
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 03:16:02



Give me the fucking telephone! 快给我那个鬼电话
Are you fucking nuts? 你他妈的是不是疯了?


A:The professor found out you cheated on the final. 教授发现你期末考试作弊。
B:Oh, I'm fucked now! 糟了,我这一下可麻烦啦!

Fuck you--去你的;他妈的

A:Do you want to lend me $100? 你要借我100元吗?
B:Fuck you! 去你的!

Fuck off--让开,去死吧;偷懒

A:May I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗?
B:Fuck off! You jerk! 去死吧!你这王八蛋!

Arthur worked all day, while Dave fucked off. 亚瑟整天上班,大卫却在偷懒。

Fuck around--胡搞,乱来,瞧不起,混吃等死过日子。

He doesn't fuch around. He gets the job done right away. 他很快把工作做完,决不乱来。
He'd kill you if he thought you were fucking him around. 如果他认为你在瞧不起他的话,他会把你给宰了。

Fuck up--弄糟,弄坏,犯大错,失败,弄糊涂,反对,伤害

A:First they fucked up the soup, then they fucked up the main course and the dessert. 他们先后把汤,主菜和甜点都弄坏了。
B:Bet you'll never eat at that resturant again. 你大概不会再光顾那个餐馆了吧。

What the fuck?--搞什么鬼呀?什么跟什么啊?(通常对某事一脸迷惑的时候可以用这一句)

What the fuck are you talking about? 搞什么鬼啊?你到底在说什么?
What the fuch are you doing? 你他妈的到底在搞什么鬼呀?
What the fuck are you thinking about? 该死的,你到底在想什么呀?

Mother fucker--王八,混账

You mother fucker! 你这狗娘养的王八羔子。
You lazy mother fucker! 你这个懒人混账东西。

Mother fucking--可憎的,令人讨厌的,特棒的,了不起的

A:This was motherfucking meal. 这顿饭真的很棒。
B:I'm glad you liked it. Now let's order dessert. 你喜欢就好,咱么现在叫甜点吧。

及物动词:John fucked Mary.
非及物动词: he well and truly fucked up
副词: Mary is fucking interested in John.
名词; Mary is a terrific fuck
形容词: Mary is fucking beautiful.



问候:How the fuck are you?
受骗:I got fucked by the car dealer.
沮丧:Oh, fuck it!
麻烦:Well, I guess I'm fucked now.
攻击:Fuck You!
厌恶:Fuck Me!
困惑:What the fuck -----?
难题:I don't understand this fucking business.
绝望:Fucked again.
无能:He fucks up everthing.
不满:What the fuck is going on here?
迷路:Where the fuck are we?
报复:Up your fucking ass!
放弃:Oh fuck it!
困难:That's fucked it!
受损:Fuck off!
冷漠:Who gives a fuck?
嘲笑:He fucks everything up.
挑战:Who do you think you fucking are?
命令:Do it your fucking self!
质问:Who fucking did that?
惊骇:What the fuck was that?
炒鱿鱼:Up your fucking arse!
困窘为难:I'll do it my fucking self.
否定否认:I know fuck all about it!
肯定陈述:I fucking did it!
困扰疑惑:Who the fuck can understand that?

还可以用它来描述时间:It's five fucking thirty! 用作解剖学描述:He's a fucking asshole! 描述职场:How the fuck did I wind up with this job?它不仅带有母性意味:as in "Motherfucker";还能涵概政治色彩:"Fuck Reagan"。


毕加索:It looks just fucking like her!
卡斯特将军(美国内战时期屠杀无数印第安人最终死于战场著名将领):Where did all them fucking indians come from?
广岛市长:What was that fucking bang?
泰坦尼克号船长:Where is all this fucking water coming from?
Marc Bolan(70年代英国最伟大的摇滚歌手之一):What a place to plant a fucking tree!
Glen Miller(40年代美国爵士大乐团巨匠):Don't panic,they're fucking spitfires.
Donald Campbell(美国心理学家和思想家):The fucking throttle's stuck!
Tony Benn(英国工党的著名政治家):I'm the only fucker that's sane.
爱因斯坦:Any fucker can understand that.
尼克松:Who's going to fucking know?
航天飞机机长:Who let that fucking woman drive?
哈罗德王(圣经故事中,被射穿右眼的英格兰最后一个国王):Watch him,he'll have some fuckers eye out!
阿道夫·希特勒:I'm fucking dreading our gas bill.
马克.撒切尔(英国前首相撒切尔夫人之子,):I can't make head nor tail of this fucking map!
拿破仑:This sleeve was always a bad fucking fit.
华特.拉雷爵士(英国文艺复兴时期著名政治家、航海家。因外交纠纷而被处以极刑):That's another good cloak fucked!
吉姆·李维斯(5、60年代美国著名的流行歌手):There are no fucking mountains around here.
约翰.列农(著名的摇滚歌手,被人刺杀):That's not a real fucking gun?
迈克尔.富特(80年代美国工党领袖):It IS my best fucking coat!
塞西尔.柏金逊(80年代因婚外情辞职的贸易及工业大臣):She's just a fucking secretary.
丘吉尔:That's right,on the fucking beaches!
安.葆林(英国女王伊丽莎白一世的母亲,被其父保罗八世斩首):Heads are going to fucking roll now!
蒙巴顿将军(二站时期英军将领,因决策失误导致第厄普登陆惨败):Is this fucking boat safe?
约翰.肯尼迪:Who'd fucking shoot at me?
盖.佛克斯(Guy Fawkes,1605企图以火药炸毁伦敦国会大厦,并杀害当时的英王詹姆士(King James)与国王身边的要员,后因泄密而被吊死分尸):Wait till they hear this fucker!




