, I am subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump. Or when analyzing a trend, I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius.

     就像在棒球场上一样,我不再是我自己。在市场上或进行交易谈判时,我下意识地模仿特特朗普的那种气势。 或当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得.奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。

     But heroes do more than simply inspire us. Heroes make things look easy. It's the making it look easy that convinces us to want to be just like them. "If they can do it, so can I."


     Step No.10 TEACH AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: Both of my dads were teachers. My rich dad taught me a lesson I have carried all my life, and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving. My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge, but almost never gave away money. As I said, he usually said that he would give when he had some extra money. Of course, there was rarely any extra.

     第十步子先予后取:我的两个爸爸都是教师。我的富爸爸教给了我一生受用的经验,那就是乐善好施的必要性。 我的受到良好教育的爸爸花了很长时间广泛传授知识,却几乎没有施舍钱财。 就像我前面所说的,他常常说要是有额外的钱,就会施舍给别人,可是,他很少会有多余的钱。

     My rich dad gave money as well as education. He believed firmly in tithing. "If you want something, you first need to give," he would always say. When he was short of money, he simply gave money to his church or to his favorite charity.

     我的富爸爸既提供金钱也提供教育,他坚信应对社会有所贡献。“如果你想获得,你首先需要给予。”他总是这样说。 即使当他缺钱时,他仍继续向教堂或他支持的慈善机构捐钱。

     If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want.

     如果我能给你提供一种思路的话,那一定是这个思路:当你感到手头“短缺”或“需要”什么时,首先要想到给予,只有先“予”,你才会在将来“取”得回报, 无论金钱、微笑、爱情还是友谊,都是这样。我知道人们常常会把这件事放在最后,但事实证明这样做对我总是大有种益的。 我相信互利互惠的原则是正确的,我为自己想要的东西付出成本。

     My rich dad would often say, "Poor people are more greedy than rich people." He would explain that if a person was rich, that person was providing something that other people wanted. In my life, over all these years, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted, and decided to give it first. And when I gave, it always came back.

     我的富爸爸常常说,“穷人比富人更贪婪”。他解释说,如果一个人很富有,那么这个人就能提供其他人想要的东西。 截止今天,每当我觉得自己需要点什么,或者缺钱,或者缺少帮助时,我就去想一想,自己心里到底需要什么,然后首先为此而付出。 并且一旦我为此而付出,那我总是能得到回报。

     It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night, and he is yelling at the pot-bellied stove, "When you give me some heat, then I'll put some wood in." And when it comes to money, love, happiness, sales and contacts, all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will come back in droves.

     这使我想起了一个故事,说的是一位抱着柴禾的人坐在寒冷的夜里,冲着一只因缺柴而熄灭的大火炉叫道:“你什么时候给我以温暖,我什么时候才会给你添加柴禾”。 推而广之,涉及到金钱、爱情、幸福、销售以及合同等等,人们都应记住必须为自己需要的东西首先付出,然后才能得到加倍回报。

     My poor dad taught teachers, and he became a master teacher. My rich dad always taught young people his way of doing business. In retrospect, it was their generosity with what they knew that made them smarter. There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are. You can get there on your own, but it's easier with the help of the powers that be. All you need to be is generous with what you have, and the powers will be generous with you.

     我的穷爸爸培养老师,最终成为一名资深教师。同样的我的富爸爸总是把自己从事商务的经验和知识教给年轻人, 回想起来,当他们将那些他们自己懂得的知识十分慷慨地传授给别人时,他们变得更加聪明。在这个世界上有许多力量比我们所拥有的能力更强, 你也许可以凭自己的努力获得成功,但是如果有了这种力量的帮助,你就更容易成功或者取得更伟大的成功。你所应当做的是:对自己拥有的东西慷慨大度一些。反过来,你也一定会得到慷慨的回报。

     Take Action!


     All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours and only yours. With every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor or middle class.

     上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。 随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途。 愚蠢地用掉它,你就选择了贫困;把钱用在负债项目上,你就会进入中产阶层;投资于你的头脑,学习如何获取资产,财富将成为你的目标和你的未来。 选择是你作出的。每一天,面对每一美元,你都在做出自己是成为一名富人、穷人还是中产阶级的抉择。

     Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.


     You and your children's future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.


     Step No.6 PAY YOUR BROKERS WELL: I often see people posting a sign in front of their house that says, "For Sale by Owner." Or I see on TV today many people claiming to be "Discount Brokers."

     第六步 给你的经纪人以优厚报酬:我经常看到人们在自己的房子前面插上一块牌子,上书:“房主直接出售”,或者像今天我从电视中听到的话:“对经纪人的话要打折扣”。

     My rich dad taught me to take the opposite tack. He believed in paying professionals well, and I have adopted that policy also. Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services should make you money. And the more money they make, the more money I make.

     我的富爸爸教我采取与这些人相反的做法。他坚持给予专业人士以优厚报酬,而我也采纳了这一政策。 今天,我雇有身价昂贵的律师、会计师、房地产经纪人以及股票经纪人。为什么要这样做呢? 因为我认为,如果他们是专业人才的话,他们的服务就会为你创造财富,而且他们创造的财富越多,我挣到的钱也越多。

     We live in the Information Age. Information is priceless. A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you.


     Step No.7 BE AN "INDIAN GIVER": This is the power of getting something for nothing. When the first white settlers came to America, they were taken aback by a cultural practice some American Indians had. For example, if a settler was cold, the Indian would give the person a blanket. Mistaking it for a gift, the settler was often offended when the Indian asked for it back.

     第七步 做一个“印第安给予者”:无私的力量。 一批白人定居者抵达美洲时,他们对印第安人的文化习惯感到惊讶和不适应。 例如,当看到一个白人很冷时,印第安人会给那人一条毯子,可白人定居者误以为这是一份礼物,因此当印第安人要回毯子时,他们感到十分不快。

     The Indians also got upset when they realized the settlers did not want to give it back. That is where the term "Indian giver" came from. A simple cultural misunderstanding.


     In the world of the "asset column," being an Indian giver is vital to wealth. The sophisticated investor's first question is, "How fast do I get my money back?" They also want to know what they get for free, also called a piece of the action. That is why the ROI, or return of and on investment, is so important.

     在“资产项目”领域,做一个“印第安给予者”对于取得财富来说十分重要。一位老练的投资者的首要问题是:“需要多快才能收回我的投资?” 他们想确定自己的投资能得到的回报,这就是投资回报率为什么重要的原因。

     Frequently, my broker will call me and recommend I move a sizable amount of money into the stock of a company that he feels is just about to make a move that will add value to the stock, like announcing a new product. I will move my money in for a week to a month while the stock moves up. Then, I pull my initial dollar amount out, and stop worrying about the fluctuations of the market, because my initial money is back and ready to work on another asset. So my money goes in, and then it comes out, and I own an asset that was technically free.

     经常地,我的经纪人会打电话给我,建议我动用一笔数额可观的资金,用来购买他认为会有上涨行情的公司股票,比如拥有某种新产品的公司的股票。 于是,我会在股票上涨前的一周到一个月期间将资金调入。 赢利后,我便抽回投入的初始资金,并不再担心此后市场的波动,因为我投入的初始资金已经收回,并又投资于其他资产了。 我的资金通过投入又收回,使我拥有了一笔从技术上来说是无偿取得的资产。

     Step No.8 ASSETS BUY LUXURIES: As I said in the section "Pay Yourself First," if a person cannot master the power of self-discipline, it is best not to try to get rich. For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. Due to external temptations, it is much easier in today's consumer world to simply blow it out the expense column. Because of weak mental fortitude, that money flows into the paths of least resistance. That is the cause of poverty and financial struggle.

     第八步 资产用来购买奢侈品:在“首先支付你自己”一节中,我说到如果一个人没有自律的能力,最好别想着去致富。 因为从理论上来讲,一项资产产生现金流量的过程是容易的,但是拥有控制金钱的坚强意志却是困难的。 由于种种外在的诱惑,在今天的消费者世界里,在支出项目上挥霍金钱更加容易。 因为意志薄弱,金钱的流出简直会无遮无拦,这就是大多数人贫困和财务困窘的原因。

     I love my luxuries as much as anyone else. The difference is, some people buy their luxuries on credit. It's the keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap. I use the income from my assets to buy my luxuries. When I wanted to buy a Porsche, the easy road would have been to call my banker and get a loan. Instead of choosing to focus in the liability column, I chose to focus in the asset column.

     和其他人一样,我也喜欢奢侈品,差别在于有些人贷款购买奢侈品并掉入一个相互攀比的陷阱, 我用我资产的收入来买奢侈品。当我想买一辆保时捷车时,最简单的方法可能也是让我的银行家提供一笔贷款。 我选择的是集中资源于资产项而不是负债项目。

     As a habit, I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest. Too often today, we focus to borrowing money to get the things we want instead of focusing on creating money. One is easier in the short term, but harder in the long term. It's a bad habit that we as individuals and as a nation have gotten into. Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy.

     作为一种习惯,我用自己希望消费的欲望来激发并利用我的财务天赋去进行投资。 今天,我们常常是借钱来获得我们想要的某种东西,而不是把注意力集中在为自己创造金钱上。 这样做在短期来看很容易,但长期来看却会产生问题。不论是个人还是国家,这都是一种坏习惯。 记住,最容易的道路往往会越走越艰难,而艰难的道路往往会越走越轻松。

     The earlier you can train yourself and those you love to be masters of money, the better. Money is a powerful force. Unfortunately, people use the power of money against them. If your financial intelligence is low, money will run all over you. It will be smarter than you. If money is smarter than you, you will work for it all your life.

     你能越早训练自己和自己所爱的人成为金钱的主人,结果就会越好。 金钱是一种强有力的力量,不幸的是,大多数人们用金钱的力量来对付自己。 如果你的财商很低,金钱就会比你更精明,它会从你身上溜走。如果你没有金钱精明,你就将为之工作一生。

     Step No.9 THE NEED FOR HEROES: When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes. As a kid playing Little League, I wanted to be just like them. I treasured their baseball cards. I wanted to know everything about them. I knew the stats, the RBI, the ERAs, their batting averages, how much they got paid, and how they came up from the minors. I wanted to know everything because I wanted to be just like them.

     第九步 对英雄的崇拜:少年时代,我非常崇拜威利.梅斯、汉克.阿龙、约吉.贝拉,他们是我心目中的英雄。 作为青少年棒球联赛的参加者,我希望自己能像他们那样。我珍藏着他们的球星卡,我想知道与他们有关的一切。 我知道他们的平均击球得分,他们挣多少钱,以及他们是怎样在少年棒球联赛上崭露头角的。 我想知道有关他们的一切事情因为我也想象他们一样。

     Every time, as a 9 or 10 year-old kid, when I stepped up to bat or played first base or catcher, I wasn't me. I was Yogi or Hank. It's one of the most powerful ways we learn that we often lose as adults. We lose our heroes. We lose our naivete.

     在我9到10岁的时候,每次当我上场击球或打第一垒或充当接球手时,我便不再是我自己。 我成了约吉或者汉克,这是我学到的最有力量的方法之一。但当我们长大成人后,却失去这种能力,我们失去了心目中的英雄,我们失去了过去的天真。

     I have new heroes as I grow older. I have golf heroes such as Peter Jacobsen, Fred Couples and Tiger Woods. I copy their swings and do my best to read everything I can about them. I also have heroes such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, George Soros and Jim Rogers. In my older years, I know their stats just like I knew the ERAs and RBI of my baseball heroes. I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and read anything I can about his point of view on the market. I read Peter Lynch's book to understand how he chooses stocks. And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together.

     随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得.雅各布森、弗雷德.库普勒斯和泰戈尔.伍兹。 我模仿他们的动作,竭尽全力去搜集与他们有关的资料。我还崇拜像唐纳德.特朗普、沃伦.菲特,彼得.奇、乔治.罗斯和吉姆那样的投资家。 现在我年纪大了,但我还像小时候记得的棒球明星们打球的积分那样记得这些新英雄的情况。 我跟随沃伦.菲特的选择进行投资,还阅读有关他对市场的所有看法 我阅读彼得.奇的书,以弄懂他怎样选择股票;我还阅读了有关唐纳德.特朗普的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。

     Just as I was not me when I was up to bat, when I'm in the market or I'm negotiating a deal, I am subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump. Or when analyzing a trend, I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius.

     就像在棒球场上一样,我不再是我自己。在市场上或进行交易谈判时,我下意识地模仿特特朗普的那种气势。 或当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得.奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。

     But heroes do more than simply inspire us. Heroes make things look easy. It's the making it look easy that convinces us to want to be just like them. "If they can do it, so can I."


     Step No.10 TEACH AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: Both of my dads were teachers. My rich dad taught me a lesson I have carried all my life, and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving. My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge, but almost never gave away money. As I said, he usually said that he would give when he had some extra money. Of course, there was rarely any extra.

     第十步子先予后取:我的两个爸爸都是教师。我的富爸爸教给了我一生受用的经验,那就是乐善好施的必要性。 我的受到良好教育的爸爸花了很长时间广泛传授知识,却几乎没有施舍钱财。 就像我前面所说的,他常常说要是有额外的钱,就会施舍给别人,可是,他很少会有多余的钱。

     My rich dad gave money as well as education. He believed firmly in tithing. "If you want something, you first need to give," he would always say. When he was short of money, he simply gave money to his church or to his favorite charity.

     我的富爸爸既提供金钱也提供教育,他坚信应对社会有所贡献。“如果你想获得,你首先需要给予。”他总是这样说。 即使当他缺钱时,他仍继续向教堂或他支持的慈善机构捐钱。

     If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want.

     如果我能给你提供一种思路的话,那一定是这个思路:当你感到手头“短缺”或“需要”什么时,首先要想到给予,只有先“予”,你才会在将来“取”得回报, 无论金钱、微笑、爱情还是友谊,都是这样。我知道人们常常会把这件事放在最后,但事实证明这样做对我总是大有种益的。 我相信互利互惠的原则是正确的,我为自己想要的东西付出成本。

     My rich dad would often say, "Poor people are more greedy than rich people." He would explain that if a person was rich, that person was providing something that other people wanted. In my life, over all these years, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted, and decided to give it first. And when I gave, it always came back.

     我的富爸爸常常说,“穷人比富人更贪婪”。他解释说,如果一个人很富有,那么这个人就能提供其他人想要的东西。 截止今天,每当我觉得自己需要点什么,或者缺钱,或者缺少帮助时,我就去想一想,自己心里到底需要什么,然后首先为此而付出。 并且一旦我为此而付出,那我总是能得到回报。

     It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night, and he is yelling at the pot-bellied stove, "When you give me some heat, then I'll put some wood in." And when it comes to money, love, happiness, sales and contacts, all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will come back in droves.

     这使我想起了一个故事,说的是一位抱着柴禾的人坐在寒冷的夜里,冲着一只因缺柴而熄灭的大火炉叫道:“你什么时候给我以温暖,我什么时候才会给你添加柴禾”。 推而广之,涉及到金钱、爱情、幸福、销售以及合同等等,人们都应记住必须为自己需要的东西首先付出,然后才能得到加倍回报。

     My poor dad taught teachers, and he became a master teacher. My rich dad always taught young people his way of doing business. In retrospect, it was their generosity with what they knew that made them smarter. There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are. You can get there on your own, but it's easier with the help of the powers that be. All you need to be is generous with what you have, and the powers will be generous with you.

     我的穷爸爸培养老师,最终成为一名资深教师。同样的我的富爸爸总是把自己从事商务的经验和知识教给年轻人, 回想起来,当他们将那些他们自己懂得的知识十分慷慨地传授给别人时,他们变得更加聪明。在这个世界上有许多力量比我们所拥有的能力更强, 你也许可以凭自己的努力获得成功,但是如果有了这种力量的帮助,你就更容易成功或者取得更伟大的成功。你所应当做的是:对自己拥有的东西慷慨大度一些。反过来,你也一定会得到慷慨的回报。

     Take Action!


     All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours and only yours. With every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor or middle class.

     上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。 随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途。 愚蠢地用掉它,你就选择了贫困;把钱用在负债项目上,你就会进入中产阶层;投资于你的头脑,学习如何获取资产,财富将成为你的目标和你的未来。 选择是你作出的。每一天,面对每一美元,你都在做出自己是成为一名富人、穷人还是中产阶级的抉择。

     Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.


     You and your children's future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.


     Step No.6 PAY YOUR BROKERS WELL: I often see people posting a sign in front of their house that says, "For Sale by Owner." Or I see on TV today many people claiming to be "Discount Brokers." 第六步 给你的经纪人以优厚报酬:我经常看到人们在自己的房子前面插上一块牌子,上书:“房主直接出售”,或者像今天我从电视中听到的话:“对经纪人的话要打折扣”。

     My rich dad taught me to take the opposite tack. He believed in paying professionals well, and I have adopted that policy also. 我的富爸爸教我采取与这些人相反的做法。他坚持给予专业人士以优厚报酬,而我也采纳了这一政策。 Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Why? 今天,我雇有身价昂贵的律师、会计师、房地产经纪人以及股票经纪人。为什么要这样做呢? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services should make you money. And the more money they make, the more money I make. 因为我认为,如果他们是专业人才的话,他们的服务就会为你创造财富,而且他们创造的财富越多,我挣到的钱也越多。

     We live in the Information Age. Information is priceless. A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you. 我们生活在信息时代,信息是无价的。一位好的经纪人应该给你提供信息,同时还应花时间来教育你。

     Step No.7 BE AN "INDIAN GIVER": This is the power of getting something for nothing. 第七步 做一个“印第安给予者”:无私的力量。 When the first white settlers came to America, they were taken aback by a cultural practice some American Indians had. 一批白人定居者抵达美洲时,他们对印第安人的文化习惯感到惊讶和不适应。 For example, if a settler was cold, the Indian would give the person a blanket. Mistaking it for a gift, the settler was often offended when the Indian asked for it back. 例如,当看到一个白人很冷时,印第安人会给那人一条毯子,可白人定居者误以为这是一份礼物,因此当印第安人要回毯子时,他们感到十分不快。

     The Indians also got upset when they realized the settlers did not want to give it back. That is where the term "Indian giver" came from. A simple cultural misunderstanding. 印第安人也会感到失望,因为他们发现白人定居者无意归还自己的毛毯。这就是“印第安给予者”一语的由来,代表一种简单的文化误解。

     In the world of the "asset column," being an Indian giver is vital to wealth. The sophisticated investor's first question is, "How fast do I get my money back?" 在“资产项目”领域,做一个“印第安给予者”对于取得财富来说十分重要。一位老练的投资者的首要问题是:“需要多快才能收回我的投资?” They also want to know what they get for free, also called a piece of the action. That is why the ROI, or return of and on investment, is so important. 他们想确定自己的投资能得到的回报,这就是投资回报率为什么重要的原因。

     Frequently, my broker will call me and recommend I move a sizable amount of money into the stock of a company that he feels is just about to make a move that will add value to the stock, like announcing a new product. 经常地,我的经纪人会打电话给我,建议我动用一笔数额可观的资金,用来购买他认为会有上涨行情的公司股票,比如拥有某种新产品的公司的股票。 I will move my money in for a week to a month while the stock moves up. 于是,我会在股票上涨前的一周到一个月期间将资金调入。 Then, I pull my initial dollar amount out, and stop worrying about the fluctuations of the market, because my initial money is back and ready to work on another asset. 赢利后,我便抽回投入的初始资金,并不再担心此后市场的波动,因为我投入的初始资金已经收回,并又投资于其他资产了。 So my money goes in, and then it comes out, and I own an asset that was technically free.

     Step No.8 ASSETS BUY LUXURIES: As I said in the section "Pay Yourself First," if a person cannot master the power of self-discipline, it is best not to try to get rich. 第八步 资产用来购买奢侈品:在“首先支付你自己”一节中,我说到如果一个人没有自律的能力,最好别想着去致富。 For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. 因为从理论上来讲,一项资产产生现金流量的过程是容易的,但是拥有控制金钱的坚强意志却是困难的。 Due to external temptations, it is much easier in today's consumer world to simply blow it out the expense column. 由于种种外在的诱惑,在今天的消费者世界里,在支出项目上挥霍金钱更加容易。 Because of weak mental fortitude, that money flows into the paths of least resistance. That is the cause of poverty and financial struggle. 因为意志薄弱,金钱的流出简直会无遮无拦,这就是大多数人贫困和财务困窘的原因。

     I love my luxuries as much as anyone else. The difference is, some people buy their luxuries on credit. It's the keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap. 和其他人一样,我也喜欢奢侈品,差别在于有些人贷款购买奢侈品并掉入一个相互攀比的陷阱, I use the income from my assets to buy my luxuries. When I wanted to buy a Porsche, the easy road would have been to call my banker and get a loan. 我用我资产的收入来买奢侈品。当我想买一辆保时捷车时,最简单的方法可能也是让我的银行家提供一笔贷款。 Instead of choosing to focus in the liability column, I chose to focus in the asset column. 我选择的是集中资源于资产项而不是负债项目。

     As a habit, I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest. 作为一种习惯,我用自己希望消费的欲望来激发并利用我的财务天赋去进行投资。 Too often today, we focus to borrowing money to get the things we want instead of focusing on creating money. 今天,我们常常是借钱来获得我们想要的某种东西,而不是把注意力集中在为自己创造金钱上。 One is easier in the short term, but harder in the long term. It's a bad habit that we as individuals and as a nation have gotten into. 这样做在短期来看很容易,但长期来看却会产生问题。不论是个人还是国家,这都是一种坏习惯。 Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy. 记住,最容易的道路往往会越走越艰难,而艰难的道路往往会越走越轻松。

     The earlier you can train yourself and those you love to be masters of money, the better. 你能越早训练自己和自己所爱的人成为金钱的主人,结果就会越好。 Money is a powerful force. Unfortunately, people use the power of money against them. 金钱是一种强有力的力量,不幸的是,大多数人们用金钱的力量来对付自己。 If your financial intelligence is low, money will run all over you. It will be smarter than you. If money is smarter than you, you will work for it all your life. 如果你的财商很低,金钱就会比你更精明,它会从你身上溜走。如果你没有金钱精明,你就将为之工作一生。

     Step No.9 THE NEED FOR HEROES: When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes. 第九步 对英雄的崇拜:少年时代,我非常崇拜威利.梅斯、汉克.阿龙、约吉.贝拉,他们是我心目中的英雄。 As a kid playing Little League, I wanted to be just like them. I treasured their baseball cards. I wanted to know everything about them. 作为青少年棒球联赛的参加者,我希望自己能像他们那样。我珍藏着他们的球星卡,我想知道与他们有关的一切。 I knew the stats, the RBI, the ERAs, their batting averages, how much they got paid, and how they came up from the minors. I wanted to know everything because I wanted to be just like them. 我知道他们的平均击球得分,他们挣多少钱,以及他们是怎样在少年棒球联赛上崭露头角的。 我想知道有关他们的一切事情因为我也想象他们一样。

     Every time, as a 9 or 10 year-old kid, when I stepped up to bat or played first base or catcher, I wasn't me. 在我9到10岁的时候,每次当我上场击球或打第一垒或充当接球手时,我便不再是我自己。 I was Yogi or Hank. It's one of the most powerful ways we learn that we often lose as adults. We lose our heroes. We lose our naivete. 我成了约吉或者汉克,这是我学到的最有力量的方法之一。但当我们长大成人后,却失去这种能力,我们失去了心目中的英雄,我们失去了过去的天真。

     I have new heroes as I grow older. I have golf heroes such as Peter Jacobsen, Fred Couples and Tiger Woods. 随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得.雅各布森、弗雷德.库普勒斯和泰戈尔.伍兹。 I copy their swings and do my best to read everything I can about them. I also have heroes such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, George Soros and Jim Rogers. 我模仿他们的动作,竭尽全力去搜集与他们有关的资料。我还崇拜像唐纳德.特朗普、沃伦.菲特,彼得.奇、乔治.罗斯和吉姆那样的投资家。 In my older years, I know their stats just like I knew the ERAs and RBI of my baseball heroes. 现在我年纪大了,但我还像小时候记得的棒球明星们打球的积分那样记得这些新英雄的情况。 I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and read anything I can about his point of view on the market. 我跟随沃伦.菲特的选择进行投资,还阅读有关他对市场的所有看法 I read Peter Lynch's book to understand how he chooses stocks. And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together. 我阅读彼得.奇的书,以弄懂他怎样选择股票;我还阅读了有关唐纳德.特朗普的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。

     Just as I was not me when I was up to bat, when I'm in the market or I'm negotiating a deal, I am subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump. 就像在棒球场上一样,我不再是我自己。在市场上或进行交易谈判时,我下意识地模仿特特朗普的那种气势。 Or when analyzing a trend, I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius. 或当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得.奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。

     But heroes do more than simply inspire us. Heroes make things look easy. It's the making it look easy that convinces us to want to be just like them. "If they can do it, so can I." 英雄人物不仅仅是激励我们,他们还会使难题看起来容易一些。正因为如此,英雄人物激发我们努力做得像他们一样,“如果他们能做到,那我也能”。

     Step No.10 TEACH AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: Both of my dads were teachers. My rich dad taught me a lesson I have carried all my life, and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving. 第十步子先予后取:我的两个爸爸都是教师。我的富爸爸教给了我一生受用的经验,那就是乐善好施的必要性。 My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge, but almost never gave away money. 我的受到良好教育的爸爸花了很长时间广泛传授知识,却几乎没有施舍钱财。 As I said, he usually said that he would give when he had some extra money. Of course, there was rarely any extra. 就像我前面所说的,他常常说要是有额外的钱,就会施舍给别人,可是,他很少会有多余的钱。

     My rich dad gave money as well as education. He believed firmly in tithing. "If you want something, you first need to give," he would always say. 我的富爸爸既提供金钱也提供教育,他坚信应对社会有所贡献。“如果你想获得,你首先需要给予。”他总是这样说。 When he was short of money, he simply gave money to his church or to his favorite charity. 即使当他缺钱时,他仍继续向教堂或他支持的慈善机构捐钱。

     If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. 如果我能给你提供一种思路的话,那一定是这个思路:当你感到手头“短缺”或“需要”什么时,首先要想到给予,只有先“予”,你才会在将来“取”得回报, That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. 无论金钱、微笑、爱情还是友谊,都是这样。我知道人们常常会把这件事放在最后,但事实证明这样做对我总是大有种益的。 I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want. 我相信互利互惠的原则是正确的,我为自己想要的东西付出成本。

     My rich dad would often say, "Poor people are more greedy than rich people." He would explain that if a person was rich, that person was providing something that other people wanted. 我的富爸爸常常说,“穷人比富人更贪婪”。他解释说,如果一个人很富有,那么这个人就能提供其他人想要的东西。 In my life, over all these years, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted, and decided to give it first. 截止今天,每当我觉得自己需要点什么,或者缺钱,或者缺少帮助时,我就去想一想,自己心里到底需要什么,然后首先为此而付出。 And when I gave, it always came back. 并且一旦我为此而付出,那我总是能得到回报。

     It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night, and he is yelling at the pot-bellied stove, "When you give me some heat, then I'll put some wood in." 这使我想起了一个故事,说的是一位抱着柴禾的人坐在寒冷的夜里,冲着一只因缺柴而熄灭的大火炉叫道:“你什么时候给我以温暖,我什么时候才会给你添加柴禾”。 And when it comes to money, love, happiness, sales and contacts, all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will come back in droves. 推而广之,涉及到金钱、爱情、幸福、销售以及合同等等,人们都应记住必须为自己需要的东西首先付出,然后才能得到加倍回报。

     My poor dad taught teachers, and he became a master teacher. My rich dad always taught young people his way of doing business. 我的穷爸爸培养老师,最终成为一名资深教师。同样的我的富爸爸总是把自己从事商务的经验和知识教给年轻人, In retrospect, it was their generosity with what they knew that made them smarter. There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are. 回想起来,当他们将那些他们自己懂得的知识十分慷慨地传授给别人时,他们变得更加聪明。在这个世界上有许多力量比我们所拥有的能力更强, You can get there on your own, but it's easier with the help of the powers that be. All you need to be is generous with what you have, and the powers will be generous with you. 你也许可以凭自己的努力获得成功,但是如果有了这种力量的帮助,你就更容易成功或者取得更伟大的成功。你所应当做的是:对自己拥有的东西慷慨大度一些。反过来,你也一定会得到慷慨的回报。

     Take Action! 采取行动吧!

     All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. 上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。 With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. 随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途。 Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. 愚蠢地用掉它,你就选择了贫困;把钱用在负债项目上,你就会进入中产阶层;投资于你的头脑,学习如何获取资产,财富将成为你的目标和你的未来。 The choice is yours and only yours. With every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor or middle class. 选择是你作出的。每一天,面对每一美元,你都在做出自己是成为一名富人、穷人还是中产阶级的抉择。

     Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will. 选择将这些知识与你的孩子分享,你就选择了为他们适应将来的世界作准备,要知道没有其他的人比你更合适来开启你孩子的智商。

     You and your children's future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow. 你和你孩子的未来将由你今天作出的选择来决定,而不是明天。

     Step No.6 PAY YOUR BROKERS WELL: I often see people posting a sign in front of their house that says, "For Sale by Owner." Or I see on TV today many people claiming to be "Discount Brokers."

     My rich dad taught me to take the opposite tack. He believed in paying professionals well, and I have adopted that policy also. Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services should make you money. And the more money they make, the more money I make.

     We live in the Information Age. Information is priceless. A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you.

     Step No.7 BE AN "INDIAN GIVER": This is the power of getting something for nothing. When the first white settlers came to America, they were taken aback by a cultural practice some American Indians had. For example, if a settler was cold, the Indian would give the person a blanket. Mistaking it for a gift, the settler was often offended when the Indian asked for it back.

     The Indians also got upset when they realized the settlers did not want to give it back. That is where the term "Indian giver" came from. A simple cultural misunderstanding.

     In the world of the "asset column," being an Indian giver is vital to wealth. The sophisticated investor's first question is, "How fast do I get my money back?" They also want to know what they get for free, also called a piece of the action. That is why the ROI, or return of and on investment, is so important.

     Frequently, my broker will call me and recommend I move a sizable amount of money into the stock of a company that he feels is just about to make a move that will add value to the stock, like announcing a new product. I will move my money in for a week to a month while the stock moves up. Then, I pull my initial dollar amount out, and stop worrying about the fluctuations of the market, because my initial money is back and ready to work on another asset. So my money goes in, and then it comes out, and I own an asset that was technically free.

     Step No.8 ASSETS BUY LUXURIES: As I said in the section "Pay Yourself First," if a person cannot master the power of self-discipline, it is best not to try to get rich. For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. Due to external temptations, it is much easier in today's consumer world to simply blow it out the expense column. Because of weak mental fortitude, that money flows into the paths of least resistance. That is the cause of poverty and financial struggle.

     I love my luxuries as much as anyone else. The difference is, some people buy their luxuries on credit. It's the keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap. I use the income from my assets to buy my luxuries. When I wanted to buy a Porsche, the easy road would have been to call my banker and get a loan. Instead of choosing to focus in the liability column, I chose to focus in the asset column.

     As a habit, I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest. Too often today, we focus to borrowing money to get the things we want instead of focusing on creating money. One is easier in the short term, but harder in the long term. It's a bad habit that we as individuals and as a nation have gotten into. Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy.

     The earlier you can train yourself and those you love to be masters of money, the better. Money is a powerful force. Unfortunately, people use the power of money against them. If your financial intelligence is low, money will run all over you. It will be smarter than you. If money is smarter than you, you will work for it all your life.

     Step No.9 THE NEED FOR HEROES: When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes. As a kid playing Little League, I wanted to be just like them. I treasured their baseball cards. I wanted to know everything about them. I knew the stats, the RBI, the ERAs, their batting averages, how much they got paid, and how they came up from the minors. I wanted to know everything because I wanted to be just like them.

     Every time, as a 9 or 10 year-old kid, when I stepped up to bat or played first base or catcher, I wasn't me. I was Yogi or Hank. It's one of the most powerful ways we learn that we often lose as adults. We lose our heroes. We lose our naivete.

     I have new heroes as I grow older. I have golf heroes such as Peter Jacobsen, Fred Couples and Tiger Woods. I copy their swings and do my best to read everything I can about them. I also have heroes such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, George Soros and Jim Rogers. In my older years, I know their stats just like I knew the ERAs and RBI of my baseball heroes. I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and read anything I can about his point of view on the market. I read Peter Lynch's book to understand how he chooses stocks. And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together.

     Just as I was not me when I was up to bat, when I'm in the market or I'm negotiating a deal, I am subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump. Or when analyzing a trend, I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius.

     But heroes do more than simply inspire us. Heroes make things look easy. It's the making it look easy that convinces us to want to be just like them. "If they can do it, so can I."

     Step No.10 TEACH AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: Both of my dads were teachers. My rich dad taught me a lesson I have carried all my life, and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving. My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge, but almost never gave away money. As I said, he usually said that he would give when he had some extra money. Of course, there was rarely any extra.

     My rich dad gave money as well as education. He believed firmly in tithing. "If you want something, you first need to give," he would always say. When he was short of money, he simply gave money to his church or to his favorite charity.

     If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want.

     My rich dad would often say, "Poor people are more greedy than rich people." He would explain that if a person was rich, that person was providing something that other people wanted. In my life, over all these years, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted, and decided to give it first. And when I gave, it always came back.

     It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night, and he is yelling at the pot-bellied stove, "When you give me some heat, then I'll put some wood in." And when it comes to money, love, happiness, sales and contacts, all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will come back in droves.

     My poor dad taught teachers, and he became a master teacher. My rich dad always taught young people his way of doing business. In retrospect, it was their generosity with what they knew that made them smarter. There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are. You can get there on your own, but it's easier with the help of the powers that be. All you need to be is generous with what you have, and the powers will be generous with you.

     Take Action!

     All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours and only yours. With every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor or middle class.

     Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.

     You and your children's future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.

     第六步 给你的经纪人以优厚报酬:我经常看到人们在自己的房子前面插上一块牌子,上书:“房主直接出售”,或者像今天我从电视中听到的话:“对经纪人的话要打折扣”。

     我的富爸爸教我采取与这些人相反的做法。他坚持给予专业人士以优厚报酬,而我也采纳了这一政策。 今天,我雇有身价昂贵的律师、会计师、房地产经纪人以及股票经纪人。为什么要这样做呢? 因为我认为,如果他们是专业人才的话,他们的服务就会为你创造财富,而且他们创造的财富越多,我挣到的钱也越多。


     第七步 做一个“印第安给予者”:无私的力量。 一批白人定居者抵达美洲时,他们对印第安人的文化习惯感到惊讶和不适应。 例如,当看到一个白人很冷时,印第安人会给那人一条毯子,可白人定居者误以为这是一份礼物,因此当印第安人要回毯子时,他们感到十分不快。


     在“资产项目”领域,做一个“印第安给予者”对于取得财富来说十分重要。一位老练的投资者的首要问题是:“需要多快才能收回我的投资?” 他们想确定自己的投资能得到的回报,这就是投资回报率为什么重要的原因。

     经常地,我的经纪人会打电话给我,建议我动用一笔数额可观的资金,用来购买他认为会有上涨行情的公司股票,比如拥有某种新产品的公司的股票。 于是,我会在股票上涨前的一周到一个月期间将资金调入。 赢利后,我便抽回投入的初始资金,并不再担心此后市场的波动,因为我投入的初始资金已经收回,并又投资于其他资产了。 我的资金通过投入又收回,使我拥有了一笔从技术上来说是无偿取得的资产。

     第八步 资产用来购买奢侈品:在“首先支付你自己”一节中,我说到如果一个人没有自律的能力,最好别想着去致富。 因为从理论上来讲,一项资产产生现金流量的过程是容易的,但是拥有控制金钱的坚强意志却是困难的。 由于种种外在的诱惑,在今天的消费者世界里,在支出项目上挥霍金钱更加容易。 因为意志薄弱,金钱的流出简直会无遮无拦,这就是大多数人贫困和财务困窘的原因。

     和其他人一样,我也喜欢奢侈品,差别在于有些人贷款购买奢侈品并掉入一个相互攀比的陷阱, 我用我资产的收入来买奢侈品。当我想买一辆保时捷车时,最简单的方法可能也是让我的银行家提供一笔贷款。 我选择的是集中资源于资产项而不是负债项目。

     作为一种习惯,我用自己希望消费的欲望来激发并利用我的财务天赋去进行投资。 今天,我们常常是借钱来获得我们想要的某种东西,而不是把注意力集中在为自己创造金钱上。 这样做在短期来看很容易,但长期来看却会产生问题。不论是个人还是国家,这都是一种坏习惯。 记住,最容易的道路往往会越走越艰难,而艰难的道路往往会越走越轻松。

     你能越早训练自己和自己所爱的人成为金钱的主人,结果就会越好。 金钱是一种强有力的力量,不幸的是,大多数人们用金钱的力量来对付自己。 如果你的财商很低,金钱就会比你更精明,它会从你身上溜走。如果你没有金钱精明,你就将为之工作一生。

     第九步 对英雄的崇拜:少年时代,我非常崇拜威利.梅斯、汉克.阿龙、约吉.贝拉,他们是我心目中的英雄。 作为青少年棒球联赛的参加者,我希望自己能像他们那样。我珍藏着他们的球星卡,我想知道与他们有关的一切。 我知道他们的平均击球得分,他们挣多少钱,以及他们是怎样在少年棒球联赛上崭露头角的。 我想知道有关他们的一切事情因为我也想象他们一样。

     在我9到10岁的时候,每次当我上场击球或打第一垒或充当接球手时,我便不再是我自己。 我成了约吉或者汉克,这是我学到的最有力量的方法之一。但当我们长大成人后,却失去这种能力,我们失去了心目中的英雄,我们失去了过去的天真。

     随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得.雅各布森、弗雷德.库普勒斯和泰戈尔.伍兹。 我模仿他们的动作,竭尽全力去搜集与他们有关的资料。我还崇拜像唐纳德.特朗普、沃伦.菲特,彼得.奇、乔治.罗斯和吉姆那样的投资家。 现在我年纪大了,但我还像小时候记得的棒球明星们打球的积分那样记得这些新英雄的情况。 我跟随沃伦.菲特的选择进行投资,还阅读有关他对市场的所有看法 我阅读彼得.奇的书,以弄懂他怎样选择股票;我还阅读了有关唐纳德.特朗普的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。

     就像在棒球场上一样,我不再是我自己。在市场上或进行交易谈判时,我下意识地模仿特特朗普的那种气势。 或当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得.奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。


     第十步子先予后取:我的两个爸爸都是教师。我的富爸爸教给了我一生受用的经验,那就是乐善好施的必要性。 我的受到良好教育的爸爸花了很长时间广泛传授知识,却几乎没有施舍钱财。 就像我前面所说的,他常常说要是有额外的钱,就会施舍给别人,可是,他很少会有多余的钱。

     我的富爸爸既提供金钱也提供教育,他坚信应对社会有所贡献。“如果你想获得,你首先需要给予。”他总是这样说。 即使当他缺钱时,他仍继续向教堂或他支持的慈善机构捐钱。

     如果我能给你提供一种思路的话,那一定是这个思路:当你感到手头“短缺”或“需要”什么时,首先要想到给予,只有先“予”,你才会在将来“取”得回报, 无论金钱、微笑、爱情还是友谊,都是这样。我知道人们常常会把这件事放在最后,但事实证明这样做对我总是大有种益的。 我相信互利互惠的原则是正确的,我为自己想要的东西付出成本。

     我的富爸爸常常说,“穷人比富人更贪婪”。他解释说,如果一个人很富有,那么这个人就能提供其他人想要的东西。 截止今天,每当我觉得自己需要点什么,或者缺钱,或者缺少帮助时,我就去想一想,自己心里到底需要什么,然后首先为此而付出。 并且一旦我为此而付出,那我总是能得到回报。

     这使我想起了一个故事,说的是一位抱着柴禾的人坐在寒冷的夜里,冲着一只因缺柴而熄灭的大火炉叫道:“你什么时候给我以温暖,我什么时候才会给你添加柴禾”。 推而广之,涉及到金钱、爱情、幸福、销售以及合同等等,人们都应记住必须为自己需要的东西首先付出,然后才能得到加倍回报。

     我的穷爸爸培养老师,最终成为一名资深教师。同样的我的富爸爸总是把自己从事商务的经验和知识教给年轻人, 回想起来,当他们将那些他们自己懂得的知识十分慷慨地传授给别人时,他们变得更加聪明。在这个世界上有许多力量比我们所拥有的能力更强, 你也许可以凭自己的努力获得成功,但是如果有了这种力量的帮助,你就更容易成功或者取得更伟大的成功。你所应当做的是:对自己拥有的东西慷慨大度一些。反过来,你也一定会得到慷慨的回报。


     上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。 随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途。 愚蠢地用掉它,你就选择了贫困;把钱用在负债项目上,你就会进入中产阶层;投资于你的头脑,学习如何获取资产,财富将成为你的目标和你的未来。 选择是你作出的。每一天,面对每一美元,你都在做出自己是成为一名富人、穷人还是中产阶级的抉择。



     Step ____________________________________________________________________________________________

     My _______________________________________________________________________ Today, _______________________________________ Because ____________________________________________________________________

     We ________________________________________________________________________

     Step _____________________________________ When _________________________________________________________________ For ___________________________________________________________________________________________

     The ___________________________________________________________________________________

     In ______________________________________________________________________________ They _______________________________________________________________________

     Frequently, __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I __________________________________ Then, ________________________________________________________________________________________ So ____________________________________________

     Step ________________________________________________________________________________ For _______________________________________________________________________________ Due ______________________________________________________ Because ______________________________________________________________

     I ______________________________________________________________________ I _________________________________________________________________________ Instead ______________________________________

     As _____________________________________________ Too ___________________________________________________ One ________________________________________________________________ Remember, _______________________________

     The _________________________________________ Money ______________________________________ If _______________________________________________________________________________

     Step __________________________________________________________ As ____________________________________________________________________________ I _____________________________________________________________________________________________

     Every ___________________________________________________________ I __________________________________________________________________

     I ____________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________ In _____________________________________________ I __________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________

     Just ______________________________________________________________________________ Or _____________________________________________________________________

     But _______________________________________________________________________________________

     Step _________________________________________________________________________________________ My ______________________________________________ As _______________________________________________________

     My ______________________________________________________________________ When _________________________________________

     If ____________________________________________________________________________________ That ___________________________________________________________________ I __________________________________________________

     My _________________________________________________________________________________________ In ________________________________________________________________________________________ And _______________

     It __________________________________________________________________________________________________ And __________________________________________________________________________

     My ______________________________________________________________ In ________________________________________________________________________ You _____________________________________________________________________________________

     Take __

     All _____________________________________________________ With ________________________________________________ Spend _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ______________________________________________________

     Choose _________________________________________________________

     You __________________________________________

