Beijing, Moscow sign cooperation pact

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Beijing, Moscow sign cooperation pact

08:04, June 25, 2010      

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Mayors of Beijing and Moscow signed in Moscow Thursday cooperative plan between the two cities for 2010- 2012.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov introduced the municipal administration, city plan and economic development to his Beijing counterpart Guo Jinlong, who led a delegation for a visit to Russia starting from June 20.

Based on the cooperative plan, official delegations will engage in mutual visits during the three years, as well as exchanges between experts on energy efficiency, security, telecommunications, mass media and management.

The plan said both sides would expand cooperation and provide support for each other on promoting economy, city plan and technologies.

The two cities would also further develop collaboration and contact in education, social security, environment protection, heritage conservation, culture, sanitation, sports, city infrastructure, among other things.

Beijing municipal government also donated two buses with green energy to Moscow.

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